This work demonstrates the versatility that a RaSP ultrasound sequence has in delivering model agents of a range of sizes, with both 10 kDa and 70 kDa dextrans delivered to mouse brains in appreciable doses. From our results, a RaSP sequence emitted at 0.35 MPa can deliver compounds up to a molecular weight between 70 and 150 kDa. Based on the hydrodynamic diameter of 70 kDa dextran, reported here and in the literature[30], and the hydrodynamic diameter of IgG[44], this size threshold is between 8 and approximately 11 nm. This suggests that RaSP is suitable for the delivery of therapeutic and imaging agents such as antisense oligonucleotides and antibody fragments.
In agreement with previous studies, the larger the model agent, the lower the dose delivered to the mouse brain at a fixed acoustic pressure[21, 25, 30–34, 40, 45, 46]. The trends we observe in the spatial distribution of agents with increasing size also mirror findings from the aforementioned studies[21, 30, 32, 33, 45, 46]. 3 kDa dextran was delivered homogeneously, but 10 and 70 kDa dextrans were delivered in an increasingly heterogeneous pattern with increasing size. The area over which larger agents were delivered was also smaller with increasing size and restricted to tissues within the center of the focal volume of the ultrasound beam. This coincides with the pressure differential across the beam, where the pressure output is greatest at the focal point. As would be expected from the known effects of varying pressure on ultrasound-mediated agent deliveries, the probability of a suitably large opening for an agent to cross the BBB would therefore increase nearer to the focal point[21, 33, 45, 47–49].
The size threshold of delivery for RaSP at 0.35 MPa determined in our study shares similarities with those determined for long-pulse sequences at comparable mechanical indices to the 0.35 used here. Choi et al. reported the delivery of 70 kDa (hydrodynamic diameter: 10.2 nm) using 20 ms long pulses[30], while Chen et al. observed the delivery of 70 kDa using 1.3 ms long pulses[32]. In both studies, 2000 kDa dextran (hydrodynamic diameter: 54.4 nm) was the smallest agent that was not delivered to the brain. Valdez et al. also showed that 70 kDa dextran could be delivered using 10 ms long pulses, with no delivery of 500 kDa dextran (hydrodynamic diameter: 30.6 nm)[33]. Conversely, Pandit et al. reported the delivery of dextrans up to 500 kDa using 10 ms long pulses[34], while Marty et al. showed the delivery of agents up to and including a hydrodynamic diameter of 65 nm using 3 ms long pulses[31]. Combined, this demonstrates that at a similar acoustic power, long-pulse sequences tendentially disrupt the BBB such that it is permeable to macromolecular agents larger than the threshold for delivery found using RaSP sequences in this study. In our previous work, we have found that liposomes (hydrodynamic diameter: 97.9 nm) do not cross the BBB when using RaSP at 0.35 MPa, but do at a higher pressure of 0.53 MPa[42]. Notably, liposome delivery was possible using the equivalent 10 ms long pulse sequence at 0.35 MPa.
In parallel with long-pulse studies, we note that the largest agent delivered by the RaSP sequence in our study was 70 kDa dextran. However, the size limit for delivery by RaSP is lower than would be achieved with the equivalent 10 ms long pulses. In a more direct comparison, extravasation of endogenous IgG (hydrodynamic diameter: 10.58 nm)[44] following RaSP treatment was not detected in this study but was present when using the equivalent 10 ms long pulses at the same pressure. Importantly for clinical translation, H&E staining following treatment with RaSP at 0.35 MPa also revealed no extravasation of red blood cells, reported to be approximately 8 µm in diameter and 2 µm thick[50], while the equivalent long-pulse sequence yielded red blood cell extravasation at multiple sites within the brain tissues[26]. This, as well as the absence of microvacuolations, suggested no tissue damage was caused to the capillary walls.
The lower size threshold determined in this study and the delivery of lower acoustic energies to the brain imply that RaSP induces smaller openings at each site within the microvasculature, compared with the equivalent long pulses. This gentler stimulation reduces the occurrence of high-energy or destructive microbubble activities, thought to cause tissue damage[21, 32, 47, 51–53]. Advantageously, smaller openings enable a more stringent selective permeability, with the desired agent able to cross in effective concentrations, while neurotoxins, pathogens and red blood cells larger than the desired agent continue to be excluded. The RaSP parameters used in this study have been reported to lead to fast BBB closing, within 10 minutes after ultrasound treatment[26]. This reduces, compared with long-pulse sequences[26, 31, 54], the residual time for which the BBB remains disrupted, enabling rapid restoration of normal BBB functioning and, thus, neuroprotection55. Reduced BBB closing times following ultrasound exposure have also been reported in other mouse studies using short pulses of ultrasound[25, 56].
As previously reported, RaSP also lead to a more even deposition of agents across the targeted brain tissues without reducing the total dose delivered to the brain by long pulses[26]. In addition, Zhou et al. recently reported the delivery of an MRI contrast agents in rhesus monkeys treated with the RaSP sequence using 30 ms pulse lengths[57]. A 10-fold increase in the signal enhancement to acoustic energy ratio was achieved, compared with 10 ms long pulses, suggesting a more efficient ultrasound delivery. Long-pulse sequences have proven to be effective at stimulating the vasculature during “on” times and allow the replenishment of microbubbles in the cerebral vasculature during “off” times[19–21, 58]. With additional “off” times in-between pulses, the RaSP sequence provides further opportunities to redistribute microbubbles throughout the cerebral vasculature[21–23]. By promoting microbubble activity and subsequent extravasation of agents at more sites within a given volume and time period, disruption of the BBB is more uniform.
The combination of improving bubble mobility, milder stimulation for a shorter time at each site, and preserving bubble populations in the cerebral microvasculature results in a uniform delivery and good safety profile[22, 23]. This is crucial for clinical use, where an unbiased assessment of disease biomarkers in diagnostic applications and even treatment of targeted tissue with reliable doses are essential. Safe ultrasound exposure is also required for sonication at multiple sites across the brain or repeated treatments when monitoring of pathology and during treatment programs[41, 53, 59–61]
The exact mechanism of BBB disruption by ultrasound and microbubbles has yet to be fully understood. However, studies have implicated both paracellular and transcellular routes in the delivery of agents to the brain[62]. Paracellular transport involves the size-dependent passage of agents into the parenchyma through widened paracellular pores, normally 1.4–1.8 nm in diameter[63]. The mechanical stretching[62], disassembly[64], disruption[65, 66] and downregulation of tight junction proteins[64, 67] forming these pores have been proposed as mechanisms for ultrasound and microbubble-induced paracellular transport.
Conversely, transcellular routes are thought to be size-independent for most clinically-relevant agents [68, 69], due to the caveolar vesicles and clathrin-coated vesicles which mediate transcellular transport measuring 50–100 nm and 70–150 nm respectively[70, 71]. At rest, transcytotic activity across the BBB is scarce and highly regulated[72–74]. However, in response to ultrasound-driven microbubble cavitation, an increase in the numbers of caveolae and transendothelial cytoplasmic channels and fenestrations have been implicated for increased transcellular transport[62, 73]. 150 kDa IgG labeled with 10 nm gold has been observed to be transported via this route[62]. Interestingly, studies where caveolar transcytosis was inhibited have observed decreased ultrasound-mediated delivery of agents larger than 70 kDa dextran, but a lower or absence of effect with smaller agents[34, 75]. This suggests larger agents are increasingly reliant on transcellular routes for delivery to the brain.
In agreement with findings from long-pulse studies, our results suggest the predominance of a paracellular pathway in the RaSP-mediated deliveries of 3, 10 and 70 kDa dextrans to the mouse brain [31, 32, 34, 64]. As 98 nm liposomes are potentially too large for effective caveolin- or clathrin-mediated transcytosis, larger agents may also be reliant on a predominantly paracellular route for their delivery by RaSP. However, we note that the effect of pulse length or acoustic pressure on the prevalence of transcellular pathways across the BBB is currently unknown. We also note that paracellular pathways have been associated with “fast” extravasation into the parenchyma taking place during the ultrasound treatment, while transcellular pathways have been associated with “slow” extravasation, beginning 5–15 minutes following treatment[40, 76]. Immediate sacrifice of the mice in this study could have favored paracellular routes, while the smaller openings and fast BBB closing time within 10 minutes following RaSP treatment may also make transcellular routes unfeasible. In future studies, we aim to investigate the mechanisms of RaSP-mediated agent delivery by the inhibition of transcytotic mechanisms and direct observations at the cellular level.
Despite our findings of a size threshold of approximately 8 to 11 nm using RaSP at 0.35 MPa, we stress that short-pulse sequences can be used to deliver larger agents using higher acoustic pressures[42]. Recently, Batts et al. reported the delivery of a 4.0 MDa adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (hydrodynamic diameter: ~ 25 nm) using a different short-pulse sequence at 1.0 MPa[25]. We have also previously demonstrated the delivery of 98 nm liposomes at 0.53 MPa using the same RaSP sequence used in this study[42]. Crucially, despite the increased pressure, a much-reduced number of red blood cells and microvacuolations was detected, compared with the equivalent long pulses at the same pressure. RaSP can therefore be extended to larger agents, such as intact antibodies and nanoparticle formulations, with only a marginal compromise on safety. Consequentially, RaSP offers a larger tolerance than long-pulses for using elevated pressures before impinging on safety.
Moreover, we note that once liposomes had crossed the BBB, we observed limited diffusion of the 98 nm liposomes through the parenchyma in the 2 hours following treatment[42]. This may be attributed to its inability to pass through pores in the extracellular matrix, measured at 38–64 nm[77]. A more homogenous BBB disruption promoted by RaSP and passage at increased numbers of sites is therefore crucial to ensure larger agents can sufficiently access pathological sites across the brain tissue.
In this study, we have demonstrated the ability of RaSP to deliver appreciable doses of model agents to mouse brains with good safety profiles. However, we have used a concentration of microbubbles that is 167 times that of the clinical recommended dose for diagnostic imaging applications. We note that a study by McMahon et al. using RaSP and Definity® microbubbles at a 1:100 dilution, with respect to the concentration of SonoVue® used in our study, did not yield any of the expected benefits over long pulses[78]. However, studies by Zhou et al., using the same RaSP sequence and a SonoVue® microbubble dilution of 1:25, found enhanced BBB permeability over the equivalent long-pulse sequence and no hemorrhage or edema[57]. In future studies, we aim to systematically investigate the effect of microbubble dose, type and dispersity on the delivery of agents using RaSP. Consideration must also be given to how the size threshold observed in this study and safety profile will differ between organisms and for brain diseases in which BBB integrity is compromised, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and glioblastoma.
To enable their measurement by dynamic light scattering, the hydrodynamic diameters reported for the dextran model agents are those of non-fluorescent biotinylated analogs. Differences in their three-dimensional folded structures, as well as differing degrees of fluorophore labeling may therefore lead to discrepancies between the reported sizes of agents and actual sizes of agents delivered in vivo. We have also standardized the NOD values based on differences in the degree to which the dextrans are labeled with the fluorophore and the dose administered. However, quenching effects have not been accounted for in this study. We stress that the implications of this study are not absolute, with agent size not always dictating delivery profiles[79]. As with long-pulse treatments, the parameters used for the delivery of any agent using RaSP must be optimized in consideration of its physical and pharmacological properties and its intended application.