Exploring the A2AAR binding pocket of Etrumadenant using optimized crystallization constructs
We previously developed an optimized A2AAR crystallization construct designated A2A-PSB1-bRIL, that contains a single point mutation (S913.39K) inside the allosteric sodium binding pocket to stabilize the inactive conformation which significantly enhanced protein thermostability.16 For the co-crystallization of Etrumadenant, we used the same modification but inserted an additional point mutation (N154ECL2A) to remove a putative glycosylation site on extracellular loop (ECL) 2 of the receptor. This new construct is designated A2A-PSB2-bRIL (PSB: Pharmaceutical Sciences Bonn, bRIL refers to thermostabilized apocytochrome b562RIL17). Mutation of the asparagine in position 154 to either alanine or glutamine had previously been utilized to eliminate post-translational N-linked glycosylation of the A2AAR, as protein glycosylation is expected to inhibit crystal growth due to microheterogeneity.18,19 Evidence of N-linked glycosylation is missing, and N154ECL2 is not surface-exposed in available A2AAR crystal structures,20 indicating that the non-glycosylated form of the A2AAR crystallizes predominantly. Here, we additionally employed sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to demonstrate that A2A-PSB1-bRIL (bearing the wild type (wt) N154ECL2) is still partially glycosylated, whereas A2A-PSB2-bRIL (bearing an N154ECL2A mutation) had lost N-linked glycosylation (Figure 1). Glycosylated proteins typically migrate more slowly in SDS-PAGE and generate higher molecular weight smearing.21 Despite the fact that only a single glycosylation site is present, smearing could be observed for A2A-PSB1-bRIL, whereas a sharper band was detected for the N154ECL2A mutant (A2A-PSB2-bRIL) as well as for N154ECL2Q and N154ECL2D mutants, indicating the loss of glycosylation (Figure 1). Alternatively, the glycosyl residues of A2A-PSB1-bRIL could be cleaved off by the enzyme peptide-N-glycosidase F (PNGase F)22 when added to the purified protein. Glycosylation could also be prevented during receptor expression by addition of the glycosylation inhibitor Tunicamycin.23
Utilizing the optimized construct A2A-PSB2-bRIL, we obtained the crystal structure of the A2AAR in complex with Etrumadenant at 2.1 Å resolution (see Table 1 for detailed data collection and refinement statistics). Etrumadenant was well resolved within the orthosteric ligand binding pocket (Figure 2a and b). Its novel scaffold shows unique interactions within the A2AAR’s orthosteric binding pocket. Importantly, the cyano group forms a direct hydrogen bond to T883.36 (N-O distance 2.8 Å) (Figure 2a and b) representing a novel interaction that has so far not been observed in A2AAR co-crystal structures with various antagonists. T883.36 is conserved within the AR family and was shown to be directly involved in A2AAR agonist binding (illustrated for 5’‑N‑ethylcarboxamideadenosine (NECA) in Figure 2c).24 It undergoes significant conformational changes during receptor activation.24 The interaction of Etrumadenant with T883.36 by direct hydrogen bonding represents a novel interaction to stabilize the A2AAR in its inactive state. Notably, the A2A-StaR2-bRIL construct that is extensively used to determine inactive state A2AAR crystal structures16 harbors a T883.36A mutation (see Figure 3a), that can be expected to affect the affinity of Etrumadenant and possibly other antagonists. In fact, the affinity of Etrumadenant is ~47-fold lower for A2A-StaR2-bRIL as compared to the wt A2AAR (Ki values of 39.8 nm compared to 0.85 nm, see Table 2). In contrast, the affinity of Etrumadenant for our optimized crystallization construct A2A-PSB2-bRIL remained unaltered (Ki 1.12 nm).
Besides the hydrogen bond to T883.36, Etrumadenant shows multiple additional receptor-ligand interactions. The phenyl ring of Etrumadenant is stabilized by π‑π interactions to H2506.52 (T-shaped) and W2466.48 (stacked) (Figure 2b). Its 2-methyl group comes in contact to V843.32, L853.33 and F168ECL2. It is additionally exposed to a water network connecting the ligand to helices II and III (Figure 2a). The 2‑aminopyrimidine core is stabilized by π-π stacking interactions to F168ECL2 (Figure 2a) and forms key anchoring interactions by hydrogen bonding of the N3 and the exocyclic NH2-group to N2536.55 (Figure 2a and b). Hydrogen bonding interactions of the side-chain of N253 are also observed for other ligands including agonists (Figure 2c) and antagonists (see blue rectangles in Figure 3). The hydrogen bond network is extended by a direct interaction of the exocyclic NH2-group of Etrumadenant with E169ECL2 (Figure 2b). E169ECL2 forms a salt bridge to H264ECL3 that is frequently observed in A2AAR crystal structures, but was found to be dependent on the structure of the antagonist and the pH value during crystallization.16
Table 1. Data collection and refinement statistics. Statistics for the highest resolution shell are shown in parentheses.
Data collection
Number of crystals used
Wavelength (Å)
Space group
Cell parameters a, b, c (Å)
39.16, 178.23, 139.60
39.36, 179.09, 140.57
Number of reflections processed
Number of unique reflections
Resolution (Å)
38.24 - 2.114 (2.316 - 2.114)
46.86 - 2.10 (2.16 - 2.10)
Max. Resolution aniso. (Å)
2.16 (a*), 2.11 (b*), 2.50 (c*)
not applied
0.130 (1.697)
0.172 (2.177)
0.9992 (0.5288)
0.999 (0.499)
Mean I/σ (I)
13.054 (1.299)
11.1 (1.2)
Completeness spherical
0.748 (0.159)
1.000 (0.996)
Completeness ellipsoidal
0.8980 (0.4125)
not applicable
13.27 (11.08)
13.2 (13.4)
Resolution (Å)
38.24 - 2.11 (2.23 - 2.11)
44.78 - 2.10 (2.14 - 2.10)
Number of reflections
(test set)
21405 (994)
55857 (2840)
0.1965 (0.3298)
0.1904 (0.3081)
0.2665 (0.5429)
0.2144 (0.3764)
Number of non-hydrogen atoms
Lipids, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and waters
Overall B values (Å2)
Lipids, PEG and waters
Root-mean-square deviation (RMSD)
Bond lengths (Å)
Bond angles (°)
Ramachandran plot statistics
Favored regions (%)
Allowed regions (%)
Disallowed regions (%)
The triazolyl ring of Etrumadenant (Figure 2d), connected to the 6-position of the core aminopyrimidine, and bearing a substituted pyridylmethylene residue, forms π-π stacking interactions with F168ECL2 and water-mediated hydrogen bonding to H2787.43 and to the backbones of A592.57, I803.28 and A813.29 (Figure 2a). The pyridine ring is located in close proximity to the entrance of the orthosteric ligand binding pocket at the extracellular ends of helices I and II with direct contacts to S672.65 and Y2717.36. The 2-hydroxyisopropyl residue that is attached to the pyridine of Etrumadenant shows three ambiguous rotamers. We chose to model the rotamer conformation with the hydroxy group in close proximity to a nearby water molecule thereby forming an intramolecular water-mediated hydrogen bond to the pyrimidine N1-nitrogen (Figure 2a and b).
The sidechain of Y2717.36 was observed to be highly flexible when comparing different A2AAR co-crystal structures.19,25 It adapts the hydrophobic pocket to the size of the ligand (as depicted for a selection of ligands in Figure 3). The relatively large Etrumadenant molecule requires a significant sidechain movement of Y2717.36. This sidechain is located much closer to the orthosteric binding pocket in the ZM241385-bound A2AAR crystal structure, where it is hydrogen-bonded to the water network around the ligand (Figure 3).20 In that structure, an additional oleic acid molecule occupies the space which Y2717.36 adopts in the current Etrumadenant structure, where the hydrophilic head group of the oleate is displaced by the rotation of Y2717.36 (also compare structures of Imaradenant25 and Vipadenant26) (Figure 3).
Next, we additionally obtained the crystal structure of Etrumadenant in complex with a modified A2A-StaR2-bRIL receptor construct in which the S2777.42A mutation had been reverted to wt (designated A2A-StaR2-bRIL-A277S), but which still harbored the T883.36A mutation in the binding pocket. A co-crystal structure could be obtained at the same high resolution of 2.1 Å (see Table 2 for detailed refinement statistics). Surprisingly, even though a major interaction partner of the ligand was mutated, the binding pockets of A2A-PSB2-bRIL-Etrumadenant and A2A-StaR2-bRIL-A277S-Etrumadenant are largely similar with only subtle differences (Figure 4). Notably, the cyano group of Etrumadenant in the A2A-PSB2-bRIL structure is slightly tilted, relative to the plane of the phenyl ring, towards the hydroxy group of T883.36 and deviates from the ideal planar orientation by ~8° (Figure 4b). The same cyano moiety is planar in the T883.36A mutated structure, but is unable to form the same hydrogen bond interaction due to the mutation. Another difference between both structures can be identified in the rotamers of the 2‑hydroxyisopropyl residue and the adjacent sidechain of Y2717.36 (Figure 4a) which confirms the initially observed flexibility of these moieties.
Pharmacological characterization of Etrumadenant
In the original patent describing Etrumadenant, affinity ranges were reported, but no specific Ki or half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values were provided.14 In order to complement the pharmacological characterization of Etrumadenant, we determined its affinities for all human AR subtypes as well as for the crystallization constructs by radioligand binding assays (Table 2). To this end, we employed membrane preparations of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells or Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells recombinantly expressing the respective AR subtype, or crystallization construct, respectively. Additionally, we investigated the inhibitory effects of Etrumadenant in G protein dissociation assays (Figure 5).
In addition to its high affinity for the A2A- and A2BAR subtypes (Ki values: A2A, 0.851 nm; A2B, 3.16 nm), Etrumadenant was found to exhibit high affinity for the A1AR (Ki value: 7.59 nm versus the antagonist radioligand [3H]DPCPX, and 7.08 nm versus the agonist radioligand [3H]CCPA). Thus, the compound showed only about 9-fold selectivity comparing A2A- with A1AR affinity, and only 2-fold selectivity for the A2B- versus A1AR subtype. In contrast, Etrumadenant exhibited high selectivity versus the A3AR (>100-fold), as determined in radioligand binding studies. For comparison, we determined the affinities of standard AR antagonists using the same assays (Table 2). While ZM241385 showed a moderate preference for the A2AAR (Ki values: A2A, 2.04 nm; A2B, 29.5 nm; 12-fold difference), the A2AAR antagonist Preladenant displayed similarly high A2A affinity as Etrumadenant (Ki: A2A, 0.884 nm
) but showed high A2A-selectivity. The A2BAR antagonist PSB-603 was somewhat more potent than Etrumadenant (Ki: A2B, 0.553 nm
) showing high selectivity for the A2BAR subtype.
Subsequently, functional assays were performed to determine concentration-dependent antagonistic effects of Etrumadenant on receptor activation. To this end, we performed bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) based G protein dissociation assays employing Renilla Luciferase 8 (RLuc8) fused to Gα subunits and green fluorescent protein (GFP) attached to the Gγ subunit.29–31 AR activation was induced with the non-selective agonist NECA at a concentration where it shows 80% of its maximal effect (EC80). The preferentially Gi protein-coupled A1- and A3AR subtypes were co-expressed with Gαi1-RLuc8, Gβ3, and Gγ9-GFP proteins, whereas the Gs protein-coupled A2A- and A2BAR subtypes were co-expressed with Gαs-RLuc8, Gβ3, and Gγ9-GFP proteins. Etrumadenant was able to block the activation of all four AR subtypes in a concentration-dependent manner. The antagonist was found to be most potent at the A2BAR followed by the A2AAR, but also showed significant antagonistic activity at the other AR subtypes, A1 and A3 (see Figure 5). Blockade of the Gi protein-coupled A1- and A3ARs will lead to an increase in intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels thereby counteracting the effects of the Gs protein-coupled A2A- and A2BARs.32 For this reason, A1- and A3ARs can be regarded as anti-targets in the development of AR antagonists for cancer therapy, and the lack of selectivity may contribute to side-effects.
Table 2. Binding affinities of Etrumadenant and selected antagonists for the human adenosine receptors and for crystallization constructs.a
Human A1AR
Human A2AAR
Human A2BAR
Human A3AR
[3H]DPCPX (or [3H]CCPA)
[3H]PSB-11 (or [125I]-AB-MECAb)
pKi ± SEM
pKi ± SEM
pKi ± SEM
pKi ± SEM
8.12 ± 0.08
(8.15 ± 0.02)
9.07 ± 0.14
8.50 ± 0.06
6.50 ± 0.14
8.69 ± 0.20
7.53 ± 0.20
pKi ± SEM
pKi ± SEM
8.95 ± 0.12
7.40 ± 0.05
apKi values were determined as means from at least three independent experiments ± standard error of the mean (SEM) performed on CHO cell membranes expressing the respective human wt AR, or on Sf9 insect cell membranes for the two crystallization constructs A2A-PSB2-bRIL and A2A-StaR2-bRIL. [3H]CCPA and [125I]-AB-MECA represent agonist radioligands whereas all other radioligands are antagonists at ARs. bOngini et al.33 cBorrmann et al.28 dBurbiel et al.27
For comparison, we additionally investigated the prototypical non-selective A2A/A2BAR antagonist ZM241385, the A2A-selective antagonist Preladenant, and the A2B-selective antagonist PSB-603. Preladenant inhibited the A2AAR with similar potency as Etrumadenant in this assay (IC50 values 85.1 nm, 53.7 nm), whereas the potency of ZM241385 (IC50: 178 nm) was lower than that of Etrumadenant (IC50: 4.57 nm) at the A2BAR, but similar at the A2AAR (IC50 values: 100 nm; 53.7 nm). PSB-603 showed similarly high potency at the A2BAR as Etrumadenant (IC50 values: 3.02 nm; 4.57 nm). It should be kept in mind that the employed functional G protein activation assays require overexpression of receptors and G proteins and .31 Nevertheless, these data confirm that Etrumadenant is a potent antagonist of A2A- and A2BARs, but its selectivity versus the Gi protein-coupled ARs is low. To explain this observation, we performed a sequence alignment of all AR subtypes and analyzed the conservation of amino acids that interact with Etrumadenant as observed in the A2AAR co-crystal structures (Figure 4). In fact, these amino acid residues are largely conserved in the A1-, A2A-, and A2BAR subtypes, which is consistent with the high affinity of Etrumadenant for all three subtypes. One notable difference is S672.65 of the A2AAR that is exchanged for N702.65 in the A1AR. S672.65 forms direct contacts with the pyridine core of Etrumadenant at the extracellular ends of the ligand binding pocket. Its exchange to asparagine might therefore affect the binding of Etrumadenant and explain the slightly reduced affinity of Etrumadenant for the A1AR.
The A3AR, on the other hand, shows significant differences being the least conserved AR subtype regarding Etrumadenant’s binding pocket residues. Three hydrophobic amino acid residues that form direct Etrumadenant contacts in the A2AAR (I662.64, V843.32, and A2737.38) are exchanged in the A3AR for different hydrophobic amino acids or glycine (V722.64, L903.32, and G2677.38). Moreover, we observed direct interactions of Etrumadenant to the side chains of E169ECL2 and H2506.52 as well as a water-bridged hydrogen bond to T2566.58. These residues are conserved among the A1-, A2A-, and A2BARs, whereas the A3AR contains V169ELC2, S2476.52, and I2536.58 in the analogous positions (Figure 4, red boxes). Variation of these interacting residues in the A3AR provides an explanation for the decreased affinity of Etrumadenant for the A3AR.