3.1. Adsorption and Competitive Adsorption Properties of n-butane/i-butane in/on MFI zeolite
The adsorption isotherms of single component n-butane and i-butane in/on MFI zeolite at 273 K, 303 K, 343K, and 373 K were simulated and fitted with DSLF model. The simulated data points and the fitting data lines are presented in Fig. 1, and the fitted parameters of DSLF model are listed in Table S1. As shown in the Fig. 1, the adsorption isotherms of n-butane and i-butane are apparently different. For the n-butane, the adsorption amounts increased sharply in a narrow pressure region (the isotherms at four temperatures are almost parallel), then the adsorption amounts increased slowly and approached saturation. The initial adsorption pressure (from 10− 6 kPa to 10− 3 kPa) and saturated adsorption pressure (from 10− 3 kPa to 100 kPa) of n-butane almost increased by three orders of magnitude with the increase of temperature (from 273 K to 373 K). By contrast, the adsorption isotherms of i-butane show higher initial adsorption pressure (from 10− 5 kPa to 10− 2 kPa), and higher saturated adsorption pressure (from 100 kPa to 103 kPa), whose slopes are obviously smaller (spanning five orders of pressure magnitude) than that of n-butane (spanning three orders of pressure magnitude) for all the temperatures. These results indicate a relatively lower adsorption rate of i-butane than that of n-butane on MFI zeolite, agreeing well with the conclusions as reported in the literature[8, 35, 36]. Also of note is that there are inflection points and platforms on the isotherms of i-butane when the adsorption amounts increased about 0.8 mmol/g, which concludes that the adsorption mode of i-butane on MFI zeolite changes with the increase of pressure. It can be speculated that the adsorption site of isobutane has changed. This is also different from the adsorption behaviour of n-butane. This kind of “kink” is also observed by other experimental and simulated results[25, 37, 38], and it is said that the branched i-butane molecules have a strong preference for the intersections, which lead to a two-step adsorption behaviour.
Figure 2a presents the IAST estimations of component loadings, qi, of n-butane and i-butane for adsorption of n-/i-butane mixtures in MFI zeolite at four different temperatures (273 K, 303 K, 343K, and 373 K) and total gas-phase pressure pt = p1 + p2 = 100 kPa, plotted as a function of the mole fraction of n-butane in the bulk gas phase, yn−butane. Figure 2b plots the n-/i-butane adsorption selectivity as a function of the mole fraction of n-butane in the bulk gas phase. The adsorption amount of n-butane and i-butane vary dramatically when the mole fraction of n-butane in the bulk gas phase is larger than 0.2. The adsorption of i-butane is lower than 0.1 mmol/g when the component of n-butane is larger than 0.2. This means that the tiny addition of n-butane, which is strongly adsorbed, can influence the adsorption of i-butane significantly. The selectivity is well satisfactory that is similar to most of the selectivity of MFI mem-brane (between 10 and 100)[1]. The selectivity is decreased as the temperature increases, which means that the low temperature is benefit the separation of butane isomers.
After the unary adsorption isotherm analysis, the n-/i-butane mixtures were considered on MFI zeolite simulated with multi-component GCMC to study the competitive adsorption behaviour. Figure 3a plots the binary competitive adsorption isotherms of n-butane/i-butane mixtures with the mole ratio of n-butane: i-butane = 1:1 of GCMC calculation (point data) and the simulated results by IAST method (line data) at four different temperatures. The adsorption selectivity for GCMC calculation is also presented in Fig. 3b. Firstly, it can be observed that, when the mixture gas adsorbed on the MFI zeolite, the adsorption amount of n-butane is much more than i-butane, which is agree with the experimental result[38]. It also can be seen that there is a certain deviation in the competitive adsorption isotherms obtained by the two algorithms (cf. Figure 3a). It is mainly reflected that the saturated adsorption capacity of n-butane is smaller, while that of isobutane is larger for the GCMC results than that for IAST results in the high adsorption pressure range. The adsorption selectivity calculated from multi-component GCMC isotherms is significantly affected by the adsorption temperature and pressure. Specifically, at low temperature (273 K and 303 K), the adsorption selectivity decreases with the increase of pressure, while at high temperature (343 K and 373 K), it first increases with the increase of pressure and then decreases until a maximum in separation factor is reached at about 10 kPa. It can be observed a maximum in n-butane/i-butane adsorption selectivity of 15 at 343 K. The above simulation results are very consistent with the experimental results, confirming that the separation factor is increased when the temperature increase to a maximum. Then, as the temperature continues to grow up, the separation selective decrease due to the increase of i-butane adsorption amount and the decrease of the n-butane permeance compared with its permeances obtained at lower temperatures[18, 19].
3.2 Correlation between Adsorption Sites of N-butane and Isobutane and Pore Structure of MFI Zeolite
Figure 4 displays the density distribution of n-butane on MFI zeolite at different loading from 5 to 65 molecules/cell (Correspondingly from 0.11 to 1.41 mmol/g) at 303 K. The domains with densely distributed red dots represent the lowest energy and preferred adsorption positions for n-butane molecules. It can be seen that n-butane molecules are preferentially adsorbed in sinusoidal and straight channels when the loading is low (5 and 15 molecules/cell), and scarcely distributed in cross channels. With the increase of n-butane loading, the red dot area in the straight channel gradually becomes continuous. When the loading is higher than 35 molecules/cell (0.76 mmol/g), almost all straight channels are filled with n-butane molecules. While, the red dot regions in the sinusoidal channels are not continuous, and even if saturated adsorption is reached, they are always disconnected near the cross channel. These results suggest that the n-butane molecules are preferentially adsorbed and distributed in the two channels of MFI zeolite, especially in the straight channel, but resist to stay near the cross channel. This may be applicable to explain the excellent n-butane permeability of MFI membrane materials with (h0h) orientation control growth.
Figure 5 depicts the density distribution of i-butane on MFI zeolite at different loading of 5 to 65 molecules/cell (Correspondingly from 0.11 to 1.41 mmol/g) at 303 K. The domains with densely distributed red dots represent the lowest energy and preferred adsorption positions for i-butane molecules. It is obvious different from n-butane that the i-butane molecule is preferentially located in the intersection channel. With the increase of loading (less than 25 molecules/cell), the adsorption of n-butane is still mainly distributed in the cross channel, and only when the adsorption amount reaches a certain value (approx. 35 molecules/cell) will occur the adsorption process in the two channels. These results can well explain why the inflection points and platforms appear on the isotherms of i-butane when the adsorption amounts increased about 0.8 mmol/g. In addition, it can be seen that even if saturated adsorption is achieved, the adsorption distribution characteristics of i-butane in MFI zeolite channels are also in a local regional distribution state. This is obviously different from the results of n-butane. This may be due to the fact that the dynamic size (5.3 Å) of isobutane molecule is too close to the pore diameter of MFI zeolite, resulting in the spatial steric restriction.
Figure 6 depicts the density distribution of n-butane (red dot regions) and i-butane (green dot regions) competitive adsorption on MFI zeolite under different adsorption pressure at 303 K. It is obvious that under the pressure conditions, the green dot areas representing i-butane only appears the intersection channels. However, the red dots representing n-butane are mainly distributed nicely in both straight and zigzag channels. The results show that the competitive adsorption of n-butane and i-butane in MFI zeolite mainly occurs at the intersection channels[37]. The experimental results have been confirmed that n-butane and i-butane permeances as well as the n-butane/i-butane separation factor decrease with increase in pressure[36–38]. However, the essential cause of this result is still unknown. Sun et al.[14] found that i-butane molecules can preferential adsorbed in the pores of the MFI framework because of the increase of its partial pressure, which will decrease the separation factor. However, Wang et al.[20] found that the stronger adsorption ability of n-butane in MFI zeolite than that of i-butane lead to the decrease of the separation factor [21]. On the basis of theoretical calculation results, it can be stated that the intrusion of i-butane in the intersection channels hinders the effective permeation of n-butane in MFI membrane.
By calculating the distance between the particular molecules or atoms, which is usually called Radial Distribution Function (RDF), it can clearly identify the relative locations of particles. Figure 7 gives the RDFs between H atoms of n-butane (a) / i-butane (b) and the nearest framework O atom of the MFI zeolite and their changing rules with the increase of loading at 303 K, while Figure S2 presents the RDF results for all the temperatures. It can be seen that a sharp peak was observed at 2.978 Å in the RDFs between H atoms of n-butane and the nearest framework O atom of the MFI zeolite, which hardly change with the increase of loading. This indicates that the adsorption mode of n-butane in MFI channel is relatively identical, and is not affected by loading change. This circumstance is the same for all the other temperatures thar the most profitable distance is around 2.8 Å. By contrast, the RDF results of i-butane are completely different from n-butane that the peak at 3.011 Å becomes wider, and splits into two peaks at 2.663 Å and 3.674 Å with the increase of loading. Combined with the results of density distribution map in Fig. 5, it can be concluded that this is caused by the adsorption of isobutane in the two channels, indicating that the most probable distance between the H atoms of i-butane molecule adsorbed in the channels and the nearest framework O atom of the MFI zeolite is smaller than that of n-butane. Figure S3 presents i-butane molecule adsorbed in three kinds of different channels, the structures of which were optimized by the Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation. The result also shows that the distance distribution between O and H atoms for its adsorption in the sinusoidal and straight channels becomes more wider than cross channel, and the shortest distance of the O-H pair is also diminished compared with the cross channel. Once this distance is less than the van der Waals radius, repulsive force will be generated between isobutane molecules and zeolite framework, which may weaken the adsorption capacity.
3.3 Comparative Analysis of Energy in the Adsorption Process N-butane and Isobutane Molecules on the MFI Zeolite
The adsorption isosteric heat change curves related to adsorption capacity calculated by Clausius–Clapeyron relation with DSLF fitting data which are illustrated in Fig. 8, and the parameters of DSLF are listed in Table S1.
The adsorption isosteric heat of n-butane is apparently higher than that of i-butane, which means that the interaction between n-butane and MFI zeolite is stronger than that of i-butane. Moreover, the adsorption isosteric heat of n-butane increases linearly with the increase of the loading explained as the contribution of intermolecular force. The adsorption isosteric heat of i-butane fluctuated with the increase of the loading, which is caused by the change of the adsorption sites of isobutene in MFI zeolite. This is consistent with the above results of adsorption isotherms and the density distribution.
As shown in Fig. 9, the distribution of adsorption energies for the n-butane and i-butane in MFI zeolite are different because of the different interaction between adsorbed molecule and zeolite framework. Though the main adsorption energies in-creased (negative sign means exothermic) as the adsorption amount increased for both n-butane and i-butane molecule, i.e., the main adsorption energy for n-butane is in-creased from 61.2 to 66.7 kJ/mol, the change of the distribution of these two molecules is also different that the adsorption of n-butane become more localized than i-butane as the adsorption amount increased. For n-butane molecules, all the channels can dis-tribute the molecules, which means that, when the adsorption amount increased, there are not changed much in the adsorption location. The increase of n-butane adsorption energy would mainly due to the strong interaction between molecules and zeolite. But for i-butane molecule, when the adsorption amount increases, the adsorption energy distribution area become broad that the left starting point is shifted from 57 kJ/mol to nearly 70 kJ/mol. Also, the height of the distribution peak is diminished to half of its value from 0.8 to 0.4. These changes indicate that the adsorption energy has two different types when the adsorbed i-butane increase, which is consistent of the isotherm results that it has a platform as the adsorption amount increased to 1.0 mmol/g (about 46 molecules per super-cell). From Fig. 4b, it can be clearly seen that the energy distribution is shifted significantly when the loading of i-butane molecule is larger than 45 molecules per cell.
The interaction mode of n-butane and i-butane molecules and MFI zeolite are mainly van der Waals (vdW) interactions. In order to evaluate the strength of the vdW interactions, Independent Gradient Model (IGM) method[32] is used to calculated inter fragment interactions separately for the adsorption of n-/i-butane on the three kinds of channels (cross channel, straight channel, and sinusoidal channel) using on promolecular approximation. Figure 10 shows the δginter 2D plots and colored maps of δg inter isosurface versus sign(λ2)ρ (insert) of adsorbed n-butane and i-butane molecules interactions with the framework of MFI zeolite at different positions, in which the default color transition is blue-green-red. The same δginter scale over the range of 0.04 a.u. has been deliberately chosen for the sake of comparison. Two pairs of spikes appear in the 2D plot of δginter for the six adsorption systems, associated with vdW contacts, both in the attractive (blue dots) and repulsive (red dots) parts. [33, 39].
In that series of 3 models of n-butane, we observe that the van der Waals attraction between n-butane molecule and zeolite framework at three adsorption sites is slightly greater than the van der Waals repulsion. By contrast, there are significant differences among the three i-butane models corresponding to different adsorption positions. In the cross channel, the van der Waals attraction and repulsion of isobutane are relatively weak due to the longer distance between H atoms of i-butane and the nearest framework O atom of the MFI zeolite (cf. Figure 7). It is clear that the van der Waals repulsion in straight channel and sinusoidal channel occur judged from the increasing δginter value of the red dot area becomes significantly larger than the other models. This is strong evidence to explain why i-butane does not tend to be adsorbed in the straight channel and sinusoidal channel of MFI zeolite.