Comparison of BBB transporter expression in control and FAD iBECs revealed PSEN1 and non-PSEN1 related changes.
As the role of BBB transporters in AD is poorly understood, we first compared the mRNA levels of selected BBB transporters between iBECs containing PSEN1 FAD mutation (AD), isogenic PSEN1-corrected (PSEN1COR) and unrelated healthy controls (Ctrl). These included 12 highly expressed BBB transporters. The selected BBB transporters investigated in this study included both ABC and SLC superfamily transporters as well as the low-density lipoprotein receptor- related protein-1 (LRP1) which is a member of receptor-mediated transcytosis (RMT) transporter family, with all selected transporters used in this study being highly expressed in the brain, and some also being associated with BBB function, dysfunction and/or AD pathophysiology (summarized in Table 1).
Table 1
Cell location, function and association with AD of BBB transporters
ABCA1/Cholesterol Transporter
Extensively expressed in brain tissues
Regulates the efflux of cholesterol and phospholipids to APOE’s lipidation, recent in vitro studies in human model of the BBB demonstrated that the dysregulation of cholesterol affects Aβ exchange (48). Downregulates the influx of Aβ across the BBB (49).
P – Glycoprotein (PGP)
Expressed in BECs, pericytes, astrocytes and neurons
Downregulated at the BBB during normal aging process (50) .
Role in the clearance of Aβ from the brain into blood. Transports xenobiotics across the BBB (17)
ABCC1/Multidrug Resistance Protein 1 (MRP1)
Expressed in BECs, astrocytes and pericytes
Low levels of ABCC1 may increase the levels of Aβ40 and Aβ42 in the brain of transgenic mice (51).
ABCC2/Multidrug Resistance Protein 2 (MRP2)
Expressed in BECs.
Upregulated in Alzheimer's models (human and animal) (28).
ABCG2/Breast Cancer Resistant Protein (BCRP)
Overexpressed in BECs
Major role in mediating the efflux of Aβ in BECs(52)
ABCG4/ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 4
Expressed in glial cells, neurons and BECs.
Regulates the efflux of cholesterol (53). Altered ABCG4 leads to increases in Aβ secretion (54).
SLC2A1/GLUT1 = Glucose Transporter 1
Expressed in BECs, neurons, astrocytes and microglia
Role in glucose homeostasis, downregulation of this transporter accelerates BBB disruption, via tight junctions’ protein degradation. (55)
SLC22A3 /OCT3- Solute Carrier Family 22 Member 3
Highly expressed in BECs
Role in the uptake of organic anions/cations into the brain.(56, 57)
SLC22A8/ OAT3 – Solute Carrier Family 22 Member
Expressed in the brain
Role in the efflux transport (brain to blood) of therapeutic agents (e.g., antivirals and antibiotics) (58). It has found to be dysregulated in AD brains and preclinical models of AD, which suggest that might play a role in AD pathogenesis (59)
SLC7A5/ LAT1 – L-type amino acid transporter 1
Highly expressed in the brain
Role in the uptake of essential amino acids and drugs into the BBB (60, 61).
SLCO1A2/OATP12/ Organic anion transporting polypeptide
Highly expressed in the brains and brain regions
The most important SLCO in human brain due to its high expression levels in the brain. Additionally, it plays a role in the uptake of drugs. Alterations in this gene increase the risk of AD, and it has been associated with cortical Aβ deposition in AD (62)
LRP1 – low-density lipoprotein receptor- related protein-1
Extensively expressed in brain tissues
Plays a major role in regulating Aβ levels in the brain, LRP1 expression is reduced with age and in AD patients (63). LRP1 has been shown to play a role in controlling the levels of tau in the brain., and downregulation of LRP1 in in vivo animal models of AD, was shown to reduce the tau spread in the brain (64).
Data from Ctrl-, PSEN1COR− and AD-iBEC lines were compared for differences in the expression of the selected transporters. We found no differences in the expression of SLC22A8 (OAT3) between the iBEC groups, however, interestingly, significant differences in expression were identified in all the other examined transporter genes (Fig. 1). Of the ATP-dependent transporters, ABCB1 (PGP) (Fig. 1B), ABCC1 (MRP1) (Fig. 1C), ABCC2 (MRP2) (Fig. 1D) and ABCG2 (BCRP) (Fig. 1E) were all significantly downregulated in PSEN1COR-iBECs and AD-iBECs compared to Ctrl-iBECs. In contrast, ABCA1 was significantly downregulated in AD-iBECs compared to both Ctrl-iBECs and PSEN1COR-iBECs, while no significant changes were observed in PSEN1COR-iBECs compared to Ctrl-iBECs (Fig. 1A). When the SLC transporters were examined, SLC2A1 (GLUT1) (Fig. 1G) was significantly downregulated in PSEN1COR-iBECs compared to Ctrl-iBECs, however in AD-iBECs SLC2A1 was up-regulated against PSEN1COR-iBECs, but unchanged against Ctrl-iBECs (Fig. 1G). SLC22A3 (OCT3) was downregulated in both PSEN1COR-iBECs and AD-iBECs compared to Ctrl-iBECs (Fig. 1H). Interestingly, SLCO1A2 (OATP12) was upregulated in PSEN1COR-iBECs compared to Ctrl-iBECs but downregulated in AD-IBECs compared to PSEN1COR-iBECs (Fig. 1K). Additionally, the levels of SLC7A5 (LAT1) were downregulated in AD-iBECs compared to PSEN1COR-iBECs (Fig. 1J). From RMT transporter members, we analyzed the levels of LRP1 which was downregulated in PSEN1COR-iBECs and AD-iBECs when compared to Ctrl-iBECs (Fig. 1L). The findings are summarized in Table S4.
Effects of FUS treatment on gene expression of ATP-dependent and SLC BBB transporters in control and AD iBECs.
FUS+ MB is a relatively new technology that can transiently and safely open the BBB to enable drug delivery in in vivo and in vitro studies (31, 38),. In addition, FUSonly without MBs has been shown to have potentially promising effects on brain cell function (65–67). However, whether FUSonly or FUS+ MB elicits any modulatory effects on BBB transporters has not been previously investigated. Thus, to assess the effects of FUSonly or FUS+ MB treatments on BBB drug transporter expression, we next analyzed the gene expression of selected transporters in Ctrl-, PSEN1COR and AD-iBECs at two different timepoints (immediately and at 24 h) following FUSonly and FUS+ MB; and compared the results to UT samples (31). We then selected three ATP- dependent and three SLC transporters that were found to be significantly different in AD-iBECs compared to Ctrl-iBECs or PSEN1COR -iBECs to measure how FUS might have a modulation effect in their expression.
The results revealed that, in Ctrl-iBECs the expression of ABCA1 was significantly upregulated immediately after FUS+ MB treatment compared to UT (Fig. 2A), interestingly this change was not observed 24 h after treatment (Fig. 2A). In PSEN1COR-iBECs, the expression of ABCA1 was downregulated immediately after FUSonly and FUS+ MB treatments compared to UT (Fig. 2A), however after 24 h no changes were found between the treatment conditions (Fig. 2A). In contrast, AD-iBECs revealed no changes in the expression of ABCA1 immediately after FUSonly treatment (Fig. 2A). Interestingly, 24 h after FUSonly treatment, we observed a significant downregulation in the expression of ABCA1 compared to UT in AD-iBECs (Fig. 2A).
The relative expression of ABCB1 (PGP) expression was significantly higher in Ctr-iBECs immediately after FUS+ MB treatment when compared to UT samples (Fig. 2B), however no changes were identified after 24 h (Fig. 2B). In PSEN1cor-iBECs neither FUS treatments elicited significant changes in ABCB1 expression at each time-points (Fig. 2B). In AD-iBECs, the expression of ABCB1 was significantly increased immediately after FUSonly and FUS+ MB treatments compared to UT (Fig. 2B), and this increase was also observed 24 h after FUS+ MB treatment (Fig. 2B).
The relative expression of ABCC1 (MRP1) was not altered in Ctrl-iBECs immediately following FUSonly or FUS+ MB treatments (Fig. 2C), however, its expression was significantly downregulated at the 24 h time point following FUS+ MB when compared to UT (Fig. 2C). PSEN1cor-iBECs and AD-iBECs responded similarly to FUSonly and FUS+ MB treatments in terms of ABCC1 expression. In both cell groups, the levels of ABCC1 were significantly reduced immediately after FUSonly and FUS+ MB treatment when compared to UT (Fig. 2C) and 24 h following treatment, ABCC1 was significantly increased following FUSonly treatment when compared to UT (Fig. 2C).
For SLC transporters, the gene expression of SLC2A1 (GLUT1) was upregulated immediately following FUS+ MB compared to UT in all cell lines analyzed (Ctrl-iBECs, PSEN1COR-iBECs and AD-iBECs) (Fig. 3A). Interestingly, 24 h after FUSonly treatment in Ctrl-iBECs SLC2A1 was downregulated compared to UT (Fig. 3A) and 24 h after FUS+ MB treatment in PSEN1COR-iBECs, SLC2A1 expression was found to be downregulated compared to UT (Fig. 3A). In contrast, no changes were observed in SLC2A1 expression in AD-iBECs samples 24 h following the treatments used in this study (Fig. 3A).
The expression of SLC7A5 in Ctrl-iBECs was downregulated immediately after FUS+ MB treatment (Fig. 3B), however no changes were observed after 24 h (Fig. 3B). In PSEN1COR-iBECs, both FUSonly and FUS+ MB were shown to downregulate the expression of SLC7A5 immediately after treatment when compared to UT (Fig. 3B), however, at 24 h this effect was only seen in the FUS+ MB condition (Fig. 3B). Interestingly, immediately after FUSonly treatment in AD-iBECs we observed a significant downregulation of SLC7A5 expression when compared to UT (Fig. 3B), however, no changes were observed after 24 h in either treatment condition used in this study (Fig. 3B).
The expression of SLCO1A2 (OATP12), in Ctrl-iBECs was found to be upregulated immediately following FUSonly and FUS+ MB when compared to UT (Fig. 3C), however, after 24 h following FUSonly and FUS+ MB the effects were found to be opposite. showing a downregulation in expression when compared to UT (Fig. 3C). In PSEN1COR-iBECs FUSonly and FUS+ MB induced a downregulation in SLCO1A2 expression compared to UT immediately after treatment (Fig. 3C), while in 24 h samples SLCO1A2 downregulation was only observed in FUS+ MB treated samples (Fig. 3C). In contrast, no changes were observed in SLCO1A2 expression following any of the treatments used in this study for AD-iBECs (Fig. 3C). The findings are summarized in Table S4.
Effects Of Fus Treatment On Pgp Activity In Control And Ad-ibecs
As gene expression does not necessarily equate directly to functional activity of drug transporters, we next examined the effects of FUSonly and FUS+ MB on PGP functional activity in iBECs. To achieve this, we measured the intracellular accumulation of the PGP substrate rhodamine 123 following FUSonly and FUS+ MB treatment after performing PGP inhibition with CsA, a common assay used to measure PGP activity (31, 45, 68, 69).
Our data revealed that in Ctrl-iBECs no differences in rhodamine 123 accumulation were identified following FUS treatments compared to UT (Fig. 4A & 4B). In contrast, for PSEN1COR−iBECs the accumulation of rhodamine 123 was significantly increased immediately after FUS+ MB when compared to UT (Fig. 4C), and after 24 h rhodamine 123 accumulation was significantly decreased following FUSonly when compared to UT (Fig. 4C), suggesting potential modulatory effects on PGP activity. Similar to Ctrl-iBECs, rhodamine 123 accumulation was not altered in AD-iBECs immediately after FUS treatments when compared to UT (Fig. 4E & 4F), but at 24 h, rhodamine 123 accumulation was significantly decreased in FUS+ MB treated condition compared to UT, suggesting increased PGP activity (Fig, 4F).
Effects of FUS treatment on MRP1 activity in control and AD-iBECs.
To assess MRP1 activity following FUSonly and FUS+ MB treatments we used a calcein-AM uptake assay. Calcein-AM is an MRP1 substrate dye that has been extensively used to measure MRP1 activity, together with the MRP1 inhibitor MK-571 (47, 70). Similar to the rhodamine 123 uptake, we measured calcein-AM uptake in the presence of the MRP1 inhibitor MK-571 for all groups (UT, FUS only and FUS+ MB) immediately and 24 h post treatment, respectively.
Our data revealed that calcein-AM uptake was significantly decreased in Ctrl-iBECs immediately after FUSonly and FUS+ MB treatment compared to UT (Fig. 5A & 5B), suggesting increased MRP1 activity. Reduced calcein-AM uptake following FUS+ MB was maintained in Ctrl-iBECs at the 24 h timepoint (Fig. 5B). Similar to Ctrl-iBECs, decreased calcein-AM uptake was also observed in PSEN1COR-iBECs following FUSonly at the immediate timepoint, however, no effects were seen for FUS+ MB in either timepoint (Fig. 5C & 5D), Interestingly, similar effects were seen for AD-iBECs as for the Ctrl-iBECs, with the accumulation of calcein-AM significantly reduced compared to UT immediately after FUSonly and FUS+ MB treatments, suggesting a higher activity of MRP1 (Fig. 5E & 5F). However, in contrast to Ctrl-iBECs, calcein-AM uptake was significantly increased 24 h following FUS+ MB, indicating decreased MRP1 activity at the later timepoint (Fig. 5F).
Effects Of Fus Treatment On Pgp-mediated Aβ Uptake In Control And Ad-ibecs
Finally, we investigated whether FUSonly or FUS+ MB treatment could modulate PGP-mediated Aβ uptake. PGP has been reported to play a role in Aβ clearance (71) and PGP expression is reported to be altered in AD patients, (26, 72). To confirm that PGP mediates uptake of Aβ in iBECs, we performed PGP inhibition via CsA, which resulted in increased Aβ (Fig. S5C).
When compared to UT we observed no changes in intracellular Aβ accumulation in Ctrl-iBECs following FUS treatments at immediate or 24 h timepoints (Fig. 6A & B). In contrast, in PSEN1COR-iBECs, Aβ accumulation was significantly increased immediately following FUS+ MB treatment (Fig. 6C). However, at the 24 h timepoint no significant effects of FUS treatments on Aβ accumulation were identified in PSEN1COR-iBECs. Interestingly, in AD-iBECs a consistent effect following FUS+ MB treatment was seen with a significant reduction in Aβ accumulation identified immediately and 24 h following FUS+ MB treatment compared to UT, suggesting a decrease in PGP-mediated Aβ uptake (Fig. 6E & F).