After receiving the letter of acknowledgement from the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Brno, this prospective, cross-over prospective study was performed at the Simulation Center of Masaryk University in Brno (SIMU) and the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Brno between April and July 2022. This study was registered at (ID: NCT05345704) in April 2022.
The written informed consent was provided by participants, demographics were recorded: age, gender, role (physician/nurse/lay rescuer) and experience with real-life CPR (BLS/ALS/none). The participants were asked to perform a 90-second CPR on 2 different simulation mannequins: a 5 kg infant (Baby) and a 20 kg child (Junior). Figure 1 flowchart depicts the flowchart of data acquisition. The ERC guideline algorithm 2021 of Paediatric Life Support was considered the standard for resuscitation. (1)
The cases were presented and supervised by two certified EPALS (European Paediatric Advance Life Support) instructors.
The HCP was defined as a person, with the competence to perform the medical profession according to the valid legislation, in our case physicians or nurses.
HCPs were recruited from the tertiary university hospital paediatric department (non-ICU personnel) no further exclusion criteria were applied. HCPs are trained regularly once per year (in-hospital training) in CPR. The presented case was a non-breathing paediatric patient and the task was to perform 90-second high-quality CPR, starting with 5 initial breaths and continuing with chest compression to ventilation ratio of 15:2. Basic equipment was available (correct size mask and bag), with no other advanced equipment available immediately according to the presented scenario.
Lay rescuers were recruited on a volunteer basis after the random call for participation in the simulation-based study. Anyone who was not considered a health care professional was acknowledged as a lay rescuer. No further exclusion criteria were applied.
The resuscitation was led according to a standardized dispatcher-assisted CPR script (Figure 2), after EMS service activation for LRs. The information for the participant was that the paediatric patient was not breathing and the task was to perform 90 seconds of high-quality CPR, starting with 5 initial breaths and continuing with chest compression to ventilation ratio of 15:2, according to the dispatcher's guidance. The ratio of 15:2 for a dispatcher-assisted PBLS was chosen for better comparison of CRP-related measurements between the groups of HCPs and LRs. No specific equipment was available according to the presented scenario.
The infant mannequin was Laerdal Resusci Baby QCPR (Baby). The estimated weight of the simulated patient was declared to be 5 kg. The mannequin firmware version was
The child mannequin was Laerdal Resusci Junior QCPR (Junior). The estimated weight of the simulated patient was declared to be 20 kg. The mannequin firmware version was
Secondary outcomes included: sub-analysis of 2 first ventilation attempts, time to first effective ventilation, time to 2 and 5 effective breaths, number and percentage of the 5 initial breath attempts with ideal, low and high breath volume, and time to the beginning of chest compressions.
Sample sizes were determined by a power analysis (see statistical methods).
Effective breath was defined as breath that caused visible chest rise. The effectiveness of ventilation was recognized by mannequin software and visually confirmed by trained independent observers. Both the mannequin record and observer record had to be in concordance to mark a ventilation attempt as effective. Volume and time of each breath, as well as the time of chest compressions initiation, were obtained from the mannequin software.
The time to the first effective breath was measured in HCPs from the moment the participant took the bag mask in hand. For the lay rescuers, the time was measured from the moment the dispatcher instructed the participant to give 5 initial breaths.
The ideal tidal volume was defined as between 30 and 50 mL for the Baby (6 to 10 mL per kg). It was low if less than 30 mL volume was delivered. It was high if more than 50 mL volume was delivered.
The ideal tidal volume was defined as between 120 and 200 mL for the Junior (6 to 10 mL per kg). It was low if less than 120 mL volume was delivered. It was high if more than 200 mL volume was delivered.
The data were collected before and after simulation-based CPR training.
The study was conducted in accordance with guidelines for simulation-based healthcare research. (4)
Statistical methods
The power analysis was based on the following prerequisites: A sample size of 40 achieves 80% power to detect a mean of paired differences of -0.8 with an estimated standard deviation of differences of 1.8 and with a significance level (alpha) of 0.05 using a two-sided paired t-test.
Standard descriptive statistics were applied in the analysis: absolute and relative frequencies for categorical variables and mean and median continuous variables. The intra-individual difference before and after training were tested using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The level of statistical significance used in all tests was α = 0.05. Statistical analysis was computed using SPSS (IBM Corp., 2021, IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 28.0.0. 1, Armonk, NY, USA).