Study site
This study was conducted at Sotomayor Experimental Station in Aranjuez, Madrid, Central Spain (590 m a.s.l.; 40°02¢N, 3°37¢W), which has a semi-arid Mediterranean climate with mean annual rainfall of 365 mm and a mean annual temperature of 15°C (AEMET, data for the period of 1981–2010 at Getafe station (40°17¢58¢¢N, 3°43¢20¢¢W; 620 m a.s.l.)). The rainfall is highly variable and unpredictable in the study area, where it is distributed in two rainy periods during the autumn and spring. The rainfall variability during the three years of our study (2008–2010) was highly representative of this variability, with extremely dry weather in both the autumn (79 mm/m2) and spring (38.5 mm/m2) in 2008, a wet autumn (160 mm/m2) and dry spring (77.5 mm/m2) in 2009, and a dry autumn followed by a rainy spring in 2010 (40.3 and 343.6 mm/m2, respectively).
The vegetation in the area comprises scattered tussocks of Macrochloa tenacissima (L.) Kunth and gypsum specialized shrubs (e.g., Helianthemum squamatum (L.) Dum. Cours., Lepidium subulatum L., Centaurea hyssopifolia Vahl, and Gypsophila struthium L. in Loefl.). Bare areas among tussocks are covered by well-conserved, heterogeneous, and species rich biocrusts composed mainly of lichens (e.g., Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch, Squamarina lentigera (G.H. Weber) Poelt, Fulgensia subbracteata (Nyl.) Poelt, and Psora decipiens (Hedw.) Hoffm) (Martínez et al. 2006). Bare areas are seasonally covered with a very rich annual plant community (ca. 38 plant species/0.25 m2, Luzuriaga et al. 2012) comprising tiny plants (mean maximum height of 10.5 cm), and some have a strict affinity for gypsum soils such as Chaenorhinum reyesii (C. Vicioso & Pau) Benedí and Campanula fastigiata Dufour ex Schult. (Luzuriaga et al. 2015). Germination mainly occurs in the autumn, but a fraction of dormant seeds is incorporated into the soil seed bank for most species (Sánchez et al. 2014; Peralta et al. 2016).
Experimental design and data collection
In total, 24 plots with areas of 50 ´ 50 cm were randomly selected in two different microenvironments, with 12 plots beneath mature M. tenacissima tussocks (Tussocks) and 12 in open areas at least 1 m distant from the nearest M. tenacissima plant (Open areas). This sampling plot size was sufficiently large to represent the community completely (see Luzuriaga et al. 2012; Peralta et al. 2016). Half of the plots in each microenvironment received natural rainfall (Control) and half were watered each week from February to March (Irrigation), which is the most critical period for plant development and reproduction in these annual plant communities. In total, 28 L/m2 was applied to each plot (Irrigation treatment), which corresponded to an increase in the average rainfall of 50% in this system compared with the average rainfall during the same period in the preceding 30 years (AEMET, The rainfall was extremely high in 2010 and the soil was at the field capacity, so the irrigation treatment was not conducted in this year. Thus, we employed a fully crossed bifactorial design with four experimental scenarios (i.e., Control-Tussock, Control-Open, Irrigation-Tussock, and Irrigation-Open). For further details of the experimental design, please refer to the studies by Luzuriaga et al. (2012) and Peralta et al. (2016).
During March–April in 2008, 2009, and 2010 when the maximum plant community development occurred, we overlaid a rectangular mesh divided into 100 cells measuring 5 ´ 5 cm on each plot and the ground cover was visually estimated for each annual species in each cell (n = 2400 ´ 3 years). The biocrust cover was also recorded in each cell in 2008. During April and September in 2010, after vegetation sampling, we collected 32 soil cores per plot, where each corresponded to a cell measuring 5 ´ 5 cm, by using a checkerboard design and avoiding the plot edges (Fig. 1). The soil cores had a diameter of 3 cm and depth of 3 cm, and most of the germinable seeds were present in these cores (Childs and Goodall 1973; Russi et al. 1992). In particular, 384 soil samples were collected at each sampling time point (32 cells ´ 4 experimental scenarios ´ 3 replicate plots). Soil seed bank samples collected in April contained seeds that remained in the soil after germination but before seed dispersal from the standing vegetation (Persistent soil seed bank: SSBp). Soil samples collected in September contained seeds present in the soil following recent seed dispersal from the vegetation (transient seed bank), which usually occurs in June–July, as well as viable seeds that did not germinate and persisted in the soil seed bank (i.e., transient + persistent seed bank = Complete soil seed bank, SSBc) (Walck et al. 2005).
The seedling emerging method (Roberts 1981) was used to identify the species in each soil sample. Each soil sample was mixed with organic soil and placed in individually labeled pots, which were then placed in a greenhouse with a permanent water supply (see Peralta et al. 2016 for more details). Germination was checked each week. After cultivation for five months, we applied gibberellins (1000 ppm) to stimulate germination by the remaining seeds and continued checking germination for two more months (Caballero et al. 2003). Identified seedlings were recorded and removed immediately, whereas those that were difficult to identify were transplanted to other pots for identification to the species level.
Data analyses
The abundances of annual species in the soil seed banks were converted into presence or absence data per cell. Only cells with at least one species in the seed bank and in the standing vegetation were used (n = 2145 cells) (for SSBc: 377, 380, and 379 in 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively; for SSBp: 317, 342, and 350 in 2008, 2009, and 2010).
Bray–Curtis distances (Bray and Curtis 1957) were used to measure similarities in the species compositions between annual standing vegetation and both seed banks (SSBp and SSBc) at the cell level (5 ´ 5 cm). Vegetation in each sampling year (2008, 2009, and 2010) was compared with both SSBp and SSBc during 2010 in each cell. Bray–Curtis distances were transformed into similarity indexes (calculated as 1 – Bray–Curtis index) to facilitate interpretation of the similarity between the standing vegetation and soil seed bank compartments.
To evaluate whether the similarity between standing vegetation and soil seed bank compartments was scale dependent, 5 × 5 cm cells were grouped into 10 ´ 10 cm and 20 ´ 20 cm cells, and the vegetation and soil seed bank compositions were recalculated by summing the corresponding 5 ´ 5 cm cells. Thus, each plot contained 32 cells of 5 ´ 5 cm, 16 cells of 10 ´ 10 cm, and four cells of 20 ´ 20 cm (i.e., 384, 192, and 48 cells, respectively) (Fig. 1b). Similarity indices were calculated between the vegetation and seed bank species compositions for these new cells using the aforementioned procedure. Similarity indices observed at each scale were analyzed using linear mixed models, with the presence of M. tenacissima (Tussock vs. Open) and irrigation treatment (Irrigation vs. Control) included as fixed factors, biocrust total cover as a covariable, and vegetation sampling year as a random factor. The interaction between presence of M. tenacissima and irrigation treatment was included in the models. All analyses were performed using the following packages in R 4.0.5 (R Core Team 2021): vegan (Oksanen et al. 2016) to calculate the Bray–Curtis distances, nlme (Pinheiro et al. 2021) to generate the linear mixed models, MuMIn (Bartoń 2019) to calculate the variability explained by random and fixed components of the models, and ggplot2 (Wickham 2016) to generate and edit all of the figures, except for Fig. 1.