Study area
The study area covers eleven forested ecozones (Ecological Stratification Working Group (ESWG), 1996) in Canada (Fig. 1). These ecozones are the Pacific Maritime in the west coast, the Montane Cordillera, Boreal Cordillera and Taiga Cordillera that contain the Canadian Rockies, the Boreal Plains and Taiga Plains located east of the Rockies, and Taiga Shield, Boreal Shield and Hudson Plains in the continental interior to the east. Bounded by three Great Lakes in the east are the Mixedwood Plains, and adjacent to the east coast is the Atlantic Maritime (Fig. 1). The climate in the boreal/hemi-boreal zone is predominantly high-latitude continental, with long cold winters, short cool summers, and relatively low annual precipitation, but with significant regional variation (Price et al., 2013). Summer mean air temperature averages from 10°C in the Taiga Cordillera to 14°C in the Atlantic Maritime, whereas winter mean air temperature ranges from − 22.0°C in the Taiga Cordillera to − 1.5°C in the Pacific Maritime. Annual precipitation totals average from 200–500 mm in the Taiga Plains to over 4,000 mm in the Pacific Maritime.
Climatic data
Daily maximum, minimum and dew point temperature (ºC), precipitation (mm), and relative humidity (%) were obtained for the period from 1950 to 2018 using BioSIM v10.3 software, which interpolates site-specific estimates from all of Environment Canada’s (2013) historical weather observations (Régnière & Bolstad, 1994; Régnière et al., 2014). Based on the daily minimum, maximum and dew point temperature observations, BioSIM returned daily vapour pressure deficit (VPD, in kPa), the difference between actual atmospheric water vapour amount and the maximum amount at saturation for a given temperature (Allen et al., 1998). BioSIM also calculates a soil moisture index (SMI, in % of water holding capacity), using a quadratic-plus-linear formulation procedure (Hogg et al., 2013) based on water lost by evapotranspiration and gained from precipitation. A low SMI is an indication of low available soil water at the site. Daily temperature, precipitation, VPD, and SMI data were all interpolated to a 1° x 1° grid (n = 604 grid cells). VPD and SMI data were averaged for the summer season (June to August) by year, and attributed to the closest tree-ring sampling sites of grid cells’ centroid. In addition, long-term means of annual climatologies (1951–2018) were also computed for each site (mean annual January to December temperature, MAT, mean annual January to December sums of precipitation, MAP, and mean summer soil moisture index, SMI).
Tree-ring data
Annual tree-ring width data were retrieved from the Canadian Forest Service Tree-Ring repository (CFS-TRenD 1.0; Girardin et al., 2021b), developed with the goal of combining data from different sources and making them available in a consistent format for large-scale analyses. CFS-TRenD contains measurements from 40,206 samples from 4,594 sites and 62 tree species. The primary national-scale dataset in CFS-TRenD 1.0 is increment cores sampled since 2001 during the establishment of Canada’s National Forest Inventory (NFI, Gillis et al., 2005). The NFI network, designed to represent species distributions and their range of growing conditions in Canada, comprises 6,010 core samples from 870 sites. Other important data are more regional and include data from a network of permanent sample plots established by the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI), a network of temporary sample plots established by the Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune du Québec (MFFPQ; Programme d’inventaire écoforestier nordique, Létourneau et al., 2008; Girardin et al., 2021b), and the Climate Impacts on Productivity and Health of Aspen (CIPHA) network (Hogg et al., 2005). Additional contributions to CFS-TRenD are from smaller-scale projects carried out by individual researchers, and data extracted from the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB).
Analyses were limited to the nine dominant species (seven genera) in the dataset (Fig. 1) to maintain a sampling density that balances local variations in growth across sampling sites within regions, and detects growth sensitivity to climate at the regional scale. These nine species represent 80% of the samples (32,189 trees) in the CFS-TRenD repository: Picea mariana (black spruce; 25% of the dataset with 1.0 e4 trees sampled), Picea glauca (white spruce; 12%, 4.7 e3 trees), Pinus banksiana (jack pine; 11%, 4.4 e3 trees), Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen; 10%, 3.9 e3 trees), Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine; 7%, 2.9 e3 trees), Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir; 7%, 2.8 e3 trees), Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce; 4%, 1.7 e3 trees), Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir; 2%, 9.3 e2 trees), and Pinus resinosa (red pine; 2%, 8.7 e2 trees). We excluded Abies balsamea (balsam fir, mostly dominant in the eastern ecozones) because its growth dynamics are strongly influenced by spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) defoliation (Lavoie et al., 2019; Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2019). All of the nine species occur in Canadian boreal/hemi-boreal forests (Brandt et al., 2013). Half of the sites included two or three sampled trees, and 83% of the sites included a single species. Fifty percent of the trees displayed between 40 and 90 measured tree rings (i.e. 25th and 75th percentiles of the age distribution). Both visual and statistical quality control procedures were applied to ensure that only true growth rings were measured and that the correct calendar year was assigned to each tree-ring (Girardin et al., 2021b). In an analysis of sample coherency, Girardin et al. (2021b) found high spatial synchronicity in the interannual growth fluctuations among most samples.
Responsiveness of tree growth to vapour pressure deficit
Calculation of basal area increments.
Tree-level average ring-width series were converted to annual basal area increments (BAI; cm2 yr− 1), which is recognized to be closely related to tree productivity (Babst et al., 2014). BAI was estimated from the relation:
eq 1.\(BA{I}_{t}=\pi {R}_{t}^{2}-\pi {R}_{t-1}^{2}\)
Where Rt and Rt−1 are the stem radii (cm) at the end and beginning of a given annual ring increment. Minimum tree age was determined from ring counts, starting from the outermost ring. As strong differences in growth occur between trees’ early and mature development stages, we excluded tree-rings formed during the first ten years from later analyses (Loader et al., 2007).
Growth And Climate Relationships
Species-specific growth-VPD relationships were determined using generalized additive mixed models (GAMM) fitted at each site between the log-transformed BAI series, tree basal area of the year prior to ring formation and atmospheric VPD values during summer (June, July and August) of the prior and current year of ring formation, with tree considered as a random effect:
eq 2.\(log\left({BAI}_{jk}^{t}\right) = {\beta }_{jk}.log\left({BA}_{jk}^{t-1}\right) +s\left({age}^{t}\right)+{\text{V}\text{P}\text{D}}^{t-1}+{\text{V}\text{P}\text{D}}^{t}+{corAR1}_{jk}\left(\tilde t \right| {Tree}_{ID})+{Tree}_{ID}+{ϵ}_{jkt}\)
Where i stands for tree identity, j for the species, k for the site, and t for the year. BA is the basal area, BAI is the basal area increment, age is the age in years, and s is a cubic regression spline smoothing parameter whose degree of smoothness was determined through an iterative fitting process. Temporal autocorrelation was considered with AR1, an autoregressive term of order 1 accounting for year t and TreeID (each tree’s unique identifier). The significance of variables at the 5% level was determined from t-tests in GAMM models (t-value’s p < 0.05). The growth model was fitted using the mgcv R package (Wood, 2006).
Drivers Of Growth Sensitivity To Vpd
Environmental, tree species and forest structure variables responsible for the observed distribution in VPD-growth relationships (i.e. t-values) were assessed as follows. These analyses were guided by the hypothesis that the strongest negative responses to VPD would be observed at sites exposed to high temperatures or with low soil water availability. We also postulated that there is differentiation among species’ responses to VPD resulting from their evolutionary strategy for stomatal conductance. We considered four environmental variables (elevation, mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP), and summer SMI), tree species, and two forest structure variables (mean site age and basal area (BA)). First, we used the Random Forests (RF) algorithm, a machine learning method adapted to complex and potentially non-linear relationships (Breiman, 2001). Our RF was based on the bootstrap of 500 training decision trees aggregated to predict the t-values of the significant (p < 0.05) growth-VPDt or growth-VPDt−1 relationships, using the seven predictor variables as the potential explanatory variables. The running and interpretation of the RF were performed using ‘randomForest’ and ‘randomForestExplainer’ R packages (Liaw et al., 2002; Paluszynska et al., 2020). Variable importance was measured as the decrease of unscaled mean square error (MSE decrease) observed when the variable is randomized, and averaged among training trees (Strobl et al., 2008). We retrieved variables' average depth among training trees and their occurrence as the first node. Finally, to get the direction of the relationship between variables and t-values, we drew the partial dependence plot representing the marginal effect of each variable on the t-values. To untangle the direct VPD effect of atmospheric dryness on stomatal conductance from its indirect effect on soil moisture, we examined partial BAI-VPD GAMM models obtained after controlling for the effect of soil moisture index (SMI) on growth (see Supplementary Materials and Fig. S1).
Trends In Vpd And Growth
Annual fluctuations in growth over time were obtained from the detrending of BAI series that removed growth trends due to tree age and size (Zhang et al., 2018). We detrended time series of BAI using GAMMs fitted to the log-transformed BAI:
eq 3.\(\text{l}\text{o}\text{g}\left({BAI}_{ijk}^{t}\right)={\beta }_{jk}.\text{l}\text{o}\text{g}\left({BAI}_{ijk}^{t-1}\right) +{s}_{i}\left({cambial\hspace{0.17em}age}_{ijk}^{t}\right)+{Z}_{jk}{B}_{jk}+{\nu }_{jk}+{\epsilon }_{jk}^{t}\)
Annual growth changes (GC), expressed as the percent deviation from predicted values generated by the GAMMs, were then computed following (Girardin et al., 2016b). GC was average by species and year to show yearly temporal variability in species-specific GC since 1951. The average GC 95% confidence interval was computed at the species level, for each calendar year, by correcting the effective degrees of freedom (n′) based on first-order (i.e., lag = 1) autocorrelation estimates of Moran’s I (Dale and Fortin, 2002) (moran.test function in R). Correlations (r) between growth changes and VPD were computed from a bootstrapping technique that accounted for autocorrelation and trends in data (Mudelsee and Alkio, 2007), and regression slope (β1) from ordinary-least-square regressions.
Linear trends of summer VPD were examined for 1951–2018 using least squares linear regressions. A derivation of t test with an estimate of the effective sample size accounting for serial persistence in data returned the slope’s significance against the null hypothesis that the trend is different from zero (Storch and Zwiers, 1999).