The wetland formation model that was presented by Goudie and Thomas (1985) cannot be applied to Shadow Vlei. Firstly, Shadow Vlei is distinctly atoll shaped, suggesting that there has been both aggradation and degradation. In a wetland where sediment is removed solely by aeolian processes, the creation of a large topographic feature downwind of the depression is likely to be observed (Timms, 2006), but it is unlikely that positive relief would be created evenly around the entire wetland as in Shadow Vlei. Secondly, the resistant nature of the sandstone lithology upon which Shadow Vlei is located means that removal of sediment by wind or biotic processes is also unlikely. Erosion by wind might account for a small amount of sediment removal – especially fine-grained silts or clays – but it is unlikely to explain the relief that has been created all the way around Shadow Vlei. Thirdly, the wetland is in an area that receives sufficient rainfall to support permanent ground covering vegetation, particularly as the area receives rainfall throughout the year (Mucina and Rutherford, 2006). Finally, the presence of ferricrete in the depression margin suggests that chemical rather than physical processes are likely to have contributed to the formation of this wetland landform. It is for these reasons that an alternative model of wetland formation is called for.
5.1 Coupled Fe- and Si-cycling and mass balance implications
The process of sagging and volume loss that is observed in the centre of Shadow Vlei, and the swelling in the depression margin, is likely to be a consequence of processes related to coupled redoximorphic reactions involving Fe and Si in association with variation in pH related to Fe reduction and oxidation. In small wetlands, non-flooded and flooded soils exist in close proximity, with flooding leading to anaerobic conditions dominated by reduction reactions, while adjacent non-flooded soils are dominated by oxidation reactions (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2015). Such conditions are likely to exist in and adjacent to Shadow Vlei in response to alternating high and low water levels. A process of iron cycling, whereby iron is constantly being transformed from its ferric (Fe3+) to its ferrous state (Fe2+) under periodically changing redox conditions, is a process that has been well documented (Schwertmann, 1991; Cornell and Schwertmann, 2003). The reduction of ferric iron generally occurs in waterlogged, anaerobic soils where ferric iron (Fe3+) is reduced to ferrous iron (Fe2+), with concurrent oxidation of organic matter. In turn, oxidation of ferrous iron occurs in aerobic soils where Fe2+ is exposed to oxygen and can act as a primary electron donor.
In a system dominated initially by a uniform Si-dominated lithology, the observed variation in soil chemistry and associated topography can effectively be explained by iron and silica chemistry, on the assumption that aluminum has remained largely immobile. We adopt a simplistic approach by assuming that, during weathering, all iron is converted to stable Fe-(hydr)oxides, while all Al, K, Mg and Na are hosted in the clay fraction (mainly illite). Based on stoichiometric information for typical illite, we can derive the corresponding amount of SiO2 in the clay mineral structure, calculate the modal abundance of illite, and therefore determine the excess SiO2 which must be accounted for as various mineral forms of free silica such as micro-crystalline quartz and/or chalcedony (conveniently grouped here under the term “quartz”).
On the basis of Al immobility, we infer that the antithetic relationship between modal illite and quartz (Fig. 8) must be due to the effect of preferential silica mobility during periods of iron reduction. Si mobility would be associated with flooding and microbial decomposition of organic matter by iron oxyhydroxide at the depression center, driven by a resultant increase in alkalinity (Brinkman 1970; Hobson & Dahlgren 1998). Given that silica is relatively soluble under periodically high pH, we propose that flooding of soils is likely to be associated with preferential dissolution of iron (as Fe2+) as well as silica (as H4SiO4) and their mobilisation away from the centre of the depression to the margins thereof.
Insert Fig. 8 here
The relationship for the plot of Fe-oxide against modal illite is broadly positive but slightly more complex, revealing distinct clusters of data distribution with variable slopes, recording correspondingly variable modal illite/Fe ratios (Fig. 9A). Those samples with a relatively high illite/Fe ratio, which reflect Fe depletion, occur near the depression surface at a depth of less than 1.5 m (Fig. 9B), and correspond largely with Clusters 2 and 3 in the cluster analysis. However, for samples with a low illite/Fe ratio, which represent samples enriched in Fe, a further distinction can be made into two sub-populations of data using the conventional value of 5 wt%: those with less than 5 wt% FeO, labelled here as low illite/low Fe, and those with greater than 5 wt% FeO, labelled as low illite/high Fe. Samples with low illite/low Fe correspond to Cluster 1 of the cluster analysis and are distributed at depth in the centre and margins of the depression and at a range of depths beyond the centre and margins of the depression. Samples with low illite/high Fe occur in the depression margins near the soil surface (less than 2 m depth).
Insert Fig. 9 here
During the oxidizing phase of iron cycling, Fe2+ is oxidised to Fe3+ to form insoluble ferric (oxy)hydroxide such as goethite FeOOH or ferrihydrite Fe(OH)3 (Cornell and Schwertmann, 2003). The reaction that occurs during oxidation of Fe2+ produces acidity and thus lowers the pH in the soil profile during dry periods when oxygen diffuses into the soil (Mann, 1983). The resultant decline in pH produced during this reaction would be responsible for lowering solubility and causing at least partial re-precipitation of the silica that was rendered mobile during the iron-reductive stage at the depression centre.
In order to examine the dynamics of chemical mass balance in more detail, we have graphically linked changes in soil geochemistry to corresponding mass changes during the weathering process, by employing the classic isocon diagram (Grant, 1986). In the case of Shadow Vlei, which occupies the crest of a dissected interfluve on the African Erosion Surface such that the water table slopes away from the depression (Melly et al., 2017; Schael et al., 2015), we have assumed that the meteoric fluids involved are unlikely to have caused major metasomatic introduction of new soluble material from sources exotic to the system. We therefore consider the Shadow Vlei sub-system as effectively semi-closed, characterised largely by internal chemical redistribution and only partial solute loss away from the system during periods of increased mineral solubility.
For Shadow Vlei, our application of the isocon diagram links the mean values for all samples – which we assume closely approximate the primary bulk soil composition – with the bulk compositional averages of the three different sample populations identified in Fig. 9A. The results are shown in Fig. 10. Aluminum immobility is based on the bulk clay mineral fraction (mainly illite) being the predominantly stable mineral species in the Shadow Vlei system compared to both free SiO2 mineral forms and iron oxides. This renders Al as the conservative element of choice during weathering and depression development. This is supported by the statistically significant relationship between the generally insoluble TiO2 and Al2O3 (R2 = 0.727; P < 0.0001) for all samples excluding those at the near-surface samples (< 0.2 m depth), where bioturbation may redistribute material in a manner unrelated to weathering.
In the depression at a depth of less than 1.5 m, soils have a high illite/Fe ratio such that against Al2O3, SiO2 appears to show substantial relative depletion (Fig. 10 IA). The same is true for Fe2O3, which is also depleted relative to Al2O3 (Fig. 10 IB). In the depression at a depth below where the illite/Fe ratio is high, the illite/Fe ratio is low and the Fe2O3 concentration is also low (low illite/low Fe sample group). For these samples, and relative to Al2O3, SiO2 appears to have been enriched (Fig. 10 IIA), but there has been a net loss of Fe (Fig. 10 IIB). A corresponding decrease in LOI reflects this relative dearth of Fe oxyhydroxide and clay minerals as these are the key carriers of volatiles in the soils.
In the depression margins close to the surface (to a depth of 2 m), SiO2 is slightly enriched (weathered / primary composition = 0.908) relative to Al2O3 (weathered / primary composition = 0.907; Fig. 10 IIIA). However, Fe2O3 has been considerably enriched relative to Al2O3 (weathered/primary composition = 2.58; Fig. 10 IIIB). These samples are referred to as low illite/high Fe. Comparison of parent and weathered material shows a 7.97 wt% enrichment of Fe2O3 and a (-)7.58 wt% depletion of bulk SiO2 in the depression margins, suggesting that net Fe2O3 enrichment largely accounts for the observed SiO2 dilution effect. These data collectively suggest that enrichment of Fe2O3 in the depression margin, together with some SiO2 addition, contribute most to the volume gains.
Insert Fig. 10 here
These analyses shed light on the underlying processes contributing to variation in soil chemistry and the observed topography. In the near-surface environment in the centre of the depression where organic matter is present, iron reduction takes place that increases the pH of meteoric water to a point where mineralogical forms of free silica are relatively soluble, leading to dissolution and loss of SiO2 to the fluid medium that amounts to 7.22 wt% of the parent rock mass. This loss of SiO2 is approximated by an increase in Al2O3 (-2.98 wt%) and LOI (-3.37 wt%), both hosted primarily in the bulk clay mineral fraction. However, below the depth where organic matter is present in the central depression, it seems that iron reduction and associated pH changes are limited by the lack of organic matter, such that dissolution of SiO2 is curtailed. Therefore, observed relative declines in bulk Al2O3 (-3.18 wt%), Fe2O3 (-3.74 wt%) and LOI (-3.57 wt%) appear to be counter-balanced by the relative excess in bulk SiO2 by approximately 11.74 wt%.
5.2 Iron-cycling And The Origin And Development Of Shadow Vlei
Processes of iron cycling under alternating oxidising and reducing conditions have the potential to explain the occurrence of ferricrete in the marginal areas of Shadow Vlei as the occurrence of ferricrete is commonly associated with a fluctuating water table (Pain and Ollier, 1992; Phillips et al., 1997; Hobson and Dahlgren, 1998). Ferricrete duricrusts are often located a short vertical distance above the average elevation of the water table as iron is extremely sensitive to oxidising conditions and will precipitate out of solution rapidly upon exposure to oxygen. The occurrence of ferricrete in the marginal areas of depression wetlands has been widely documented in both Australia and the United States and is said to be a direct result of lateral transport of iron in ground water and exposure of dissolved iron to oxidising conditions (Pain and Ollier, 1992; Hobson and Dahlgren 1998). Ferricrete duricrusts associated with depressions are rarely thicker than 2 m but can cover extensive areas depending on the extent of the iron supply.
The creation of positive relief has been attributed to the formation of ferricrete in seasonally wet conditions in Australia (Conacher et al., 1991; Pain and Ollier, 1992), Mali and Burkina Faso (Butt and Bristow, 2013), and Central Sudan (Schwarz, 1994). Ferricrete creates positive relief both as a consequence of the accumulation and consolidation of ferruginous material such as goethite, haematite and limonite in a single location (in this case in the depression margin), leading to swelling, and also as a consequence of the lowering of the adjacent surface due to volume losses associated with weathering.
During its early formation, the depth of Shadow Vlei might have been measured in decimeters, and the diameter in meters to tens of meters. Weathering would likely have been limited to a few meters below the soil surface. In the presence of organic matter in the near-surface soil, sufficiently prolonged inundation of such a shallow and small depression would promote the presence of anaerobic conditions, leading to iron reduction and increased alkalinity in the near-surface weathering soil environment. Under these conditions, silica solubility may be favoured and, provided localised recharge of groundwater was taking place from the depression, SiO2 would be transported away from the centre of the depression where the soil is flooded for longest, to be precipitated in the depression margins due to the lowering of pH associated with iron oxidation (Fig. 11A). As such, during the early stages of depression development, the near-surface soils at the centre of the shallow depression would become depleted in both iron and SiO2, leading to a net volume loss. Lateral movement of dissolved silica (and iron) from the more permanently flooded soils beneath the centre of the depression and their accumulation in the margins in the form of silica-indurated ferricrete, would have led to the creation of minor topographic relief. Over long periods, the depth of weathering would have increased such that in the subsoils, where the amount of organic matter was too low to promote sufficiently alkaline conditions, silica solubility would have been impeded and possibly accompanied by top-down re-precipitation beneath the depression Fig. 11B). By comparison, the depression margins became relatively more iron-rich, leading to ferricrete formation and aggradation.
Insert Fig. 11 here
Iron cycling occurs primarily in the marginal areas of the wetland for several reasons. The process requires alternating oxidising and reducing conditions produced by a fluctuating water table as well as a constant supply of iron. The movement of iron from the centre towards the margin of the depression due to groundwater recharge means that iron is readily available in the depression margin. Furthermore, iron cycling is dependent on microbial activity associated with oxidation of organic substrates. The central areas of Shadow Vlei are always vegetated and preferred sites of organic matter accumulation in the soil due to prolonged flooding, such that there is likely to be a sufficient supply of organic material for soil microbes to use as electron sources. The combination of chemical weathering in the centre, and ferricrete formation in the margins of Shadow Vlei, has led to a combined sagging/aggradation effect that has created sufficient relief to form a depression wetland.