Shortened lifespan of mice with PTEN deletion exclusively in mature B cells.
To study the physiological effects of PTEN deletion specifically in peripheral B cells, we bred PTENF/F mice 26 with CD23-cre mice 25to generate CD23-cre-PTENF/F conditional knock-out(CD23-cKO) mutant animals. In addition, to delete PTEN since pro-B cell stage, we generated mb1-cre-PTENF/F (mb1-cKO) mice. We first determined the efficiency of PTEN deletion in immature (IM, B220+CD21lowCD23low), FO (B220+CD21hiCD23low), MZ (B220+CD21intCD23hi) and B1a (B220+CD5+) B cells in CD23-cKO mice. PTEN deletion efficiency was close to complete (98-100%) in CD23-cKO FO and MZ B cells but occurred in only 46-50% of CD23-cKO IM and B1a B cells (Supplementary Fig. 1a-d). Thus, CD23-cKO mice appeared suitable as a model for studying PTEN-deficient mature B2 B cells.
Consistent with the previous reports 11, 12, PTEN deficiency in CD23-cKO and mb1-cKO mice led to an accumulation of MZ B cells but a reduction in FO B cells (Fig. 1a, b and Supplementary Fig. 2a, b). In CD23-cKO mice at 8-12 weeks (w) of age, the spleen was enlarged and contained significantly increased B cell numbers (Fig. 1c, d). As expected, peripheral B cells were drastically reduced in mb1-cKO mice, which exhibited a smaller spleen than mb1-control mice (Supplementary Fig. 2c, d). We confirmed that this dramatic decrease in B cells in mb1-cKO mice was due to a severe block in early B cell development 27 (Supplementary Fig. 2e, f). Interestingly, while 85% of mb1-cKO mice survived for longer than one year due to immunodeficiency (Supplementary Fig. 2g), CD23-cKO mice displayed a median survival of only 24w, with the first deaths observed at 12w (Fig. 1e). In sick CD23-cKO mice, splenomegaly, but not lymphadenopathy, was commonly observed (Fig. 1f). Although splenocyte numbers were greatly increased in CD23-cKO mice older than (>) 16w, this enhanced cellularity was not due to an enlarged B cell pool (Fig. 1g), which excluded B cell malignancy as the cause of death of CD23-cKO mice. In CD23-cKO mice of either 8-12w or >16w, serum IgM levels were comparable to those in controls (Fig. 1h). Consistent with the previous finding that B cells lacking PTEN fail to undergo CSR 12, IgG1 levels in CD23-cKO mice were greatly reduced (Fig. 1h). Notably, levels of anti-nuclear and anti-double stranded DNA (dsDNA) autoantibodies were not elevated in CD23-cKO mice (Fig. 1h).
To determine whether this T cell phenotype was due to unexpected PTEN deletion in thymocytes of CD23-cKO mice, we isolated double-positive (DP) and CD4+ and CD8+ single-positive (SP) thymocytes from CD23-cKO and control mice at 6w. RT-PCR analysis showed that the PTEN gene was intact in DP and SP thymocytes from both mice (Supplementary Fig. 1e). These findings imply that CD23-cKO mice develop an antibody-independent disorder that leads to premature death.
CD23-cKO mice develop systemic inflammation with increased IL-17
To investigate the premature lethality of CD23-cKO mice, we first determined serum cytokine levels using multiplex cytokine array. In CD23-cKO mice, increased serum levels of IL-17, IL-12 and IL-9 were detected at 8-12w (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig. 3), indicating a mixed type of inflammation. Nevertheless, the serum levels of IFNg and TNF-a in mutant mice at 8-12w were reduced (Fig. 2a). Within those cytokine, the increased IL-17 could be further detected in CD23-cKO mice at >16w. Next, because we had also noted that CD23-cKO mice developed respiratory distress syndrome shortly before death, we examined cells in the lungs of sick CD23-cKO mice at >16w by flow cytometry. We detected modest but significant numbers of B cells had infiltrated CD23-cKO lungs at 8-12w(Fig. 2b). However, lung-infiltrating T cells increased dramatically in CD23-cKO mice >16w compared to controls (Supplementary Fig. 4a-c). An aberrant accumulation of CD4+ T cells was also confirmed in CD23-cKO livers (Supplementary Fig. 4d, e). Further, the levels of GOT and GPT, the biomarkers indicating liver injury, were anomaly increased in mutant mice >16w (Supplementary Fig. 4f). These results implied that B cell infiltration in vital organs of CD23-cKO mice was an early event occurring prior to T cell infiltration, while T cells gradually expanded in CD23-cKO mice with age.
To explore the nature of peripheral T cells in CD23-cKO mice, we stimulated isolated splenic CD4+ T cells in vitro with PMA (P) plus ionomycin (I)for 5h and then subjected these cells to intracellular staining to detect IL-17. In CD23-control co-cultures, 2.24% of CD4+ T cells expressed IL-17 after stimulation of P+I. This proportion swelled to 59.6% IL-17+ Th17 cells in CD23-cKO co-cultures (Fig. 2c, left). Consistently, stimulation with P+I led to more IL-17 expression by hepatic CD4+ T cells from CD23-cKO mice (Fig. 2c, right). In contrast, mb1-cKO splenic CD4+ T cells subjected to in vitro stimulation did not differentiate into IL-17+ Th17 cells (Supplementary Fig. 2h). The results indicated a Th17-associated inflammation occurred in CD23-cKO mice.
To address whether CD23-cKO B cells released soluble mediator(s) that affected Th17 cell differentiation, we collected the 24h-cultured supernatants from control or CD23-cKO B cells and subjected the supernatants for in vitro Th17 cell differentiation assay with naïve CD4+ T cells from wild type mice (Fig.2d). However, none of those B cell supernatants was able to promote Th17 cell differentiation (Fig. 2e, f). We further examined the effect of B cell supernatants on the pathogenic Th17 cell differentiation as previously described 28. To achieve this,IL-23 was added to the co-culture system at day 7 of in vitro Th17 cell differentiation assay. IL-17 produced by T cells was determined at day 10 by FACS (Fig. 2g). The supernatant from CD23-cKO B cells significantly promoted IL-17 production by CD4+ T cells while control supernatant did not (Fig. 2h, i). The results confirmed that CD23-cKO B cells released soluble mediator(s), that promoted the pathogenic Th17 cell differentiation in the presence of IL-23. Our findings suggest that PTEN ablation in mature B cells has an unanticipated effect on pathogenic immune cell differentiation, generating increased numbers of inflammatory cells, which lead to multiple organ dysfunction.
Deletion of PTEN in mature B cells leads to a strong induction of TLR9-mediated IL-6
It had been well demonstrated that IL-6 in combination with TGF-β or IL-1β combined IL-23 promotes the differentiation of Th17 cells 29 30. We next addressed whether the mutant B cells accelerated the systemic inflammation via the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. We observed that splenic B cells from CD23-cKO mice produced more IL-6 in the resting state than controls (Fig. 3a, b). We screened IL-6 production by CD23-cKO B cells with various stimuli including P+I, TLR4 agonist LPS, TLR9 agonist CpG or the combinations with P+I by intracellular staining, and found that CpG or CpG+P+I induced a great production of IL-6 (Fig. 3c). To address which B cell subsets from CD23-cKO mice caused this phenotype, we sorted FO, MZ and B1a B cells, stimulated those cells with CpG for 24h in 10% FBS/RPMI medium, harvested the cultured supernatants and subjected them to standard IL-6 ELISA assay. Only FO and MZ B cells from CD23-cKO mice owned the capability to produce more IL-6, while B1a B cells from both mice produced nearly no IL-6 upon TLR9-stimulation (Fig. 3d). The increased IL-6 production was not observed in PTEN-deficient B cells upon stimulation with LPS, CL307 or poly (I:C) (Fig. 3c, e). The data suggest that ablation of PTEN by CD23/cre specifically affects TLR9-mediated IL-6 in B2 B cells.
To dissect TLR9/IL-6 signaling in PTEN-deficient matureB cells, we stimulated sorted control and CD23-cKO FO and MZ B cells with CpG in vitro for 24h in a series of cultures with inhibitors that targeted Syk, p38, JNK, and mTOR, respectively. For both FO and MZ B cells, inhibition of p38 led to the most prominent diminution of CpG-induced IL-6 production in both control and CD23-cKO B cells, although the inhibitory effect was not complete (Fig. 3f). Given the role of BANK1 in TLR9/p38 axis 16, we performed confocal imaging studies and found that the colocalization between BANK1 and TLR9 was strongly induced in CD23-cKO B cells (Fig. 3g and Supplementary Fig. 5a). Remarkably, the increased amount of TLR9-mediated IL-6 was not observed in PTEN-/- B cells from mb1-cKO mice (Fig. 3h). We noted that 92% of those PTEN-/- mature B cells from mb1-cKO mice did not express surface IgM or IgD, which was similar to the previous report 10 (Supplementary Fig. 5b, c). Further, PTEN-/- B cells from mb1-cKO mice had a defect in IgM-mediated endocytosis (Supplementary Fig. 5d, e). Thus, the low expression of BCR and the defect in IgM-mediated endocytosis in mb1-cKO might explain the difference of TLR9/IL-6 activity between mb1-cKO and CD23-cKO B cells. In brief, our findings imply that loss of PTEN in mature B cells strongly activates TLR9-mediated IL-6 production in a manner dependent on p38. The induction of innate receptor-mediated inflammation in PTEN-deficient B cells is CD23-cKO B cells-restricted. We speculate that PTEN-/- B cells from mb1-cKO mice which undergo the developmental control are trained to be immune tolerant through downregulating BCR.
PTEN deficiency enhances the lysosomal trafficking of TLR9 signalosome without the engagement of BCR and TLR9
TLR9, which localizes in ER in the steady state, is translocated to lysosomes via endocytic vesicle upon stimulation with CpG 31. Ligation of BCR and TLR9 leads to p38 phosphorylation and the colocalization of TLR9 and phosphorylated p38 (p-p38) in autophagosome-like compartments 17. To address whether and how PTEN deficiency affected the interaction between TLR9 and p-p38, we performed Duolink Proximity Ligation (PLA) assay to explore the lysosomal complex formation in splenic B cells from CD23-control, CD23-cKO, mb1-control and mb1-cKO mice. The intensity of lysosomal marker LAMP1 was strongly enhanced in resting CD23-cKO B cells, but not in mb1-cKO B cells (Fig. 4a, b, c). The signal of TLR9/p-p38 complex, which was comparable between control and CD23-cKO B cells in LAMP-1-negative area, was markedly induced in LAMP-1+ cellular compartments in CD23-cKO B cells (Fig. 4a, c and Supplementary Fig. 6a). The increase of lysosomal-localized TLR9/p-p38 complexes caused by PTEN deficiency was not observed in mb1-cKO B cells. Instead, more TLR9/p-p38 complexes were induced in LAMP-1-negative compartments in mb1-cKO B cells than in mb1-controls (Fig. 4b, c and Supplementary Fig. 6b). Our findings suggest that PTEN deficiency accelerates lysosomal trafficking of TLR9/p-p38 complex without BCR and TLR9 engagement in CD23-cKO B cells but not in mb1-cKO B cells. The data further implies that without a functional BCR, TLR9/p-p38 complex is not successfully recruited to lysosome in in mb1-cKO B cells.
TLR9 was colocalized with endosomal PI(3)P in PTEN-deficient B cells in the steady state
As one of PTEN’s substrates, PI(3)P regulates the biosynthesis of phagosome or lysosome, which acts as a hallmark of endosomal system 32 33. To address whether PI(3)P was affected in the mutant B cells, we determined the level of PI(3)P in splenic B cells from CD23-cKO and mb1-cKO mice by anti-PI(3)P, and revealed PI(3)P signals by confocal imaging. Loss of PTEN resulted in a great accumulation PI(3)P in CD23-cKO B cells, but not in mb1-cKO B cells (Fig. 5a, b). In addition, PI(3)P was not colocalized with LAMP-1 in all B cells, suggesting these two signals were in distinct cellular compartments. Interestingly, the interaction between TLR9 and PI(3)P in CD23-cKO B cells was significantly increased (Fig. 5c, d and Supplementary Fig. 6c). The findings suggest that loss of PTEN results in an accumulation of PI(3)P, which promotes the endosomal recruitment of TLR9 in resting B cells.
PI(3)P is generated from phosphatidylinositol (PI) catalyzed by class III PI3K PIK3C3/Vps34, or from PI(3,4)P2 catalyzed by 4’-phosphatase INPP4 (Fig. 5e). To address which pathway contributed to the aberrant IL-6 production mediated by TLR9, we treated sorted FO or MZ B cells from CD23-cKO and control mice with CpG in the presence of PIK3C3 inhibitor SAR405 or INPP4 inhibitor bpV(phen). Treatment with PIK3C3 inhibitor strongly suppressed TLR9-mediated IL-6 in FO B cells from CD23-cKO and control mice, whereas INPP4 inhibitor exerted a minor suppressive effect on IL-6 (Fig. 5f, left). For MZ B cells, treatments with PIK3C3 or INPP4 inhibitors yielded minor effects on TLR9-mediated IL-6 in CD23-cKO cells and no effect on control cells (Fig. 5f, right). The data suggests that loss of PTEN particularly affects TLR9-mediated IL-6 in FO B cells via an abnormal activation of PIK3C3-PI(3)P pathway.
Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis by blocking SQLE reduces PI(3)P, TLR9/p38 complex formation, and TLR9-mediated IL-6 in CD23-cKO B cells
To invest more biological processes which were uniquely associated with the inflammatory phenotype of CD23-cKO B cells, we performed single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq.) transcriptomic analysis to expose additional genes involved in TLR9/p38-regulated biological processes in CD23-cKO mice. We employed nanowells to capture single cells using the BD Rhapsody platform in combination with oligonucleotide-barcoded antibodies (Ab-seq). Purified splenic B cells from CD23-control, CD23-cKO, mb1-control and mb1-cKO mice were left unstimulated or stimulated with CpG in the absence or presence of the p38 inhibitor SB203580 for 2h, followed by staining with barcoded antibodies recognizing B220, CD19, IgD, CD21, CD23, CD5, CD40, CD80, CD86, CD95, CD138, or MHCII. Within these stainedcells, 16,871 cells containing 12 groups passed quality control measures. Among these, 20,932 genes were detected across all cells. We analyzed scRNA seq. data bygene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA), and found that cholesterol biosynthesis was the most significant pathway upregulated in FO B cells from CD23-cKO mice (Fig. 6a and Supplementary Fig. 7a). The induction of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway in FO B cells from CD23-cKO mice was also more prominent than those from mb1-cKO mice (Supplementary Fig. 7b). Heatmap analysis showed that genes associated with cholesterol biosynthesis were differentially upregulated in CD23-cKO FO B cells in the resting state and upon CpG-stimulation (Fig. 6b). Namely, nsdhl, ebp, sc5d, and dhrc7 were upregulated in CD23-cKO FO B cells in the resting state. Upon CpG-stimulation, hmgcs1, hmgcr, idi1, sqle, cyp51, msmo were upregulated in CD23-cKO FO B cells (Fig. 6b). We also found that genes including cyp51, sqle, hmgcr, idi1,and hmgcs1 were significantly upregulated in CpG-stimulated CD23-cKO MZ B cells (Supplementary Fig. 7c). The abnormal induction of gene sets in TLR9-stimulated CD23-cKO B cells was to some extent reverted after the treatment with p38 inhibitor, suggesting that TLR9-mediated cholesterol biosynthesis pathway had p38-dependent and p38-independent pathways.
UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) visualization demonstrated five main clusters of whole B cells. Most FO and MZ B cells were distributed in clusters 1, 2, 3, and 4, while B1a B cells were distributed in clusters 1, 3, 4 and 5 (Supplementary Fig. 8a). In addition, B220+bcl6+ GC B cells were enriched in cluster 4, while B220+cd80+pdcd1lg2+ memory-like B cells in cluster 3, respectively. Only a tiny amount of prdm1+ plasma cells was detected in cluster 5 of CD23-cKO mice. The Heatmap statistic type of UMAP (UMAP-Heatmap) showed that the upregulated hmgcs1, hmgcr, idi1, sqle, cyp51, and msmo1 mRNAs in CD23-cKO B cells induced by CpG were distributed in all clusters but mainly located in clusters 1 and 3, suggesting that the induction of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway upon TLR9 stimulation happened in heterogeneous B cells (Supplementary Fig. 8b, c). Previous studies have revealed that PI3K-Akt-mTORC1 signaling is essential for the expression of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway through the sterol responsive element binding protein SREBP 34. The UMAP-Heatmap revealed that srebf2, but not srebf1, was highly and steadily expressed in all B cells (Supplementary Fig. 8c). Upon TLR9 engagement, srebf2 levels were further elevated in clusters 1, 3, and 4. The findings imply that the upregulation of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway in CD23-cKO B cells could be mediated by SREBP2.
Intracellular cholesterol can be esterified and stored as cholesterolester in the lipid droplets (LDs). Confocal images confirmed that LDs were greatly accumulated in resting CD23-cKO B cells compared to controls (Fig. 6c, d, left panels), but not in mb1-cKO B cells (Supplementary Fig. 6d, e). HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR) encoded by hmgcr and squalene epoxidase (SQLE, also known as squalene monooxygenase) encoded by sqle are two rate-limiting enzymes for cholesterol synthesis 35 36. To address how these two enzymes involved in the aberrant production of IL-6 in CD23-cKO B cells, freshly sorted FO and MZ B cells were left unstimulated, or stimulated with CpG in the absence of drugs (DMSO control), or in the presence of lovastatin or NB-598, which targeted HMGCR or SQLE, respectively. IL-6 ELISA assay revealed that the blockade of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway by SQLE inhibitor significantly suppressed TLR9-mediated IL-6 in both FO and MZ B cells from CD23-cKO and control mice (Fig. 6e). Meanwhile, the levels of SQLE mRNA and proteins were not affected in CD23-cKO B cells (Supplementary Fig. 7d, e). Supplement of SQLE inhibitor robustly reduced the amounts of LDs in CD23-cKO B cells to the level comparable to controls, suggesting that the increased LDs in CD23-cKO B cells were derived from an accelerated de novo cholesterol biosynthesis (Fig. 6c, d, right panels). In addition, supplement of SQLE inhibitor significantly reduced the level of PI(3)P in CD23-cKO B cells (Fig. 6e), suggesting that the aberrant cholesterol biosynthesis led to PI(3)P accumulation by PTEN deficiency. We noted that supplement of SQLE inhibitor further suppressed the complex formation of TLR9 and p-p38 in CD23-cKO B cells (Fig. 6f, Supplementary Fig. 7f). Our findings revealed that the aberrant induction of TLR9-mediated IL-6 by PTEN deficiency was attributed partly to the increased cholesterol biosynthesis through SQLE activity. Further, cholesterol biosynthesis beyond the step catalyzed by SQLE promoted PI(3)P accumulation beneficial for the recruitment of TLR9/p-p38 complex.
Inhibition of p38, PIK3C3 and SQLE completely abolishes TLR9-mediated IL-6 in CD23-cKO B cells
A previous study has suggested that the ratio of sterol to squalene affects membrane fluidity/rigidity37. To explore how PTEN deficiency affected the intracellular composition of cholesterol biosynthesis intermediates, we determined the levels of several intermediates of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway including GGPP, squalene, 2,3’-oxidosqualene, lanosterol and zymosterol et al. in CD23-cKO B cells and controls in the resting and upon CpG-stimulation (Fig. 7a, b). Based on the role of lanosterol in modulating membrane fluidity 38, we compared the ratios of lanosterol to squalene between control and CD23-cKO B cells. No matter in the resting state or upon CpG-stimulation, the ratios of lanosterol/squalene in CD23-cKO B cells were higher than those in controls (Fig. 7c), indicating an unfavorable role of squalene for TLR9/IL-6 activation. Interestingly, supplement of squalene led to a suppressive effect on TLR9-mediated IL-6 in control and CD23-cKO B cells (Fig. 7d). The results suggested that PTEN deficiency affected TLR9/IL-6 axis by reducing the intracellular level of squalene through SQLE. Because targeting p38, PIK3C3 or SQLE individually in CD23-cKO B cells only led to a partial reduction of TLR9-mediated IL-6, we lastly addressed the effect of targeting p38, PIK3C3 or SQLE together on TLR9-mediated IL-6. As expectedly, supplement with those inhibitors together completely abolished TLR9-mediated IL-6 in FO B cells from control and CD23-cKO B cells (Fig. 7e). The findings suggested that p38, PIK3C3 and SQLE contributed together to TLR9-mediated IL-6 in wild type and PTEN-deficient B cells (Fig. 8e).
Enforced expression of BCR in mb1-cKO B cells restores the strong induction of TLR9-mediated IL-6
The abnormal TLR9-mediated IL-6 produced by PTEN-deficient B cells was restricted to B cells from CD23-cKO mice, not from mb1-cKO mice. Consistently, the increases of PI(3)P and the assembly of TLR9/p-p38 complex were not observed in B cells from mb1-cKO mice (Table 1). Notably, TLR9 signaling requires BCR-proximal kinase Syk for its activation, which assists in delivering CpG into TLR9-containing endolysosomes 39. Nevertheless, the level of surface IgM as well as IgM-mediated endocytosis in B cells from mb1-cKO mice was nearly absent. We thus speculated that TLR9/IL-6 pathway was inactivated in the peripheral B cells from mb1-cKO mice via downregulating BCR. To address this issue, we bred mb1-cKO mice with HEL-specific BCR-transgenic (HELtg) mice to receive HELtg mb1-cKO mice (Fig. 8a). Compared to mb1-cKO mice, the expression of surface IgM on IM, FO and MZ B cells in HELtg mb1-cKO mice was largely rescued, although the levels remained a bit lower than those from HELtg mb1-control mice (Fig. 8b). FO and MZ B cells from HELtg mb1-cKO and HELtg mb1-control mice were then freshly sorted, left unstimulated/stimulated with CpG, and the supernatants were collected for IL-6 ELSIA. Compared to B cells from control cells, CpG-stimulation in B cells from HELtg mb1-cKO mice induced an excess production of IL-6 (Fig. 8c. d). The findings confirmed that the B2 cells in mb1-cKO mice were TLR9-unresponsiveness via downregulating BCR during B cell development, which led mb1-cKO mice becoming immune tolerant. The essential role of BCR for the activation of TLR9/IL-6 was illustrated in Fig. 8e.
Taken together, our study reveals that mutation of PTEN gene in B2 B cells without the developmental control sensitizes TLR9/IL-6 axis, leading to inflammation via the disturbances of lipid and cholesterol homeostasis.