Previous studies suggested the presence of fine-scale population structure of bottlenose dolphins in the Adriatic Sea (namely, some degree of differentiation between North-South and East-West; Gaspari et al., 2015a). However, details on connectivity patterns and gene flow dynamics were lacking, due to low sampling and low resolution (Gaspari et al. 2015b). In this study, our kinship based approach targeted at areas where the occurrence of philopatric ‘resident communities’ is either well described or suspected (Bearzi et al. 1997, 2008; Genov et al. 2008, 2019a, 2019b; Holcer 2012; Pleslić et al. 2015, 2019, 2021; Gonzalvo et al. 2016; Rako-Gospić et al. 2017), allowed these patterns to be revealed in more detail.
Regions of complex coastal topography with increasing degrees of enclosure of their waters are more likely to show an increased number of close kin and reduced gene flow with other locations. However, the exact patterns and rates of gene flow varied among locations. The Gulf of Ambracia shows the strongest level of differentiation, consistent with it being almost entirely enclosed, but it is not completely isolated as indicated by recent gene flow detected through different analyses. The samples obtained in GoT, CroatiaN and CroatiaS, which are all more open systems, showed higher interconnectivity in gene flow estimates, and did not readily separate by algorithms based on classical population genetic models. However, they all had a higher level of kinship relative to the overall population, which suggests a higher level of local site fidelity over successive generations. GoT and CroatiaN in particular, show several individuals that are inferred as having high probability of being native to that area as compared to other Adriatic locations. As expected, samples from locations with least complex coastline profiles, and therefore with more open waters (such as ItalyN, ItalyS, and Ionian) showed less evidence for differentiation, and mostly contained individuals with more diverse genetic ancestry. When these were pooled together in a single grouping (named ‘Mixed’ in the corresponding Tables and Figures), they also showed low kinship levels and high probability of being first generation migrants from other coastal locations.
These results are largely consistent with local field studies on individual site fidelity, as dolphins using local areas over several years have been identified in the Gulf of Trieste and adjacent waters, CroatiaN (Kvarnerić and North Dalmatia), CroatiaS (Vis island archipelago) and the Gulf of Ambracia (Bearzi et al. 1997, 2008; Genov et al. 2008, 2019a, 2019b; Holcer 2012; Pleslić et al. 2015, 2019, 2021; Gonzalvo et al. 2016). On the other hand, previous studies also found the occurrence of occasional visitors in CroatiaN (Pleslić et al. 2015, 2019), and with particular frequency in the Gulf of Trieste (Genov et al. 2008, 2019a). Within the Gulf of Ambracia there are no records of occasional visitors, however there is evidence of individuals first seen in the Gulf of Ambracia (and therefore inferred to be native) being observed elsewhere in the region, without subsequent re-sightings within the Gulf of Ambracia (Bearzi et al. 2011; Gonzalvo et al. 2016).
Gene flow estimates are also consistent with the occurrence of a source-sink dynamics (Pulliam 1988), as some locations clearly demonstrate unidirectional gene flow. Interestingly, a recent long-term mark-recapture study in the GoT, found evidence of low estimated apparent survival probability in this area (Genov 2021). Apparent survival is a product of true survival but also patterns of migration. Given that the estimated survival probability for this populations is markedly lower than is typical for this species (Genov 2021), it is likely that this partly reflects permanent movement of animals out of the area, which is consistent with the genetic results presented here, suggesting GoT to be a source sub-population. However, the fact that the main putative sink (designated as ‘Mixed’ in the results) is made up of samples obtained in multiple locations, and that individuals identified as first-generation migrants in this ‘Mixed’ group were assigned to either Gulf of Trieste or CroatiaN, suggests that gene flow could be mediated by a sub-population that has not been accurately represented by our sampling.
We cannot fully identify the geographic extent nor the exact patterns of gene flow of this putative sub-population with the communities sampled in our study, but basin-wide aerial surveys (Fortuna et al. 2018) and on-board fishing boat monitoring schemes (Fortuna et al. 2010), identified open waters of central northern Adriatic as an area of high bottlenose dolphins abundance, suggesting possible influence on gene flow and coastal resident groups. Additionally, a recent study encompassing CroatiaN and CroatiaS regions found limited interactions between three coastal communities, but a notable number of occasional visitors coming from the open part of the Adriatic Sea (Pleslić et al. 2019).
In this context, open waters of the northern-central Adriatic Sea may host a mainly source sub-population connected to local communities, whose local characteristics may be shaped by cultural (Genov et al. 2019a) or geographical (Pleslić et al. 2019) features. In this sense, our results of GoT being the source population may reflect higher connectivity between GoT and this hypothetical wider ranging source population, especially considering that some animals sampled in Gulf of Trieste were occasional or rare visitors, and that many individuals photo-identified alongshore in the Gulf of Trieste are also regularly sighted far offshore in the northern Adriatic (T. Genov, pers. obs.), which would further support this hypothesis. It should be noted that this higher connectivity could reflect higher mating, or a higher proportion of individuals from the vagrant sub-population being present in our sample set.
Possible metapopulation model in Adriatic bottlenose dolphins
Although the exact definition of the term ‘metapopulation’ has changed since it was first introduced, we here consider the definition as it is commonly applied to the marine environment: a metapopulation is characterised by the presence of discrete local breeding sub-populations connected by varying levels of gene flow, and where at least one sub-population has the potential to experience extinction from stochastic events (Smedbol et al. 2002). There are several reservations regarding the applicability of the metapopulation model to marine populations, particularly regarding the possibility of repeated extinction-recolonization events (Smedbol et al. 2002; Grimm et al. 2003). These concerns are particularly relevant to marine mammals, where the occurrence of extinction-recolonization dynamics is particularly difficult to demonstrate for these animals, given their relatively long generations times (Carroll et al. 2020).
There is, however, precedence of fast reductions in dolphin abundance due to declining habitat (e.g. common dolphin; Piroddi et al., 2011; Moura et al., 2013) and large scale mortality caused by culling campaigns, bycatch and epizootic events (Aguilar and Raga 1993; Bearzi et al. 2004, 2009). Studies in the British Isles showed that extant populations are genetically distinct from those found in Neolithic times (Nichols et al. 2007), suggesting that local extinctions of bottlenose sub-populations have occurred before. In our study area, there is some indication of fast reduction in dolphin abundance and subsequent recovery for one of the Adriatic putative sub-populations. Historically, the coastal population of bottlenose dolphins along the north-eastern Adriatic Croatian coast have been subject to an intensive culling campaign in 1950s, when 788 animals have been killed during only five years (Bearzi et al. 2004). Although it has been proposed that most animals killed were common dolphins (D. delphis), species identification was often impossible, and the actual species ratio between the two common species (bottlenose vs. common dolphins) is unknown. Furthermore, the reported number of killed animals refers only to those landed, and it is likely that many killed or injured animals remained unreported. The impact of this source of mortality on the local resident bottlenose dolphin communities would have likely created noticeable reductions in local abundance. Recently, the Kvarnerić community, which is part of the CroatiaN sample (Fortuna 2006), showed an apparent decline of 39% between 1995 and 2003, when the local reduction risk within three generations was estimated to be 35% (Fortuna 2006). In following years (2004–2011), the same community increased in numbers and currently appears stable (although this was in part mediated by known individuals returning to the area; Pleslić et al. 2015). Although such data does not strictly represent extinction-recolonization events, the occurrence of such rapid growth cycle after local population reductions could credibly results from a metapopulation type dynamic.
Another important characteristic of metapopulations is the occurrence of ‘floaters’, sexually mature individuals that disperse into other local breeding populations. Our study confirms the occurrence of such individuals for the Gulf of Trieste at least, where two individuals (a male and a female) identified as having pure Ambracia ancestry, were only seen in the Gulf of Trieste for a limited period of time. The occurrence of such ‘floaters’ in the region is also supported by recent records of long-distance movements of one individual photo-identified in the Gulf of Trieste, which was also previously observed in the Tyrrhenian Sea and subsequently in the Ligurian Sea (Genov et al. 2022). Conversely, all individuals that were biopsied and known to exhibit high long-term site-fidelity, were identified as native to the area. The available data, from both genetics and photo-ID, are thus consistent with a model where inshore and more structured habitats such as semi-enclosed bays or archipelagos encourage the long-term settlement of animals with high site fidelity that drive genetic differentiation, with gene flow among such locations being mediated by transient animals that are more vagrant and make more use of open habitats. We therefore suggest that a metapopulation model best explains the available data on population connectivity and dispersal for the Adriatic and contiguous regions.
Studies on cetaceans from other parts of the world have also suggested metapopulation dynamics, namely: Tursiops spp. in Australia (Pratt et al. 2018; Manlik et al. 2019); spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) in the French Polynesia (Oremus et al. 2007); snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni) and humpback dolphins (Sousa sp.) in Australia (Brown et al. 2014); Atlantic spotted dolphins in the Atlantic Ocean (Méndez-Fernandez et al. 2018); pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) in Madeira (Alves et al. 2018); narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in Canada/Greenland (Heide-Jørgensen et al. 2013). In species where the term metapopulation has not been explicitly used, there is evidence for sub-populations connected by residual levels of gene flow to other sub-populations, which are at risk of local extinction (e.g. southern resident killer whales, Orcinus orca, Wasser et al., 2017). Bottlenose dolphins from the Shannon Estuary (Ireland) also show consistent photo-ID evidence of animals showing high site fidelity to the Estuary and transient animals that visit only occasionally (Ludwig et al. 2021), which results in local genetic differentiation. Therefore, the term appears to be particularly useful in describing a pattern of population structure that is intermediate between full panmixia and complete differentiation between isolated populations. In the context of our study, it would also be useful in informing local and regional conservation decisions.
Conservation implications
Understanding gene flow dynamics is crucial for effective conservation management, and extinction mitigation (e.g. Carroll et al. 2020; Paquet et al. 2020; Kunz et al. 2021). Although the Gulf of Ambracia, CroatiaN, CroatiaS and the Gulf of Trieste appear to have different sub-population dynamics, they are all subject to anthropogenic threats to their long-term survival. This combination of high anthropogenic pressures and higher rates of emigration would mean that putative sub-populations inhabiting less favourable habitats could have a relatively high local extinction risk.
Dolphins from the Gulf of Trieste exhibit high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), with most animals exceeding known toxicity thresholds and demonstrating offloading of pollutants from mothers to offspring (Genov et al. 2019b). Interactions with fisheries, both trawlers and bottom-set nets are common, occasionally resulting in bycatch, while animals are also threatened by disturbance from recreational boat traffic (Genov et al. 2008, 2016, 2019a). The Gulf also receives substantial heavy metal discharges via the Soča/Isonzo river (Faganeli et al. 2003). Nutrient content in the Gulf of Trieste appears to be mostly dependent on discharges from the Soča/Isonzo river in the north of the basin, and long term monitoring studies show temporally variable rates of nutrient discharge (Mozetič et al. 1998). Hence, prey availability for dolphins might be quite variable in space and time as well (Genov et al. 2019a).
Threats faced by north-eastern Adriatic sub-populations are various. The Kvarnerić area, which is a Natura 2000 site for bottlenose dolphins, is subject to high seasonal acoustic pollution by nautical tourism. This causes significant displacement (Rako et al. 2013), changes in vocalisations (Rako-Gospić and Picciulin 2016) and changes in home range (Rako-Gospić et al. 2017). PCB concentrations in bottlenose dolphins from this region are among the highest found in the Adriatic and toxicological assessments indicate high health risk (Romanić et al. 2014). Coastal areas of Vis-Lastovo archipelago (CroatiaS), also a bottlenose dolphins Natura 2000 site, might have been subject to less anthropogenic pressure until recently, and contrary to areas in the north Adriatic, biomarker analyses suggest lower toxicological stress within the Central Adriatic area (Maltese et al. 2010; Holcer 2012). However, dolphins from this region commonly occupy areas with high trawling activity, and are therefore at increased risk of bycatch and lack of prey due to overfishing (Holcer 2012).
Likewise, in the Gulf of Ambracia, dolphins are exposed to high levels of pollution (mostly derived from local agriculture) and habitat degradation (Gonzalvo et al. 2016). This Gulf is also a meso-to- eutrophic water basin, due to high nutrient discharge from the Louros and Arachthos rivers, combined with high evaporation and low water exchange with the adjacent Ionian Sea (Kountoura and Zacharias 2013). In addition to bottlenose dolphins, it is known to support populations of other top predators including loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta, Rees et al. 2013) and several species of seabirds. The strong differentiation and low levels of recent gene flow with other regions suggest that this community has been resident in the area for a relatively long time, and that it might be close to carrying capacity. The narrow opening to the adjacent Ionian Sea, together with a more limited prey availability due to overfishing outside of the Gulf (Gonzalvo et al. 2011, 2015), might limit dispersal into the region. Moreover, our estimates of gene flow and previous photo-identification studies (Bearzi et al. 2011, Gonzalvo et al. 2016) show that dispersal out of the Gulf is possible. Therefore, Ambracian dolphins are particularly vulnerable to inbreeding depression, as suggested by our findings of elevated kinship levels together with limited gene flow from outside locations and are therefore very likely facing a high risk of local extinction. This is consistent with the recent listing of the bottlenose dolphin Gulf of Ambracia subpopulation as Critically Endangered by IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Gonzalvo and Notarbartolo-di-Sciara 2021). Recolonisation of this area by animals from nearby regions is not likely, particularly if habitat quality deteriorates further.
A better understanding of connectivity, gene flow patterns and meta-population dynamics, such as those presented here, can help place these threats and their specific effects on different resident communities into a proper conservation context and thus inform future conservation strategies.
Theoretical models suggest that under a metapopulation model, the rate of local habitat occupation by individual floaters is dependent of local habitat quality (Kokko and Sutherland 2015). A recent study using demographic data from a passerine bird also suggested that predictions of population viability are greatly improved by taking habitat quality into account in a source-sink system (Paquet et al. 2020). This focus on habitat quality is also in line with recent calls for a broader perspective when considering cetacean conservation policies in the Mediterranean, particularly the Adriatic sea (Bearzi and Reeves 2021).