Mangroves are salt-tolerant forests that grow at the interface between land and sea in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes (1,2). Mangroves provide a number of important ecosystem services to humans; in addition to being an essential source of building materials and firewood, they act as irreplaceable nursery habitats for economically and ecologically valuable marine species (3–5) and provide coastal protection from waves and storms (6,7). Additionally, they improve water quality through nutrient recycling and sediment regulation (5,8). More recently, mangrove forests have gained recognition for their potential role in climate change mitigation due to the carbon sequestration in trees and storage in the sediments that are trapped by the mangrove tree roots and pneumatophores (8–10). Together with seagrass beds and salt marshes, mangroves form the ‘Blue Carbon’ ecosystems (11) which are attracting increased attention as one way to store carbon and reduce the speed of global warming. Although coastal vegetated habitats represent a much smaller area than terrestrial forests, their total contribution to long-term carbon sequestration is comparable to carbon sinks in terrestrial ecosystem types (10). Like many other forests and woodlands, because primary production exceeds respiration, mangroves are net autotrophic ecosystem and produce more energy than they utilise (12,13) and therefore function, if not degraded, as one of the most effective global CO2 sinks (14). Mangroves have the greatest carbon stock among the Blue Carbon ecosystems, storing 6.5 Pg carbon globally, whilst saltmarshes and seagrass meadows stock 2.0 and 2.3 Pg carbon, respectively (15).
Despite their importance, over the past 60 years more than one third of the world’s mangroves have been lost (16), but the history of degradation extends through centuries (17). Coastal development, aquaculture expansion and overharvesting for boat building (timber and poles), building material and firewood are the primary anthropogenic drivers of loss of mangroves (5,18–20). Natural drivers of loss are also important and include hydrological dynamics and the impacts of extreme weather events, sea-level rise and salt water intrusion of coastal wells that used to be freshwater wells, which are projected to increase in frequency and magnitude due to climate change (6,20). As climate change mitigation has come to the fore of international scientific and political discussions (21), there has been an enhanced focus on conserving and restoring degraded ecosystems that are known to function as carbon sinks (10,21), through mechanisms such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and other United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) mechanisms increasingly aim to support livelihood developments and mitigate climate change impacts through Green Climate Fund investments (22). The significance of ‘blue’ carbon processes, pools and sinks need to be centrally factored into decision making at all scales – from global policy issues on climate change, through to resource management at sectoral (e.g. fisheries) and national levels, and even as a criterion in the selection of prospective Marine Protected Areas (23).
Africa hosts about 19% of the world’s mangroves, yet there are relatively few studies that have examined the carbon stocks of African mangroves (24), and the studies available report great differences among sites and amongst the different pools of carbon stocks, particularly between the above ground carbon (AGC) stored in the trees and the organic carbon sored within the sediment - ‘soil organic carbon (SOC)’. For example, SOC estimates for 1 m depth range from 122 Mg C ha− 1 in Republic of Congo (25) to 342 Mg C ha− 1 in Liberia (24). In a single estuary in Liberia, total ecosystem carbon stocks (AGC + SOC) varied by over fourfold, ranging from 366 to 1,485 Mg C ha− 1 (Kauffman et al. 2020).
In mangroves, high SOC is linked with slow decomposition of organic matter due to waterlogged saline environments which impedes microbial degradation (10,16,26,27). Differences in SOC can be explained by the differences in waterlogging, nutrients and salinity, linked to whether mangroves are classified as oceanic, estuarine, riverine or interior, and also to salinity/nutrient changes related to tidal inundation and seaward distance. Two recent reviews on SOC in mangroves pointed out at the importance of considering geomorphological processes in distinct coastal environmental settings (28,29). In Indonesia, Weiss et al. (2016) note the importance of both the relative seaward distance and the knowledge of the oceanic or estuarine nature of the mangrove ecosystem in estimating the SOC stocks (30). A recent meta-analysis of mangroves from 190 sites showed that lower mean porewater salinity (related to mangrove type and seaward distance ) also affects AGC (31), as in less saline environments more carbon is allocated to aboveground biomass than to roots (28). However, few available studies for Africa report the type of mangroves studied, and none mention seaward distance. The recent review by Kauffman et al. (2020) only included data from Senegal, Liberia and Gabon.
Considerable variation in above-ground carbon in mangroves (AGC, the part stored in aerial parts of trees) has been reported for Africa: from 26 C Mg ha− 1 in Guinea-Bissau (32) to 237 Mg C ha− 1 in Cameroon (25) (AGC estimated from above ground biomass using a conversion fraction of 0.47). Differences in AGC estimates among sites and countries may be related to structural attributes, such as variable stem density (e.g. ranging from < 1000 stems ha− 1 in Gabon South to > 35,000 stems ha− 1 in Senegal (24) but also to different sampling approaches, including minimum tree diameter sampled (33), or the equation used to estimate tree biomass (34). Again, waterlogging or salinity, which affects decomposition rates, and therefore nutrients available for plant growth, might also explain some of these differences. In Qatar, Son et al. (2018) (35) found that AGC increased as seaward distance increased.
This study is the first in Africa to investigate the effects of seaward distance on estuarine mangrove carbon stocks. We address four major research questions: do carbon stocks differ with increasing seaward distance? Are these differences only observed in AGC and SOC? What are the effects of using ≥ 5.0 or ≥ 10.0 cm diameter thresholds on AGC estimates? And, how do AGC and SOC compare to those reported elsewhere in in Africa? We hypothesized that AGC and SOC would increase with increasing seaward distance. We also hypothesized that the effects of using ≥ 5.0 or ≥ 10.0 cm diameter thresholds on AGC estimates would be highly significant, as current mangroves ecosystems are generally characterised by having numerous small stems due to historical and ongoing human use. Through this case study, we suggest standardised methods for future mangrove research in Africa.