The transition from obligate outcrossing to predominantly selfing has happened multiple times in plants and animals (Jarne and Chalesworth 1993; Jarne and Auld 2006; The Tree of Sex Consortium 2014). This transition comes with a combination of phenotypic and genomic changes collectively known as the “selfing syndrome” (Shimizu and Tsuchimatsu 2015; Cutter 2019). Among those changes, outcrossers and selfers are expected to differ in their mutation load. Theory predicts that higher levels of heterozygosity in outcrossing species allows to better hide mutations that are simultaneously highly deleterious and highly recessive from selection, resulting in these reaching higher frequencies in outcrossers when compared to selfers (Wang et al. 1999). In contrast, theory also predicts that higher levels of homozygosity in self-fertilizing species result in less efficient recombination events, and thus stronger selective interference (Wright et al. 2013; Hartfield et al. 2017). As a result, slightly deleterious, co-dominant alleles are more likely to escape purging out by selection and increase in frequency by random genetic drift (Charlesworth et al. 1993). Our results generally agree with these predictions. As it turns out, there seems to be pros and cons for both outcrossing and self-fertilization in terms of mutation load. An important question is, which of the two processes is the strongest and most influences the genetic content of outcrossing and selfing species?
Our results showed that selfers are expected to display overall as good or even better genomes (in terms of mutation load) when compared to outcrossers, except under certain conditions. Only with unreasonably high mutation rates, or after unreasonably long evolutionary times, we see selfers accumulating more fixed deleterious mutations and evolve worse genomes. We show here that selection interference is generally not expected to lead to a greater accumulation of mutations in selfers because it is a relatively weak (slow). In addition, this effect depends on a reduction of efficiency of recombination between loci in selfers: it should not result in relatively weaker selection if recombination is also small in the outcrossing population. If recombination is rare in both selfers and outcrosser, we see that mutation accumulation can even be greater in outcrossers. This is because heterozygosity and recessivity allow deleterious mutations to reach higher frequencies in an outcrosser, and thus get more easily fixed by drift. As such, we predict that relatively greater mutation accumulation by selective interference in selfers may concern preferentially genomic areas that exhibit high recombination rates in closely-related outcrossers. This outcome recovers the results of a recent multi-locus simulation study that showed that at low recombination rates outcrossers accumulate deleterious mutations in a selective regime called pseudo-overdominance (SIANTA et al. 2022). Overall, we argue that all else being equal, self-fertilizing species may often have genomes of higher quality than outcrossing species.
Mutation accumulation by selective interference highly depend on genetic drift and the effective population size Ne. On one hand, increasing population size limits the fixation of deleterious mutations. In simulations shown in Supplementary Material Figure S1, with μ = 10-5 and r = 10-6, increasing population size from 500 to 5000 decreases the deleterious mutation fixation rate approximately by a factor 10. On the other hand, there are particular demographic events that leads to Ne values much lower than the actual population size such as population bottlenecks or colonization events. Importantly, self-fertilizing species may be prone to this kind of events as they can in principle more easily colonize new environments and found new populations (THEOLOGIDIS et al. 2014; NOEL et al. 2016; GROSSENBACHER et al. 2017). This may explain empirical patterns of relaxed purifying selection observed in some self-fertilizing species (SLOTTE et al. 2010; BURGARELLA et al. 2015; WANG et al. 2021). However, evidence for purifying selection in selfers is often mixed (GLÉMIN et al. 2006; HAUDRY et al. 2008; ESCOBAR et al. 2010). This mixed empirical evidence may be caused by the demographic history of the species as mentioned above, but also due to other factors such as divergence time between selfers and outcrossers, biased gene conversion, and stability of selfing as a reproductive strategy (ESCOBAR et al. 2010),
Although the fields of mating system evolution and hybridizations have largely developed independently, they overlap substantially on questions regarding on how mating system differences (and their consequences) can act as pre and/or postzygotic barriers for introgression. They are also intertwined with respect to the effects of increased or decreased inbreeding levels on species evolutionary histories (Pickup et al. 2019). Following previous arguments, we also wanted to investigate here the consequences that the differences of mutation load build-up that outcrossing and self-fertilizing species exhibit could have on the genetic composition of hybrids between species with these different mating systems.
Previous studies have hypothesized that hybrid individuals’ mating system should have a critical importance in the evolution of the genetic composition of hybrids and in the levels of introgression to be expected in a hybrid zone. Pickup et al. (2019) predicts that in outcrossing hybrids, the many slightly deleterious, co-dominant mutations coming from the self-fertilizing ancestry should be selected against and purged while the highly deleterious, recessive mutations coming from the outcrossing ancestry should stay hidden in heterozygosity and be maintained. That is, the authors predict a purge of selfing ancestry in outcrossing hybrids. Similarly, they predict that in selfing hybrids, the highly deleterious, recessive mutations coming from the outcrossing ancestry should rapidly become homozygote and be selected against, while the many slightly deleterious, co-dominant mutations should keep on evading selection and be maintained. This time, the outcrossing ancestry is expected to be purged in selfing hybrids. Everything happens as if the mutation load was adapted to a certain reproductive mode and should be maintained in a hybrid that shares the same reproductive mode. This should result in limited introgression between outcrossing and self-fertilizing species, in both directions.
Though appealing, this verbal argument does not appear to be verified in our simulations. Our results emphasize that what matters is merely which parental species has the strongest mutation load. The genome ancestry with the worst fitness will most likely be purged in hybrids, independently of the hybrid mating system itself. Instead of hybrid mating system, we show that mutation and recombination rates are the parameters with the most critical influence on hybrid genetic composition. A few predictions can be made depending on parameters’ values:
1) When mutation and recombination rates allow selection to be overall more efficient in outcrossing populations (i.e., are high), selfers’ genomes accumulate more fixed deleterious mutations and become of worst quality. When outcrossers’ and selfers’ genomes are put together in hybrids, selfing ancestry tends to be purged because of their reduced fitness. In this case, we predict that, if hybrids can backcross, little introgression of selfers’ genes in outcrossers’ genomes, and greater introgression of outcrossers’ genes in selfers’ genomes.
2) When mutation and recombination rates are not sufficiently high, outcrossers’ genomes overall accumulate more mutations (fixed slightly deleterious mutations plus highly deleterious, recessive mutations at low frequencies) and become of worst quality. Outcrossing ancestry is thus expected to be purged in hybrids: we predict little introgression of outcrossers’ genes in selfers’ genomes, and greater introgression of selfers’ genes in outcrossers’ genomes. We argue that this should be the more general case, as overall there is little evidence of putatively deleterious mutation accumulation in self-fertilizing species (Brandvain et al. 2014; Arunkumar et al. 2015).
Overall, we show that fitness comparison between self-fertilizing and outcrossing species is a good predictor of the long-term genetic composition of their hybrid. We predict that selfers may often have a better fitness; but careful assessment of real-life selfers and outcrossers may say otherwise depending on a diversity of ecological, demographical, and life-history parameters.
Kim et al. (2018) produced a similar model of introgression between outcrosser and selfer parental populations. In their simulations, they obtained that genomes from outcrossing populations are of better quality because selfer genomes accumulate fixed deleterious mutations by selective interference, predicting limited introgression of selfer into outcrosser genomes and greater introgression of outcrosser into selfer genomes. A few genomic parameters differ between our work and this paper. First, the authors use a gamma distribution for the selective coefficient of new deleterious mutations whose shape and scale parameters are such that overall selection is much weaker in their study. This may alter the mutation load balance by increasing genetic drift. However, it increases drift in both outcrossers and selfers, and simulations run with s = 0.01 (which provides a selective coefficient distribution much closer to the one in Kim et al. (2018)) show an acceleration of deleterious mutation accumulation similar in the two parental species (see Supplementary Material Figure S2). Kim et al. (2018) also consider a genomic structure based on chromosome 1 of Arabidopsis thaliana. This notably means that they consider a greater number of loci under purifying selection, which is expected to increase the relative importance of selective interference and mutation accumulation. However, simulations with 1,000 and 10,000 instead of 100 loci (Supplementary Material Figure S3) again emphasize that mutation accumulation increases in both selfers and outcrossers; in both cases, outcrossers still accumulate more deleterious mutations.
Focusing on the case of Arabidopsis thaliana Kim et al. (2018) acknowledge that they look at a scenario with rather high exon density (more non-synonymous mutations) and high recombination rates. As such, they may simply fall in a scenario where selective interference may play a stronger role in selfers (high mutation and recombination rates). How their result is generalizable to other self-fertilizing plant and animals remains to be assessed.
Mutation load is not the only factor that may influence introgression patterns between self-fertilizing and outcrossing species. Behavioral and physiological constraints are also major factors that are known to affect hybridization and introgression directions. In a hybrid zone between species with different mating systems, introgression is expected to happen more frequently from the selfing species to the outcrosser, than vice-versa (Kim et al. 2018; Pickup et al. 2019). This expectation relies on the premise that selfing (especially prior selfing (Tian-Bi et al. 2008; Brys et al. 2016; Berbel-Filho et al. 2021)) provides a very limited window of opportunity for outcrossing, by conspecific, heterospecific, or potential male hybrids (Pickup et al. 2019; Berbel-Filho et al. 2021). This pattern of higher levels of introgression from selfers into outcrossers has been commonly found in plant systems (Ruhsam et al. 2011; Ruhsam et al. 2013; Brandvain et al. 2014). Our findings extend that expectation, but from a different perspective. Our results indicate that often one can expect self-fertilizing species to exhibit lower mutation load relative to outcrossing species, which would also favor higher levels of introgression from selfers to outcrossers.
We argue that our model provides a “null model” for the direction of introgression in hybrids zones between selfers and outcrossers: after looking at the parental species’ fitness, one should be able to predict hybrids’ genomic composition. Of course, we acknowledge that this is an “all else being equal” argument, and any deviations from the predictions presented here should stimulate further research that some biological, behavioral, and genetic phenomena may be guiding the major direction of introgression. For instance, the weak inbreeder/strong outbreeder hypothesis (WISO) (Brandvain and Haig 2005) states that due to the enhanced opportunity for genomic conflict, outcrossers’ gametes are more competitive than selfers’ ones. Given equal fertilization opportunities, if hybrids mostly outcross, higher introgression is expected from outcrossers to selfers under the WISO premises. Another factor that can contribute for deviations from the expectations of our model is selfing timing. Selfing can happen before (prior selfing), during (competitive), or after (delayed selfing) the opportunity for outcrossing (Lloyd 1979). The parental selfing time may limit the window of opportunity from an outcrossing hybrid to the selfing parental species, making the major direction of hybridization more common from selfer to outcrosser, than vice-versa (Brys et al. 2016; Berbel-Filho et al. 2021). Finally, unilateral genetic incompatibilities may bias the direction of introgression (Turelli and Moyle 2007) in both directions, regardless of the hybrids mating system and recombination rates. In our work, we focused solely on the effect of mating systems via mutation loads, and have shown that parental species’ loads are good predictors of long-term genomic composition of hybrid species. Altogether, the examples presented above represent interesting avenues of research whenever deviations from this prediction are found.