The aim of the present study was to evaluate fear conditioning in very preterm born young adults, a patient group at risk for the development of anxiety disorders. Acquisition and extinction learning was largely preserved, except for slightly limited learning of the CS-US contingencies. Recall and reinstatement of learned fear responses after successful extinction training were not significantly different from term-born young adults. Anxiety ratings and skin conductance amplitudes were generally higher in very preterm-born young adults, but these findings were unspecific and not linked to aberrant fear-related associations.
Preterms show high levels of anxiety.
A higher percentage of the very preterm-born young adults than controls showed elevated depression, anxiety and stress scores in the Depression-Anxiety-Stress-Scale-21 (DASS-21). Our observations that very preterm-born young adults are more anxious match well with the literature (Eryigit-Madzwamuse et al., 2015; Johnson and Marlow, 2011; Johnson et al., 2019; Pesonen et al., 2008). Preterm birth is associated with a higher risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, mood and anxiety disorders and psychiatric disorders (Breeman et al., 2016; Lærum et al., 2017; Van Lieshout et al., 2015). Preterm-born adults show significantly more symptoms of inattention and anxiety, positively correlating with lower gestational age. As a consequence Johnson and Marlow introduced the concept of a “preterm behavioral phenotype” characterized by a higher risk for symptoms of inattention, anxiety and social difficulties (Johnson and Marlow, 2011). Preterm-born adults score higher in avoidant personality scales (Johnson et al., 2019) and are less extraverted and more withdrawn (Eryigit-Madzwamuse et al., 2015; Pesonen et al., 2008).
Increased anxiety levels in the DASS21 make it less likely that the largely negative findings of the present study are explained by a lack of anxious phenotype in our study population. Furthermore, results did not change when only the very preterm-born subgroup who rated within the abnormal range in the anxiety subscore of the DASS21 was investigated.
Acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear responses is preserved in preterms.
There is evidence in the literature that the level of fear responses towards threat stimuli (that is, the CS+) is increased in anxiety disorders (Duits et al., 2017), and that the differentiation between the threat and safety (that is, the CS-) stimuli is less (Britton et al., 2011). Lack of differentiation is of interest, because one potential underlying mechanism of anxiety disorders might be an elevated fear response to safety cues in the context of threat cues (Craske et al., 2012). In fear conditioning paradigms individuals with anxiety disorders have been found to show higher skin conductance responses to the CS- compared to controls (Craske et al., 2008; Lissek et al., 2005; Lissek et al., 2009; Waters et al., 2009). This has been interpreted as an impaired learning of inhibition of fear to safety cues (Gewirtz et al., 1997), which might be partly caused by a greater stimulus generalization between CS + and CS- cues (Lissek et al., 2010).
We therefore tested the hypotheses that very preterm-born young adults display higher levels of learned fear responses to threat cues, and less differentiation between the threat and safety cues. In both cases, a significant interaction between conditioned stimulus type (CS+, CS-) and group is to be expected. This, however, was not the case. Both the very preterm-born and the term-born groups showed significantly higher fear responses towards both CS + s as compared to the CS- in the early and late acquisition phases. This difference remained in early extinction phase and vanished during late extinction. However, there were no significant stimulus type by group, or stimulus type by group by block interaction effects, neither considering SCR amplitude nor ratings of fear, arousal and valence. SCR amplitudes appeared generally increased in preterms including the initial habituation phase, but the group effects did not become significant. Likewise, fear ratings were generally higher in preterms compared to controls. Comparing all preterms and all controls, the group difference was significant at the time prior acquisition. The main effect of group was also significant comparing anxious preterms, non-anxious preterms and non-anxious controls (independent of the phase). Thus, there was an unspecific increase of anxiety ratings.
The lack of significant abnormalities in the acquisition and extinction of differential conditioned fear responses in very preterm-born young adults was unexpected. Negative findings, however, are in accordance with metanalyses of fear conditioning studies in patients with different anxiety disorders showing that initial findings are frequently difficult to replicate and abnormalities are frequently weak (Duits et al., 2015; Lissek et al., 2005).
Findings of preserved acquisition of conditioned fear responses are also at variance with a previous study of our group showing a significantly reduced ability to acquire conditioned eyeblink responses in very preterm-born children and young adults (Tran et al., 2017), another form of aversive associative learning. Delay eyeblink conditioning is strongly cerebellar dependent and prematurity has a significant detrimental effect on the cerebellum (De Zeeuw et al., 2005; Gerwig et al., 2003; McCormick et al., 1984). Important developmental processes of the cerebellum are interrupted by prematurity leading to cerebellar growth failure (Anderson et al., 2015; Ortinau et al., 2015; Messerschmidt et al., 2005; Tam, 2013; Volpe, 2009b,c). The cerebellum, on the other hand, is not only involved in eyeblink conditioning, but also in fear conditioning (Batsikadze et al., 2022; Ernst et al., 2019; Sacchetti et al., 2005). However, fear conditioning relies on a more widespread fear learning circuitry including the amygdala (Kim et al., 2011; Linnman et al., 2012; Milad et al., 2007a,b). Amygdala and related fear circuitry are likely to be also affected by prematurity (Chau et al., 2019; Ortinau et al., 2015; Schmitz-Koep et al., 2021), but possibly to a lesser extent as the cerebellum (Volpe, 2009a-c). Likewise, fear conditioning is only mildly affected in cerebellar disease, and significantly less compared to the detrimental effects on eyeblink conditioning in humans (Maschke et al., 2002).
Awareness of CS-US contingencies is reduced in preterms.
Mean US expectancy ratings towards the CS + s und CS- were not significantly different comparing preterms and control participants. The percentage of preterms, however, was less who reported that they recognized a pattern between the CS + and US presentation after the acquisition phase. Furthermore, in preterms who recognized a pattern, contingency ratings were significantly less accurate compared to controls. Thus, knowledge of the CS-US contingencies was less in very preterm-born young adults at the end of acquisition training. Contingency awareness is likely linked to attention and working memory processes (Dawson et al., 1976). Very preterm-born participants have a high risk of attention and learning problems (Breeman et al., 2016; Johnson and Marlow, 2011) which has been associated with cerebellar growth failure (Murray et al., 2014; Omizzolo et al., 2014). Awareness of the CS-US contingencies is considered a prerequisite for conditioned skin conductance responses to occur (Lonsdorf et al., 2017). The observed deficits in awareness, however, were small. The known variability of SCRs may have prevented the detection of mild fear conditioning deficits in preterms. The observation of reduced CS-US contingency awareness warrants future studies in larger preterm populations.
Unaltered recall and reinstatement of learned fear following extinction in preterms.
Extinction learning does involve more than erasure. There is new inhibitory learning going on, that is participants learn that the CS + is no more followed by an aversive stimulus (Lattal et al., 2006). A stronger resistance to extinction relative to healthy controls is thought to contribute to the development of anxiety disorders (Duits et al., 2021). Extinction learning, however, was not significantly different between preterms and controls.
Phenomena like spontaneous recovery, renewal and reinstatement provide evidence than the initial fear memory is not erased during extinction learning, and are possible reasons why exposure therapy shows frequently return of fear (Pavlov, 2010; Robbins, 1990). During tests of recall and reinstatement, there is competition between the learned extinction memory and the learned fear memory (Bouton et al., 1979; Bouton et al., 1983). Return of learned fear following extinction learning has been shown to be stronger in patients with anxiety disorders compared to controls (Bouton et al., 1979; Milad et al., 2007a; Rescorla et al., 1975).
In early recall, both preterms and controls showed return of differential fear responses, with higher fear responses to the CS + compared to the CS-, which vanished in late recall. Neither controls nor preterms showed a significant difference between the CS+, which had been extinguished and the CS + which had not been extinguished. Thus, both groups showed high levels of spontaneous recovery of learned fear towards the extinguished CS+. Similar to acquisition and extinction, SCR amplitudes were numerically higher in preterms. There were, however, no significant stimulus type (CS + E vs CS + U vs CS-) by group interactions. Comparable results were obtained in testing of reinstatement effects, that is reinstatement of fear responses after (unpaired) US presentation following the renewed extinction of fear responses. There were no significant differences in SCR responses towards the CS + s and the CS-, that is, we saw generalized reinstatement effects (in both groups) which is frequently observed in humans (Haaker et al., 2014) Furthermore, the general increase of SCR responses in preterms compared to controls observed throughout the experiment became significant. In addition, post-reinstatement US expectancy ratings were significantly higher in preterms. However, considering the early and late reinstatement, but also comparing late recall phase and early reinstatement phase, there were no significant phase by group interactions (Table S2 in Supplementary Materials). Thus, return of fear responses in recall and reinstatement were not significantly different between groups. We were therefore unable to provide evidence that return of fear following extinction learning is elevated in prematurity.
Lack of differences between very preterm-born and term-born participants may be explained by several reasons. First, the fear conditioning paradigm used in the present study was complex. It involved the presentation of two contexts, one presented during acquisition training, the other during extinction training, recall and reinstatement. This was done to control for context-related associations, which is commonly done in the rodent literature, but rarely in the human literature (Haaker et al., 2014; Lonsdorf et al., 2017; Milad et al., 2007a,b). The contexts were pictures of two different office spaces shown on a monitor to the participants. This is likely different from testing in two different chambers, which is usually done in rodent studies. The strength of the learned associations between the CS + s and the US, and the CS- and safety may have been less, because participants learned in addition the association with a complex context. Likewise, the use of two CS + s, one which got extinguished and the other not, may have hampered the strength of the CS+/US associations. The use of different contexts and two CS + s may have increased variability of outcome measures and impeded the detection of small differences between preterms and controls. Future studies are needed using less complex fear conditioning paradigms, for example using a single CS + and a single CS-, which are presented in the same neutral context, to confirm the present results.
Furthermore, the use of a complex paradigm might have caused a partial suppression of the autonomic nervous system/ emotional behavior of the participants. When cognitive tasks are new and challenging, a suppression of autonomic nervous system takes place for frontal circuits to allocate neural resources according to cognitive demand (Chen et al., 2020; Lövdén et al., 2010). Again, this may have hampered detection of small differences in SCR between groups.
In addition, fear conditioning abnormalities may be more prominent in preterm participants presenting with pronounced anxiety or other emotional disorders. However, as outlined above, twelve very preterm-born young adults presented with a history of emotional disorders during adolescence, and a higher percentage of very preterm-born participants (43.2%) showed mild to moderate levels of anxiety compared to controls (12.9%) based on the DASS-21.
Finally, abnormalties may have been missed because of reduced autonomic responses in preterm born individuals. SCR reflects the activity of the sympathetic axis of autonomic nervous system since eccrine sweat glands are innervated by efferent fibers of the sympathetic nerves (Critchley, 2002). Previous studies showed an impaired autonomic nervous system functioning characterized by a limited heart rate variability in preterm-born infants as well as adolescents (Haraldsdottir et al., 2018; Patural et al., 2004). Preterms, however, showed differential SCRs to the CS + and CS-.