Study area
The South Fork Whitewater River (SFWR) lies within the Driftless Area ecoregion in southeastern Minnesota, USA. This area has been an important agricultural area for > 160 years due to fertile, loess soils overlying ancient (> 100,000 ybp) glacial till (Williams and Vondracek 2010). The region lies within the transition zone between eastern hardwood forests and western tallgrass prairies (Whitewater River Watershed Project 2015).
Poor land use (e.g., forest removal, plowing steep slopes, continuous cropping, burning and grazing hillsides) in southeastern Minnesota resulted in severe soil erosion during the 1920s and 1930s (Whitewater River Watershed Project 2015). The Whitewater River watershed was catastrophically impacted by soil erosion and flooding, as mud and logging debris from the watershed clogged streams. This 830-km2 drainage suffered through many multi-flood years (e.g., 28 flood events in 1938; Waters 1977), leading to a major federal project during the mid-1940s to construct erosion control structures and perform forest management work within the watershed. These conservation measures and improving land stewardship led to significant improvements within the drainage basin, but degraded water quality continues to plague the present-day Whitewater River system (Whitewater River Watershed Project 2015).
The Whitewater River remains impacted by agricultural activities; most river sections are impaired for aquatic recreation (due to high fecal coliform bacteria) and aquatic life (due to turbidity; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act, Section 303(d) listing of impaired waters), with elevated (> 10 mg/l) nitrate-nitrogen concentrations common throughout the system (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2013). Aquatic biota (fish and macroinvertebrate communities) in the Whitewater River may be limited further by warm water temperatures, low dissolved oxygen, and/or degraded stream habitats (Schauls and Carter 2015).
The SFWR drains the southern and eastern portions (241 km2, 29%) of the Whitewater River basin in Olmsted and Winona counties in southeastern Minnesota, USA (Fig. 1), an area dominated by agriculture (49% cropland, 28% livestock pastureland; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2013). From its headwaters 387 m above sea level, the SFWR flows 56.5 km to the east and north, descending 168 m through an oversized valley carved by glacial meltwaters to its confluence with the mainstem Whitewater River. The SFWR watershed also includes > 100 livestock feedlots that generate > 600 metric tons of manure/day, applied as fertilizer on watershed croplands at a rate of 15 metric tons/hectare/year (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2013). More than 4300 ha (23%) of agricultural lands within the SFWR watershed utilize various conservation practices (e.g., reduced tillage, cover crops, nutrient management, grass waterways) to reduce potential impacts to stream water quality (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2022). Despite these efforts, the entire SFWR is listed as impaired for aquatic recreation and aquatic life (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2013).
Field Work
During the summers (June to August) of 2005 (prior to state buffer laws) and 2018 (after state buffer laws), we surveyed 13 stream sites along the SFWR (Fig. 1) for fish, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and stream habitat. Sites were spaced irregularly along the stream due to lack of road access in some locations and private property access restrictions in others. Sites were located on both public and private property, encompassing croplands, livestock pastures, parklands, and forests.
At each site, fish were sampled with one or more backpack electrofishing units (Smith-Root LR-24, 12-B POW, and Type VII) as needed, based on stream size. All fish collected within a 150-m stream reach (downstream to upstream, single pass) were identified, counted, and released. Occasional specimens of uncertain identity were retained for later identification. This sampling procedure was the standard protocol recommended when using a coldwater Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI; Mundahl and Simon 1998) to assess fish communities.
Benthic aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected with a D-frame net (500 µm mesh) at each stream site. Each sample was a composite of all organisms collected by disturbing the substrate upstream from the net (0.1-m2 area) for 30 seconds in each of two sections (fast and slow) of a single riffle. Three such composite samples were collected at each site, each from a separate riffle. When riffles were absent, collections were made from any available coarse (gravel, cobble, boulder) substrates. Macroinvertebrate samples were preserved in 70% ethanol and later sorted, identified (mostly to genus level), and counted in the laboratory. This sampling protocol followed the procedure recommended when using a regional Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (B-IBI; Wittman and Mundahl 2003; Magner et al. 2008) to assess benthic aquatic macroinvertebrate communities.
Physical habitat at each stream site was examined in both 2005 and 2018 using detailed habitat assessments based on protocols developed or adapted for use regionally (Platts et al. 1982; Simonson et al. 1993; Minnesota DNR 2007). Sampling at each site was conducted using a modification of the transect method (Simonson et al. 1993). Habitats at each site were assessed across each of 12 to 15 transects spaced 10 m or more apart. Along each transect, instream habitat features were measured, and riparian conditions were recorded. Instream measures (depth, current velocity, dominant substrate, substrate embeddedness) were taken at four, evenly spaced points along each transect. At each point, depth was measured using a wading rod, and velocity measured at 0.6-depth (Marsh-McBirney model 2000 flow meter). Dominant substrate composition was estimated visually according to a modification of the Wentworth Scale (clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobble, boulder; Minnesota DNR 2007). Percent fines were determined by comparing the number of observations of clay, silt, and sand combined relative to all substrate observations. Embeddedness, the percent of large substrates such as cobbles covered by fine materials, was visually estimated and scored on a five-category scale: score of 1 = < 5% embeddedness, 2 = 5–25%, 3 = 26–50%, 4 = 5–75%, and 5 = > 75% (Platts et al. 1983).
Other instream measures were estimated visually within a reach one mean stream width in length, centered on the transect (Simonson et al. 1993). These included percentage of the stream shaded by the riparian canopy at noon, percentages of riffle, pool, and run, and percent of the reach providing vegetative cover for fish 200 mm or larger, all estimated to the nearest 5%.
Riparian measures were made at one stream bank per transect, alternating the side measured with each transect. Width of the riparian buffer was measured to the nearest meter (with a meter tape or laser rangefinder). Average length of vegetation overhanging the stream was measured to the nearest 0.1 meter. The percentages of bank vegetation as grass, forb, tree, and shrub, and the percentage of bank as bare soil or rock, were estimated visually to the nearest 5% for each category. Data collected from all transects were averaged to determine overall site values.
Data Analyses
Prior to comparing stream habitat and biotic data between 2005 and 2018, we assessed fish and aquatic macroinvertebrates in SFWR by calculating community integrity indices for each group (which compared them to regional standards). Fish data were used to calculate a coldwater IBI score and rating for each site (Mundahl and Simon 1998), based on the presence of brown trout throughout most of the SFWR. Twelve fish community metrics (five species richness metrics: total, coldwater specialists, minnows, benthic, tolerant; five percentage metrics: salmonids as brook trout, intolerant individuals, coldwater individuals, white suckers, top carnivores; and two abundance metrics: number of coldwater individuals, number of warmwater individuals) were quantified, scored, and summed to produce a coldwater IBI score for each site (scale = 0 to 120; 105–120 = excellent, 70–100 = good, 35–65 = fair, 10–30 = poor, 0–5 = very poor). These ratings allowed us to compare the fish communities observed at SFWR sites to regional benchmarks (Mundahl and Simon 1998). Using this coldwater IBI, ratings of poor and very poor indicate high to severe impairment, with degraded conditions and trout very rare or absent. In contrast, fair to excellent ratings indicate reduced impairment and trout abundance ranging from common to abundant.
Benthic invertebrate data were used to calculate regional B-IBI scores and ratings for each stream site (Wittman and Mundahl 2003; Magner et al. 2008). The index was developed based on mostly genus- and family-level identifications (Wittman and Mundahl 2003). Ten invertebrate metrics (seven taxa richness metrics: total, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, long-lived, intolerant, filterer; three percentage metrics: Plecoptera individuals, predators, long-lived individuals) were quantified, scored, and summed to produce a B-IBI score (scale = 0 to 100; 65–100 = excellent, 50–60 = good, 30–45 = fair, 10–25 = poor, 0–5 = very poor) for each individual sample. Scores for the triplicate invertebrate samples for each site were averaged to produce a single value and rating for that site. These ratings allowed us to compare the benthic invertebrate communities observed at SFWR sites to regional standards (Wittman and Mundahl 2003; Magner et al. 2008). With this B-IBI, ratings of fair to very poor indicate moderate to severe impairment, with degraded conditions producing reduced taxa richness (especially Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) and increasing dominance by tolerant taxa. In contrast, good to excellent ratings indicate slight or no impairment and high taxa richness (including intolerant or sensitive taxa).
We used a combination of visual and statistical methods to examine fish and benthic invertebrate data before and after implementation of the buffer law. First, we conducted principal component analysis (PCA; JMP Pro 16 software) on abundances of the various taxa to visually depict possible shifts in either community from before to after the buffer law. Next, we used a series of simple paired t tests to compare total fish and benthic invertebrate IBI scores, as well as individual metric values, between years for sites sampled in both 2005 and 2018. We used a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons using the same data to set alpha = 0.0038 for each test for fish comparisons and 0.0045 for benthic invertebrate comparisons. These comparisons (13 for fish, 11 for invertebrates) allowed us to assess the effects of the buffer law on the entire fish and invertebrate community integrities, as well as on various subcategories of each community. Percentage data were log-transformed prior to testing to meet normality assumptions.
Instream and riparian habitat data were summarized prior to comparing data collected before and after the buffer law. This involved averaging multiple measurements (e.g., 60 depth measurements) for most variables to produce a single mean value for each year’s survey at each site for comparison between years. We then used both a visual PCA analysis and a series of 18 simple paired t tests to compare habitat values between years for sites sampled in both 2005 and 2018, to assess the effects of the buffer law on stream habitat. Percentage data were log-transformed prior to testing to meet normality assumptions. We set alpha = 0.05 for all habitat variable comparisons.