The results are obtained for the selected RC frame elements and the sun assemblage elements with deformation, stiffness and principal stress with respect to the life safety and immediate occupancy. The time versus the temperature curve are followed as per the ISO 834 standard fire.
4.1 Transient Sate Analysis on RC Beam
Based on the performance level of the building, parameters like deformation, stiffness, stress and time Vs temperature are calculated.
The maximum and minimum principal stress in the RC beam for X/L = 0, a = 3000 mm is given in Fig. 5 (a) and (b).
The time versus temperature curve for RC beam is given in Fig. 6. In this, the values are plotted in the graph against time in minute and temperature in degree Centigrade as per the ISO standard. The surface temperature and core temperature are plotted with respect to time. The values plotted in the graph against mid-span deflection at various X/L ratio with respect to different temperature are given in Fig. 7. The mid-span deflection at various X/L ratio is found to be increasing with respect to temperature and maximum mid-span deflection is 15.36 mm and it is attained at 748℃ when X/L = 0, a = 3000 mm.
In Fig. 8 the values are plotted against various X/L ratio and mid-span deflection for both kind of performance level such as IO and LS. From the graph, it is analysed that the mid-span deflection for LS is greater compared to IO. And, the maximum deflection for LS is 15.36 mm and it is attained when X/L = 0, a = 3000 mm. Similarly, the maximum mid-span deflection for IO value is 6.54 mm is attained. The values are plotted in the graph against stiffness and various X/L ratio is provided in Fig. 9. The values of stiffness for IO are found to be greater compared to LS. The maximum stiffness for IO is 16.38 kN/mm and it is attained at X/L = 0, a = 3000 mm and in LS the stiffness is 11.00 kN/mm.
In Fig. 10, the values obtained for principal stress at various X/L ratio during life safety performance level are plotted graphically. From the graph, it is inferred that maximum principal stress is found to be remain stationary at various X/L ratio and the minimum principal stress is found to be decreasing gradually and it attains − 0.078 N/mm2 when X/L = 0, a = 3000 mm. Further, C/S temperature distribution, maximum and minimum principal stresses for X/L = 0, a = 3000 mm.
4.2 Transient State Analysis on RC Column
The critical point in the RC column is analysed at various ratios of Y/H. Parameters like life stiffness, shear stress, principle stress and deformation are determined for the life safety and immediate occupancy.
Figure 11 (a) & (b) illustrates the parameters such as maximum principal stress whose value was found to be 15.29N/mm2 and minimum principal stress was found to be -16.13N/mm2 at Y/H = 0, a = 3500 mm.
The ultimate deformation occurred at RC column with respect to various Y/H ratio in case of IO is given in Fig. 12. The maximum strain in concrete did not reach in RC column when Y/H = 0.08, a = 300 mm, Y/H = 0.11, a = 400 mm and Y/H = 0.14, a = 500 mm. In Fig. 13, the temperature attained in RC column at various Y/H ratio at IO is provided. The maximum temperature at IO is attained at Y/H = 0.17, a = 600 mm and the value is found to be 909°C at 222 minutes. And the value of temperature is found to be decreasing with respect to an increase in length of the temperature “a” (Distance effect) application. The time attained in RC column at various Y/H ratio at IO is provided in Fig. 14. The temperature reaches at Y/H = 0, a = 3500 mm is 314°C at 69 minutes at IO. The principal stress attained in RC column at various Y/H ratio in IO is provided in Fig. 15. The maximum principal stress is found to be 15.31N/mm2 reached at Y/H = 0, a = 3500 mm. and the minimum principal stress is found to be -18.86 31N/mm2 reached at Y/H = 0, a = 3500 mm.
The axial stress attained in RC column at various Y/H ratio at IO is provided in Fig. 16. The axial stress is found to be varying at various Y/H ratio in case of IO and the maximum shear stress is 2.50 and it is attained at Y/H = 0.2, a = 700 mm.
4.3 Transient State Analysis on RC Exterior and Interior Beam-Column Joint
In finite element model, the analysis was performed on exterior beam column joint at varying temperature condition is referred to as transient state analysis. The critical point in exterior joint is determined at various X/L and Y/H ratio with respect to temperature and time. After performing the analysis certain properties such as deformation, stiffness, shear stress and principal stress are determined for the Collapse Prevention (CP) performance level and Life Safety (LS) performance level.
The maximum principal stress is 211.80 N/mm2 the minimum principal stress is 2.88 N/mm2 at X/L=0, a=1300 mm and Y/H=0, a=1300 mm for the exterior beam column joint which is shown in fig. 17 (a) & (b)
In Figs. 18 & 19, the values are plotted in the graph against temperature, time and with different X/L and Y/H ratio. The temperature and time are determined for CP on comparison with LS for X/L and Y/H ratio and maximum temperature is attained at X/L = 0, a = 1300 mm and Y/H = 0, a = 1300 mm. The maximum principal stress is 211.80 N/mm2 the minimum principal stress is 2.88 N/mm2 at X/L = 0, a = 1300 mm and Y/H = 0, a = 1300 mm.
Figure 20 & 21 show that the values are plotted in the graph against temperature, time and various X/L and Y/H ratio and the maximum temperature is found to be 715℃ in 215 minutes and it is attained at X/L = 0 and Y/H = 0, a = 1300 mm. The permissible rotation 0.015 radians are reached in all X/L and Y/H ratios at right side beam (B1) and the collapse prevention is not reached in all X/L and Y/H ratio. The maximum principal stress is 30.28 N/mm2, minimum principal stress is 0.20 N/mm2 and shear stress is 60.22N/mm2 at X/L = 0 and Y/H = 0, a = 1300 mm.
The interior beam column joints are subjected to a higher temperature in addition to the loading condition in order to analyse the maximum temperature, time and stress of the joints. Similar to the exterior joints, the critical point at various X/L and Y/H ratio are calculated for the interior joints with respect to the time and temperature. The principal stress is calculated from the analysis.
From Fig. 22 (a) & (b) the maximum principal stress is found to be 30.28 N/mm2 and minimum principal stress is 0.20 N/mm2 mm2 at X/L = 0 and Y/H = 0, a = 1300 mm for the interior beam column joint.