3.1 Multi-Hazard pairs
Figure 4 shows the global hotspots of hazard pairs in the data without a time-lag. Some notable areas, with a large amount of hazard pairs, include northeast India and Bangladesh, East China, Taiwan, Japan, parts of Southeast Asia, Madagascar, southeast USA, UK, and northern Australia. There are noticeably also locations where no hazard pairs were registered based on the data used, such as in central Africa and the north-central part of South America. This does not mean there are no natural hazards at these locations, rather that there was no hazard overlap detected in our generated event sets based on historical records.
The two most prominent hazard pairs globally are the combination of droughts and heatwaves as well as the combination of heatwaves and extreme wind (See Fig. 5 and Supplementary Table. 1). The link between drought and heatwaves is evident, as high temperatures can lead to dry conditions and dry conditions can further increase temperatures. Moreover, the combination of a drought and a heatwave is a typical compound event that has received much attention in the past years as they usually lead to severe impacts on socioeconomic factors, are widespread, and are likely to intensify under climate change20,26, 48–50. In contrast, the link between heatwaves and extreme wind is less evident in literature. A cause for the frequent overlap could be due to the nature of the data. As explained in Section 2.2.5, heatwaves are based on above average temperatures of specific calendar days. This means that heatwaves during, for example the European winter storm season, may not necessarily be a typical ‘hot’ summer day (Supplementary Fig. 1). An extreme example of such a winter heatwave are the unprecedented temperatures Europe experienced in January 2023, where temperature were 10 Co above the average and records were broken by 4 Co51.
The hazard pair that occurred the most between 2004 and 2017, varies strongly between the various geographic locations (see Fig. 5). Hotspots (as shown in Fig. 4) are often dominated by a combination of tropical cyclones and extreme wind. This is to be expected as tropical cyclones are defined by their high wind speed. While extreme wind and tropical cyclones are not technically two separate hazards, extreme wind was included to also represents storms that are not tropical cyclones. A clear overlap between the two indicate that extreme wind could be a reasonable proxy for storm data.
Additionally, a more spatially scattered, but prominent hazard pair is that of wildfires and heatwaves. This pair can predominately be observed in sub-Saharan Africa, known as the African savannah fires. While indeed more than half of the burned area globally occurs in the African savannahs, it should be noted that these are often human-ignited, a fire source that is difficult to distinguish in the data52. The pair is also prominent in South America, near the Amazon as well as in Portugal, Australia, Eastern Europe and Russia.
We observe many pairs that include a flood, such as in the UK where the combination between floods and extreme wind are the most frequent hazard pair. Here, the extreme wind event is likely a storm that is paired with storm surge and/or extreme precipitation, commonly referred to as a compound flood. Various research has shown that these compound floods occur most frequently as a consequence of European winter storms53,54, however, they can also occur during summer with devastating impacts, as has been observed during the July 2021 UK floods55. Likewise, floods are prominent in Bangladesh, in a flood to flood hazard pair. This is not surprising as 80% of Bangladesh is flood plain and the largest number of people affected due to a natural hazard in Bangladesh since 1972 can be attributed to floods56.
Furthermore, tsunami-related pairs are visible on the coastlines for California (U.S.A), New Zealand, Japan, and Sumatra (Indonesia). They are often paired with earthquakes, as can be expected since earthquakes are the main cause of tsunamis, but they are also coinciding with droughts, which is more surprising. We suspect there is likely no link between the two, and the frequent overlap occurs due to large spatial scale and the duration of a drought (see supplementary Table 2).
As Fig. 5 only shows the most frequent hazard pair spatially, it does not show all possible pairs and their frequency. Therefore, the total number of unique hazard pairs per continent is provided in Fig. 6. Here, a couple of interesting observations stand out. Firstly, there are a high number and a large variety of hazard pairs in Asia, most notably in comparison to Europe and Australia. This difference may be due to the size of each continent, but also its geographic and diverse topography. Most notably landslides appear significantly more in Asia compared to other continents. This may be due to a registration bias, as reporting on landslides tend to be for those with the largest impacts. For example, EM-DAT shows that approximately 54% of the registered high-impact landslides between 1910 and 2022 occurred in Asia. On the other hand, landslides that occur in remote regions with relatively smaller amounts of impacts are generally not reported, and it could be that there are more urbanised areas susceptible to landslides in Asia35,57,58.
Secondly, there are many pairs that include wildfires. This is because wildfires are the most frequent individual hazard event type in the database (see Supplementary table 2). Similarly, the single hazards derived from the ERA-5 data are abundant in pairs due to their high amount of global data availability.
Overall, the heatmaps show that there is a large variety of hazard pairs possible globally and that the secondary hazard (Hazard 2), can be preceded by a variety of initial hazards (Hazard 1). This is illustrated well by the columns where landslides are the secondary hazards, for example in Asia. The landslides are often a second hazard following an earthquake, flood, extreme wind, or a tropical cyclone. There is also a large overlap between landslides, possibly due to the same trigger, or a primary landslide initiating a secondary landslide. The connection between landslides and their possible trigger can be better understood by the hazard groups described in the next section.
3.2 Multi-Hazard groups
In addition to hazard pairs, hazards can overlap in larger numbers as hazard groups (see Fig. 2). Between 2004 and 2017, 131,318 hazard groups have been identified. Hazard groups are listed based on order of occurrence of the individual hazard, meaning that the hazard with the earliest start date is first in the list. Of these groups, 485 original hazard combinations were determined. The original hazard groups vary greatly in frequency of occurrence, from 1 to 33,381 times, where an occurrence of 1 means that the particular order of hazards has only occurred once.
Figure 7 shows all unique hazard combinations and the frequency of occurrence. The majority of the groups have a wildfire as a first hazard, while the lowest number of groups has a tsunami as a first hazard. Across all groups, most hazard groups do consist of only two hazards, a hazard pair. However, groups of three hazards are also not uncommon. The largest groups predominately occur with an earthquake as a first hazard (Fig. 7b). The largest group has eleven hazards in it, and consists of three earthquakes and nine landslides. This is partially due to overlapping earthquakes that could be an initial earthquake and its aftershocks. Large earthquakes with many aftershocks are also a known cause for tsunamis, as seen in the tree map. Other large groups include many landslides. These landslides could all be triggered by the same earthquake or have triggered one another as a consequence of slope instability caused by an initial landslide, as discussed in the previous subsection. These results reflect those of Gill and Malamud59, where different hazard interactions were identified. Here it is noted that an earthquake can trigger a multitude of landslides and that a landslide can trigger and increase the probability of a secondary landslide.
3.3 Time-lag
In the previous section we assumed that hazards have to overlap in both space and time to form a pair or group. However, the impacts of two, or more, hazards can also be interrelated through time in-between hazards. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate how the multi-hazard events respond to a time-lag between hazards. In this section, North America serves as a case study to illustrate the impact of a time-lag.
By definition, a larger time-lag between hazards results in more hazard pairs, as each hazard will have a larger time frame in which hazards can overlap. This is also evident in the total number of hazard pairs in the United States (Fig. 8). The relative increase between different time-lags appears to be larger in the first 10 to 30 days, compared to the difference between 180 to 360 days (see Supplementary Fig. 3). Furthermore, the major hotspots remain similar through time. While the hotspot does expand in the south of the continent, Florida remains the region with the largest number of hazard pairs.
To better understand the hotspots with varying time-lags, the most frequent hazard pair at each location are shown in Fig. 9. Here it is clear that the south of the continent is dominated by tropical cyclone related hazard pairs, regardless of the time-lag. However, the hazard that is paired with the tropical cyclone does vary. A time-lag of 0 to 10 days still shows spots of overlap with floods, a known consequence of tropical cyclones. This hazard pair is relatively less frequent, in comparison to other hazard pairs, with larger time-lags as the flood usually occurs during the tropical cyclone event, or shortly after. Time-lags between 10 and 90 days show that tropical cyclones overlap with themselves most frequently. This can be explained by the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June to November. A notable hurricane season included in this database occurred in 2004. For the first time in the US hurricane record, four hurricanes hit Florida in close succession, namely, Hurricane Charley in August followed by Frances, Ivan and Jeanne in September. Frances and Jeanne hit the same coast at virtually the same location, which had also not been recorded before during the same season. While the secondary hazard, hurricane Jeanne, was not as intense compared to hurricane Frances, Jeanne caused leftover storm debris to fly around, and further tear apart already weakened buildings. Hence Jeanne likely caused more damage than it would have if it occurred in isolation. Furthermore, it was difficult to attribute total damages to the individual hurricanes60,61. Attributing damages is a common challenge when hazards occur in close succession as consecutive hazards. For example, attributing all further damages to the secondary hazard may lead to an incorrect damage assessment, while incorporating a time-lag to observe hazards that occurred previously can help understand how a hazards of a particular magnitude managed to cause the observed damages10.
Following the hurricane season, no more overlaps between tropical cyclones were registered with a time-lag beyond the duration of the season. This allows other hazard pairs to become more frequent with a time-lag of 180 to 360 days. The more frequent hazard pair with longer time-lags are between tropical cyclones and extreme wind or heatwaves, as these events occur all throughout the year, hence will be registered with an additional time-lag.
The remainder of North America shows a general expansion of many hazard pairs that already occurred with no time-lag, such as a heatwave and a drought, a flood and extreme wind, a drought and extreme wind, a heatwave and extreme wind, as well as a flood and a heatwave.
3.4 Implications of the methodology
While MYRIAD-HESA aims to successfully incorporate hazards from varying hazard classes into one database, our results show that the difference in how each of the hazard footprints is generated, strongly influences the resulting hazard pairs and groups. The most frequent groups/pairs often include the hazards derived from ERA-5 data, wildfires (based on the MODIS product) and/or droughts (based on SPI-3). These all have good global coverage and are based on thresholds, resulting in a large number of small events. Comparatively, observation-based data, such as landslides and tsunamis, have fewer individual hazard events. Hence, they occur in fewer multi-hazard pairs/groups. Additionally, the size and duration of each event also impacts the number of hazard pairs. Each natural hazard occurs on varying spatial and temporal scales (see Fig. 1 of Gill & Malamud59). Tropical cyclones are spatially large weather systems, while not being nearly as frequent as, for example, a wildfire. Therefore, a tropical cyclone will have more hazard overlaps compared to hazards with a typically smaller footprint, such as a volcanic eruption. Likewise, hazards with a longer duration, such as droughts that have an average duration of 61 days, will have a higher likelihood to overlap with a secondary hazard (see Supplementary Table 2).
As we expected, the specified time-lag between hazards influences the generated multi-hazard events. Both in the frequency of different hazard pairs as well as the number of multi-hazard pairs/groups. This time-lag, while only hypothetical, is crucial to identify consecutive hazard events where there were potential interrelated impacts, such as the four hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004. In our study, the same time-lag was used for all hazards of all intensities, however, the method can also be adjusted to have varying time-lags for different hazards and intensities. For example, an earthquake with MMI 10 may need a longer time-lag compared to an earthquake of MMI 5, as it likely caused more damage and can influence the impact of a secondary hazard.
Finally, while the results presented in this paper provide an insight in potential multi-hazard events on a global scale, these findings are limited by the data coverage. The lack of country-level data creates an inability to capture small events, such as flash floods that are generally not included in the global flood database, or landslides that were not fatal but did cause damage. Furthermore, the representation for volcanic eruptions is based on the potential area of impact due to pyroclastic and lava flows. Therefore, the negative impacts of ash and gasses, which operate on a larger spatial scale, are ignored. Hence, fewer multi-hazard events including volcanic eruptions are identified compared to reality. Additionally, the assumptions used to generate the hazard events from reanalysis data may lead to an over or underestimation of the number of events, as there is not guarantee that these were hazardous. However, the events in MYRIAD-HES can serve as a guide to identify events that had severe consequences, which is a key first step in understanding the complex multi-hazard interactions that drive impacts. Additionally, MYRIAD-HESA can further overcome data limitation by allowing the user to incorporate their own higher resolution data for an area of interest, and the results can easily be altered if data quality improves with future innovations (see code availability).