According to their thermal tolerance limits, most terrestrial species could live in places with warmer extreme temperatures than those they currently experience. Hence, they underfill the warm ends of their potential thermal niche (dashed red lines in Fig. 2, Fig. 3a). This warm niche underfilling was lowest at the equator and increased with latitude (Figs. 2 and 3, fig. S1, table S2). By contrast, intertidal and subtidal marine species underfilled their warm thermal niche less than terrestrial species (closer to zero, i.e., perfect filling), and their amount of underfilling did not change significantly with latitude (Figs. 2 and 3, fig. S1, table S2).
In geographic space, total range filling did not change with the latitudinal midpoint of a species range (Fig. 4a, fig. S1, table S3), but underfilling was generally biased towards the equatorward edges of ranges in terrestrial species, and this bias increased towards higher latitudes (Fig. 4b and red-blue color scale, fig. S1, fig. S2, table S3). By contrast, although marine species underfilled large proportions of their potential thermal ranges, indicating they do not occupy all thermally-tolerable areas, this range underfilling showed little latitudinal or thermal bias (white points and model fits close to zero, Fig. 4b, fig. S1, table S3).
Terrestrial taxa therefore support the Out-of-the-Tropics-Trade-Off Hypothesis. In terrestrial species, both niche and range underfilling are greatest at the warm or equatorward range edges of species that live outside of the tropics (i.e., temperate species underfill their tropical potentials). The observed patterns were opposite to the expectation of increased underfilling of the potential thermal niche and range in species closer to the tropics (Fig. 4b), as predicted under the Reduced-Abiotic-Limitation-in-the-Tropics Hypothesis. By contrast, intertidal and subtidal marine species did not show latitudinal patterns consistent with either hypothesis.
At the cool extremes of the thermal niche, thermal tolerance limits tended to underpredict species’ realized thermal niches (i.e., species appear to occupy places where temperatures are colder than their cold tolerance limits; solid blue lines in Fig. 2, Fig. 3b). Cool niche underprediction increased with the latitudinal midpoint of a species’ range in terrestrial and intertidal marine species, but not in subtidal marine species, for whom cool niche filling was closer to zero (i.e., perfect filling) and did not change with latitude (Figs. 2 and 3, fig. S1, table S2). We explore variation in niche underprediction below as a means to understand the mechanisms responsible (e.g., cold season dormancy).
The observed latitudinal patterns of niche and range filling were generally robust to taxonomic non-independence, variation in thermal limit assay method, and acclimatisation to local conditions, and remained after we accounted for some degree of phenotypic plasticity and thermoregulatory behaviours. We relaxed the assumption that species’ thermal tolerance limits are fixed over space and time by simulating acclimatisation of species to seasonal temperatures across the landscape (see Supplementary Methods). This generally led to broader potential thermal niches and reduced the extent of both warm and cool niche underprediction (grey shadow compared to coloured density distributions in Fig. 3a-b, fig. S3a; warm niche underprediction on land reduced by ~ 10°C, cool niche underprediction reduced by ~ 5°C). However, the relationships with latitude did not change (fig. S3b-e, table S4). Additionally, simulating thermoregulatory behaviour in a subset of terrestrial species (n = 219) by relaxing the assumption that animals always prefer shaded habitat accounted for some portion of warm niche underfilling (see Supplementary Methods), but patterns across latitude remained (fig. S5a-c, table S5).
Some cool niche underprediction remained after simulating acclimatisation and behaviour. This might be explained by organisms’ abilities to become seasonally dormant, to seek warmer habitats during extreme cold, to locally adapt, or to vary their cold thermal limits via physiological plasticity that was not accounted for by our simulation (e.g., rapid cold hardening28). Although we attempted to use only temperatures during active time periods for species with known dormancy, limited information on the timing and duration of dormancy may lead to underestimates of dormancy periods (see Supplementary Methods). Additionally, within winter burrows, cooling rates experienced are typically much slower than those used in experiments29, potentially weakening the connection between laboratory-assayed cold tolerance and in situ survival in microhabitats. Moreover, individuals in experimental trials were often collected from warmer parts of a species’ range (fig. S4), meaning our analysis might underestimate cold tolerance in colder parts of the range. Population differentiation in cold tolerance might be expected to be greater on land where gene flow across temperature gradients are likely lower than in the ocean30,31. Importantly, these mechanisms (seasonal dormancy, acclimatisation, and local adaptation) that could explain cases where thermal tolerance is less extreme than temperatures across the realized niche cannot reasonably explain cases when the potential thermal niche exceeds the realized niche, suggesting the tendency for niche underfilling in terrestrial species is driven by other mechanisms.
We found no relationship between either dispersal distance or body size and how well species filled their potential thermal niche or range (fig. S1, table S2, table S3). We note that our analysis did not explicitly consider extrinsic barriers to dispersal (other than the land/sea interface and ecological realms), which might help to further identify relationships between niche underfilling and dispersal limitation. We did find that thermal niche filling was greater in species with larger geographic ranges (fig. S1, table S2), consistent with the hypothesis that larger-ranged species are less ecologically-specialized and thus more temperature-limited27. However, this finding is likely tautological, as larger ranges take up a greater proportion of somewhat fixed thermal niche breadths.
Under the interpretation that the increase in warm niche underfilling on land is linked to biotic interactions, as would be consistent with previous findings9, it is intriguing to consider why marine species do not show the same pattern. It might indicate that biotic interactions are less limiting to marine species ranges, perhaps because trophic interactions in marine systems are thought to be more body size-based than species-based, reducing the specificity of some species interactions32. The lack of latitudinal pattern in warm underfilling within marine realms suggests biotic interaction gradients differ between land and ocean. Although there are examples of biotic interaction intensity decreasing with latitude in marine systems, these are mostly intertidal (reviewed in ref14). Alternatively, differences in thermal limit testing in air versus water might lead to an overestimation of heat tolerance limits in terrestrial species that might contribute to warm underfilling; air has a lower thermal conductivity compared to water, which could cause a delay in the responses of air-immersed animals to rapid heating in comparison water-immersed animals. Even so, empirical evidence that marine ranges are more responsive to climate change suggests there is a biological signal in the difference in warm underfilling between species on land versus in the ocean.
Mechanisms other than biotic exclusion could be responsible for warm niche underfilling. For example, other abiotic niche requirements may be more limiting or co-limiting in warm areas (e.g., moisture in the hot desert belts, oxygen in warmer ocean regions). Alternatively, warm underfilling might occur because species’ ecological limits to population growth are more limiting than an individual organisms’ capacity to function under heat stress (as generally measured in experiments). Temporal variability in temperatures and a history of thermal stress can, for example, reduce heat tolerance at the population scale33–35. Similarly, if early life stages are more heat-sensitive than the adults typically assayed (e.g., refs 36,37), or if sublethal temperatures limit critical life-history functions (e.g., mate-finding), wild populations might not be able to persist in sublethal temperatures. Identifying among the possible mechanisms of warm niche underfilling is important to understand species’ temperature sensitivities under climate warming (see Supplementary Materials).
Observational evidence of variation in species’ range shifts in response to climate warming already indicates greater sensitivities in marine compared to terrestrial species3,26, consistent with the finding that marine species more closely fill their thermal niches. Observed range shifts can be used to test additional hypotheses stemming from results presented here; namely, if thermal niche underfilling is associated with less sensitivity to temperature, we predict broad-ranging species and species in the terrestrial tropics to be more sensitive to temperature change. We also predict warm range edges of extra-tropical species to be less sensitive to temperature change, with contractions more tied to drought or climate-related increases of antagonistically interacting species. Our results show that general patterns of temperature limitation among species emerge despite the existence of many complex factors that likely shape individual distributions. The shared evolutionary history of biodiversity might likewise lead to general patterns in how biodiversity and ecosystem services respond to contemporary climate change.