3.1Weather conditions during the 2019 and 2020 growing seasons
The daily weather conditions during the 2019-2020 experience period are shown in Fig. 1. Maximum, minimum and mean temperatures increased starting in January 1, 2019 maximum values in June and minimum values at the end of December 2019 at the start of January 2020. A similar trend was seen in 2020. The average monthly air temperature ranged from 16.58°C (January 2019-2020) to 35.2°C and 33.14°C (July 2019-2020). The lowest relative humidity was recorded in May 2019, where it recorded 15.3%, while its lowest value was recorded in 2020 in the same month, the heights relative humidity was recorded in September 2019, where it recorded 40.6%, while its heights value was recorded in 2020 in the same month which was 43.4%. The highest and lowest wind speeds in 2019 were recorded in September and November and were 3.70 and 2.70 meters/second, respectively, While the lowest and highest wind speeds were recorded in 2020 in February and August, they were 2.75 and 3.48 meters / second, respectively. The average temperature decreased during February, then this average increased during March to reach the highest degree during June, then it began to decrease in August and September 2019. The same occurred in 2020, but the highest average temperatures were registered in August. The average air temperature from February 2019 to February 2020 was 15.95°C and 17.27.6°C, respectively. when average air temperatures in September 2019 and 2020 were 30.65 and 31.65°C, respectively. Air temperature for May 2020 was 47.2% higher than May 2019. The average temperatures at the date1 and date5 were low during the Pollination and fertilization stages, and this is in contrast to the rest of the planting dates when temperatures increased during the same period. The date5 was also characterized by higher soil temperatures than the rest of the planting dates. Maize emergence varied according to planting date and the effect of soil and air temperature on seed metabolism. Maize is planted in the middle of the month for all planting dates emerged on February 25, March 21, June 19, August 21 and September 21, respectively. The maize plants have reached the tassel stage on April 18, May 5, August 8, October 2 and November 2, respectively.
3.2Effect of water levels and planting date on the Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K).
In Fig 1 a. the N contents in corn grain under different sowing dates were SD2 > SD3 > SD5 > SD4 > SD1 The result showed that when the sowing dates were delayed, the concentrations of N in corn grain were increased. In other hand the contents of N, did not change significantly with drought stress.
On the other hand, by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, higher N contents were obtained with implementing date2 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels, although that significantly equaled the implementing of date3 under Ir100 & Ir70 or adoption date5 x adopting Ir70 irrigation level. Likewise, the lowest N contents were obtained by implementing date1 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels.
In Fig 1 b. by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, higher P contents were obtained with implementing date1 and date3 under Ir100 irrigation levels, although that significantly equaled the implementing of date1 and date3 under Ir100 or adoption date2 and date5 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels. Likewise, the lowest P contents were obtained by implementing date4 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels.
On the other hand, by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, higher K contents were obtained with implementing date3 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels. Likewise, the lowest K contents were obtained by implementing date1 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels (Fig 1 c).
3.3 Effect of water levels and planting date on the growth parameters of maize.
In Fig. 2 a. by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, a higher plant high was obtained with implementing date1 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels, date2 and date4 under Ir100 irrigation levels, respectively, and date5 under Ir70, although that significantly equaled the implementing of date2, date4 under Ir70 and date5 under Ir100. Likewise, the lowest plant high was obtained by implementing date3 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels.
by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, a higher ear length was obtained with implementing date2 and date5 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels, although that significantly equaled the implementation of date1 and date4 under Ir100 & Ir70. Likewise, the lowest ear length was obtained by implementing date3 under the Ir70 irrigation level (Fig.2 b)
by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, a higher grain number was obtained with implementing date1 under the Ir100 irrigation level. Likewise, the lowest grains number were obtained by implementing date3 under the Ir70 irrigation level (Fig. 2 c)
by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, a higher number of row per ear was obtained with implementing date2 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels, although that significantly equaled the implementation of date2 and date4 under Ir100 & Ir70. Likewise, the lowest row ear number length was obtained by implementing date3 under the Ir70 irrigation level (Fig. 2 d).
by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, a higher grain index was obtained with implementing date4 under the Ir100 irrigation level. Likewise, the lowest grain index was obtained by implementing date1under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels (Fig. 2 e)
In Fig 2 f. by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, a higher ear weight was obtained with implementing date2 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels. Likewise, the lowest ear weight was obtained by implementing date1 and date3 under Ir70 irrigation levels.
3.4 Effect of water levels and planting date on grain yield and water use efficiency.
In Fig 3 a. by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, a higher grain yield was obtained with implementing date5 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels, although that significantly equaled the implementation of date1 and date3 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels. Likewise, the lowest grain yield was obtained by implementing date3 under Ir70 irrigation levels.
In Fig 3 b. by comparing the sowing dates under different irrigation levels, a higher WUE was obtained with implementing date5 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels. Likewise, the lowest WUE was obtained by implementing date3 under Ir100 & Ir70 irrigation levels.