The main objective of this paper is to explore the fiscal performance of West Bengal in the light of deficit management, own effort of revenue collection and finally In order to determine if the state's fiscal performance is improving or not after executing the fiscal reform programme, it is finally important to look at how the state is sustaining its spending and paying off debt.That is, it is examine whether the fiscal performance of the state is dynamic or not over the period (2003-2004 to 2020-2021).i.ehas the fiscal performance of the state changed over time ? Also to see where the financial situation of West Bengal stands relative to the 17 general category states of West Bengal though Telangana state will not be in our discussion as it was formed in 2013 but our discussion is mainly from 2003 to 2021.
The data have been collected mainly from Hand Book of Statistics on State Government Finances-2021 published by the Reserve Bank of India.
The following approach is followed to explore the fiscal performance of West Bengali.e West Bengal fiscal performance Index (WBFPI) .This approach is followed by the approach of Archana Dholakia(2005).
The WBFPI is made up of three distinct indices. They are as follows:
- Indicator of Deficit Index(IDI)
- Own Revenue Effort Index (OREI) and
- Debt and Expenditure Index (EDSI)
Although each indicator indices are consisting of fiscal indicators.(1) Indicator of Deficit Index(IDI) consist of i) Gross Fiscal Deficit as a percentage of Total Expenditure (GFD/TEX), ii) Revenue Deficit as a percentage of Net Fiscal Deficit(RD/NFD) and iii) Capital Outlay as a percentage of Net Fiscal Deficit(CO/NFD).(2) Own Revenue Effort Index (OREI) is consist of i) Own Tax Collection as percentage of Revenue Expenditure (OT/REX) and ii) Own Non-Tax Collection as a percentage of Revenue Expenditure (ONT/REX) and (3)Debt and Expenditure Index (EDSI)is consist of i) Non-Developmental Revenue Expenditure as a percentage of Revenue Receipts(NDRE/RR),ii) Interest Payment as a percentage of Revenue Expenditure(IP/REX) and iii) Debt Repayment as a percentage of Central Fiscal Transfers received by the state(DR/GCFT)
Composite index is constructed by following the procedure
We have used the methodology developed by Morris and Mc Alpin in 1982 which is used to develop Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)for construction of the Fiscal Performance composite Index.
In the construction process first of all above mentioned eight key fiscal percentage are calculated (See Appendix Table-1). Secondly, each fiscal Indicator Index has been calculatedby taking average value for each year i.e., for 2003-04 to 2020-21 and converted eachindicesin performance indexfollowing the methodology of Morris and McAlpin (Appendix Table-2).
Performance index for Indicator of Deficit Index(IDI) = {1-(Av-Min)/(Max-Min)}×100
Own Revenue Effort Index (OREI) ={(Av-Min)/(Max-Min)}×100
Debt and Expenditure Index (EDSI) ={1-(Av-Min)/(Max-Min)}×100
Here, Av stand for actual value , for calculation of performance in terms of Deficit, Debt and expenditure , We have used {1-(Av-Min)/(Max-Min)}×100 formula because higher value of these indices reveal worse fiscal performance for a state . But in our discussion, we want to show better fiscal performance.Hence we have used above formula. Then calculate the rank of each statesamong 17 general category states in India for each year.
Because choosing only one indication to measure fiscal performance is not justifiable, employing a multiple indicator model to assess fiscal performance is justified. This amounts to ignoring other crucial fiscal factors, such as fiscal/GDP or revenue deficit/revenue receipts. It also disregards the qualitative components of fiscal parameters, such as how and on what the government spends, the magnitude of debt, the impact of interest payments, and how the fiscal deficit is financed (Dholakia and Solanki, 2001). Additionally, it raises the likelihood of measurement inaccuracy (Dholakia, 2005).
This is a simple way to assess the state's success because improving the value of an indicator index inevitably improves fiscal performance, and vice versa. The composite index is calculated as a simple average of the indicator indices after the indicator index has been formed.
Composite Index= ∑ Individual Indicator Index of each year/ Number of Individual Indicators.
The three indicator indices of West Bengal for the 18 years under study are demonstrated in Table1 which reveal the trend of each indices over the period of time and therelative position of West Bengal among 17 states has been shown in Table 2 in terms of three fiscal indices.According to the value of composite index the years are ranked as the year with highest index value is 1 and the year with lowest value is 17 per year.