Plastic responses in root structure
In general, under shade, the shoot to root ratio was similar to full sun and indifferent to the addition of P (Table 1). These results differ from what was reported by Cheng et al. (2014) who found that shading of 200 µmol m− 2.s− 1 increased the S/R regardless of the P content of the soil. This would be because Trifolium repens is a shade avoider species (Lemaire and Millard,1999) that maintained the S/R until a radiation of 212 µmol m− 2.s− 1-. This threshold is consistent with the photosynthetic asymptote located around 238 µmol.m− 2.s− 1 (Beinhart, 1962; Smetham, 1972). Below 200 µmol.m− 2.s− 1 the S/R increases; verified at extreme level of shading − 90%; 54 µmos m− 2.s− 1-, only under P-. Also, TR is tolerant to the shortage of P under shade.
However, under conditions of this trail, the functional balance was not able to capture differences between treatments. This agrees with what was postulated by Ryser and Eek (2000) that there are other traits that allow to overcome the constraint imposed by allocation pattern. In this sense, there were differential tolerance responses to the analyzed factors between the taproot biomass and length (Fig. 1a and Table 1, respectively) and between the types of roots evaluated (Fig. 1b and c). Taproot biomass was very sensitive to shading and P deficit; decreased with a light shading of 30%. These thickest roots might have a high growth cost for their low lifespan; high cost/benefit since they remain alive until the beginning of the second year (Brock et al., 2000; Pagès et al., 2011). However, the taproot length was a compensation mechanisms that maintained up to 60% S and irrespective of the presence of P (Table 1) ensuring a low carbon investment towards the taproot construction cost (length: taproot biomass) (Lambers et al., 2006).
The other kind of roots, coarse fibrous roots, also decreased their biomass from 60% S (Fig. 1b), regardless of the P content of the soil. This reduction may be due to low carbohydrate availability also demonstrated in Trifolium respens growing in competition for light with Lolium perenne (Jouany et al., 2004).
Fine roots could only express their maximum growth with light and P+ (mean PAR radiation of 556 µmol m− 2.s− 1). They were sensitive to shading > 60% S with P + and P- shortage even in full sun (Fig. 1c). Fine roots were also affected by located nutrient P- supply in soybean (Zhou et al., 2019). Shading of 90%, PAR radiation of around 54 µmos m− 2 .s− 1, is clearly an extreme value that limits root growth in the first year. The plants tried to compensate by adjusting the taproot length (Table 1) but did not survive the second year. So, in general, the light tolerance threshold was around 60% of shading (212 µmol. m− 2.s− 1).
The differences between cultivars were scarce except in the taproot diameter (Table 1). This could be due to the low genetic variability between both cultivars.
At whole-plant level the balance in partitioned biomass between root categories was an efficient mechanism to adapt the root system sink to the overall availability of assimilates (Pagès et al., 2020) and to detect the plasticity between shading and P levels.
Impacts of root responses on root system functions and on establishment and implantation of Trifolium repens under simultaneous light and P shortage
The establishment of Trifolium repens depends on the ability to colonize the soil volume as quickly as possible (Pagès et al., 2020). Simultaneous light and P shortage maintained total root biomass up to 60% S in P- (Table 1). This would grant a benefit since higher root biomass of the entire root system would not limit whole-plant functioning; soil exploration and exploitation, acquisition of nutrients and water from soil (Ryser and Eek 2000; Ryser, 2006; Freschet and Roumet, 2017). However, there was a differential sensitivity to shade and phosphorus of the different types of roots evaluated. These shifts had consequences on the functions of the root system as a whole and are consistent with the existence of a specialization within the root system (McCormick et al., 2015; Freschet and Roumet, 2017).
Taproot biomass decreased with the least shading − 30% S-; this would condition the penetration and fixing point of the main roots into the soil (Roumet et al., 2006). However, plants maintained taproot length and diameter up to 60% S (Table 1). Taproot length impacted on the specific taproot length that is positively associated with the rate of water and nutrient uptake (Ryser, 1998; Roumet et al., 2006). Also, the maintenance of taproot diameter gave the differential ability to penetrate deeply into the soil (Caradus and Woodfield, 1998; Ryser, 1998; Roumet et al., 2006) (Table 1). Fine roots biomass was a stable trait between full sun and 60% with P-, because they develop an essential function of capturing the immobile P during the establishment of Trifolium repens (Fig. 1c). Cells of fine fibrous roots deal with absorption because they do not have secondary growth (Freschet and Roumet, 2017; Pagès et al., 2020). These responses would reflect the ability of TR to establish, survive and to monopolize space, water and nutrients in environments where competition may be strong (Caradus and Woodfield, 1998; Schenk and Jackson, 2002; Roumet et al., 2006). However, the greatest limitation in 60% S could be related to coarse root biomass during the first year. Coarse roots (Fig. 1b) are responsible for water and nutrients transportation because they have vascular structure and secondary development (Pagès et al., 2020).
In implantation (after the first year of the plants), the sensitivity of the total adventitious root was similar between 30 and 60% of shading and independent of P addition. This occurred even though there was still P in the soil (Supplementary Material 2, Fig. 1b). The effect of fertilization with P was not manifested in root biomass in the second year. Thus, fertilization with P + would have a limited scope in systems with < 396 µmoles m− 2.s− 1-. 30%S-.