Random walks are a common phenomenon that occur in many areas, such as molecular motion, the growth of bacterial colonies, the movements of microorganisms 23–26. One-dimensional random walks are also a standard approach to analyzing stock price movements 27–29. An early description of random walks goes back more than 100 years 30, and several modifications and specifications have been added, from which the current description of the olfactory test could be derived. The present clinical test for assessing odor thresholds can be described as one-dimensional biased random walks (BRW) with highly unbalanced probabilities for upward (11%) and downward (89%) movements. The walk is complicated by the nesting of two components, the first consisting of the determination of the starting point for the next walk, which consists of the determination of the subsequent turning points for threshold calculation. The first component is unidirectional, i.e., the movement can only go in the direction of lower values. The second part of the test is an up and down movement.
The formal solution and the empirical soft-coded experiments consistently pointed to the starting point as a critical determinant of the subsequent turning points that ultimately determine the outcome of the odor threshold test. This is consistent with the inclusion of the starting point in an early formalization of random walks 30 as \({X}_{n}={x}_{0}+\sum _{j=1}^{n}{Z}_{j}\), where \({\left({X}_{n}\right)}_{n\in {\mathbb{N}}_{0}}\)describes the stochastic process leading to the actual position in the walk after j steps from the start point \({x}_{0}\)In the present formalization (see Results section), the main determinants of the final results in terms of threshold score obtained by random choices are (i) the starting point, Tstart, (ii) the length of the walk, t, and the probabilities in the bias component.
Starting from a high position involves a non-negligible chance of staying in high positions, even if the ability that would drive an upward movement is lacking. According to the rules of the test, the probability of a downward movement is still quite high (11%). On the other hand, if the starting position is low, it is very difficult to reach a high position by chance. Thus, according to the actual test instructions, starting at T = 16 includes a non-negligible chance of remaining without olfactory function at higher odor dilutions in the subsequent test, which applies to all published and unpublished applications of the Sniffin` Sticks test to date. As a result, the actual boundary of anosmia at TDI < 16 marks the 87th percentile. This behavior can be corrected by starting at T = 8, which is a result of the present analyses and raises the cutoff of anosmia at T < 16 to the 97th percentile of randomly generated TDI scores. Finally, the starting point alone, without the subsequent biased random walk, proved to be an inadequate approach to preventing guessed high TDI scores. If only the first part of the random walk, used to determine the starting point, was repeated 10 times and the average of these starting points was used as the threshold, the 90th percentile of the TDI scores would increase to TDI > = 20.
The formal solution and the empirical soft-coded experiments also emphasized that the length of the random walk, denoted as time t in the formula given in the results section of this report, is an important factor in the actual position in the staircase, which over time has a greater chance of being among the lower scores due to the unbalanced probabilities. In the current experiments, it appears that the use of later turning points for averaging to the final odor threshold shifts the 90th percentile to lower values, i.e., produces the desired reduction in the probability of high test scores possible by mere guessing at the test. However, a clinical trial that is performed on a patient cannot be continued for an indefinite period of time. In fact, the focus of olfactory test development over the past two decades has been on reducing test burden rather than increasing specificity to detect true loss of olfactory function, triggering proposals of so-called “short” olfactory tests 31–36. Therefore, shifting the relevant turning points was considered second only to shifting the starting point in the present proposal to reduce the likelihood of false rejections of the diagnosis of anosmia due to chance results. Nevertheless, the present experiments indicate that attempts to shorten the olfactory threshold test by using earlier turning points 36 should be undertaken with great caution. Given the importance of short test times in clinical practice, the change in probabilities of the bias component of the random walk was not further analyzed. Extending the forced-choice design beyond the current 3-alternative variant would certainly increase testing time and could at best be a rescue measure if other means fail, which, as discussed above, was not the case.
Random walks or mentions of the staircase paradigm are quite common in the biomedical literature. A search of the PubMed database on March 17, 2023 for “(((("staircase paradigm" OR "staircase approach" OR "staircase method" OR "random walk")) AND ((human or patient or subject or volunteer))) NOT ((injury OR accident))) NOT (review[Publication Type])" returned 1,464 results. “Random walk" alone without "staircase" returned 1,241 hits. Extraction of the most frequent words from the titles of publications, using the R package "PubMedWordcloud" (https://cran.r-project.org/package=PubMedWordcloud 37), yielded seven words that were mentioned more than 60 times (arbitrarily chosen cut-off), namely diffusion, cancer, networks, gene, disease, cell, and dynamics. Among the less self-explanatory words in the present random walk context, genes were involved in the context of describing gene interaction network with random walk based models 38, diseases are addressed from several perspectives by random walk approaches, such as improved diagnostics 39 or identification of gene/mRNA disease interaction networks 40, drug-target interaction networks in a pharmacological analysis of side effect prediction 41, and dynamics is used in several meanings, such as temporal dynamics 42 or molecular dynamics 43.
The odor threshold subtest of the Sniffin` Sticks clinical olfactory test battery is not an isolated design in which random walks have been adapted. Sensory testing with random walks is rather common without the processes being named. In a recent report on changes in point pressure sensitivity as an early sign of Parkinson's disease, the authors specifically described the test design as a "state-of-the-art forced-choice staircase threshold test paradigm" 44. Similarly, the determination of pain thresholds to mechanical or electrical noxious stimuli in a human experimental study was performed using a forced staircase paradigm similar to the olfactory test analyzed here 45. Another example is the determination of cuff pain tolerance using a staircase paradigm 46. The use of staircase paradigms for sensory testing extends to visual or acoustic stimuli for which the detection threshold in chicken has been determined using a staircase paradigm 47. These are all random walks, although this type of process is barely mentioned by name in the sensory research context. Interestingly, a search for "("staircase paradigm") AND ("random walk")" returned an empty hit list.