Our study demonstrated that even in samples dated hundreds of years old, SIA helps evaluate trophic and habitat assessment in multiple shark species using teeth collagen. Our assessment of the historical shark ecology showed three major differences between the archaeological and modern communities. First, the community of sharks off southern Brazil from 724 − 542 years cal.B.P were under a considerable degree of isotopic niche overlap, even when only considering the comparable species with the MC. On the other hand, the MC of sharks exhibited resource partitioning for C. taurus, mostly because of its higher trophic position (Fig. 4). Second, the MC had a higher CD, implying in a higher trophic diversity whereas the AC was characterized by species being close to each other, or 'packed', hence a higher trophic redundancy (e.g. species with similar diets and foraging methods; lower CD and NND respectively). Third, an increase in trophic position for C. taurus in the MC, could suggest a change in its role in its local ecosystem and could have important implications for other species in the local food web as well as for fisheries management. It is important to note that the isotopic functional evenness (NND and SDNND) and isotopic functional divergence (CD) indices are strongly robust to isotopic baseline shifts, which allows ecological inferences in the comparison of communities with different isotopic baselines (Belle and Cabana 2020).
Patterns of trophic structure
The classical niche theory predicts trophic segregation among coexisting species (Hutchinson 1957; Vandermeer 1972), and dietary niche partitioning in elasmobranch communities are regularly observed in community ecology studies (e.g. White et al. 2004; Kinney et al. 2011). However, we observed considerable isotopic niche overlap / trophic redundancy within the AC (Fig. 2). High niche overlap for a guild of sympatric predators would suggest that prey was not a limiting resource. Studies have shown high niche overlap and relaxed competition states between top consumers when food items are abundant, leading to stable resource use (e.g. Gallagher et al. 2016). Although pre-colonial environments in southern Brazil were likely to be resource-abundant, more factors would be at play in shaping the patterns of niche overlap observed. High niche overlap could also be the expected outcome of top-down controlled marine systems where predators are near their carrying capacity (Bas et al. 2019). Whereby when under higher states of competition, predators could experience frequent hunger effects, capturing prey according to their encounter rate (Gill 2003). This would lead the predators to share prey items with other competitors, hence sharing niche breadth (Bolnick et al. 2010). However, co-occurring archaeological shark species were not likely near carrying capacity, as these sharks too were under predation pressure from subsistence catches of pre-colonial natives (e.g. Fossile et al. 2019; Burg Mayer et al. 2022), and it is common for great sharks to predate smaller sharks (e.g. Smale 2005; Bornatowski et al. 2014). The sympatry of many apex consumers and the presence of intraguild predation would suggest the presence of a reinforced top-down control, even among the apex predators. Direct and indirect predation effects would also maintain predators and mesopredators populations below the carrying capacity that would be sustained by the abundance of prey resources (Heithaus 2008; Vaudo and Heithaus 2011). If this were the case in the AC, particular trophic levels of shark prey would be under predatory release, which would lead to higher degrees of trophic redundancy and niche overlap in the whole community (Heithaus 2008; Vaudo and Heithaus 2011).
Furthermore, food webs with multiple predators and intraguild predation often result in weakened interactions towards particular prey species (Schmitz 2007), whereas species-diverse food webs may offer prey populations greater resilience due to weaker or diffuse interactions (Montoya et al. 2006; Heithaus 2008), trophic redundancy, and populations of predators that are more resilient to decline (lower NND, Fig. 2; Heithaus 2008). The AC higher trophic redundancy would suggest these shark species were co-occurring, leading to a state of 'stable resource use'. In agreement with a higher degree of niche overlap, NND metric shows that species were more closely distributed in the AC (Fig. 2), suggesting higher trophic redundancy (Layman et al. 2007; Jabot et al. 2017).
Hence, we hypothesize that this multi-predator food web was able to sustain high levels of niche overlap through variable degrees of top-down control and intraguild predation, which would make several prey items under predatory release, leading the community to a state of 'stable resource use'.
Modern communities might be diversifying their patterns of resource use and decreasing their trophic redundancy, as other studies also have shown higher CD and NND for modern food webs (Saporiti et al. 2014; Bas et al. 2019). The niche hypothesis predicts that a population will exhibit a contracted niche breadth under the influence of strong interspecific competition and an expanded niche breadth when competition is relaxed, by the possibility of adding new resources that otherwise were monopolized by competitors (Bolnick et al. 2010). In previous historical trophic structure comparisons, decreases in niche overlap and trophic redundancy have been linked to competition release for top and mesopredators (Saporiti et al. 2014). Another explanation for the observed changes in the marine trophic ecology of the MC comes from the optimal foraging theory, which predicts that when prey becomes less abundant, predators become less selective increasing the consumption of less profitable prey and consequently increasing their trophic niche (Townsend and Winfield 1985; Gill 2003). As humans progress their unsustainable fisheries worldwide, fishing both top predators and their prey and impoverishing the food webs and their ecological relationships (Myers and Worm 2003; Pacoureau et al. 2021) it is plausible to assume that populations of top and mesopredators are progressively diversifying their diets. Both mechanisms cited might explain these observed changes, as in our study, all comparable species between past and present showed a shift towards depleted δ13C values and most of them had an increase in their isotopic niche (Fig. 2; Table 1), reinforcing the idea of a trend in niche and resource diversification. For example, the C. plumbeus deviance from expected enriched δ13C values for typical coastal species, likewise for some individuals of C. taurus (Fig. 2), would suggest that the relative importance of pelagic prey has increased. Changes in isotopic baselines may hinder isotopic comparisons between time-separated communities, but we suggest that based on C. taurus δ13C values among temporal communities that did not significantly differ, the baseline for coastal areas has remained relatively similar.
Regardless, the increase in the trophic niche for these species symbolizes the plasticity of sharks to alter their trophic ecology, a feature that must be attributed to their long evolutionary history that has enabled them to adapt to different environmental conditions and prey availability. This plasticity may also have implications for their resilience to human impacts and their role in marine ecosystems.
The increased trophic position of modern Carcharias taurus
Marine food webs often contain four or five trophic levels (Vander-Zanden and Fetzer 2007), and the increase in trophic position generally means that more predation events are taking place. Previous trophic reconstructions studies from archaeological datasets in South America suggested that intensively exploited modern fur seals and sea lions increased their trophic level as a consequence of liberation from intraspecific competition (Drago et al. 2009; Saporiti et al. 2014; Zenteno et al. 2015; Bas et al. 2019). A similar situation could be playing a role in niche partitioning and the increased trophic position of C. taurus, as this species is considered to be overexploited or threatened with overexploitation (ICMBio 2018). The proposed mechanism behind the increase in trophic level involves a niche shift towards a more selective diet on bigger prey as a consequence of intraspecific competition release (Saporiti et al. 2014; Bas et al. 2019), hence a higher trophic level (Jennings 2005). C. taurus is mainly a predator of intermediate and higher trophic level elasmobranchs and teleosts (Lucifora et al. 2009; Cortés 1999; Hussey et al. 2015), and competition release may have benefited C. taurus, enabling the increase in high trophic level prey in its diet. The intraspecific competition release in question should be even more dramatic for elasmobranchs, as they have lower population replenishment after severe exploitation, due to their intrinsic life-history traits, such as late maturity, slow growth and low reproductive rates (Ferretti et al. 2010). Furthermore, populations of marine predators, under fishing pressure would have constrained growth rates, due to direct and indirect effects of predation (Heithaus 2008). Lower population growth rates would indirectly reduce trophic levels, as it correlates with body size (Jennings 2005), which does not seem to be the case for C. taurus in this study.
Modern specimens of C. taurus and Carcharhinus group have expanded their niche areas in the present (respectively: SEAc from 2.35 to 2.8; and SEAc from 1.6 to 7). As mentioned before, the niche hypothesis might explain this increase in the isotopic niche, suggesting relaxed competition states, thus corroborating the hypothesis that intraspecific competition release is causing the observed increase in trophic level for C. taurus, and maybe other Carcharhinidae.
In addition, there is mounting evidence that anthropic impacts cause longer food webs (longer NR; Fig. 3) through hunting and fisheries, leading to intraspecific competition release for some species (Drago et al. 2009; Saporiti et al. 2014; Zenteno et al. 2015; Bas et al. 2019).
Caveats and considerations
It may not be surprising that two isotopic snapshots of shark guilds varied over time, reflecting changes in their underlying ecological dynamics. However, in this study, we aimed to describe and report shifts in their trophic structure/topology. It is important to note that these changes in topology are not influenced by isotopic baselines, providing evidence for changes driven by shifts in the species interactions, by anthropic impacts within these systems or the synergy of both. This raises important questions for future research, such as whether similar patterns of variation can be observed in other studies, and what the potential drivers of these changes might be. While we cannot definitively attribute the observed differences in food web topology to anthropogenic impacts, it is likely that human activities have played a role in altering the trophic positions of C. taurus and possibly other species. Further investigation using historical data will be necessary to understand the causes and consequences of these changes.
We understand our study is not free of many caveats that comes from using stable isotopes inferences (Hussey et al. 2012b; Shiffman et al. 2012). Turnover rates for teeth only provide inferred average resource use, thus the pattern of niche overlap for AC could be representative of temporal niche partitioning over the same resources. When there are numerous different pathways between baseline primary producers or secondary consumers and the target organisms under research, the evaluation of niche can become problematic for some highly migratory shark species that feed in multiple habitats (e.g. C. carcharias, C. obscurus). When dealing with isotopic niche areas, absence of overlap may provide evidence for resource partitioning, however the presence of overlap may not always mean shared sources use, as different patterns of resource use may lead to similar isotopic values (reviewed in Layman et al. 2012). However, we could assume that species are sympatric and therefore did share resources, based in other pre-colonial inhabitants of Brazil, the pre-colonial people mostly likely did not performed extreme far-away fishing trips away from the coast (Gilson and Lessa 2019) even catching typically oceanic species near the coast, as shown for I. paucus individuals with enriched carbon values (Fig. 2). Furthermore, high niche overlap among sharks may not be an uncommon occurrence (e.g. Vaudo and Heithaus 2011; Gallagher et al. 2016; Shiffman et al. 2019), although other ecological dynamics may be involved in these examples, this corroborates the plausibility of our findings.
The calculation of a trophic level using a single discrimination factor obscures much of the real complexity behind trophic interactions (Zeichner et al. 2017), whereas scaled discrimination factors may be more accurate (Hussey et al. 2014). It is difficult to speculate on the nature of high rates of niche overlap without further knowledge about past food webs, trophic interactions for rare species, and respective regional past isoescapes. The lack of studies using stable isotopes in sharks in Brazil and available data on regional isoescapes also hampers any comparative studies.
Concluding remarks
Our study adds to the multiple trophic reconstructions of food webs that have found patterns of tightly ‘packed’ communities (NND) in pre-colonial food webs, and patterns of increased trophic diversity (CD) for modern communities and increased trophic position for some species (e.g. Saporiti et al. 2014; Bas et al. 2019; Durante et al. 2022). This would suggest a possible pattern for the use of resource in nearly pristine food webs, where trophic redundancy is common. The increase in the trophic position of apex predators and the increase in the diversity of resource use in modern communities needs attention. There is concern that the simplification of ecosystems, due to the loss of species and ecological interactions, leads to diminished functional redundancy and lower ecosystem resistance and resilience (Worm et al. 2006; Bascompte et al. 2005).
This study shows a possible consequence of anthropic actions that affect trophic interactions and ecology of surviving individuals of populations that would be below carrying capacity, as most sharks populations are sensitive to fishing mortality (Dulvy and Forrest 2010; Ferretti et al. 2010). Until further action is taken to prevent the disappearance of many important species, food webs are becoming gradually poorer than they were before.