Probing the liquid-like properties of foci formed by protein overexpression
Bacterial condensates have been mainly studied in vitro, and it is largely unexplored if these proteins form foci with liquid-like properties inside the cell. Overexpression and imaging of fluorescent fusions provide a quick and useful method for gaining insight into the material state of a bacterial focus. The Maintenance of carboxysome distribution protein B (McdB) undergoes robust phase separation in vitro, but it is unknown whether this activity occurs in the cell24. Therefore, we first overexpressed a fully functional mNeonGreen-McdB (mNG-McdB) fusion in E. coli BL21 cells and performed time-lapse fluorescence microscopy to qualitatively invesitgate the behaviors of the McdB protein in vivo. Focus formation was observed in less than one hour post induction with IPTG at 16°C (Supplementary Fig. 1a and Supplementary Video 1). Some proximal mNG-McdB foci fused into larger structures on the seconds timescale (Supplementary Fig. 1b). DAPI staining of the nucleoid showed that these larger mNG-McdB foci were nucleoid-excluded (Supplementary Fig. 1c). Strikingly, after three hours, larger mNG-McdB foci localized to the inner membrane near sites of local cell curvature (white arrows in Supplementary Fig. 1a and Supplementary Video 1). We speculate mNG-McdB foci wet to the membrane via nonspecific electrostatic associations and locally occlude cell wall synthesis. The resulting asymmetry in cell wall growth thereby induces cell curvature. Together, we find that mNG-McdB forms small foci upon reaching a threshold cellular concentration, and that these small foci fuse to form large, nucleoid-excluded structures that appear to wet to the inner membrane and cause local changes in cell morphology.
A hallmark of phase-separated condensates is their immediate responsiveness to changes in the cellular environment, such as variations in temperature or cell volume. We first examined the reversibility of mNG-McdB foci via time-lapse microscopy as the stage-top temperature increased from 25 to 37°C. Despite continued overexpression of mNG-McdB, the foci disappeared within eight minutes, indicative of reversal into a single homogenous phase in the cytoplasm (Supplementary Fig. 1d and Supplementary Video 2). To probe the concentration dependency of mNG-McdB foci formation in vivo, we treated the cells with A22 which caused a rod-to-sphere transition and corresponding increase in cell volume. During this transition, mNG-McdB foci dissolved into a homogenous phase in the cytoplasm (Supplementary Fig. 1e, Video 3), suggesting that the cellular levels of mNG-McdB dropped below csat.
Because temperature shifts and drug-induced changes to cell volume are gradual and may involve pleiotropic effects, we developed an approach to probe the dynamic properties of mNG-McdB foci upon an instantaneous change to cell volume. In this localized-lysis method, a high-intensity laser was focused on one cell pole to lyse the cell. Localized lysis caused cell contents to unidirectionally rush out of the cell. Strikingly, upon cell lysis, the mNG-McdB focus signal dispersed towards the opposing open cell pole (Supplementary Fig. 1f and Supplementary Video 4). The observed dynamics resemble the observed jetting of P granules under sheer stress29. Altogether, these results demonstrate that mNG-McdB foci in E. coli BL21 exhibit properties consistent with those of phase-separated condensates.
Using tunable promoters to probe the formation of biomolecular condensates
In eukaryotic cell biology, the majority of condensate studies perform in vivo measurements using ectopic overexpression30. However, phase-separating systems are exceedingly sensitive to changes in concentration, and overexpression may introduce significant caveats in the extrapolation that a protein forms condensates when expressed at lower endogenous levels. We set out to find additional metrics other than overexpression to support claims that a bacterial focus is indeed phase-separated.
We turned to a heterologous expression system to observe condensate formation during controlled protein expression. We fused the fluorescent protein mCherry to the N-terminus of McdB(mCherry-mcdB) and placed it under the control of an IPTG-inducible promoter on a pTrc99A expression vector (pTrc99A-mCherry-mcdB). Along with our protein of interest, we probed a series of well-established control proteins, all fused to mCherry. The protein cIagg is a truncated and mutated version of the Lambda cI repressor that is well-known to form insoluble aggregates in E. coli28. On the other hand, fluorescent protein fusions to PopTag proteins form condensates via phase separation with tunable material properties that depend on the length of the linker between PopTag and the fusion protein26. We engineered two versions of the PopTag fusion: PopTagSL with a short (six-amino acid) GS repeat linker (pTrc99A-mCherry-L6-PopTag) and PopTagLL with the native linker of the PopZ protein (78-amino acid) (pTrc99A-mCherry-L78-PopTag). Based on the linker lengths, PopTagLL-mCherry condensates should be more fluid than PopTagSL-mCherry condensates, which we expect to be more viscous or in a gel-like state26. Additionally, we probed a solubilized McdB mutant (McdBsol), previously shown to be abrogated in its phase separation activity both in vitro and in vivo25. Finally, mCherry alone was used as a control for a completely soluble protein. All mCherry fusion proteins showed a lower degradation level (less than 20%) compared to mCherry alone when expressed with the pTrc99A promoter (Supplementary Fig. 2).
Induced expression of these proteins in E. coli cells showed focus formation as a function of increasing protein concentration over time (Fig. 2a-b and Supplemental Fig. 3). After one hour of expression, approximately 60% of mCherry-cIagg and mCherry-PopTagSL cells had a focus, while no foci were observed in mCherry-PopTagLL, -McdB, and -McdBsol cells (Fig. 2b). Between one and five hours of expression, the percentage of mCherry-cIagg and mCherry-PopTagSL cells with a focus slightly increased from 60 to 80%, while that of the mCherry-PopTagLL and mCherry-McdB cells significantly increased to 70% and 60%, respectively. The proportion of the mCherry-McdBsol cells with a focus was two-fold lower than that of mCherry-McdB at 5 hours. Strikingly, a notable fraction of the fluorescence signal was localized to the cytoplasm of cells with a mCherry-PopTagSL, -PopTagLL, -McdB, or -McdBsol focus, but not in the mCherry-cIagg cells (Fig. 2a). The focus and the cytoplasmic fraction resemble the dense phase and dilute phase in a two-phase system.
Next, we used quantitative fluorescence microscopy to determine the apparent in vivo saturation concentration (csat_app) of our protein of interest, McdB. We first determined the intensity of single mCherry molecules that were spatially isolated prior to photobleaching of fluorescence in the cell. These single-molecule localization images were quantified to measure the number of photons detected per molecule per imaging frame (Supplementary Fig. 4). Next, we calculated the cellular concentration of McdB by integrating the total cellular fluorescence intensity per imaging frame and dividing this value by the mCherry single-molecule intensity and the cellular volume. Cells were then classified by the presence or absence of a focus. After a 4-hour induction, cells expressing mCherry-McdB without a detected focus had an average cellular concentration of 92 ± 29 µM, while the concentration in cells with a focus was 113 ± 37 µM (Fig. 2c). This observation of condensates in cells with a slightly higher total protein concentration is consistent with McdB undergoing a nearly immediate and concentration-dependent transition to form a focus. We performed the same analysis for cells expressing mCherry-PopTagLL. The average cellular concentration of this fluid-condensate control was 32 ± 20 µM in cells without a focus while cells with a detected focus had an average concentration of 40 ± 20 µM (Fig. 2c). PopTagSL formed condensates prior to IPTG induction, which prevented similar analyses. Together, the results provide a csat_app at which condensates form; for mCherry-PopTagLL and mCherry-McdB, we estimate the csat_app to be between 32–40 µM and 92–113 µM, respectively.
Condensates coexist with a soluble phase
A hallmark of phase separation is the existence of a soluble fraction in the cytoplasm. To quantify the ratio of mCherry protein fusion concentration in the focus (dense phase) to the concentration in the cytoplasmic fraction (dilute phase), the partitioning of each fusion was measured (Fig. 2d). The largest partitioning was measured for the aggregator control, mCherry-cIagg, in which there was no detectable fluorescent signal in the cytoplasm. The mCherry-PopTagSL condensate control partitioned to a greater extent than the more fluid condensate control mCherry-PopTagLL. The partitioning of our protein of interest, mCherry-McdB, was intermediate relative to the PopTag controls. We also analyzed condensation in cells by normalizing all pixel intensities in hundreds of cells per protein and calculating the fraction of pixels below a normalized intensity threshold of 30% (Supplementary Fig. 5)16,31. The relative condensation coefficients acquired from this analysis (Fig. 2e) were consistent with the partition ratios (see Fig. 2d).
To further inspect the partitioning of proteins to polar foci, we titrated photoactivatable (PA) mCherry fusions of each protein and performed single-molecule localization super-resolution microscopy to generate normalized localization density heat maps (Fig. 2f). Consistent with our previous results, PAmCherry-cIagg had minimal localization density in the cytoplasm under all conditions, which suggests nearly all protein is recruited to the polar aggregates. On the other hand, the polar density of PAmCherry-PopTagSL increased with increasing protein concentration, but these cells also maintained a protein fraction in the cytoplasm. Strikingly, PAmCherry-PopTagLL and -McdB displayed a transition between no induction and two hours post induction, indicative of focus formation. Intriguingly, PAmCherry-McdBsol also formed high-density regions at the poles, consistent with bulk fluorescence measurements (see Fig. 2a). To abrogate phase separation in this McdBsol mutant, the net negative charge of its IDR was increased25; therefore, we speculate that the localization pattern of the fluidized PAmCherry-McdB condensate is due to nucleoid exclusion by repulsive electrostatic interactions. Consistently, we found that mCherry-McdBsol foci expanded and encroached throughout the cytoplasm as the nucleoid was compacted via drug treatment (Supplementary Fig. 6 and Supplementary Video 5). Collectively, our results demonstrate the use of a tunable expression system that shows the concentration-dependent formation of condensates that exhibit a two-phase behavior, indicative of phase separation. Phase separation theory predicts that while many small condensates form at the initiation of phase separation, this number decreases, and the sizes of those that persist increase via coalescence32,33.
Our findings here are consistent with the expected final ground state being a single large condensate that coexists with a dilute phase. Some cells had foci at opposing poles. However, this can be attributed to the steric effects of nucleoid exclusion that prevent condensates from physically interacting and coalescing.
Bacterial cell growth and division probe the reversibility of condensates
Condensates should dissolve if cellular levels of the protein drop below csat 7. To probe condensate reversibility in bacteria, we implemented two approaches that lower the protein concentration in the system following focus formation. We expected that driving the protein concentration below the protein csat would dissolve the condensates and thus demonstrate solubility as a driving force for condensate formation. First, each protein was expressed via IPTG induction, and once foci formed, expression was stopped to maintain a constant cellular protein level. Cells were then allowed to grow and divide, and in doing so, dilute the concentration of the mCherry fusion proteins. Noticeably, mCherry-cIagg foci remained at the pole from which they formed even as cells grew and divided over 15 hours (∼9 generations), resulting in an average focus lifespan of 14.3 ± 2.2 hours (Fig. 3a-c and Supplementary Video 6). This result indicates that there is no concentration dependence in the formation and maintenance of mCherry-cIagg foci, and further supports the previously reported insolubility of cIagg foci28.
In contrast, mCherry-PopTagSL, mCherry-PopTagLL, and mCherry-McdB foci all exhibited concentration-dependent dissolution. mCherry-PopTagSL foci had an average lifespan of 11.0 ± 4.4 hours (Fig. 3b-c, Supplementary Fig. 7a), and the total focus intensity dropped approximately two-fold over this time period, suggesting a decrease in focus size. The generational dilution effect was more immediate with the mCherry-PopTagLL (Supplementary Fig. 7a), which exhibited a rapid decrease in total focus intensity and full dissolution within one to three cell divisions and an average focus lifespan of 2.3 ± 0.8 hours. When compared to these controls, mCherry-McdB focus dissolution mirrored that of the fluid mCherry-PopTagLL condensate, with an average focus lifespan of 2.6 ± 1.3 hours or within one to three cell divisions. Indeed, many mCherry-McdB foci dissolved following a single cell division event (Supplementary Video 6). Interestingly, we observed some mCherry-McdB and mCherry-PopTagSL foci reforming immediately after cell division (Supplementary Fig. 8). This observation is consistent with the low csat of mCherry-McdB and mCherry-PopTagSL. As the cell divides, the volume decreases, leading to an increase in the concentration back above csat in the daughter cell, which ultimately results in the reformation of a focus.
We also probed condensate solubility by diluting protein concentration via an increase in cell length without further protein expression. E. coli cells were prepared as described above, but with the inclusion of the cell division inhibitor cephalexin (10 µg/ml). We expected similar trends for dilution via cell elongation as in cell division, and indeed mCherry-cIagg foci were observed to persist throughout the duration of the experiment (10 hours), with an average lifespan of 10.0 ± 0.4 hours (Fig. 3d-f and Supplementary Video 7). The total focus fluorescence of mCherry-PopTagSL foci, on the other hand, decreased significantly over time and completely dissolved with an average lifespan of 5.5 ± 0.4 hours (Fig. 3e-f, Supplementary Fig. 7b). The more fluid PopTag control, mCherry-PopTagLL, readily dissolved with an average lifespan of 2.0 ± 0.6 hours.
Strikingly, the average lifespan of mCherry-McdB foci was 5.6 ± 3.1 hours, which was roughly twice as long as that found in the cell division experiments above. This increase in average lifetime was influenced by the persistence of some foci over the duration of imaging, which resulted in a bimodal distribution of foci lifespan for mCherry-McdB (Fig. 3f). The reason for this persistence of some foci is unknown. But we speculate that the altered cytoplasmic conditions (e.g. effective volume and crowding) of multi-nucleate elongated cells, compared to cells undergoing vegetative growth, play a role in the observed differences in focus dissolution.
Together, using our assays of protein dilution via cell division or cell elongation, we observed decreases in focus size toward its eventual dissolution, and a corresponding turnover of protein into the cytoplasmic phase. The findings are consistent with the reversal to a one-phase system once the concentration has decreased below csat. These characteristics further support condensate formation by the PopTag fusions via phase separation and suggest a similar formation process for McdB condensates.
Probing the dynamic rearrangement, confinement, and exchange of biomolecular condensates
To probe the dynamic rearrangement of molecules within a focus and their exchange with the surrounding cytoplasm, we first implemented fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) on the mCherry fusion foci. The aggregator control, mCherry-cIagg, exhibited no fluorescence recovery (Fig. 4a-b), supporting the static nature of the proteins within these aggregates and the absence of protein exchange with the cytoplasm. The PopTag fusions partially recovered to an extent consistent with their respective fluidity levels: mCherry-PopTagSL and -PopTagLL recovered to approximately 10% and 40%, respectively, of the initial fluorescence intensity (Fig. 4b). Recovery of mCherry-McdB foci was once again similar to that of the fluid mCherry-PopTagLL condensate. Taken together, the data suggest that McdB exhibits dynamics similar to that of the fluid PopTagLL, while the minimal recovery of PopTagSL is consistent with its predicted gel-like state. Given the limited number of pixels that make up the photobleached foci, we note that the fluorescence recovery contributions from internal rearrangements of molecules within a focus cannot be distinguished from exchange of molecules with the surrounding milieu30. While FRAP is commonly used to determine if a compartment is liquid-like, this method is solely a measure of exchange dynamics, so FRAP alone is not a reliable “gold standard” measure of the material state of a focus.
Therefore, to further investigate the dynamics of our set of proteins both in the focus and in the cytoplasm, we implemented single-molecule localization microscopy and tracked the movement of individual molecules. We then determined the apparent diffusion coefficients (Dapp) of the PAmCherry fusions to the screened proteins under different induction conditions by measuring the mean square displacement (MSD) of individual trajectories as a function of time lag, τ. Prior to induction, low-level leaky expression of all fusions displayed a fast diffusive state (Dapp, fast) (Supplementary Fig. 9). Trajectory mapping back onto the cell showed the Dapp, fast population corresponds to free diffusion in the cytoplasm (Fig. 4c). PAmCherry-cIagg and -PopTagSL also displayed a small population of nearly static molecules (Dapp, slow) (Supplementary Fig. 7), with trajectories that mapped to the cell poles (Fig. 4c). Upon induction, the near-static fraction of molecules increased for PAmCherry-cIagg and -PopTagSL, and became the dominant state for PAmCherry-cIagg (Supplementary Fig. 9). A diffuse state, slower than free diffusion, also emerged for PAmCherry-McdB, which mapped to the cell poles (Fig. 4c). The vast majority of PAmCherry-McdBsol molecules, on the other hand, remained in the fast diffusive state but remained nucleoid excluded (Fig. 4c); consistent with our wide-field microscopy of this fluidized McdB mutant (Supplementary Fig. S5). PAmCherry-PopTagLL also exhibited nucleoid exclusion (Fig. 4c), despite remaining highly mobile. As stated earlier, we speculate that this behavior is caused by charge repulsion with the nucleoid.
By comparing the average mobility of Dapp, slow populations across all fusions, we find that PAmCherry-cIagg molecules within a focus were essentially static (Fig. 4d), consistent with being an aggregate. PAmCherry-PopTagSL molecules in foci displayed an intermediate mobility consistent with a gel or highly-viscous fluid state. All PAmCherry-PopTagLL molecules, on the other hand, essentially displayed a monomodal diffusive distribution across all induction conditions, consistent with this version of the PopTag being highly fluid. Finally, PAmCherry-McdB displayed a Dapp, slow state only slightly less mobile than the Dapp, fast population, consistent with a liquid-like condensate. Although our fluidized mutant of McdB, PAmCherry-McdBsol displayed a Dapp, slow population similar to that of PAmCherry-McdB, Dapp, slow was a minor fraction of the total population (Fig. 4e and Supplementary Figure S7). Collectively, the data parse the dynamic exchange of molecules in foci and the surrounding cytoplasm, and delineate the spectrum of possible mobilities within a focus, thus allowing for inference of its material state.
IbpA as a reporter to differentiate between condensates and aggregates
The heat shock chaperone, IbpA, has been shown to colocalize with insoluble aggregates in E. coli28. We therefore initially thought that IbpA may work as an in vivo reporter that discriminates between aggregates and condensates, colocalizing with the aggregator control and not recognizing PopTag or McdB condensates. We expressed the mCherry fusion proteins under focus-forming conditions in an E. coli strain that expressed a chromosomal fluorescent reporter of IbpA (IbpA-msfGFP) and then observed colocalization patterns of the mCherry fusion proteins with IbpA. Unexpectedly, the IbpA foci strongly colocalized with all proteins surveyed (Supplementary Fig. 10a), showing that IbpA does not specifically localize to misfolded protein aggregates in the cell as ascribed by current models28. Upon further investigation, we observed that the localization pattern of IbpA association with the aggregate control versus the condensates was quantifiably different. We quantified and compared the diameters of the IbpA signal projections relative to each mCherry fusion (Supplementary Fig. 10b) and found that the IbpA signal was spread over a larger area than the mCherry-cIagg foci. We also found that in many instances IbpA appeared to coat, as opposed to penetrate, the mCherry-cIagg foci (Supplementary Fig. 10a).
We extracted from the wide-field fluorescence data an intensity profile line plot of foci in both color channels. When normalized to the maximum intensity of the mCherry signal, we observed significant differences in the relative amounts of IbpA penetrating each of the mCherry fusion foci (Fig. 5a). On average, the max intensity of IbpA was 20 ± 9% of that of mCherry-cIagg foci, while it was 58 ± 33, 188 ± 131, and 33 ± 35% for mCherry-PopTagSL, -PopTagLL, and -McdB foci, respectively. The limited amount of IbpA relative to cIagg suggested to us that while IbpA can sense the aggregate, it cannot penetrate it well. In contrast, the higher amounts of IbpA in all other foci pointed to its ability to penetrate more fluid assemblies. This result demonstrates varying degrees of IbpA penetration within the corresponding mCherry fusion foci which correlate well with their hypothesized material state and suggest a different mode of colocalization of IbpA with biomolecular condensates versus aggregates.
To better resolve the colocalization patterns between IbpA and the mCherry fusion foci, we imaged cells by 2D structured illumination microscopy (SIM) under the same conditions as described earlier. With the increased resolution in both channels, the localization patterns of IbpA relative to the mCherry fusion foci were more easily observed (Fig. 5b). Using a projection of all detected foci for each mCherry fusion superimposed onto one another, we observed that IbpA forms a rosette pattern around the mCherry-cIagg foci, a punctate focus within mCherry-PopTagSL foci, and an amorphous focus pattern with mCherry-PopTagLL and mCherry-McdB (Fig. 5c). This result demonstrates that IbpA exhibits a different colocalization pattern with biomolecular condensates compared to aggregates and better penetrates more fluid condensates. These patterns serve as a proof of concept that IbpA is a reporter capable of differentiating between these macromolecular assemblies in vivo.