Although some models of island biogeography have attempted to include niche theory, it has been done by means of habitat heterogeneity (i.e. number of habitats available in an area) 27,28. In contrast, our NTIB model assesses the number of potential niches that an island may contain due to environmental heterogeneity in temperature and precipitation. Island area correlates positively with the number of climatic niches within a biome; in this paper, we tested it for the tropical biome. Therefore, our NTIB provides evidence that the number of ecological niches available on an island explains why island area often correlates with species richness 6,7,16. However, the correlation between the number of niches and area diminished when all latitudes were considered together because tropical islands (as a given oceanic or terrestrial area) have more niches, and therefore more species, than temperate or polar islands (or areas) of the same size 31,33.
The METAL theory we included in the NTIB considers the number of niches/species to be higher on tropical than temperate or polar islands, irrespective of the influence of environmental heterogeneity 31,32,34, which we consider is a fundamental feature influencing the generality of the model. In the species richness-area plots (Fig. 1a-c), high-latitude islands had systematically lower than expected values of species richness, an issue that was solved when species richness was plotted against the number of niches (Fig. 1d-f). By including the number of climatic niches on an island, the NTIB improves our understanding of island biogeography and enables it to be generalised to all latitudes. This inclusion of the number of niches is also more ecologically meaningful than area, which has always lacked a clear ecological explanation 16.
Although the niche dimensions we considered here are important ecologically 44, we acknowledge that the niche sensu Hutchinson 43 is multi-dimensional and so other ecological dimensions should be considered to account for full niche complexity (e.g. pH, soil humidity, soil composition)56,57. Since METAL can generate multidimensional niches, the consideration in the future of more ecological dimensions (ecological dimensions where there is long-term global high spatial resolution data) may improve our current estimates.
Area also influences positively species interception, a phenomenon called the target effect 6–8. Total area of islands that compose the Krakatau archipelago was relatively small (24.45 km²) and probably affected immigration rates less than distance to mainland (distance between Krakatau Islands and Sumatra or Java is ~ 40 km). If our NTIB is used to compare species richness on different islands, I0 could be calculated as a function of area A and distance to mainland d. For example, the following equation could be used. \({I}_{0}={m}_{1}\text{ln}\left(A+1\right)-{m}_{2}\text{l}\text{n}(d+1)\), with m1 and m2 two constants.
Area might also affect extinction rates; the higher the area, the greater population size and the lower the extinction rate 38,58. Although Es did not vary here (Es was fixed to 1 species.yr− 1), Es could also be adjusted to account for the influence of area on extinction rates if our model is used to compare different islands. In our study, we assumed that this effect of area on extinction rates was implicitly considered through Bs, the higher the number of species at saturation, the lower the extinction rate at Bt < < Bs (and Ft≈0; Eq. 8, Fig. 3).
We suggest that considering higher initial extinction rates is important to better reproduce early island colonisation, because this allows a better reproduction of greater species turnover generally observed at the beginning of colonisation 17.
Our NTIB was well suited to birds because they are mobile and widespread 19. It would be interesting to test our model on other taxonomic groups that might exhibit different turnover rates 38. Note that our NTIB can adapt to taxonomic groups for which short-term extinction rates are smaller or even negligible; for example, in Eq. 9 (Methods), σ can be chosen low enough to have F0 close to 0 (Fig. 3), which implicates Ft negligible so that Et (Eq. 10) is largely driven by Gt (Eq. 8). Indeed when σ = 0 and Et=Gt, we refind the classical dynamic model proposed by MacArthur and Wilson 7, although area A is here replaced by the number of climatic niches M and therefore species richness at saturation Bs.
The Krakatoa volcano eruption sterilised the island on August 27, 1883 59. The current configuration of the archipelago is therefore young and our NTIB, which does not explicitly consider speciation, reconstructed well the species richness dynamics and associated turnover. On older islands, our NTIB may therefore be less accurate if speciation is not explicitly considered; observations and theoretical models have shown that this process is also important to explain biodiversity dynamics 13–15, 60. Speciation could be integrated in our model in Eq. 5 (Methods). Immigration and speciation equal 0 at species richness at saturation Bs, however. Bs was determined by Eq. 7 through the estimate of ϕ = 0.0005. Because M = 105,082 niches (determined by METAL), Bs = 52.5 species. (For the Krakatau Islands, it is therefore unlikely that the absence of a direct implementation of speciation in the model had an effect on our estimate of Beq=48 (47–51) species because our estimate is only slightly below Bs = 52.5 species.) For more mature or distant islands, we think that speciation should be integrated into the model to explicitly account for high level of endemism observed in some remote islands 6,60−62.
An important prediction from our model, due to the fact that Bs strongly influences Beq, is that islands far from mainland should have a greater proportion of endemic species, a prediction that might hold providing island age and dispersal capacity of a taxonomic group are accounted for 60; this arises because potential niches of islands close to the mainland are rapidly filled with existing species originating nearby in contrast to remote islands where speciation is the only niche-filling alternative to the low immigration rate 27. This prediction is consistent with some studies that have suggested that patterns of species accumulation through evolution in remote islands is analogous to islands close to continents where species gain takes place through immigration 62. The author proposed that this might suggest that universal principles may underly processes of community assembly. Studies have found a positive correlation between species richness and the level of endemism in islands 63. Although this may also be explained by some methodological considerations or misinterpretations 64,65, the correlation may be due to higher endemism when the number of available niches, and therefore species richness, is greater. As mentioned by Witt and Maliakal-Witt 66, speciation may be both accelerated and impeded by niche availability. We therefore suggest that the universal mechanism mentioned by Gillespie 62 may be related to niche availability that fixes the number of species that can establish in an island either by immigration or speciation, a mechanism recently suggested to explain large-scale patterns in biodiversity or niche saturation in the marine and terrestrial realms 31–33. Distance to mainland is also important because it affects immigration rates and especially I0 in our NTIB and therefore, initial values of It. Among values ranging from 0.71 to 6, the best estimate was I0 = 1 species.yr− 1 (0.9–1.1). Such a value is relatively high, which can be explained by the closeness of the Krakatau Islands to the mainland, i.e. Java and Sumatra (Western Indonesia).
Since the development of ETIB, many models have been proposed to improve our knowledge of the processes that shape insular biodiversity patterns 15,23–28,67−69. Among models, the general dynamic theory of oceanic island biogeography has significantly increased our knowledge of how species richness and associated biological rates may evolve on volcanic islands 14,15,20. Island geodynamics affects local climate and environment that in turn alter biodiversity dynamics. Since we determined a unique number of niches for each island, our model is a simplification of real life and the number of niches will inevitably change as islands evolve in term of elevation, size and configuration, or as climate changes. High-resolution monthly climatologies were the only data available at the time of our analysis but as climatic data becomes more accessible (e.g. on a year-to-year basis) M - and therefore Bs - can be reassessed making Beq a more dynamic equilibrium. Beq is therefore not constant through time in the NTIB in contrast to the ETIB. Not only species richness is likely to fluctuate around Beq through immigration-extinction dynamics (and on more mature or/and remote islands through speciation) but Beq also changes as a function of island geodynamics and climate or environmental change, whether natural or anthropogenic. It follows therefore that equilibrium cannot be reached and that species richness fluctuates around an attractor that is permanently shifting as environmental conditions change 70. The NTIB is therefore a nonequilibrium model. Our nonequilibrium model remains a simplification of the reality and some further processes (e.g. speciation) could be implemented in future versions to make it more useful to understand eco-evolutionary dynamics or to consider island geodynamics 13–15, 18,23,67,68. Finally, we acknowledge that a consideration of the trophic structure of an island is important in the species richness that is supported 25,71. Birds may depend upon the presence of predators and the vegetation type, the latter for food, for cover and for their nest sites and vegetation depends upon the substrate and the number of climatic niches. Future versions of the model may be adapted to consider the trophic status of a taxonomic group.