Factors Influencing Nursing Students' Professional Identity in a Clinical Learning Environment in Hunan, China

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-272707/v1


Background: Clinical learning environment is an important stage for nursing students, it will affect the cultivation of professional identity of nursing students. This study to explore the factors influencing the cultivation of professional identity among nursing students in a clinical learning environment.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study.Convenience sampling was applied to recruit 398 nursing students from The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University in Hunan Province. After the nursing students completed their clinical learning, data on the participants’ characteristics, professional identification and nursing clinical learning environment were collected. Descriptive statistics, including the mean ± standard deviation, were calculated. The data were analysed by t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple linear regression.

Results: The results showed that the nursing students’ highest professional identity score was in professional cognition (16.07±2.78). The nursing students’ professional identity was significantly related to educational background, willingness to choose the nursing major and school level (P<0.05).In the clinical learning environment, the students’ voluntary selection of the nursing major and teaching methods and interpersonal relationships were most important.

Conclusion: The clinical learning environment and nursing’ students personal characteristics are the most important factors influencing the professional identity of nursing students. Based on these results, hospitals should flexibly adapt teaching methods according to students’ personal characteristics, improve the professional skills of teachers, and create a good working atmosphere. In addition, faculty members should reform their teaching methods and encourage students to establish good interpersonal relationships to provide more learning opportunities for nursing students and to enhance the recognition of nursing students in the nursing profession.

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