To the best of our knowledge, we conducted the largest study investigating the correlation between mitral s’ and LVEF in a population of critically ill patients. Our study had two important findings. Firstly, we found only a moderate correlation between mitral s’ and LVEF among patients admitted to the MICU with sepsis or septic shock. Secondly, mitral s’ was independently associated with a linear increase in 28-day mortality in septic patients, therefore suggesting a statistically significant prognostic value. Conversely, the relationship between LVEF and 28-day mortality was U-shaped.
Cardiac function assessment is integral to the management of sepsis and septic shock. LVEF using the Simpson method is routinely used to assess LV systolic function parameter. However, LVEF measurement often requires an optimal image for measurement, which may be limited in critically ill patients. Mitral annular plane systolic excursion (MAPSE) and TDI-derived LV systolic velocity (mitral s’), both represent regional measurements of LV longitudinal systolic function, have been suggested as good surrogates for the LV systolic function. Both parameters are conceptually simple, do not rely on geometric assumptions, are easy to obtain and highly reproducible even when performed by practitioners with limited experience[30]. Studies have found mitral s’ and MAPSE to have excellent correlation and concordance. Mitral s’ is routinely available as a part of diastolic assessment of the LV, while MAPSE is still not part of comprehensive TTE. In non-critically ill patients, the correlation between mitral s’ and LVEF is good to excellent among stable cardiac outpatients [6, 11–13, 31]. However, studies in critically ill patients remains limited in sample size, and mitral s’ values are not associated with prognosis in septic patients [14, 15, 32]. Even though mitral s’ has been promoted as a surrogate for LVEF, our study showed they cannot be used interchangeably in critically ill septic patients. Our results only demonstrate that the correlation between mitral s’ and LVEF to be moderate. These findings were consistent across different subgroup analyses where the correlation ranged between 0.29 (those with LVEF > 45%) and 0.50 (septic shock with high dose of NEE). These results are comparable to a prospective study by Bergenzaun et al. of 50 patients with septic shock, who underwent TTE every 24 hours until 7 days or death with an overall correlation of r = 0.473 [14]. Similarly, Furian et al. also demonstrated a moderate correlation (r = 0.49; p = 0.003) among 45 patients with severe sepsis [15]. Our larger cohort with varied severity and co-morbidities not only validates but conclusively proves that mitral s’ and LVEF are non-interchange entities among critically ill patients.
The moderate correlation seen in this study between LVEF and mitral s’ in septic patients are likely impacted by several factors. LVEF as assessed by the biplane Simpson method includes both the radial and longitudinal components of LV systolic contraction. Normally, longitudinal axis shortening (longitudinal function) contributes approximately 75% to cardiac contractility and overall stroke volume [33]. As short axis shortening (radial function) gets impaired with various disease states, the heart compensates by increasing contribution from the longitudinal component maintaining cardiac function. This adaptation may explain why our study demonstrated only a moderate correlation observed between mitral s’ and LVEF. Another explanation is the impact of loading conditions on LVEF and mitral s’. LVEF is often reflective of the coupling between LV contractility and its afterload [34, 35]. Therefore, it is affected by both preload and afterload changes, the latter being particularly reduced in patients with septic shock. Thus, septic patients with severely reduced intrinsic contractility may show a preserved LVEF in the setting of severely impaired afterload [30]. Conversely, mitral S’ has been shown to be an influenced by afterload to a lesser extent and mostly dependent on changes in preload [36–39].
As mitral s’ is less affected by afterload, higher mitral s’ suggests either higher preload or increased intrinsic myocardial contractility. We assessed correlation between average mitral s’ and average E/e’ (non-invasive filling pressure) and maximum 24 hour NEE dose and found moderate negative correlation to average E/e’ (Supplementary Fig. 2) and poor correlation of maximum 24 hour NEE dose (Supplementary Fig. 3). The lower filling pressure in patients with high mitral s’ may stem from reduced preload. We adjusted for fluid balance on day of the TTE and vasopressor use but still found mitral s’ to be independently associated with higher 28-day mortality. Higher mitral s’ may also be reflective of increased intrinsic myocardial contractility in the setting of inflammatory storm observed in sepsis and septic shock. It is critical to further investigate factors influencing mitral s’ and if they are modifiable with interventions such as choice of vasopressors or alterations in loading conditions. Our study shows the additive value of mitral s’ to LVEF and may be helpful to identify hemodynamic phenotypes with higher mortality in patient with normal-range LVEF.
We acknowledge that recent data has shown that global longitudinal strain (GLS) can potentially identify early myocardial dysfunction, often missed by the conventional indexes of systolic function [40] (as LVEF). GLS is dependent on LV loading conditions, but the largest influence on this parameter seems due to afterload changes, as suggested by animal [41] and clinical [37, 38, 42, 43] studies. The lower degree of dependence of GLS on preload as compared to LVEF and TDI variables makes GLS an exciting prognostic variable critically ill patients; however, strain echocardiography is not widely available for clinical use [44]. So, mitral s’ becomes an attractive alternative GLS to effectively study the full spectrum of LV systolic dysfunction.
The biggest strength of our study is the large number of patients included in the final analysis. We also assessed for intra-operator reliability of mitral s’ measurement to reduce measurement errors influencing our results. However, our study is a single-center retrospective cohort study, and as a result, we cannot eliminate selection bias completely. Including all consecutive patients who met the study criteria has mitigated some risks of selection bias. Second, the time window for echocardiograms in this study was three days after MICU admission. The loading conditions and vasopressor dosage can change significantly during the first three days after MICU admission. Most patients underwent an echocardiogram on the first day of MICU admission, coinciding with the onset of sepsis and septic shock. Pulmonary artery catheter, central venous pressure, and central venous oxygen saturation are no longer frequently assessed in routine critical care. The unavailability of more precise loading parameters and markers of tissue perfusion other than MAP, fluid balance, and serum lactate in our sample limits our ability to understand the impact of precise loading conditions and tissue perfusion on mitral s’ and mortality in these critically ill patients. The retrospective nature of the study limits our ability to completely abide by requirements of PRICES guidelines. Another limitation, is the exclusion of patients where peak annular velocity was not available, particularly from the lateral mitral annulus. However, in all patients and subgroup analyses, average mitral s’ had similar or better correlation compared to either lateral or septal velocities (Supplementary Table 2).