Characterization of sEVs
Accurate sEVs-miRNAs analysis requires the successful isolation of sEVs. To confirm their correct isolation from culture media, plasma and ascitic fluid, vesicles were characterized using three methodologies: Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and western blot (WB). TEM revealed the presence of approximately 100 nm cup or spherical shape structures in cell-derived sEVs as well as in plasma and ascites fluid (Figures 1A and 1B), consistent with previously reported sEV characteristics (32-35). These results were further confirmed with NTA, including plasma-derived sEVs isolated from different NSCLC, ovarian and glioblastoma patients (Figures 1C and 1D). Once more, NTA revealed that the size of the major particles was around 100 nm (Figure 1D). WB was used as a third method for sEV characterization using antibodies targeting two common sEV markers located in sEV membranes: tetraspanin molecules TSG101 and CD81. Both markers were enriched in sEVs isolated from the cisplatin resistant H23R, A2780R and 41MR cell cultures compared to whole cell extracts, confirming the successful sEV isolation (Figure 1E).
Identification of a sEV reference miRNA signature by comprehensive bioinformatics analysis.
To find a suitable endogenous control specific to normalizing the miRNA content of tumor-derived sEVs, we performed small RNA-seq on sEV-derived total RNA from H23S/H23R, A2780S/A2780R and 41S/41R cells, comparing their miRNA profile to identify candidates that were stable within two different conditions, sensitivity, and resistance to the most frequently used chemotherapy compound, cisplatin (CDDP). In addition, we included two different tumor types (lung and ovarian) and two different cell lines from the same tissue origin (A2780 and 41M) to identify common candidates with stable levels in the sEV compartment under the conditions and sample origins tested.
For this purpose, we systematically organized the NGS data listing the miRNAs represented in all the cell lines, with at least one count per million reading in all the experimental groups tested and the lowest difference in absolute values between the resistant and sensitive phenotype for each of the cell lines (Mean Internal Variability (MIV), log2FC RvsS), obtaining a list of nine candidate miRNAs that potentially could be used as endogenous control in tumor-derived sEVs (Table 1). We also analyzed sEV levels of miR-16 and miR-451a as controls for comparison of variability. The former is typically used as a normalizer in studies of free circulating miRNAs; the second was chosen as an external miRNA to be normalized over miR16 in comparison with the novel identified miRNA-signature, as it is commonly overrepresented in the sEV compartment and it shows a high variability in different biological contexts (36) and also in the overall data obtained from our microRNome sequencing. In addition, we examined their variability and levels in 30 cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) to increase the strength of the candidates chosen (Table 1). Following the first filtering, we identified four miRNAs with the lowest MIV: miR-151a-3p, miR-22-5p, miR-502-3p and miR-221-3p, discarding the miRNAs with a variability equal or greater than 0.26 between S and R cells. Then, considering the degree of representativeness in terms of transcripts per kilobase million reads (TPM) and the variability among the 30 types of tumors analyzed in the TCGA database as subsequent filters, resulted in the selection of miR-151a-3p, miR-221-3p and miR-22-5p as those candidates with the greatest potential as endogenous sEV controls. It is important to note that the variability observed for miR-16, conventionally used as reference control, is the highest (0.477) in comparison with the list of candidates identified with less variability among all miRNAs analyzed by NGS (mean value: 0.275; 0.084; 0.329), especially when compared with miR-151a (0.084 vs 0.477), a situation that is maintained when analyzing lung and ovarian cell lines independently. As expected, this difference in variability was less marked when analyzing the variance in the sequencing results obtained from the 30 cancer types studied from the TCGA, as the latter derive from tumor analysis and not from liquid biopsy.
Table 1 List of the nine potential endogenous miRNAs identified by small RNAseq. In addition, miR-451a, the gold standard miR-16 normalizer and an external miRNA were used for normalizing purposes. R: Tumor cells resistant to platinum-based chemotherapy treatment. S: Tumor cells sensitive to platinum-based chemotherapy treatment. TPM: Transcripts per kilobase million. TCGA: Tumor Cancer Genome Atlas.
Accession Number
Length (pb)
Mean Internal Variability (|log2FC RvsS|)
Mean Internal Variability in ovarian cancer samples (|log2FC RvsS|)
Mean Internal Variability in lung cancer samples (|log2FC RvsS|)
TPM per sample
Log2(Mean Expression) Variance in 30 cancer types (TCGA)
miR-151a displays the lowest coefficient of variation in secretome-derived sEV content, emerging as the best candidate for normalization in this compartment.
To validate constant levels with an alternative methodology, we performed a nonspecific retrotranscription of all miRNAs from each sample as this allows for a reduction in the bias associated with individual retrotranscriptions, followed by individual qRT-PCR for each candidate. The low variability observed by NGS for miR-151a-3p (Figure 2A), miR-22-5p (Figure 2B), miR-221-3p (Figure 2C) and miR-16 (Figure 2D) levels in the sEV compartment was confirmed in the sEVs from the secretome of the three paired cell lines H23S/R, A2780S/R and 41M/MR (Figure 2 A-F). The analysis was extended to 19 additional human cancer cell lines representing a variety of human tumor types, including OVCAR3 as an additional CDDP sensitive/resistant cell line, and the 293T non-tumor cell line. We also include the effect of two other different cancer treatments over the miRNA levels: chemotherapy with carboplatin (CBDCA), another platinum-derived compound, in the cell lines H23R, A2780R, and three different doses of radiotherapy in 41M ovarian cancer cells (2, 4 and 6 Gy) (Figure 2).
The lowest variability among the different samples analyzed was found in miR-151a, with a standard deviation (SD) of 1.73 cycles and a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.061, compared to candidates miR-22-5p (SD: 2.06; CV: 0.072) and miR-221-3p (SD: 2.17; CV: 0.093) (Figure 2A-C). In addition, we assessed the homogeneity of miR-16 in the same experimental groups, observing higher variability in comparison with miR-151a and similar to that observed for miR-221 (SD: 2.44; CV: 0.10) (Figure 2C-D and Supplementary Table 2).
To compare variability within the different miRNAs tested, we performed a mean Ct normalization of each miRNA in every cell line. This comparison showed that in the case of miR-151, for each cell line analyzed, the values remained close to the overall mean obtained from all the cell lines analyzed (Figure 2E). The distance to the mean (DM) was statistically significant when compared to miR-16 and -221 (p<0.05); however, no significant differences were observed with miR-22 (p=0.125) (Figure 2F). The variability observed in the DM was not statistically different between miR-16 and miR-221 (p=0.765) (Figure 2F and statistics table from Figure 2). Interestingly, we also observed an overall decrease between two and seven cycles in the levels of all four reference miRNAs tested after treatment with different doses of radiotherapy compared to their respective untreated control cells (41M cells) (Figure 2A-D). Using the values of untreated wild-type 41M cells as a calibrator, we observed that the amplification of miR-151a showed the least variation in the number of cycles, and the most stable values compared to the rest of miRNAs analyzed (Figure 2G). Most importantly, the number of cycles observed in the miR-151a amplification varied 2.7 times less compared to that observed for miR-16 (2.6 + 0.055 versus 7.0 + 0.075; p<0.001); 2.5 times less compared to that observed for miR-221 (2.6 + 0.055 versus 6.5 + 0.054; p<0.001) and 1.99 times less compared to that observed for miR-22 (2.6 + 0.055 versus 5.2 + 0.63; p<0.05) (Figure 2G). The cycle variation in the case of miR-221 and -22 was also significantly lower than that observed in miR-16 itself for the three radiotherapy doses tested (5.21+0.63 and 6.47+0.05 versus 7.0+0.075 respectively; p<0.05), (Figure 2G and Supplementary Table 3). We also analyzed the levels of miR-151 in sEVs derived from a group of human cancer cell lines cultured in the absence of FBS and compared them with those obtained in culture with depleted serum. We did not observe differences in the levels of miR-151 between sEVs-depleted FBS and the absence of FBS, showing a positive correlation between both conditions in the same cell line (R2= 0.08718) (Supplementary Figure 2).
To further determine if the relative sEVs levels of any miRNA can vary depending on the endogenous control used to normalize, we measured the levels of miR-451a, which presented values ranging from Ct 18 to Ct 30 in the different samples analyzed by miRNA-seq. miR-451a was normalized in all the cell lines and conditions tested. The normalization of miR-451a levels relative to the candidate miR-151a and the miR-16 standard used showed a significant correlation (p<0.001), with an intermediate correlation rate of 0.685 (Figure 2H). MiR-451a was also normalized with miR-22 and miR-221 showing as expected a slightly better correlation rate with miR-151a normalization (R=0.798 and 0.741 respectively) (Supplementary Figure 3A).
Therefore, of the three miRNAs analyzed so far and compared with the gold standard, miR-151a is the one with the best values as a potential normalizer, after having been tested in a significant number of cell lines from different tumor types and after having been exposed to experimentally varied conditions, many of which are known to have the potential to modify miRNA levels and expressions, such as different types of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Translational validation of miR-151a confirms its role as endogenous control for sEVs- miRNA normalization in plasma specimens across different tumor types
To assess whether miRNA normalization ability was maintained in the analysis of human plasma sEVs-miRNAs, we first tested its variability in an initial cohort of 30 samples from early- and advanced-stage NSCLC, ovarian and glioblastoma patients as well as in 5 healthy donor individuals. To characterize the miRNA amplification in an alternative source, our patient cohort included an additional biological fluid for sEV isolation as it was ascitic fluid paired to the plasma sample from the same ovarian cancer patient. Our results revealed that, as observed in cell lines, miR-151a is the candidate with the lowest variability and coefficient of variation within the different samples analyzed (SD: 1.16 cycles; CV: 0.062), followed by miR-22 (SD: 1.89 cycles; CV: 0.075), miR-221 (SD: 2.17; CV: 0.077) and finally miR-16 (SD: 2.44: CV: 0.076) (Figure 3A-D and Supplementary Table 4). These differences were statistically significant when comparing miR-151a with miR-16 (p=0.02; Levene test). The mean CT normalization of each miRNA in every independent sample tested revealed that miR-151a values remained the closest to the overall mean obtained from all the patients tested (Figure 3E), with statistically significant DM values different from all miRNAs tested of p=0.001 compared to miR-16, p<0.005 to miR-221 and p<0.05 to miR-22 (Figure 3F). We found a very weak correlation rate of R=0.513 (Spearman correlation) when the levels of miR-451a were normalized to miR-151a or miR-16, (Figure 3G and Supplementary Figure 3B). These results indicate that the most reliable sEVs-miRNA levels come from the normalization using miR-151a, coinciding with the results previously observed in secretome-derived sEV content.
The validation of the normalizing role of miR-151a in patient samples was then performed on a larger cohort of 172 patient samples, including 79 NSCLC patients (51 advanced and 28 early stage), 12 glioblastoma patients and 13 samples from healthy volunteers. To test miR-151a suitability as a normalizer in sEVs from an alternative fluid we also included 33 ascitic fluid samples paired with plasma samples from the same patients, reaching a total of 68 samples from ovarian cancer patients (Figure 4A and Supplementary Figure 4). In addition, we studied the miR-16 levels in those patients (Figure 4B), along with miR-451a levels (Figure 4C and Supplementary Tables 5-7)
Once again, we observed the lowest variation in cycle amplification when analyzing miR-151a compared to miR-16 within the different tumor types assessed and type of samples collected (SD: 1.66 cycles; CV: 0.056, versus SD: 1.91 cycles; CV: 0.080), finding nearly four fewer cycles of variation in miR-151a amplification (8.5 versus 12.3 cycles) (Figure 4A, B). Compared to miR-451a amplification, which lacks normalizing features, these differences are three times higher (8.5 versus 19.3 cycles) (Figure 4A and 4C). The distance from the mean of all miR-151a individual values obtained from each sample was statistically significant with respect to miR-16 (p<0.001) (Figure 4D). This global variability of 8.5 cycles for miR-151a drops to 3.2 and 3.3 cycles in the case of healthy individuals and patients with localized stages NSCLC respectively (Supplementary Figure 4 A-B), and to 5.9 cycles in the case of patients with advanced stages NSCLC (Supplementary Figure 4 C), which is to be expected when having a more aggressive disease associated with a greater number of genetic and epigenetic changes. In patients with glioblastoma, a slightly lower variability is identified (5.5 cycles) (Supplementary 4D) and finally the greatest variability is observed in patients with ovarian cancer with variations of 7.5 and 7.8 depending on the plasma or ascitic fluid origin (Supplementary Figure 4E-F).
This consistent window of low variability within amplification cycles observed in miR-151a was maintained when analyzing the individual SD and CV for each type of tumor in plasma samples. Of special interest is the fact that the coefficient of variation of the control samples is almost doubled in the case of miR-16 amplification (SD: 1.43 cycles; CV: 0.06 versus SD: 0.96 cycles; CV: 0.033) (Figure 4E).
We also compared the plasma and ascetic fluid from ovarian cancer samples, we observed that miR-151a values remained closer to the overall mean (DM) than those of the miR-16 in the ovarian cancer plasma samples (p=0.007) and, although this difference was not found when analyzing the ascitic fluid (p=0.851), the overall SD and CV remained lower when analyzing miR-151a in this fluid (Figure 4E-F). Lastly, we used GeNorm to identify the best miRNA to be used as normalizers. Despite that this and other tools would only identify normalization genes as stable (housekeeping) reference genes from a set of candidate reference genes tested in a given sample panel, running the algorithm GeNorm to calculate the expression stability value of the different reference genes. We found that miR-151a has the lowest standard deviation in our sample set (0.79 vs. 0.82 for miR-22-5p, 1.35 for miR-221-5p and 1.49 for miR-16), supporting our RNAseq and qRT-PCR data.
A moderate correlation rate, primarily associated with those samples with the highest values of miR-451a, was maintained in this extended cohort when its levels were normalized by miR-151a or miR-16 (R2=0.732), while substantial differences were not observed in those samples with intermediate or low miR-451a after normalization with miR-16 (Figure 4G). In fact, when referring the values of miR-451a compared to the control samples as calibrator, we observed that the distribution of the patient samples differs depending on whether they are normalized against miR-151a or -16. The calibration against miR-151a would provide clear differentiation between two groups of patients behaving differently from the control value, with values above the 75th or below the 25th percentiles (Figure 4H). This difference disappears when normalization is obtained against miR-16, with all the samples appearing with the same profile, and values in all cases below those of the reference control samples (Figure 4H) (p=0.0002878- Levene test). Therefore, the miR-151a normalizing properties observed in the secretome-derived sEVs are maintained in the translational approach with plasma-derived sEVs from cancer patients and controls, irrespective of the tumor types tested or the biological fluid analyzed.