The 2019–2021 drought in a historical context
Most of SA has been witnessing a land surface drying trend since 1951 that is in general statistically significant, with SESA (limited by the red box show in Fig. 1a), revealing the steepest soil moisture decrease, particularly over the Pantanal, Southeast Brazil, central Paraguay and northern Argentina (Fig. 1a). When analyzing long-term changes in temperature and precipitation distributions for SESA (Fig. 1b), it is possible to observe a pronounced shift towards higher temperatures from the first half of the analysis period (1959–1989) into the second half (1990–2021) – see blue and orange ellipses in Fig. 1b. Regarding precipitation, there is a less pronounced contrast in the distribution between both halves. However, a skewed distribution is observed during the second half of the period, indicating the occurrence of less pronounced wet and dry extremes during recent decades. The correlation between precipitation and temperature is stronger for the second half (R= − 0.63) than for the first half (R= − 0.43), indicating that during the last three decades, dry years were more often associated with extremely warm conditions. This recent warmer and drier conditions explain a continuous decrease in soil moisture levels (Fig. 1c), particularly after 1990’s decade (–0.010 per decade, statistically significant at a 5% level), paving the way for the outstanding 2019–2021 drought. In fact, this 3-year period finds no parallel with any other period in the historical record, being unprecedented in terms of dryness intensity and duration.
When analyzing the total precipitation anomalies (grey and black lines in Fig. 2a) as well as the precipitation anomalies caused only by the vertically integrated moisture convergence (VIMC) (blue bars and line in Fig. 2a) in SESA for the 1959–2021 historical period, one can observed that they were characterized by a marked decadal variability and by the occurrence of a drier period during the first and last two decades and a wetter period during the 1980’s and 1990’s decades. These two variables present a correlation coefficient of 0.94 over the entire period, statistically significant at a 5% level, showing that long-term disturbances in moisture convergence in SESA are strongly reflected in the total amount of precipitation in the region. On the other hand, moisture recycling seems to be less important in explaining inter-annual changes of precipitation anomalies as it shows a less pronounced decadal variability and a lower correlation coefficient (R = 0.56, statistically significant at a 5% level). The precipitation anomalies caused by moisture recycling show a decreasing trend after the 1980’s decade, which likely results from the previously observed progressive reduction of soil moisture in the region for this period (see Fig. 1c). In particular, the drought years of 2019 and 2020 experienced the two lowest ever recorded VIMC levels, and 2021 the lowest ever recorded contribution of moisture recycling for total precipitation.
The boxplots shown in Fig. S1 highlight the statistical distribution of the mean annual values of daily vertically integrated water vapor transport (IVT) across each one of the four SESA borders depicted in Fig. 1a, with positive (negative) values indicating moisture inflow (outflow) to (from) SESA. The inflow of moisture occurs mostly throughout the northern and western borders while the outflow occurs mainly throughout the eastern and southern borders. The 2019–2021 drought years were defined by a lower than normal northern and western moisture inflow, which clearly contrasts with the higher-than-normal moisture inflow throughout these two limits during the three wettest years (1965, 1983, 1992, see Fig. 2a). In fact, the correlation coefficients for the 1959–2021 period between the mean annual IVT over each one of the four frontiers and the mean annual VIMC over SESA (inset table in Fig. S1), are positive and statistically significant for the northern (R = 0.74) and western borders (R = 0.56), indicating that the moisture convergence and precipitation anomalies are mostly determined by the amount
of moisture inflow from Amazon. In contrast, the amount of moisture outflow through the western and southern borders do not play a significant role in moisture convergence in SESA. These results are corroborated when analyzing from a spatial perspective the anomalous IVT over SA that shows an anomalous southeast–northwest orientation pattern during the 2019–2021 drought period (Fig. 2b), and an anomalous northwest–southeast orientation during the three wettest years (Fig. S2a). Comparing with climatological conditions (see Fig. S3), the IVT configuration observed during the 2019–2021 period points to a weakening of the expected northwest–southeast moisture transport from the Amazon basin towards SESA that is mostly supported by the SALLJ40. Precipitation anomalies are determined not only by moisture availability but also by convergence patterns in the atmosphere. Accordingly, the positive anomalies of the vertical integral of divergence of moisture flux in SESA reveal that during the 2019–2021 period the region was characterized by a lower-than-normal moisture convergence (Fig. 2c). The anomalous low tropospheric (850hPa) wind field shows enhanced divergence and air spread from SESA towards the surrounding regions, highlighting pronounced subsidence and clear sky conditions. These conditions were responsible for large precipitation deficits in SESA and thus for positive anomalies in evaporation minus precipitation (E–P) in the region (see blue contours in Fig. 2c). Moreover, this divergence implied anomalous advection from SESA towards north SA, where pronounced moisture convergence conditions and negative anomalies in E–P prevailed. The mean observed conditions during the wettest years show a clear contrasting pattern (Fig. S2b).
A closer insight into the 2019–2021 drought: evolution, exceptionality and spatial extent
The time series for the 2019–2021 period of the R-index, a metric defined to rank extreme and widespread drought events using soil moisture anomalies (see “Data and Methods”), presents a relatively large variability resulting from pronounced fluctuations of both the drought intensity and spatial extent. At the beginning of 2019, marked dry conditions started to affect SESA (Fig. 3a). The R-index peaks for the first time on January 26th (7th and 18th in the ranking classification considering the short 2019–2021 and the long 1951–2021 periods, respectively), highlighting a rapid and pronounced soil desiccation and the occurrence of a flash drought over southeast Brazil and the Pantanal biome (see left panel of Fig. 3c). Analyzing Fig. 3b and the color shading level intercepted by the purple line which depicts the 31-day time scale (the time-scale used to obtain the running mean filtered soil moisture anomalies that were input for the R-index), one can observe that this period was characterized by several areas within SESA experiencing record-breaking low soil moisture levels (with a total extension of around 100 000 \({ km}^{2}\)). Later, during the following months, there was a clear amelioration of the drought, with R-index reaching values closer to zero. However, the year 2020 witnessed the most critical conditions with the occurrence of several flash drought episodes, particularly during the months of March, April, October, November and December, when many regions in SESA experienced record-breaking low soil moisture levels (Fig. 3b). In fact, the five most severe R-index peaks occurred within each of these particular months, with April 26th (peak #1) witnessing the lowest R-index on record (since 1951). More than 30% of SESA experienced soil moisture anomalies larger than two standard deviations on that day (see purple shaded area in Fig. 3a) and a total area of around 100 000 \({km}^{2}\) was affected by record-breaking drying conditions (Fig. 3b). When considering longer temporal scales (seasonal and annual) the amount of SESA covered by unprecedented low soil moisture increases, underlying the exceptional duration of the event. For instance, for temporal scales between 300 and 365 days, more than 700
000\({km}^{2}\) (20% of the total area of SESA) witnessed record-breaking soil dryness. Moreover, the spatial signature of the drought throughout 2020 was considerably variable (Fig. 3c). Marked dry conditions started to be recorded in March over Pantanal and southern Brazil (see the turquoise shading in the middle panel of Fig. 3c, associated with peak #4). Later, during April, the drought signal expanded south and eastwards, towards south Brazil, north Argentina and central Paraguay as shown by the red color shadings associated with peak #1 in the middle panel of Fig. 3c. In October and during the flash drought marked by the peak #5 (October 10th ), the soil dry-out pattern moved slightly northwards affecting more the central SESA. During the last two months of 2020, when peak #3 and #2 occurred, soil dryness dominated over the northern section of SESA and Pantanal. Finally, the year of 2021 started with a slight weakening of the drought signal (Fig. 3a), however a strong amplification occurred in April with pronounced soil desiccation being recorded over southern Brazil (red area in right panel of Fig. 3c), and later in December with the most extreme soil moisture deficits being witnessed over Pantanal and southeast Brazil (blue area in right panel of Fig. 3c).
The influence of large-scale tropical and subtropical atmospheric forcing on the 2019–2021 drought
Decadal-scale variability such as the one observed when analyzing the long-term inter-annual variability of precipitation and VIMC over SESA (Fig. 2a) is often associated with slowly varying atmospheric and/or oceanic conditions (e.g., sea surface temperature, atmospheric pressure27,29,41) described by a particular large-scale atmospheric-oceanic variability mode. Figure 4a provides the spatial correlation between the mean annual SST’s and the mean annual IVT across the northern border of SESA, which controls the amount of moisture convergence and precipitation over SESA. The central and southeast tropical Pacific reveal pronounced positive and statistically significant correlations, indicating that mean annual wet conditions over SESA are associated with warmer SSTs in these areas of the Pacific Ocean. Statistically significant negative correlations were observed over the southwest and northwest Pacific and over the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. When analyzing the decadal variability of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and of Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) (see Supplementary Material), we observe that multi-year dry periods in SESA were defined by positive values of SOI and negative levels of
ONI, thus to La Niña conditions (Fig. 4b). The correlation between these ENSO indicators and the IVT across the northern border of SESA filtered by a 10-year low pass Lanczos filter, was high and statistically significant during the autumn and winter seasons, while during summer, residual and non-statistically significant correlations were obtained (see inset table in Fig. 4). Regarding the Atlantic Ocean, the decadal variability of precipitation levels in SESA appears to be negatively correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), although this relation is, in general, less pronounced compared to the other two modes of variability in Pacific.
The spatially distribution of the observed SST anomalies during the 2019–2021 drought period shows cold SSTs in tropical central and southeast Pacific associated to enhanced low tropospheric air divergence (Fig. 5). Such anomalous divergence pattern (see vectors in the lower panel of Fig. 5) is a signature of above-normal subsidence as shown by the positive anomalies of the vertical velocity over central tropical Pacific and northwest SA (middle panel in Fig. 5). The subsidence over northwest SA represents the descending branch of an eastward shifted Walker Cell (descending blue arrow), strongly connected to anomalous convergence at the top of the atmosphere, as shown by the positive anomalies of velocity potential (Fig. 5, top panel). The corresponding ascending branch, linked with divergence at the top of the atmosphere, air rising motion and convection, was located in the equatorial Atlantic near northeast SA (see ascending blue arrow in Fig. 5), supporting the low tropospheric moisture convergence patterns and the negative anomalies of E–P balance that were previously identified for this region (see Fig. 2d). Moreover, Fig. 5 shows that this large-scale anomalous zonal circulation was strongly connected with subtropical SA, through the establishment of an amplified meridional Hadley Cell (see purple lines in Fig. 5) with its descending branch associated with clear sky conditions, strong diabatic and adiabatic heating rates and moisture divergence, located over SESA. Accordingly, this descending branch promoted the low tropospheric spread of large amounts of moisture from SESA towards the surrounding regions and particularly towards northeast SA, where it converged, explaining the positive anomalies of the E–P balance that were previously identified in Fig. 2d. The three wettest years were characterized by a contrasting tropical zonal and meridional circulation, with the establishment over SESA of a Hadley cell’s ascending branch associated with strong moisture convergence and supply from the Amazon basin (Fig. S4).
In addition to this anomalous tropical circulation responsible for the long-term precipitation deficits in SESA during the 2019–2021 drought, at synoptic scales, the subtropical dynamic may also have played a key role in explaining the occurrence of the flash droughts identified by the R-index peaks. Accordingly, we computed spatial anomaly composites considering the eight most extreme R-index peaks (Fig. 3a) and regarding several meteorological parameters (Fig. 6). Pronounced negative soil moisture anomalies are clearly visible all over SESA (Fig. 6a). The mid-level atmospheric circulation was defined by the occurrence of positive 500hPa geopotential height anomalies and by exceptional warm conditions in the low troposphere, likely promoted by strong air subsidence, enhanced adiabatic and diabatic heating rates (Fig. 6b). The occurrence of positive anomalies of the vertical integral of divergence of moisture flux (see color shading in Fig. 6c) and the spreading out of air masses from SESA to the surrounding regions, as indicated by the anomalous low tropospheric divergent wind field (see arrows in Fig. 6c), is evident. This points to the establishment over SESA of exceptional clear-sky conditions and strong shortwave radiation incidence at the surface that led to large evaporation rates. From a large-scale perspective and in agreement with Fig. 5, it is possible to observe the establishment of a meridional Hadley cell (Fig. 6d) with enhanced divergence at the top of the atmosphere over northeast SA (see the negative anomalies of potential velocity represented by the color shading in Fig. 6d), and its descending branch over SESA. In parallel, an eastward shifted zonal Walker circulation can be inferred with its descending branch over central-east equatorial Pacific and northwest SA. Regarding the mid-latitude atmospheric circulation, the anomalous meridional wind field at the 200 hPa level shows a clear sequence of F
divergence/convergence patterns in the top of the troposphere spanning from east Australia to south Atlantic (Fig. 6e). This is a clear signature of a Rossby Wave train (wavenumber 3) embedded in a jet stream that experienced an anomalous poleward shift over southeast South Pacific, near SA (see contours in Fig. 6e)42. A large Rossby wave source region was recorded in west Pacific, at east and south Australia, where the Rossby wave train was formed (Fig. 6f). At east of Australia, the Rossby wave forcing was mostly due to the advection of absolute vorticity by the divergent flow (see Fig. S5a) and to strong convection in the Indo-Pacific warm pool, while at south of Australia only dynamic factors were involved (Fig. S5b) which agrees with Shimizu et al43.
Finally, from a long-term perspective, this 3-yr drought was characterized by a clear zonal expansion of the subtropical quasi-stationary high-pressure system in the south Atlantic, with a higher-than-normal continental penetration towards SA when compared to the mean climatology. This points for a higher influence of this system in modulating precipitation deficits mainly in the eastern section of SESA (Fig. S6). A similar zonal expansion of the south Pacific high-pressure system was observed, leading to pronounced positive mean sea level pressure anomalies in South Pacific, over 150ºW and 100ºW, in a latitudinal band between 35ºS and 45ºS (see color shading in Fig. S6). This suggests an increased ridging activity in the region44. Consequently, the mean position of the subtropical Southern Hemisphere jet stream suffered a poleward shift over southeast south Pacific, near SA, reducing the passage of cyclones and frontal systems over SESA.