SST-IN spontaneous network activity is immune to tonic modulation through GABAbRs
SST-INs can be spontaneously active without excitatory synaptic input (Fanselow et al., 2008). This spontaneous firing is linked to high levels of GABA released from SST-IN terminals and can influence GABAbRs across local networks. Here we asked whether the spontaneous activity of SST-INs might control their own activity via a feedback mechanism mediated by GABAbRs. To analyze how GABAbRs modulate activity of SST-INs we recorded their spontaneous firing in vitro using mACSF which has been known to mimic natural cerebrospinal fluid (Somjen, 2004) and evokes a high level of network activity (Maffei et al., 2004; Urban-Ciecko et al., 2015, 2018). Modified ACSF enabled us to analyze neuronal function in the condition of the background slow oscillatory activity that mimics the quiet state in vivo (Sanchez-Vives & McCormick, 2000). In this condition, L2/3 SST-INs showed elevated spontaneous firing, ranging from 0 to 9 Hz (Figure 1) consistent with other studies (Gentet et al., 2012; Guy et al., 2023). Bath application of the GABAbR agonist baclofen reduced the spontaneous firing of SST-INs by 60% from 2.16±2.71 Hz in control to 0.88±1.17 Hz in baclofen (Figure 1A,B; n=14, *p=0.024, paired t-test), indicating that SST-IN activity could be influenced by GABAbRs. However, pharmacological suppression of GABAbRs did not enhance SST-IN activity, as firing rates were similar in control ACSF (0.80±01.60 Hz) and after bath application of GABAbR antagonist CGP (Figure 1C,D; 1.19±1.44 Hz, n=12, n.s. p=0.333, paired t-test). Thus, under our experimental condition GABAbRs are not a prominent regulator of SST-IN activity and SST-IN spontaneous firing is not modulated by tonic activity of GABAbRs.
Because GABAbR agonists reduced the spontaneous firing of SST-INs, we asked whether this was via suppressing excitatory drive or decreasing the intrinsic excitability of these cells. First, we determined that excitatory synaptic drive contributes to SST-IN firing under our experimental conditions, since application of AMPA receptor and NMDA receptor antagonists (DNQX and APV) decreased spontaneous firing of SST-INs by 39% from 4.23±3.0 Hz in control to 2.59±2.3 Hz in antagonists (Figure 1E,F; n=10, *p=0.006, paired t-test; see also (Fanselow et al., 2008).
Importantly, when glutamate receptors were blocked, subsequent bath application of the GABAbR agonist baclofen did not further influence spontaneous firing frequency in SST-INs (Figure 1E,F; 2.57±2.44 Hz in baclofen, n=10, n.s. p=0.939, paired t-test). Thus, GABAbRs control SST-IN activity indirectly via the regulation of glutamatergic synaptic drive. This might be due to regulation of presynaptic release at Pyr-SST synapses, or by more complex circuit level effects (Perez-Zabalza et al., 2020; Kaplanian et al., 2022).
To confirm that GABAbRs regulate SST-IN activity only indirectly, via reducing excitatory synaptic drive to SST-INs but not the intrinsic excitability of these interneurons, we compared responses to somatic current injections before and after the application of GABAbR agonists and antagonists (Figure 2). Neither baclofen nor CGP influenced SST-IN intrinsic excitability, because there were no differences in the I-F curve (Figure 2B,E), rheobase current (Figure 2C,F; in baclofen n=17, n.s. p=0.553; in CGP n=12, n.s. p=0.571, paired t-test,) and maximal frequency (in baclofen n=17, n.s. p=0.375; in CGP n=12, n.s. p=0.806, paired t-test). Also, neither input resistance nor resting membrane potentials of SST-INs were altered after drug application (Table 1). These data indicate that GABAbRs do not modulate the intrinsic excitability of SST-INs.
To examine whether the GABAbR-mediated suppression of SST-IN activity might occur via direct regulation of excitatory inputs onto these cells, we examined sEPSCs under low network activity conditions in rACSF (Figure 3A-C). Since Pyr firing is negligible under these conditions (Urban-Ciecko et al., 2015, 2018), sEPSCs might be roughly equivalent to mEPSCs. The GABAbR agonist baclofen indeed suppressed the frequency of sEPSCs by 25%, from 1.16±0.44 Hz in control to 0.88±0.34 Hz in baclofen (Figure 3C; n=7, *p=0.019, paired t-test). Consistent with the assumption that sEPSCs are equivalent to mEPSCs, baclofen had no effect on EPSC amplitude. These data suggest that GABAbRs might regulate the activity or release properties of local Pyr neurons. Application of CGP after baclofen was sufficient to restore sEPSC frequency to control values (Figure 3A-C; 1.22±0.47 Hz, n.s. p=0.712, paired t-test ctrl vs CGP). The renormalization of sEPSC frequency to control values after CGP indicates that GABAbRs are not tonically activated when the network is largely silent, consistent with our previous findings (Urban-Ciecko et al., 2015).
Then, we compared these effects to conditions where network activity was enabled in mACSF, since this is associated with higher levels of GABA release from the spontaneous firing of interneurons in the cortical network (Urban-Ciecko et al., 2015, 2018). Bath application of CGP now increased the frequency of sEPSCs recorded in SST-INs by 20% from 2.45±0.59 Hz in control to 2.94±0.62 Hz in CGP (Figure 3D-F; n=7, *p=0.019, paired t-test) but not the sEPSC amplitude (Figure 3E; 20.29±1.87 pA in control and 19.63±1.42 pA in CGP, n.s. p=0.664, paired t-test).
In summary, these experiments suggest that GABAbRs do not directly influence SST-IN activity through cell-autonomous mechanisms, but rather through regulation of excitatory inputs. The change in sEPSC frequency but not amplitude are consistent with modulation of presynaptic release properties at Pyr-SST synapses (Urban-Ciecko et al., 2015, 2018), although we cannot exclude other indirect network effects. The absence of GABAbR modulation of SST-IN membrane properties and intrinsic excitability suggests that SST-IN activity may regulate network function independently, without a negative feedback loop. To these ends, it is significant that SST neurons do not synapse onto each other, like other interneurons subtypes in the cortical network (rev.: Urban-Ciecko & Barth, 2016).
SST-INs suppress L2/3 Pyr-SST synapses through GABAb receptors
L2/3 Pyr neurons are densely connected to nearby SST-INs in primary sensory cortex (rev.; (Urban-Ciecko & Barth, 2016), although synaptic transmission from these connections is generally weak (Silberberg & Markram, 2007; Kapfer et al., 2007; Pala & Petersen, 2015; Urban-Ciecko et al., 2018). Excitatory connections between Pyr neurons can be silenced by presynaptic GABAbRs, and the spontaneous firing of SST-INs is sufficient to suppress Pyr to Pyr (Pyr-Pyr) communication (Urban-Ciecko et al., 2015). Here, we decided to examine whether spontaneous activity of SST-INs could also regulate excitatory drive onto SST-INs themselves. This is important, because it would indicate that when SST-IN activity is high (perhaps due to control by neuromodulators) they are unresponsive to sensory drive or local computations.
First we determined whether L2/3 Pyr-SST synapses could be regulated by GABAbRs. Using dual patch-clamp recording, we established synaptically connected Pyr-SST pairs in L2/3 of the somatosensory cortex in a mouse brain slice in mACSF (Figure 3G-I). Bath application of the GABAbR blocker CGP reduced failure rates of Pyr-SST EPSPs by 26% (Figure 3I; from 0.73±0.18 to 0.54±0.29; n=7, *p=0.045, paired t-test) but did not change EPSP amplitude, consistent with the low release probability at these synapses (Figure 3H; 0.43±0.56 mV in control and 0.56±0.75 mV in CGP, n.s. p=0.578, Wilcoxon test).
To check whether SST-IN firing can also regulate Pyr-SST synapses, we optogenetically suppressed SST-IN spontaneous activity (Figure 4) using transgenic expression of the hyperpolarizing pump (Arch) in SST-Cre mice. Using paired whole-cell recordings of synaptically connected Pyr-SST, we tested whether acute silencing of SST-IN spontaneous activity might enhance EPSP strength and reliability of these connections. Illumination of the brain slice with yellow-green light (LED) for 1 - 1.5 s fully suppressed SST-IN firing, hyperpolarizing their membrane potentials by about 10-20 mV. During the light ON period, Pyr-SST EPSP failure rates were significantly reduced compared to OFF trials (Figure 4D; 0.89 ±0.11 mV in OFF and 0.77 ±0.23 mV in ON, n=13, *p=0.022, paired t-test,) and EPSP amplitude was not changed (Figure 4C; 0.10±0.15 mV in OFF and 0.20±0.36 mV in ON, n=13, n.s. p=0.15, paired t-test,). Thus, the effect of SST-IN silencing is consistent with the pharmacological results of GABAbR manipulation, where EPSP failure rates were reduced in the presence of GABAbR antagonists (Figure 3G-I).
To confirm that this effect was due to GABAbRs, we analyzed the effect of SST-IN silencing when GABAbRs were blocked by CGP (Figure 4E,F). Under these conditions, SST cell silencing did not change EPSP failure rates (Figure 4F; 0.52±0.25 mV in OFF and 0.64±0.31 mV in ON, n.s. p=0.208, paired t-test) or amplitude (Figure 4E; 0.48±0.67 mV in OFF and 0.47±0.82 mV in ON, n=5, n.s. p=0.994, paired t-test), indicating that the effect was fully mediated by these receptors.
No tonic activation of presynaptic GABAbRs at SST-IN output onto Pyr neurons
GABA released from SST-INs drives fast, GABAa-mediated, synaptic inhibition of postsynaptic neurons. The activation of presynaptic GABAbRs at inhibitory terminals (so-called autoreceptors) can suppress GABA release and thus reduce synaptic inhibition (Connors et al., 1988). Do SST-INs also possess presynaptic GABAbRs at synapses onto Pyr neurons? SST-INs to Pyr (SST-Pyr) connections are very common, where the L2/3 connection probability reached 60% (45 connected pairs out of 75 tested), consistent with other reports (Fino & Yuste, 2011; Jiang et al., 2015).
Using paired whole-cell recordings of connected SST and Pyr neurons (SST-Pyr), we compared the effects of GABAbR agonist (baclofen) on IPSC. Bath application of baclofen decreased the first IPSC amplitude by 84% (Figure 5A,B; control 79.94±46.49 pA vs baclofen 13.09±5.35 pA; n=5, *p=0.031, paired t-test) but had no effect on failure rates (Figure 5C; 0.00±0.00 in control to 0.04±0.05 in baclofen, n.s. p=0.5, Wilcoxon test). Wash-on of CGP reversed the effects on IPSC amplitude to control values (Figure 5B; 72.87±29.12 pA in CGP, n.s. p=0.654 ctr vs CGP, paired t-test). There was no effect on failure rates, since synaptic efficacy was high at these connections (Figure 5C; CGP 0.0±0.0, n.s. p=0.5, ctrl vs CGP, Wilcoxon test). If there are presynaptic GABAbRs at SST-IN terminals, we predicted that the GABAbR agonist baclofen would increase the paired-pulse ratio of the second response to the first (PPR) at SST-Pyr synapses. In superficial layers of the neocortex, SST-Pyr synapses are typically depressing, but this was shifted to a mild facilitation after the application of baclofen (Figure 5D; control 0.51±0.20 versus baclofen 1.10±0.15; *p=0.017, paired t-test), indicating a presynaptic locus of drug action. Subsequent bath application of the GABAbR antagonist CGP reversed this facilitation back to control levels (Figure 5D; 0.56±0.11 in CGP, n.s. p=0.661, paired t-test), suggesting that GABAbR activation was negligible under our recording conditions and consistent with the results obtained for SST-INs in the hippocampus (Booker et al., 2020).
Because the agonist was effective at reducing neurotransmitter release at SST-Pyr synapses, we asked whether presynaptic GABAbRs might sometimes be activated by the synapse’s own GABA release. In this case, the amplitude of the IPSC might be suppressed when neocortical SST neurons fire at some regular frequency, as has been described in vivo during the quiet resting state (Gentet et al., 2012; Guy et al., 2023) and also in vitro, in mACSF (Fanselow et al., 2008; Urban-Ciecko et al., 2015, 2018). We thus examined the IPSC of connected SST and Pyr neurons in mACSF (Figure 5E-H). Under baseline conditions, the evoked IPSC had a relatively low failure rate (0.18±0.21, n=12, Figure 5G) indicating that GABAaR-dependent inhibition from SST-INs is strong even when spontaneous network activity is high. Bath application of CGP did not alter IPSC amplitude (Figure 5F; control 18.28±15.65 pA vs CGP 20.82±16.08 pA, n=12, n.s. p=0.252, paired t-test), failure rates (Figure 5G; control 0.18±0.21 vs CGP 0.13±0.18, n.s. p=0.125, Wilcoxon test,) or PPR (Figure 5H; control 1.00±0.43 vs CGP 0.92±0.20, n.s. p=0.558, paired t-test). Altogether, these data indicate that although SST-INs have presynaptic GABAbRs, spontaneous network activity may not be sufficient to activate these receptors.
Importantly (and in contrast to Pyr neurons), we did not observe any changes in resting membrane potential nor input resistance of SST-INs when GABAbRs were either activated or blocked pharmacologically (Table 1). These data indicate that GABAbRs in neocortical SST-INs are unlikely to act through potassium channels, similarly what has been observed for SST-INs in the hippocampal network (Booker et al., 2018).
To confirm that the spontaneous activity of SST-IN is not sufficient for the tonic activation of GABAbRs at SST-Pyr synapses, we optogenetically silenced SST-INs to check whether it influences SST-Pyr connections (Supplementary Figure 1). Analysis of SST-Pyr synapses showed that SST-IN silencing changed neither IPSC amplitude (Supplementary Figure 1A-C; OFF 28.31±21.74 pA vs ON 28.91±25.59, n=5, n.s. p=0.787, paired t-test), nor failure rates (Supplementary Figure 1D; 0.08±0.13 in OFF and 0.10±0.12 in ON, n.s. p=0.374, paired t-test) nor PPR (Supplementary Figure 1E; 0.79±0.38 in OFF and 0.74±0.11 in ON, n.s. p=0.827, paired t-test). Thus, direct GABAaR-mediated inhibition from SST-INs is not influenced by presynaptic GABAbRs during spontaneous activity of SST-INs.
GABAbRs modulate intrinsic excitability of L2/3 PV-INs in the neocortex
Does the spontaneous activity of SST-IN activate GABAbRs on other neocortical neurons? Because PV neurons are a prominent source of inhibition in cortical networks (Fino & Yuste, 2011; Avermann et al., 2012; Pala & Petersen, 2015; Jouhanneau et al., 2018), we examined the effect of GABAbR pharmacological modulation on both the intrinsic excitability of PV-INs (Figure 6 D-I) as well as Pyr to PV inputs in L2/3 (Figure 6A-C). GABAbR activation using baclofen reduced the frequency of sEPSCs measured in PV-INs by 27% (Figure 6A-C; control 3.45±0.87 Hz vs baclofen 2.52±0.61 Hz in baclofen, n=7, *p=0.001, paired t-test) but did not alter sEPSC amplitude (Figure 6A-C; control 24.38±8.52 pA vs baclofen 20.96±3.48 pA, n.s. p=0.168, paired t-test). CGP fully reversed these effects (Figure 6A-C; amplitude in CGP 19.86±3.66 pA, n.s. p=0.138; frequency in CGP 3.46±1.05 Hz, n.s. p=0.944, ctrl vs CGP paired t-test). Since changes in the event frequency are associated with changes in neurotransmitter release, this result suggests that presynaptic GABAbR at Pyr-PV synapses can modulate excitatory synaptic transmission to L2/3 PV-Ins.
Next, we analyzed PV-IN intrinsic excitability. In contrast to SST-INs, pharmacological activation of GABAbRs profoundly influenced the intrinsic membrane properties of PV neurons (Figure 6D-I). Bath application of baclofen suppressed the I-F curve (Figure 6D,E), increased rheobase current (Figure 6F, control 170±21.38pA vs baclofen 205±47.51pA, n=8, *p=0.031, paired t-test) and decreased maximal firing frequency (control 128±36.41 Hz vs baclofen 113±32.07 Hz, n=8, *p=0.008, Wilcoxon test, data not shown). CGP had the opposite effect, increasing evoked spiking with current injection (Figure 6G,H), decreasing rheobase current (Figure 6I; control 107.50±39.90pA vs CGP 95.00±39.64pA, n=8, *p=0.049, paired t-test,), although there was no effect on maximal firing frequency (control 132.00±40.95 Hz vs CGP 135.00±23.77 Hz, n.s. p=0.816, paired t-test, data not shown). Thus, unlike SST-INs, spontaneous network activity is associated with tonic GABAbR activation in PV-INs that significantly suppresses the activity of these interneurons.
The reduction in PV-IN excitability was associated with significant GABAbR modulation of Vrest. Resting membrane potential was hyperpolarized by ~2 mV by baclofen and depolarized by ~2 mV with CGP, and input resistance was decreased by baclofen and increased with CGP (Table 1). In contrast, both parameters in SST-INs showed no significant difference between control and drug applications (Table 1). These data suggest that postsynaptic GABAbRs are coupled to potassium channels in PV- but not SST-INs (Booker et al., 2018).
GABAbR-mediated suppression of PV-IN output onto Pyr neurons
GABAbRs on PV-INs might primarily control the intrinsic membrane properties of these cells, or they also can directly regulate synaptic release. To determine whether L2/3 PV-IN terminals have presynaptic GABAbRs, we examined the effects of GABAbR antagonist on PV-mediated IPSCs in Pyr neurons using paired whole-cell recordings (Figure 7). PV-Pyr connections are extremely abundant in L2/3 (Rudy et al., 2011; Jiang et al., 2015), and we also observed that the probability of PV-Pyr connections reached 82% (9 connected pairs out of 11 tested). When network activity was high (in mACSF), we observed that IPSC failure rates were very low (0.05±0.08 pA, n=8, Figure 7C), indicating that the efficacy of PV-Pyr synapses was very high even in the presence of high spontaneous firing of SST-INs. Bath application of the GABAbR antagonist CGP increased IPSC amplitude by 48% (Figure 7A,B; control 51.09±37.44 pA vs CGP 69.70±51.36 pA, n=8, *p=0.035, paired t-test). Because failure rates were already negligible, CGP had no effect (Figure 7C; 0.00±0.00 in CGP, n.s. p=0.250, Wilcoxon test). PPR decreased from 0.89±0.11 in control to 0.76±0.19 in CGP (Figure 7D; n=8, *p=0.043, paired t-test). The effects of CGP on IPSC amplitude and PPR indicates that fast inhibition from PV-INs is modulated by tonic activity of presynaptic GABAbRs under spontaneous network activity in acute brain slices.
Tonic GABAbR activity in PV-INs is not regulated by spontaneous activity of SST-INs
SST-INs inhibit cortical networks directly, via fast synaptic transmission. In addition, through their spontaneous activity they also suppress communication between Pyr neurons via GABAbRs (Urban-Ciecko et al., 2015). To determine whether the spontaneous activity of SST-INs can activate GABAbRs at synapses onto and from PV-IN, we crossed PV-Tdt mice with SST-Cre mice and virally transduced ArchT into SST cells.
Using dual patch-clamp recordings, we tested whether acute silencing of SST-INs could change EPSP strength and reliability at both Pyr-PV and PV-Pyr synapses. SST-INs were silenced for 1 s before activation of Pyr-PV synapses (Figure 8A-B). Surprisingly, SST-IN silencing had no effect on EPSP amplitude at Pyr-PV connections (Figure 8C; OFF 0.30±0.26 vs ON 0.36±0.32 mV, n=7, n.s. p=0.337, paired t-test). Also, failure rates and PPR at Pyr-PV synapses were not statistically different in light OFF and ON conditions (Figure 8D,E; failure rates 0.49±0.26 in OFF and 0.47±0.34 in ON; PPR 1.10±0.06 in OFF and 1.10±0.98 in ON, n.s. p=0.766 and p=0.999, respectively). Similarly, IPSP amplitude, failure rates and PPR at PV-Pyr connections were not changed when SST-IN activity was optogenetically suppressed (Figure 8F-J). IPSP amplitude was 1.30±0.42 mV in light OFF and 1.20±1.46 mV (Figure 8H; n=4, n.s. p=0.107, paired t-test), failure rates were 0.00±0.00 in OFF and ON conditions (Figure 8I; n.s. p=1, paired t-test) and PPR was 0.72±0.10 in OFF and 0.62±0.25 in ON (Figure 8J; n.s. p=0.554, paired t-test). These findings demonstrate that despite the presence of GABAbRs at excitatory synapses onto PV-INs as well as PV-INs outputs onto Pyr cell targets, SST-IN spontaneous firing is not sufficient to regulate these connections.