When iron content in water exceeds a certain level, it causes a number of detrimental effects on both humans and the environment, depending on concentration. Water with higher iron concentration can have an unpleasant odor and a metallic taste, and can affect food items prepared using it. Likewise, staining of household fixtures such as bathtubs, faucets, and sinks is also observed when the water has high iron content and, in extreme cases, water supply lines can also become restricted or clogged due to scaling. Thus, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has restricted iron in drinking water to a maximum of 0.3 mg/l (Marson, 1949). Iron is essential for most living organisms due to its role in metabolic processes. However, it should be kept within an appropriate level. Regarding human health, while iron deficiency may lead to anemia, its overconsumption may contribute to damage to the liver, pancreas, and heart, and may lead to diabetes, hemochromatosis, stomach problems, and nausea (Abbaspour, Hurrell, & Kelishadi, 2014; Swanson, 2003). Likewise, iron level in surface waters is important for aquatic plants and animals, and can be altered by industrial wastewater or acid mine drainage. Therefore, regular monitoring of iron content in drinking water, wastewater, and natural water is important. Moreover, for drinking water purification, an initial estimate of iron concentration is useful to choose the proper filtration method.
Typically, iron content is determined using analytical methods such as ICP-MS or ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry or -optical emission spectrometry), as these methods are considered reliable. However, since they require time consuming sample preparation, processing, and data analysis, these methods are inappropriate for in-situ and online detection and quantification of iron contaminants in water. A spectroscopic technique known as laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) may be a robust alternative for field use or in-line for continuous quantification of iron. In contrast to ICP-based methods, LIBS requires little to no sample pretreatment, and results can be obtained in near real time (Radziemski & Cremers, 2013; Singh & Thakur, 2020).
In LIBS, a laser pulse is focused into or onto the test sample where a micro plasma is produced. This plasma emits light which is collected and analyzed to reveal the characteristic spectral signatures of the elemental species present in the samples. LIBS is a versatile technique and has been used for analysis of samples in solid, liquid, and gaseous states for multiple applications. It has been studied for application in the steel industry, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, geological study, space exploration, forensic science, cultural heritage, carbon storage, quality monitoring of food materials, etc. (Anglos & Detalle, 2014; Bhatt et al., 2015; Bhatt, Alfarraj, Ghany, Yueh, & Singh, 2017; Bhatt, Jain, & McIntyre, 2018; Galmed, Maaza, Mothudi, & Harith, 2021; C. Goueguel, McIntyre, Singh, Jain, & Karamalidis, 2014; Hark & East, 2014; Knight, Scherbarth, Cremers, & Ferris, 2000; Noll et al., 2001; Sezer, Bilge, & Boyaci, 2017; Tiwari, Rai, Kumar, Parigger, & Rai, 2019; K. Yu, Ren, & Zhao, 2020). Since Cremers et al. (Cremers, Radziemski, & Loree, 1984) started LIBS for liquid analysis in 1984, a number of journal articles have been published on LIBS applications for elemental analysis in aqueous solutions (Kuwako, Uchida, & Maeda, 2003; Lazic, Colao, Fantoni, Spizzichino, & Jovićević, 2007; Michel & Chave, 2008; Michel, Lawrence-Snyder, Angel, & Chave, 2007; Nakane et al., 2000; Pace, D'Angelo, Bertuccelli, & Bertuccelli, 2006; Rai, Yueh, & Singh, 2008; Wachter & Cremers, 1987) and colloidal suspensions (Bundschuh, Yun, & Knopp, 2001; Ito, Ueki, & Nakamura, 1995; Nakamura, Ito, Sone, Hiraga, & Kaneko, 1996; Yun, 2007; Yun, Bundschuh, Neck, & Kim, 2001). Elements such as Ca, K, Na, Mg, Mn, and Li, which are easily detected in liquids due to their low ionization and excitation energies, have been studied extensively using LIBS (Bhatt, Goueguel, Jain, McIntyre, & Singh, 2020; Lazic & Jovićević, 2014; X. Yu et al., 2014). Additionally, many research groups have reported successful detection and quantification of heavy metals in liquids (Lee, Oh, & Han, 2012; Rai et al., 2008; Zhao, Chen, Zhang, Li, & Zhou, 2010). Both underwater (i.e., with the laser spark submerged in the bulk fluid) and surface measurements have been used for liquid analysis by LIBS. Since spectral signals are comparatively weaker in underwater LIBS due to strong quenching, it is more useful for the elements which have comparatively low excitation energy and have strong resonance emission lines such as the alkali and alkaline earth elements. For elements with higher excitation energies, such as the transition metals, focusing the laser pulse onto the surface of the liquid results in a hotter plasma due to less quenching. Consequently, the signals are significantly stronger. However, absorption of the high-energy laser pulse by the liquid surface often results in splashing, thus contaminating optical elements and hindering the efficiency of LIBS measurements on the surface. To overcome the splashing issue, researchers can produce a laminar jet of the liquid analyte and focus laser pulse on the jet to ablate the sample.
Monitoring iron concentration is not only important for ensuring drinking water quality; it can also be used to evaluate the health of the water supply system. For example, an increasing iron concentration can be an indication of corrosion. Strategically placed LIBS sensors could provide continuous, or at least high frequency, compositional measurements and quickly identify such a change in concentration. A few researchers have evaluated LIBS for iron detection in liquids (Golik et al., 2015; Loudyi et al., 2009; Nakamura et al., 1996). Golik et al. (Golik et al., 2015) studied the possibility of femtosecond LIBS for quantitative analysis of iron in water by focusing laser pulse on the surface of the liquid sample and achieving a limit of detection (LOD) of 2.6 ppm. An iron suspension in water was also studied by dual LIBS achieving a LOD of 16 ppb pulses (Nakamura et al., 1996). A dramatically improved LOD for iron (and lead) was reported by Loudyi et al. (Loudyi et al., 2009) with aid of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) augmented LIBS (i.e., LIF-LIBS). In previous experiments, the LIBS technique was used to study dissolved minerals and critical elements such as rare earth elements (REEs), toxic elements such as, Se, Hg, and S in liquids, and even CO2-induced dissolution of carbonates (Bhatt, Hartzler, Jain, & McIntyre, 2021; Bhatt, Jain, Edenborn, & McIntyre, 2019; Bhatt, Jain, Goueguel, McIntyre, & Singh, 2017; Bhatt et al., 2018; C. L. Goueguel, Bhatt, Jain, Lopano, & McIntyre, 2018).
In this study, samples collected from the foundation drain of a building built in the 1980s on top of coal ash have been analyzed to determine iron content over a period of ten days. In the past, the outflow from the foundation drain reached a nearby creek causing discoloration of the creek bed. To remedy this, a filtration system was installed in the mid-nineties to remove dissolved minerals, although, staining resulting from iron oxide remains today. The iron content of this outflow has been monitored from 1992 to the present day. Over this period, the iron level in the (unfiltered) outflow has dropped from 650 ppm to 30 ppm. No iron was detected in the filtered outflow to the creek in the course of this study. To study these samples, two experimental systems were used: 1) a traditional benchtop LIBS setup and 2) an NETL-designed miniature LIBS probe. Sample measurements were performed on both the liquid surface using a laminar jet (benchtop system) and under the liquid surface (miniature probe).