3.2 Educational status at household level
Literacy is the most important factor or instrument for understanding facts (e.g., about drought) and changing our lifestyle and/or strengthening our resilience, coping and mitigation to various climate hazards. It is explained in terms of contribution on working efficiency, competency, income, adopting technologies and becoming visionary in creating conducive environment to educate dependents with long term target to ensure better living condition than illiterate ones [9]. Studies indicated that the level of literacy could influence selection of drought coping strategies due to the behaviors of respondents. In the study area, about 61.38% of the respondents are illiterate, while 38.62% of the respondents are literate. An illiterate male headed household respondent which covers about 68.8% are higher than female headed illiterate (31.4%) households (Table 3). Similarly, the literate male headed households covers only 88.4% and 11.6% female headed. Therefore, literate households can help to generate new ideas or methods towards understanding the causes of drought, and improving the coping strategies. Besides, literate households can reduce the chance of becoming food insecure [9].
Table 3
Literacy status of respondents at household level
Household head
Literacy status
48 (31.4%)
6 (12.8%)
103 (68.2%)
151 (100%)
3.1.3 Farm size at household level
Male headed households owned a maximum of 3.5 ha, while females owned 2.5 ha. Farm size is important proxy for determining farmers’ economic status and coping strategies [4]. The mean farm size owned by male headed household (0.93 ± 0.74ha) was higher than female (0.54 ± 0.75 ha) (Table 4). For example, in the study area, about 2.03 per cent of females and 6.5 per cent of male headed households were landless farmers. Farmers were renting plots for cultivation from other farmers who have serious health problems and economic challenges such as access to get or own oxen or labor to cultivate the land on time. Farmers who have their own farm have a high probability of investing in coping strategies compared to landless farmers [4]. Studies indicates that if the cultivated land size increases the possibility that the household gets more yield is also high during the wet season ([9]. In this case, the household may have better drought resilience mechanism. However, those households who live in the marginal areas and whose livelihoods are highly dependent on natural resources are more susceptible to drought because they have limited drought coping capacity [10].
Table 4
Comparison of farm size at household level
Std. Err.
Std. Dev.
[95% Conf. Interval]
. 5491803
. 0569067
. 4444558
. 4353499
. 6630108
. 932973
. 0548457
. 7459815
. 8247658
. 8378049
. 0448072
. 7027741
. 7495483
. 9260614
–. 3837926
. 1010283
= mean (Female) – mean (Male)
t =
Ho: diff
degrees of freedom =
diff < 0
Ha: diff ! = 0
Ha: diff > 0
Pr (T < t)
= 0.0001
Pr (|T| > |t| = 0.0002
Pr (T > t) = 0.9999
Furthermore, we compared the average farm size of male and female headed households for assessing the difference. Farm size was significantly different between the male and female headed households in the study area (p < 0.001). One of the possible reasons for the difference is that demographic composition of the respondents.
3.3 Smallholder farmers’ drought coping strategies
Since 1983/85, the recurrent drought has regularly affected southern Tigray, particularly the natural resources (e.g., vegetation cover) and agricultural production and productivity (e.g., maize, teff) have declined both in Raya Azebo and Raya Chercher districts. This affects the education, health, and livelihoods that lead to food insecurity and poverty. The major triggering factors were the lack of optimum rainfall during the belg or short rainy season which usually lasts from March–June and summer or the main rain season (July–early September). Macon et al. [16] also reported that California has been severely affected by droughts due to high temperatures and dry summer seasons that have significantly affected the agricultural sector (e.g., seasonal decline in the quality of dryland forage). The change in rainfall patterns and wind erosion, increased salinization and decreased carbon mineralization as a result it aggravates the incidence of drought impacts [26]. Numerous attempts have been made to establish coping strategies to overcome drought stress in the study area. Drought was one of the most important challenges to ensure food security in the study area. Both the proactive approach and the reactive approach were essential components of coping strategies [16]. The smallholder farmers have identified multiple strategies to cope–up with the impact of drought. The selected strategies depend on the household heads farm size, family size, education, age, awareness and severity of drought. The gender of respondents can influence the decision to select best drought coping strategies because they have different roles [4, 27].
Table 6 shows best on–farm drought coping strategies estimated using the MNL model that the smallholder farmers of the study area frequently used to cope–up with drought. Results of the multinomial logit (MNL) model indicates that age of the household head, which represents experience, affecting the coping to drought positively and significantly in strategies number II and V (p–value < 5%). The relative risk ratio, which is the exponent of the coefficient of the estimate (\({\text{e}}^{{\beta }}\)) shows that a change in the age of the household head result in a 3.5 and a 2.4 higher probability of choosing strategy number II and V as compared to the base choice strategy (i.e., land preparation and use of compost (manure). The marginal effect of the age estimate shows that the probability of choosing strategy number II and V increased by 0.04% and decreased by 0.17%, respectively, as compared to choosing the base choice strategy. Likewise, households family size, which usually represents the size of the family living within the family affecting the coping to drought positively and significantly both strategies numbers IV and V (p–value < 10%). The relative risk estimate of the family size estimate shows that a unit change in the family size of the household result in a 4 and 6.4 higher likelihood of choosing strategy number IV and V, respectively, as compared to the choice of the base outcome. The average marginal effect of the family size estimate also shows that the likelihood of choosing strategy number IV and V decreased by 0.06% and increased by 0.04%, respectively, as compared to the base outcome. Besides, farm size of the household which represents the share of cultivated land measured affecting the coping to drought positively and significantly the strategy number II (p–value < 10%). The relative risk estimate shows that a unit change in farm size of the household in choosing coping strategy II produces to have the same effect on coping to drought as compared to the base outcome. The average marginal effect of the estimate of the farm size indicates that the probability of choosing strategy number II decreased by 6.63% as compared to the base outcome. Furthermore, soil and water conservation which represents the involvement of the farmers in preserving the cultivated land of the area under study affecting the coping to drought positively and significantly the choice of strategy II (p–value < 1%). The average marginal effect of the estimate shows that the probability of choosing strategy number II increases by 5.4% as compared to the base outcome. Moreover, the effects of drought on production, measured both in terms of complete loss, partial loss and pest and disease, the result indicates that complete loss is found to have significant effect in choosing the coping strategy number II (p–value < 5%). The marginal effect of this estimate also shows that the probability of choosing strategy number II increases by 18.1% as compared to the base outcome. Access to accurate weather information also reduces the impacts of drought on both humans and livestock as ranchers can prepare for potential emergencies and serve as a valuable source of knowledge for researchers, land managers and policymakers. This may support to improve the existing response capacity to drought in the form of preparedness strategies when drought strikes [7]. However, the farmers of the study area are not getting timely information about the future drought due to lack of scientific drought monitoring and early warning systems. Now–a–days, high–quality information sources (e.g., weather forecast information) and peer–to–peer knowledge sharing on incoming drought risk improves the ability to respond to drought [3, 16]. Therefore, the community of the study area should get timely information to strengthen their coping strategies and reduce the impact felt from drought.
Table 6. Best proactive drought coping strategies and on–farm response in the study area
In addition, Table 7 shows that the MNL model estimates for the reactive drought coping strategy activities. The result reveals that male headed household, affects the choice of reactive drought coping positively and significantly for strategy number V (p–value < 10%). The relative risk ratio of the estimate indicates that a male headed household have a 3.5 times higher in favoring the choice for strategy number V as compared to the base choice strategy (i.e., migration to adjacent and remote areas). The marginal effect estimate of the male headed households shows that the probability of choosing strategy V increases by 0.77% as compared to choosing the base outcome strategy. Beside, age of the household head, affecting the reactive drought coping strategy number I (p–value < 5%) and its relative risk estimate indicates that the odds of choosing this strategy number I is same as compared to the base strategy. The marginal effect of the estimate of age shows that the likelihood of choosing strategy number I increased by 0.7% as compared to choosing base outcome strategy. Moreover, the family size of the household affecting the reactive drought strategy number III, positively and significantly (p–value < 10%) and strategy number V (p–value < 5%). The relative risk of the estimate indicates that a unit change in size of the family have a 1.3 times higher effects in choosing strategy number III and a 0.63 times less effect as compared to the base outcome. The marginal effect of the estimate for the family size tells us that the probability of choosing strategy number III is less likely to be selected as compared to the base outcome. This fact is true for all factors that have significant influence on strategy number III.
On the other hand, farm size affects the choice of strategy number I affecting the coping to drought positively and significantly (p–value < 10%) and strategy number IV (p–value < 1%). The relative risk estimate of the farm size shows that a unit change in farm size has a 0.45 and 0.31 times higher in selecting strategy number I and IV, respectively as compared to the base outcome. The marginal effect of the estimate shows that the probability of choosing strategy IV decreases by 9.7% and increases by 5.6% for strategy number I as compared to the base outcome. Moreover, the sub–category of belg and irrigation affects the choice of the strategy number II positively and significantly (p–value < 5%). The relative risk of the estimate indicates that a unit change of the farming system use of belg and irrigation by the farmers have a 16.6 times higher in choosing strategy I as compared to the base outcome. The marginal effect of the estimate shows that the probability of adopting strategy II decreases by 3.6% as compared to the base outcome. Furthermore, the effect of drought on crop production of complete loss affects the farmers choice of strategies I and V (p–value < 5%). The relative risk of the estimate indicates that a change in the estimate changes the choice of strategy I and V by 5.5% and 5%, respectively as compared to the base outcome. The average marginal effect of the model, it is found out that in the present study the likelihood of choosing strategy number I and strategy number V would decrease (increase) the probability of selecting strategy I by 9.8% as compared to the base outcome.
Similarly, partial loss of the effect of drought on crop production affects the choice of the strategy numbers I and V (p–value < 2%). The relative risk of the estimate shows that a change in the estimate changes the choice of the strategy I and V by 3.4% and 2%, respectively as compared to the base outcome. The average marginal effect reveals that the probability of adopting strategy I and V would decrease the probability of selecting these two strategies as compared to the bases outcome. In addition, the effect of the drought on livestock, result indicates that it affects positively and significantly for the choice of the strategy number I and V (p–value < 5%). The relative risk of the estimate of the factor changes the farmers’ choice in strategies number I and V by 10.23 and 6.43, respectively compared to the base outcome. The average marginal effect of the estimate reveals that the probability of making a choice for the strategy number I and IV would decrease (increase), respectively as compared to the base outcome. Finally, access to credit affects the selection of strategy number II positively and significantly (p–value < 10%). The relative risk of the estimate shows that a change in the estimate would result in a change by about 7% in selecting strategy II as compared to the base outcome. The average marginal effect result reveals that the probability of choosing strategy II increases by 0.1% as compared to the base outcome.
Table 7. Best reactive drought coping strategies and off–farm response in the study area
Crop failures caused by drought could affect labor supply [6]. Farmers in Raya Azebo and Raya Chercher districts were migrating during the drought episodes to save their lives and livestock. This attitude severely affected the agricultural sector and most of the households depend themselves on governments aid. Providing drought relief may decrease self–reliance and rise dependency on government and donor organizations [3], however, technological support may advance the farmers drought coping strategy and farming system. Therefore, the attitude of farmers must be changed to build self–resilience and improve their drought coping. Besides, there is a need of coordinated national drought policy that includes comprehensive monitoring, early warning and information systems, impact assessment procedures, risk management measures, drought preparedness plans, and emergency response programs to respond to drought effectively [3].
Similarly, Macon et al. [16] stated that the recurrent droughts pose a risk to health both economically and in rangeland. In the study area, a number of smallholder farmers sell their crop and buy livestock assets as a form of savings or insurances during the non–drought period. This practice may give relief to the households to cope–up with drought. However, during the periods of dry season and drought, most of the farmers reduce their food intake and sell their livestock at lower price due to lack of fodder and livestock diseases [28]. For instance, diarrhea and mumps, skin infections, trypanosomiasis, worms and parasites, coughs and lung infections were some of the major diseases observed in the study area. Mehar et al. [4] and Speranza [7] were also reported similar cases in Bihar, India and Kenya. This entails a substantial decrease in the existing production systems. It will also increase the livestock deaths, poor fertility and breeding, flea infestations and retarded growth [7]. Therefore, drought risk reduction policies and effective measures should be developed to diminish the impacts associated with droughts in the study area. Moreover, access to irrigation is an important strategy to reduce the vulnerability of agriculture to climate risks such as drought. Therefore, the farmers of Raya Azebo and Raya Chercher should have equitable access to irrigation to enhance their strategies for coping with drought.