Surgery is the recommended CCIO treatment [10, 11]. However, CCIO is primarily detected in the older adults, most of whom have contraindications to surgery [10]. Additionally, emergency surgery for intestinal obstruction usually requires a temporary bowel stoma and elective two-stage surgery, which reduces the quality of patient survival. Endoscopic SEMS placement for CCIO is safe and provides an opportunity for further treatment [6]. After stent placement, performing adequate preoperative evaluation of the patients for the next treatment option is possible, which can significantly reduce the stoma rate [4, 5, 8, 12]. It also has a significantly lower complication rate than emergency surgery [13–15]. The success rate of confined operation after SEMS placement was significantly higher and the treatment cost was lower than that of emergency surgery [3, 16–18]. SEMS offers a good treatment option for patients who are unable to undergo surgery [19, 20].
Currently, relevant guidelines [4–8, 11] recommend endoscopic SEMS placement as a BTS for the treatment of colorectal tumors with intestinal obstruction. For conventional X-ray-assisted SEMS placement, the X-ray imaging machine is used for guiding the guidewire and confirming its position to avoid intestinal wall penetration, evaluating the stenosis length, and assessment of the appropriateness of the postoperative stent release position and shape. While it is a must-use device, most medical institutions currently do not have a standalone digital X-ray imaging machine available for endoscopic SEMS placement. In China, most emergency SEMS placements are performed in the ERCP operating room with aseptic requirements, which could lead to cross-infection. Additionally, the physician should have experience in both endoscopy and imaging reviews to perform SEMS treatment. Whether a more straightforward procedure that physicians can follow exists and whether a solution for avoiding radiation damage for physicians and patients could be provided remain to be explored.
We have applied a SEMS placement assisted by an ultrathin endoscope without relying on a digital X-ray imaging machine, that can solve the above problems. The ultrathin endoscope with a small outer diameter of only 5.8 mm allows it to pass through the stenosis of colorectal tumors with intestinal obstruction that the colonoscope cannot pass. It can completely replace digital X-ray imaging machine during the entire operation. SEMS release requires the support of a colonoscope clamp channel for precise release into the stenotic segment. If the guidewire is not placed from the ultrathin endoscope channel to the therapeutic colonoscope channel and is only used as a guide to push the metal stent, successful stent placement is likely to be compromised. The use of an ERCP catheter to complete the guidewire placement method has been reported; however, this method has an additional cost [21]. We innovatively proposed a simple guidewire replacement method using biopsy forceps to clamp and pull back the guidewire and ensured smooth performance of the endoscopic procedure. Regarding the avoidance of the anesthetic risk, another advantage of the ultrathin endoscope is that it can reduce patient discomfort so that SEMS treatment can be performed without anesthesia. Additionally, some studies reported the occurrence of adverse events, such as perforation and permanent stoma, during SEMS placement [22–24]. The inability to operate the guidewire through the stenotic segment and inability to visualize the tumor are factors contributing to the failure [14, 25–27]. Most aforementioned reasons are due to non-endoscopic direct-view operations. As such, retaining the guidewire under direct view of the ultrathin endoscope and placing the stent under direct view of the colonoscope after guidewire replacement reduce the incidence of adverse events.
We have clinically addressed the difficulties associated with ultrathin endoscopy in intestinal stent placement. Since colon tumors are mostly detected in the left hemicolon, and endoscopic surgery in the left hemicolon has good conduction, even for ultrathin endoscopes. If the bowel lumen was twisted and the ultrathin endoscope could not enter, a guidewire could be placed in the endoscopic clamped channel to increase the endoscope stiffness. If the ultrathin endoscope could not pass through the stenosis directly, the guidewire’s hydrophilic end could be used to explore the opening of the obstructed part of the intestinal obstruction and push the guidewire through the stenosis. Since the clamp channel of the ultrathin endoscope is only 2.0 mm and cannot complete the suction well, and inflation, such as CO2, is the main method to dilate the bowel after the endoscope has entered. Additionally, a biopsy should be performed after guidewire placement but not earlier. There are usually two types of stenosis openings: the central type and the eccentric type. While accurately searching for intestinal lumen opening, mucosal damage should be avoided as much as possible, which is vital to maintaining a good view. If the ultrathin endoscope could not successfully find the stenosis opening, the steps of conventional intestinal stent placement could be followed. We could use the colonoscope to place the guidewire, retain the guidewire and retract the colonoscope, and then replace the guidewire retrogradely with the ultrathin endoscope clamp channel, which enters through the stenotic segment guided by the guidewire to confirm the presence of the guidewire’s front end in the intestinal lumen. Lastly, regarding the requirements for SEMS selection, SEMS is usually chosen to be 1–2 cm longer than the ends of the stenosis, in line with guideline recommendations [8]. The stent length should not exceed 12 cm to ensure complete dilatation of the stenosis, which will reduce adverse events due to embedding of the stent ends in the intestinal mucosa.
This new endoscopic treatment method has proven to be safe, effective, and easy to learn. Our study revealed that the technical and clinical success rates of this endoscopic treatment were 100% and 96.8%, respectively, without adverse events. This is consistent with previous findings that conventional X-ray-assisted SEMS placement has a technical success rate of 75–100% and clinical success rate of 84–100% [8]. Many studies have recommended that SEMS placement be performed only by experienced endoscopists [5]. The risk of inadvertent perforation is increased because some operating physicians lack experience with imaging reviews. Hence, our technical procedure is more straightforward for physicians to follow. In our endoscopy center, three physicians specializing in endoscopy learned and used this procedure simultaneously, including one without clinical experience with conventional intestinal stent placement. No significant difference was observed in treatment outcomes among the three attending physicians, demonstrating that this procedure was suitable for doctors with varying endoscopic clinical experiences. In our study, 14 BTS patients underwent SEMS and a post-placement confined operation, with a 100% success rate and no ostomy. Many studies [5, 11] have discovered that confined operation after stent placement had similar overall and disease-free survival rates but a lower frequency of postoperative stomas and shorter postoperative hospital stay than emergency surgery. To some extent, SEMS treatment can convert emergency surgery into elective surgery, saving patients from stoma or two-stage surgeries. The technique was suitable for CCIO patients with varying tumor differentiation levels and stages (even stage IV) with successful endoscopic manipulation. Correcting the patient’s electrolyte disturbance, reducing mucosal edema and intestinal infections, and performing thorough colonic preparation are possible after stent placement. The incidence of postoperative adverse events in surgery-treated patients was 28.6%, similar to previous data in relevant literature [8], and this approach did not increase the risk of adverse events. In some PT patients who could not undergo surgery, our follow-up results showed that all patients had symptomatic relief, no reobstruction after stent placement, and no death within 30 days.
As this study was a single-center retrospective analysis with a small sample size of observed cases, studies with larger sample sizes are required to further assess the clinical efficacy and identify new technical difficulties of this method. Since we only performed a follow-up and prognostic evaluation within six months, the patient’s long-term prognosis, conversion, and quality of survival need to be further evaluated.