The FTIR spectrum of PMMA HA peak at 1731 cm− 1 appeared due to the presence of ester carbonyl group stretching vibration. The broad peak ranging from 1260 − 1000 cm − 1 can be explained owing to the C-O (ester bond) stretching vibration. The band from 950 − 650 cm− 1 is due to the bending of C-H. The peak ranging from 3100 − 2900 cm-cm − 1 is due to the presence of stretching vibration and the band at 3000 cm− 1 is assigned to CH3 stretch vibration. A very strong band appeared at 1735 cm− 1 belongs to the carbonyl group. Band at 2940 cm− 1 is from –CH2 stretch vibration. The C-O-C peak at 1254, 1200 cm− 1 and an intense phosphate peak is found is found at 1040 cm− 1. The additional phosphate group bands at 810 cm− 1 and 757 cm− 1. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a widely used analytical technique that is routinely applied to the characterization of biomaterials. Hydroxyl is observed at 3569 cm− 1 in the spectra of synthetic commercial hydroxyl apatite. The broad peak ranging from 3200–3600 cm− 1 can be explained owing to O-H group vibration. The band at 1450 cm− 1 is assigned to the CO3 2- stretching. An intense PO4 3- peak appeared at 1048 cm− 1. Additional phosphate group bands are found in the region 963, 875, 633 and 472 cm− 1, a sharp peak of OH stretch vibration band appeared at 3570 cm-1 and a less intense CO3- peak appeared at 1450 cm− 1. An intense PO4 3- peak appeared at 1048 cm− 1. The C-O-C peak at 1254, 1200 cm-1 and an intense phosphate peak is found is found at 1040 cm− 1. The group bands at 810 cm-1 and 757 cm− 1 that agree with Krithiga G. et al. [16]
In PMMA/HA/1.5% Gnp composites shows the spectrum of Graphene clearly shows oxygen possessing groups at 1054, 1223, 1395, 1622, and 1729 cm− 1. These correspond to the C − O stretching vibration, C − OH stretching vibration, C − O−H deformation vibration, C − C stretching vibration, and CO stretching vibration of COOH groups.the presence of graphene nanoplates sheets by the emergence of clear absorption bands of methylene (CH2) groups nearly around 2854 and 2918 cm− 1. The stretching band of pure HAP peaks shifted from 1035 to 1029 cm− 1 due to the interaction of HAP with Gnp. This indicates the formation of strong hydrogen bonding between the HAP and Gnp sheets that agree with H.M. Alhusaiki-Alghamdi [12]
SEM image of the PMMA/HA blend shown in Fig. (3) evaluation indicates the formation of uniform and solid nanofibers with random orientations.
In PMMA/HA/1.5 Gnp consisted of thin flakes, with a well-defined few-layer structure. Note the wrinkled surface, which could play an important role in enhancing electrical application
Thermal Conductivity Of Pmma/ha/gnp Nanocomposites
In thermal conductivity of PMMA/HA loaded with graphene nanoplates in varying proportions, the PMMA/HA acquired thermal conductivity of 0.05 Wm− 1K− 1 for PMMA without graphene shown in Table (1).
The experimental results also showed that the thermal conductivity of the samples increased in general with the percentage (0.5–1.5%) of graphene nanoplates in the composite. This is attributed to the increase in conductive pathway and network density with increased number of filler particles [8].
It has been observed that the incorporation of carbon-based nanomaterials significantly increases the thermal conductivity of different polymeric-based materials. Considering PMMA an increase in thermal conductivity could be advantageous in terms of heat dissipation during the polymerisation reaction, potentially reducing the risk of thermal necrosis. The conductivity of the Gnp is improved as it undergoes treatment with heat, light, and chemical reduction, and the majority of graphene characteristics can be restored in this manner. The smaller contrast in thermal conductivity of polymer between (0.1-1) W/m.K and that increased the thermal conductivity of composites because thermal conduction can be achieved by phonons and electrons. However, the PMMA and hydroxyapatite are an insulator which means the electrons will not play an important role in thermal conduction. The physics of phonons (the main heat carriers in graphene) has been shown to be substantially different in 2-D crystals, such as graphene because of graphene sheets may provide lower interfacial thermal resistance and thus produce highly-improved conductivity for polymer composites even impart significant anisotropy to the thermal conductivity of the polymer composite due to the measured in-plane thermal conductivity as much as ten times higher than the cross-plane conductivity[17]
Table (1): Thermal conductivity values of PMMA, PMMA/Gnp composites
Sample | Thermal conductivity W/m.Kº |
PMMA/HA | 0.05 |
PMMA/HA/0.5 Gnp | 0.10 |
PMMA/HA/1 Gnp | 0.21 |
PMMA/HA/1.5 Gnp | 1.82 |
In Figures (4 &5) show the electrical conductivity of the polymer blend PMMA/HA due to charge carriers build up and for PMMA/HA/Gnp the A.C. hopping conduction is possible to distinguish different characteristic regions of frequency. At extremely low- and low frequencies, the ac conductivity is practically constant; then, there is a region of frequencies, where the conductivity increases strongly with frequencies. Figures (4) can be shown that the conductivity obeys the empirical law of frequency dependence given by the power law of the form: σAC(ω) = Aωs[18]. The variation of the exponent s with temperature gives information on the specific mechanism involved and the value of s was found to be 1.25 < s < 1.35 as shown in Ttable(2) below.
Table (2): the value of exponent s factor of PMMA/HA, PMMA/HA/Gnp composites
Sample | S |
PMMA/HA | 1.3079 |
PMMA/HA/0.5Gnp | 1.305 |
PMMA/HA/1Gnp | 1.2534 |
PMMA/HA/1.5Gnp | 1.3067 |
In the case of the transport in disordered media, the low – frequency conductivity has the same frequency dependence as already observed in the all PMMA/AH/Gnp samples, which characterizes a process of hopping conduction.
Results of dielectric constant for with frequency (f) at room temperature for different types of samples (PMMA/HA, PMMA/HA/0.5Gnp, PMMA/HA/1Gnp & PMMA/HA/1.5Gnp) are illustrated in Fig. (6).
It shows in Fig. (6) that the dielectric constant ε´ decreases with increasing frequency and increases with increasing with the addition of graphene to PMMA at low frequencies, where the reason for this is due to the great contribution of graphene in the process of electric polarization, which in turn increases the dielectric values. This interpretation also applies to the addition of the HA to the samples. At higher frequencies, charge carriers are unable to follow the rapid changes in the applied electric field, resulting in low values of permittivity. Decrease of dielectric constant with the applied electric field frequency can be explained based on several types of polarization (ionic, orientation, and electronic). The ionic polarization due to the application of an electric field on a material induces a displacement of the positive ions relative to the negative ions. this polarization of sample is related to the structure of the material. Under an applied field, the permanent dipoles of the molecules are oriented in the direction of the field[19]. The electronic polarization is due to the displacement of the electron cloud of the atom with respect to its nucleus, which represent the electronic polarization. The last one, electron polarization is due to a relative displacement of the nucleus of the atom relative to all the electrons that surround it. This type of polarization is established in a very short time and remains sensitive up to high frequencies.
The variations of dielectric losses ε´´ with frequency at different samples are shown in Fig. (7). It can be seen that the dielectric loss of the composites exhibits the strong frequency dependence. The dielectric loss increases slowly in the low-frequency range, followed by a quick decrease in the high frequency range. The dielectric loss of the composites follows the dissimilar trend with frequency as the dielectric constant because the samples behave as a capacitor at low frequency and Omic behavior at high frequency. This interpretation applies to the relationship between Tan δand frequency because the values of Tanδ are related to the values of the dialectical Loss as in the Fig. (8).
The impedance is a complex function of frequency, consist of real part of impedance reflects Ohmic resistance of the sample whereas imaginary par accounts for non-Ohmic resistance for example capacitance reactance. Figures (9) shows the relation between the impedance and frequency, it observed that the impedance decreases rapidly in low frequency range. The reason for this is the relationship between them (Z = 1/wc),where the sample becomes as open circuit to the A.C. current[20].