Little Cayman Island reef macroalgae had organic d13C values indicative of HCO3- use even within dark crevices on the upper mesophotic wall reef where irradiance levels are < 4 mmol photons m-2 s-1. Fleshy and calcified algal forms from all three phyla had d13C values that ranged between -12‰ and -25‰. Similar ranges in d13C (-14‰ to -20‰) were found in organic tissue of macroalgae on a subtropical patch reef in the Florida Keys (Zweng et al., 2018) under high irradiance (700 to 1,200 mmol photons m-2 s-1) and calcifying rhodophytes and chlorophytes on the great barrier reef (GBR, -13‰ to -19‰). On the GBR only fleshy species within the Chlorophyta and Ochrophyta exclusively utilized CCMs (d13C > -10‰) and only three fleshy Rhodophyta species were classified as non-CCM (d13C < -30‰) species (Diaz-Pulido et al., 2016). The majority ≥ 75% of GBR marine macroalgae and 84% of the 170 species recently assessed from the Gulf of California (Velázquez-Ochoa et al., 2022) were classified as utilizing Ci uptake strategies for photosynthesis that incorporated both diffusive CO2 uptake and HCO3- use employing CCMs (d13C < -10‰ and > -30‰). These data support earlier work combining d13C with pH drift experiments that indicate most marine macroalgae utilize a diverse source of Ci for photosynthesis (Maberly et al., 1992). Thus, non-CCM exclusive CO2 users within marine macroalgae have been considered to be rare (Raven et al., 2002, Maberly et al., 1992), frequently <10% to 20% of the macroalgal community (Hepburn et al., 2011, Stepien, 2015), particularly in tropical species (Stepien, 2015, Zweng et al. 2018, this study). However, temperate reefs of Tasmania, Australia with a high diversity of fleshy species dominated by rhodophytes (~58%) possess a high percentage (60%) of non-CCM species (Cornwall et al., 2015); these results correspond to those observed around south island New Zealand that have shown a high proportion of rhodophytes dependent on CO2 diffusion (Hepburn et al., 2011). In cold temperate/polar and upwelling systems with higher dissolved CO2 evolutionary pressure to evolve CCMs would be lessened, but there are also phyla-specific patterns of greater CO2-diffusive use in the rhodophytes (Giordano et al., 2005) and fleshy species (Cornwall et al., 2015); these trends suggest taxonomy and form are important in defining Ci uptake mechanisms in macroalgae.
We observed a taxonomic trend in d13C values with ochrophytes significantly more enriched in 13C suggestive of efficient CCMs within this phylum. While the majority of macroalgae on LCI reefs were indicative of a mixed CO2/HCO3- model, one genus (Padina sp.) d13C values approached those considered non-CO2 users, a trait that appears to be highly conserved evolutionarily in the Ochrophyta phylum (Stepien et al., 2016). The presence of only species with CCMs on LCI tropical reefs is likely explained by the fact that all rhodophytes and most chlorophytes were calcifiers. On the GBR, none of the non-CCM macroalgae from either the Chlorophyta or Rhodophyta were calcifiers (Diaz-Pulido et al., 2016) and 26% of the rhodophytes with CCMs were calcifiers on temperate reefs of Tasmania (Cornwall et al., 2015). Crustose coralline algae (CCA) on the GBR across three unique evolutionary lineages were all recently shown to have CCMs with the only distinction being low, moderate and high percentage (35-65%) of diffusive CO2 usage accompanying HCO3- use for photosynthesis (Bergstrom et al., 2020). A survey of rhodoliths, free-living calcifying rhodophytes, across 50o of latitude (30-80o N) in the northeast Atlantic, had organic d13C values between -26‰ and -3‰ with the majority of species close to -10‰ indicative of HCO3- use (Hofmann & Heesch, 2018). Our results, and those discussed above, are supportive of the paradigm that calcifying macroalgae primarily utilize HCO3- through efficient CCMs in contrast to fleshy species (Stepien, 2015, Bergstrom et al., 2020, Hofmann & Heesch, 2018, Zweng et al., 2018) consistent with CCM requirements for calcification as well as photosynthesis.
Counter to our initial hypothesis, LCI macroalgae d13C values corresponded to efficient CCMs across an irradiance gradient spanning three orders of magnitude within all three phyla and fleshy and calcified forms. Enhanced irradiance contributed to greater HCO3- use as indicated by a 1-3‰ enrichment in 13C and a linear increase in 13C in organic tissue as a function of irradiance across LCI reef sites. A similarly modest 13C enrichment of 1.2 ± 2.2‰ was calculated from macroalgae using CCMs (> -30‰) growing in deep versus shallow sites on the GBR (Cornwall et al., 2015), and 13C enrichment of ~4‰ in ochrophytes and rhodophytes in a kelp forest of New Zealand at 10-fold greater irradiance at 2 m compared to 10 m depth (Hepburn et al., 2011). The minor shifts observed within genus/species as a function of irradiance are consistent with the idea that irradiance levels influence the proportion of CO2-use; however, photophysiology with regards to CCMs appears to be fundamentally taxon-specific. This specificity was observed in the CCA groupings of species with Ci-use mechanisms associated with unique evolutionary lineages (Bergstrom et al., 2020) and taxonomy being the dominant factor (genus 46%, species 57%), followed by macroalgal form and structure (35%) with minor attribution to environmental conditions, in a multi-variate model used to explain macroalgal diversity of d13C values (-35‰ to -2‰, 170 species) in the Gulf of California (Velázquez-Ochoa et al., 2022). Global meta-analysis also indicate strong taxonomic patterns in Ci-use strategies as clearly observed in unimodal distributions of d13C across chlorophytes and ochrophytes and bimodal distribution within rhodophytes (Stepien, 2015).
The low average inorganic nutrient concentrations (0.58 mM DIN , 0.18 mM SRP ), C:N ratios (3.6) and low d15N values (0.23‰ ± 0.77‰) on LCI reefs indicate the oligotrophic state in which macroalgae were growing (Dailer et al., 2010). Low NO3- concentrations (<2 mM) likely accounts for the minimal fraction of d15N observed (Swart et al., 2014) across all genus/species (-2‰ to +2‰). No significant correlations were found between d13C and tissue %N content within phyla, although there were differences among phyla suggesting %N levels were taxon-specific. Ochrophytes had low organic %N simultaneous with 13C enrichment, thus this phylum may be able to optimize HCO3- use in low N reef environments, a trait that may contribute to its dominance on tropical reefs in addition to a lack of palatability to grazers (Hay, 1997). The higher organic C:N ratio in LCI ochrophytes compared to chlorophytes or rhodophytes supports this conjecture. Chlorophytes had the broadest range in d15N and the relationship between d13C and d15N was primarily driven by Halimeda tuna and Halimeda sp. with fleshier thalli lower in CaCO3 (81-92%) exhibiting more positive isotope values (d13C -18‰ ± 1.5‰ and d15N 1.08‰ ± 0.27‰) compared to H. goreaui, H. copiosa, and H. opuntia with relatively higher CaCO3 (94%) and more negative isotopic values (d13C -22‰ ± 1.9‰ and d15N -0.78‰ ± 0.41‰). Several factors may have contributed to the depleted 15N and d13C values in the dominant Halimeda species (H. goreaui, H. copiosa, and H. opuntia) growing on the fore and mesophotic wall edges at intermediate to low irradiance. (1) These are primarily pendant species suspended in the water column such that they would receive greater seawater exchange and flow which is likely to enhance NO3- uptake and CO2 diffusion compared to fleshy benthic forms. (2) Their smaller utricular cells, compared to H. tuna and the larger fleshy species (Halimeda sp.), shortens the diffusion pathway for seawater (Peach et al., 2017) that may enhance NO3- uptake. It is interesting that these same two groups of Halimeda species also differentiated in their CaCO3 18O values.
In comparison to organic d13C values, calcified macroalgae on LCI exhibited clustering of thalli CaCO3 d13C values that were distinctly species/genus and phyla-specific, suggesting divergent calcification mechanisms. Isotope values in biogenic carbonates can be associated with unique locations of calcification, in some cases constrained by thalli form, or metabolic effects of photosynthesis/respiration or active ion transport systems. The ochrophytes were enriched in 13C by approximately 4‰ ± 1‰ indicating the pool of Ci available for calcification was affected by sequestration of the lighter isotope 12C for photosynthesis as calcification and photosynthesis occur together on the thalli surface. This level of enrichment (3.5‰), relative to marine DIC (~1.5‰) corresponds to shallow carbonate shelves in the Bahamas and Shark Bay, Australia that are thought to become more enriched in 13C due to 12C uptake by photosynthesis during periods of maximum calcification during the day (Geyman & Maloof, 2019). Biotic effects of symbiotic algae in corals also leads to 13C enrichment of coral CaCO3 due to algae sequestering 12C for photosynthesis thereby increasing 13C in the calcifying fluids (McConnaughey, 2003). Chlorophyte CaCO3 d13C values (1.7‰ ± 0.6‰) were consistent with marine DIC d13C and slightly less enriched in 13C than those found in ochrophytes. As the majority of species on LCI were of the Halimeda genus the lighter fraction may be the result of greater Ci contribution to calcification from respiratory 12C (McConnaughey, 2003) and/or the transport of seawater through diffusive pathways between utricular cells that when compressed create channels for seawater exchange (Borowitzka & Larkum, 2007, Koch et al., 2013). A greater role of photosynthesis by LCI ochrophytes than chlorophytes in calcification is supported by DIC changes primarily attributed to photosynthesis in Padina sp., while to a lesser extent in Halimeda sp. where DIC changes were primarily associated with calcification (Buapet & Sinutok, 2021).
Rhodophytes exhibited the greatest depletion in 13C (-4.1‰ ± 0.7‰) with the exception of Peyssonneliacea (red) and Galaxaura rugosa that were more enriched in 13C, potentially affected by their primarily aragonite structure (Basso, 2012, Kerkar, 1994) and mechanism of calcification. Aragonite rhodophytes have been shown to be more enriched in 13C (Swart, 1983). The more 13C depleted rhodophyte carbonates in calcite-forming rhodophytes (Swart, 1983, McConnaughey, 2003) reflect enhanced calcification complexity compared to Halimeda sp. (Borowitzka, 1981). Rhodophytes are primarily characterized by high magnesium calcite cell wall calcification (Borowitzka, 1982, Koch et al., 2013) where the calcification sites are semi-isolated from ambient seawater (Adey, 1998) and pH can rapidly increase (Cornwall et al., 2017). Rhodophytes, including CCA, utilize active transport to control ion flux between the cell and cell wall (Adey, 1998, Borowitzka, 1981) and require calcification/decalcification for growth and reproduction; thus, they likely possess a high degree of biotic control over calcification (Hofmann et al., 2016). In addition to depleted 13C carbonates, rhodophytes exhibited depleted 18O in their carbonates, a similar pattern exhibited in corals and other biogenic carbonates implying comparable calcification mechanisms (McConnaughey, 2003).
The LCI macroalgal carbonate d18O and d13C were highly correlated (R2 = 0.87) with a slope of 2.17 (excluding Halimeda sp. and H. tuna) equivalent to slopes reported for rhodophytes (2.13) and similar to slopes for ahermatypic and hermatypic shallow (2.25 and 2.37, respectively) and deep-sea corals (2.5 ± 0.69) (Chen et al., 2018). The divergence in d18O:d13C in less calcified Halimeda sp. and H. tuna (more depleted 18O) with greater organic:inorganic thalli may be a consequence of calcification driven more by photosynthesis, a condition shown to select for 16O in biogenic calcification (Adkins et al., 2003). The relationship between d18O and d13C in biogenic carbonates has been attributed to kinetic effects from CO2 hydration and hydroxylation resulting in depleted 18O and 13C in HCO3- and CO32- incorporated into CaCO3 (McConnaughey, 2003, McConnaughey, 1989). Alternatively, admixtures of cellular CO2 depleted in 13C and seawater Ci diffusion into the calcifying space explains the d18O:d13C relationship in biogenic calcifiers (Adkins et al., 2003). Regardless of the specific mechanism accounting for the d18O:d13C correspondence, depleted 18O and 13C values in LCI rhodophyte carbonates are an indication of high calcifying fluid pH and rapid calcification, which may be indicative of a highly controlled calcification mechanism using active ion transport. Species/genus with positive d13C carbonates across phyla had a significant positive correlation between thalli organic d13C and inorganic CaCO3 d13C. In addition to the unique phyletic differences in calcification discussed above, these results may reflect the transfer of less fractionated Ci into CaCO3 of calcified species with more efficient CCMs compared to those relying on greater CO2 diffusion and establish the importance of photosynthesis/respiration in their mechanisms of calcification and a modest influence of irradiance.
In conclusion, stable isotopes of tropical reef macroalgae on LCI indicate that most genus/species are utilizing CCMs with different phyla varying their reliance on diffusive CO2. Diffusive CO2-use is modestly enhanced under low irradiance, but is also more prevalent in chlorophytes and rhodophytes, while the ochrophytes are primarily utilizing HCO3-, a positive result given ochrophye propensity to evade herbivory and lead to algal blooms on Caribbean reefs. Increasing ocean CO2 is thus not likely to significantly enhance photosynthesis if reef macroalgae utilize CCMs to efficiently sequester HCO3- even across a broad range of irradiances. Ochrophytes may also be able to engage efficient CCMs at relatively low inorganic nitrogen concentrations explaining their abundance in low nutrient reef environments. Relatively higher organic C fractionation when utilizing greater CO2 for photosynthesis appears to be reflected in depleted thalli carbonates in species/genus with positive d13C values. However, inorganic d18O and d13C values were phyla-specific suggestive of evolutionary importance in defining form and mechanisms of calcification. Specifically, the cell wall calcite forming species were unique in exhibiting highly depleted carbonates not related to organic 13C values with evidence of high pH and CO32- concentrations within sites of calcification. Calcification in these rhodophyte genus/species are frequently shown to be highly sensitive to ocean acidification perhaps due to their reliance on active ion transport and the difficulty in sustaining ion balance/flux in seawater high in H+ concentrations. More mechanistic studies and assessments of additional reef macroalgal species from various sites are needed to further corroborate the ideas presented herein and advance our understanding of reef macroalgae photophysiology and calcification mechanisms that will determine how macroalgae are likely to respond to global change.