We found a reduction in the net displacement of coyotes in urban areas, whereby this reduction became stronger with increasing time scale, supporting previous global findings on terrestrial mammal movement (Tucker et al. 2018). In addition, our results suggested that urbanization affects long-distance movements most and more with increasing seed retention timeframe. Including socials status in the model explained why, as urbanization disproportionately affected non-territorial coyotes, which were the main drivers of long-distance movements. In contrast, while biological and climate seasons influenced net displacement, the difference between urban and rural landscapes remained constant across seasons, with a slight decrease during summer and an increase during winter, supporting our initial hypothesis regarding the effect of climate harshness.
Decreased forest cover and increased spatial aggregation of vegetation created by fragmentation has led to shorter mean seed dispersal distance by mesopredators in other landscapes (Herrera et al. 2016), and these are characteristics also found in urban areas. Furthermore, in urban landscapes, the availability of anthropogenic food sources and rodent populations in residential areas may also reduce the foraging travel distance to areas surrounding the habitat patches, potentially reducing the need to travel between habitat fragments. In non-urban fragmented landscapes, the presence of movement corridors can reduce the difference in seed dispersal distance between fragmented and continuous habitats (Herrmann et al. 2016), as they create a directed form of movement between green patches, bypassing landscape fragmentation. Similarly, improving coyote movement corridors within cities may help bypass the inhospitable landscape, thereby alleviating the effect of urbanization on coyote net displacement and its cascading effect on seed dispersal.
Interestingly, our analysis found that urbanization had little effect on the difference in net displacement of resident coyotes between urban and rural landscapes. These results suggest that, in our study area, the main limiting factor for resident coyotes’ net displacement was their territory, rather than landscape fragmentation. However, this might not be the case for resident coyotes living in cities with fewer or smaller green spaces, as in our study area the forested river valleys travelling across the urban matrix provide large areas where resident coyotes can thrive (Thompson et al. 2021), potentially reducing the difference in net displacement between urban and rural landscapes. In contrast to resident coyotes, urbanization had a strong effect on the net displacement of transient and dispersing coyotes (i.e., non-territorial coyotes), suggesting landscape configuration to be a main constraining factor with respect to their net displacement, as these coyotes have wider movement ranges and utilize more inhospitable land, such as smaller suboptimal urban green fragments and residential areas(Newsome et al. 2015; Mitchell et al. 2015; Thompson et al. 2021). This decrease in net displacement strongly reduces the long-distance seed dispersal potential of non-territorial coyotes in urban areas, which can lead to negative implications for plant adaptation to climate change and the restoration of anthropogenically disturbed areas (Cain et al. 2000; Nathan et al. 2008; Mokany et al. 2014).
We found temporal changes in coyote net displacement following biological and climate seasonality. In both landscape types, net displacement decreased during summer and pup-rearing seasons in comparison to the other seasons. Summer and pup-rearing seasons partially overlapped, therefore it is unclear whether this reduced net displacement was due to movement restrictions while caring for dependent pups or an abundance of available resources (Mueller et al. 2011); however, given the model comparison results, our findings suggest the latter might be a more important factor for coyote net displacement. Interestingly, while the overall urban-rural difference in coyote net displacement across seasons was considerably less than when considering coyote social status, the urban-rural difference was twice as large during the harshest season (i.e., winter), than during summer, net displacement was less affected by climate seasonality in urban areas than in rural areas. These findings reflect the more constant availability and widespread abundance of resources in urban areas, the ability of coyotes to exploit anthropogenic food sources, and a higher abundance and richness of prey species exploiting yard features, leading to a wider dietary breadth in urban coyotes (Murray et al. 2015; Hansen et al. 2020; Sugden et al. 2021).
Coyote heterogeneous contribution to seed dispersal
Our results showed differences in coyote net displacement across seasons and social statuses, in both landscape types, albeit to a lesser extent within urban areas. The seasonal differences in coyote net displacement increase the plant specificity in their seed dispersal contribution, providing different seed dispersal range to different plants following their specific phenology and seasonality in fruit production, suggesting future studies should focus on species-specific seed dispersal, especially in rural areas. Most importantly, the intraspecific and seasonal diversity in coyote movement patterns, habitat use (Kamler and Gipson 2000), and food consumption (Bartel and Orrock 2022) create functional differences in the seed dispersal kernels coyotes create. A heterogenous array of seed dispersal kernels provide plant species with different movement pathways and diverse microhabitats for deposition, and have been found to be key in habitat regeneration (Gonzalez-Varo et al. 2013; Escribano-Avila et al. 2014), suggesting an important role of coyotes and likely other wide-ranging omnivore predators in urban habitat renaturalization.