Seismic phenomena generate ground deformation not only through translational motion but also strain and rotational motions (Aki & Richards, 2002). Seismometers usually measure the translational motion of the ground and have been used for various analyses. However, strain and rotational motions are expected to provide additional information on seismic sources or subsurface structures. For example, Donner et al. (2016) showed in numerical simulations that centroid moment tensor (CMT) analysis incorporating rotational motion in addition to translational motion improves the resolution of the analysis compared with CMT analysis with the same number of only translational seismic traces. The same is true for strain motion (e.g., Vera Rodriguez and Wuestefeld, 2020). Therefore, much effort has been made to observe strain and rotational deformation.
Although strain observation has recently been the focus of many researches with the advancement of distributed acoustic sensing techniques (e.g., Lindsey and Martin, 2020), strain has been observed for many years using strainmeters settled in boreholes for geodetic measurements. For example, Gladwin (1984) developed Gladwin Tensor Strainmeters (GTSMs) and Ishii et al. (2002) developed Ishii-type strainmeters. These borehole strainmeters are sensitive enough to detect signals of less than 1 nano-strain. Since strain measurements are influenced by local material heterogeneities, such as the cement used for fixing the equipment to bedrock, the calibration of strain data is required to be used for crustal deformation monitoring. Calibration is usually conducted by comparing the tidal components of the observed strain data with the synthetic tidal deformation (King et al., 1979; Gladwin & Hart, 1985; Hart et al., 1996, Roeloffs, 2010; Hodgkinson et al., 2013).
The Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), has developed a strain observatory network in the southwest of Japan since 2009, which is used to monitor slow slip (Obara et al., 2004) in this region (Itaba et al., 2010). As of 2022, this network included 4 GTSMs and 14 Ishii-type strainmeters (Table 1). These strainmeters measure horizontal strains along four axes and Ishii-type strainmeters measure additional vertical axial strain. Matsumoto & Kamigaichi (2021) conducted the calibration of 15 strainmeters except for three newly constructed stations by comparing tidal components of observed data with synthetic tidal deformation, where oceanic tidal loadings were accurately incorporated. As a result, they obtained a calibration matrix for horizontal strain tensors for all Ishii-type strainmeters and one GTSM. Calibrated strain data from Ishii-type strainmeters are currently used for geodetic signal analysis of slow slips (e.g., Yabe et al., 2021).
Table 1
Station information for four GTSMs and fourteen Ishii-type strainmeters of GSJ strain observatories (As of 2022)
Station name | Latitude (ºN) | Longitude (ºE) | Type | Bed rock | Deployment | Comment |
TYS | 35.0405 | 137.3578 | Ishii | Tonalite | 2008 | |
TYE | 34.7659 | 137.4695 | Ishii | Mudstone | 2004 | |
NSZ | 34.8442 | 137.1057 | Ishii | Pelitic gneiss | 2013 | |
ANO | 34.7870 | 136.4019 | Ishii | Granodiorite | 2010 | |
ITA | 34.4534 | 136.3129 | GTSM | Tonalite | 2008 | Not used |
MYM | 34.1123 | 136.1815 | Ishii | Granodiorite – porphyry | 2008 | Broken since 2019 (Not used) |
ICU | 33.9001 | 136.1379 | Ishii | Welded tuff | 2007 | |
KST | 33.5201 | 135.8363 | Ishii | Sandstone / Mudstone | 2008 | |
HGM | 33.8675 | 135.7318 | Ishii | Shale / Sandstone | 2007 | |
HDW | 33.8862 | 135.1988 | Ishii | Sandstone / Shale | 2022 | Wait for data stabilization (Not used) |
ANK | 33.8661 | 134.6045 | GTSM | Sandstone | 2008 | Not used |
MUR | 33.2856 | 134.1563 | Ishii | Mudstone | 2008 | |
SSK | 33.3896 | 133.3229 | Ishii | Mudstone | 2010 | |
KOC | 33.5505 | 133.5990 | GTSM | Sandstone | 2008 | Not used |
NHK | 33.9904 | 133.3423 | Ishii | Granodiorite | 2013 | |
MAT | 33.8422 | 132.7393 | GTSM | Granodiorite | 2008 | Not used |
TSS | 32.7357 | 132.9757 | Ishii | Granite | 2008 | |
UWA | 33.3859 | 132.4823 | Ishii | Mudstone | 2008 | |
Since strain is effective data in the geodetic range, it should also be useful in the seismic frequency band. Takeda et al. (2011) reported surface waves of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9) recorded in Ishii-type strainmeters of the GSJ. They showed that the vertical strain of surface waves is proportional to vertical translational velocity seismograms of nearby broadband seismometers (F-net; National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, 2019). Okubo et al. (2004a, 2004b) also reported the proportionality between strain seismogram and broadband translational velocity seismogram. This proportionality is valid because both types of seismograms are determined by the second derivative of source time function (Okubo et al., 2004a). When using strain data for seismic analysis, one may wonder whether the calibration matrix derived from tidal frequency band is still effective at higher frequency bands of seismic waves. Matsumoto & Kamigaichi (2021) validated this question by comparing surface waves of the 2010 Chile (Maule) earthquake (Mw 8.8) observed in calibrated strain data with synthetic strain surface waves calculated with the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM) structure (Dziewonski and Anderson, 1981). In this study, we conducted an additional validation for this question by comparing calibrated strain data of GSJ with the nearby translational velocity data of F-net. The amplitude ratio of these components was calculated by assuming that Rayleigh waves from distant earthquakes can be approximated as a plane wave. The observed amplitude ratio was compared with synthetic amplitude ratio to validate the strain calibration in seismic frequency band.
In the following manuscript, we have shown that the calibrated strain data of the GSJ is useful in the seismic frequency band as well. The next section introduces the data used in this study. In Section 3, we have calibrated the vertical strain of Ishii-type strainmeters in the GSJ strain network as well as the horizontal strain of the two newly constructed strainmeters using the method used by Matsumoto & Kamigaichi (2021). In Section 4, we have derived analytical expressions of the amplitude ratio between the strain and translational velocity of Rayleigh waves from far-field earthquakes in a homogeneous half-space elastic body, and compared them with the observed amplitude ratio. In Section 5, examples of strain surface waves from near-field earthquakes are presented.