The studies were performed in accordance with guidelines and practices established by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (Prague) approved by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (decision number MZDR 12482/2021-5/OVZ), which accords with the European Union Directive 63/2010 and ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments).
All animals used in the present study were bred at the Center of Experimental Medicine of this Institute (IKEM), from stock animals supplied by the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (Berlin, Germany), which is accredited by the Czech Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. Heterozygous TGR [transgenic rats, strain name TGR(mRen2)27] harboring the mouse Ren-2 renin gene have been recently generated as a model for the study of primary hypertension. They were generated by breeding male homozygous TGR with female homozygous Hannover-Sprague Dawley (HanSD) rats. Age-matched HanSD rats served as transgene-negative normotensive controls. The animals were kept on a 12-hour/12-hour light/dark cycle and had free access to tap water throughout the whole observation. Male TGR rats at the initial age of 8 weeks were used for experiments. At this age TGR are already in the sustained phase of hypertension with systolic blood pressure (SBP) comparable with hypertensive patients (SBP around 180 mmHg) and with substantial activation of endogenous renin angiotensin system (RAAS), as demonstrated in previous studies including ours. HanSD and TGR rats were randomly assigned to experimental groups to make sure that the animals from a single litter does not prevail in any group.
Heart failure model and exclusion criteria
Eight-weeks-old male TGR rats were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/midazolam mixture (Calypsol, Gedeon Richter, Hungary, 160 mg/kg and Dormicum, Roche, France, 160 mg/kg). Chronic HF due to volume overload was then induced by creating an aorto-caval fistula (ACF) using a needle technique. This procedure is routinely performed in our laboratory and detailed description was reported repeatedly in our previous studies (Honetschlägerová et al. 2021; Kala et al. 2021, 2023). Sham-operated rats underwent an identical procedure, but without creating ACF. The animals in which the ACF procedure was not successful (based on visual verification of vena cava inferior in the end of each observation) were excluded from the experiment.
Detailed experimental design
Detailed experimental design of all 3 series is presented on FIGURE 1.
Series 1: Dose selection and target engagement. Effect of the short-term treatment with sGC stimulator and ACEi
Two weeks before the start of the treatment rats underwent sham-operation or ACF creation procedure. After two weeks (week labelled 0) and after exclusion of acute death cases, the rats were randomly divided into the following experimental groups and selected treatment regimens were applied for one week. On days − 1, 2, 4 and 7 rats were placed in metabolic cages for 12h urine collection. Also blood was collected on days − 5 and 8. After a week of the treatment, all rats were decapitated and organs were weighted and collected for further biochemical evaluation.
cGMP was measured in the urine and in the renal tissue. Noradrenaline and angiotensin II were measured in the plasma and the kidneys (collected after decapitation). Albuminuria, natriuresis and daily excretion rate of nitric oxide (NO) metabolites (NOx: nitrate and nitrite; indirect marker of NO production) were evaluated. Additionally, to confirm that the selected dose was effective we have measured the concentration of BAY41-8543 in plasma.
Series 2: Effect of the treatment with sGC stimulator and ACEi on blood pressure (BP)
Ten days before the ACF creation, telemetry probes were implanted into femoral artery of TGR rats (HanSD rats were omitted in this part of the study) under ketamine/midazolam anaesthesia (as above). HD-S10 radiotelemetric probes (Data Science International, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) were used for direct BP measurements as described previously (Sporková et al. 2014; Husková et al. 2016).
After 10 days period of recovery, rats underwent either sham operation or ACF creation as described above. A week after the appropriate treatment was initiated and rats were monitored for two weeks.
Series 3: Effects of the long-term treatment with sGC stimulator and ACEi on the survival rate, morphometric and histopathological scores
After confirmation that the selected dose of sGC stimulator is effective, the long-term protocol was performed. All rats underwent the same ACF creation or sham operation as described above in Series 1. After two weeks (week labelled 0), after exclusion of acute death cases, the rats were randomly divided into the following experimental groups and the follow-up period of 210 days was performed. Because of the severity of the ACF procedure and high mortality (especially in TGR rats) high initial n values were used in these groups (n = 30). In sham operated animals and HanSD rats the initial number of animals was 10 (calculated by statistical power analysis method).
After 210 days of the observation, the surviving animals were decapitated and organs were weighted and collected for morphometric and histopathological analysis (left and right ventricle of the heart, kidney).
Experimental groups
1. Sham-operated HanSD rats treated with placebo (sham HanSD)
2. Sham-operated HanSD rats treated with BAY41-8543 (sham HanSD + sGCstim)
3. Sham-operated TGR treated with placebo (sham TGR)
4. Sham-operated TGR treated with BAY41-8543 (sham TGR + sGCstim)
5. ACF TGR treated with placebo (ACF TGR)
6. ACF TGR treated with BAY41-8543 (ACF TGR + sGCstim)
7. ACF TGR treated with trandolapril (ACF TGR + ACEi)
8. ACF TGR treated with trandolapril and BAY41-8543 (ACF TGR + ACEi + sGCstim)
The numbers of rats used in each series is described in the appropriate result section.
Analytical procedures and chemicals
The sGC stimulator BAY41-8543 (2-[1-[(2-fluorophenyl)methyl]-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridin-3-yl]-5(4-morpholinyl) -4,6-pyrimidinediamine) was kindly provided by Bayer AG, Pharmaceuticals and is a typical member of the sGC stimulator drug class (Stasch et al. 2002a, b). Standard pellet diet containing BAY41-8543 in the dose of 3 mg kg− 1day− 1 was prepared (Albert Weber, Prague, Czech Republic). Nutrients (content in 1kg): NL 200g; Fiber 48g; Fat 30g; Vitamin A 24.000 IU; Vitamin D3 2.000 IU; Copper (Cu) 30 mg; NaCl content in the final mix 0.4%. The dose of BAY41-8543 was selected based on the previous study (Stasch et al. 2002b; Sandner et al. 2021b) and current research.
As an ACE inhibitor (ACEi) we used trandolapril (Gopten; Abbott, Prague, Czech Republic), which was administered in drinking water. For the best effectiveness and safety, we implemented a titration protocol, which was previously developed and validated in our laboratory. During the first week of administration, the animals received an increasing dose (changed every two days) starting from 0.5 mg/L up to 2 mg/L, which corresponds to a final dose of 0.25 mg kg− 1 day− 1. In our previous studies and here we demonstrated that this titration regimen and selected doses of trandolapril, provided maximal blockade of the renin angiotensin system (RAAS) and were well tolerated both by rats with ACF-induced heart failure and by sham-operated animals.
SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting
According to our previous studies (Szeiffová Bačova et al. 2016; Sykora et al. 2023), approximately 100 mg of frozen left ventricular heart tissue was homogenized in lysis buffer [50 mmol/L Tris-HCl, 250 sucrose, 1.0 mmol/L EGTA, 1.0 mmol/L dithiothreitol, 1.0 mmol/L phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and 0.5 sodium orthovanadate (pH 7.4)] and mixed with Laemmli sample buffer. Loading samples were separated in 10% SDS-PAGE (Mini-Protean TetraCell, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane (0.2 µm pore size, Advantec, Tokyo, Japan). Membranes were subsequently incubated for 4 h with 5% low-fat milk, overnight with primary antibodies and for 1 h with a horseradish peroxidase-linked secondary antibody (Table 1). Between individual steps were membranes washed in TBS-T. Protein were visualized by enhanced chemiluminescence method and quantitated by densitometric analysis using Carestream Molecular Imaging Software (version 5.0, Carestream Health, New Haven, CT, USA).
Table 1
Antibodies used for Western blot analysis and for immunofluorescence methods
Antibody | Dilution | Host | Type | Supplier/# Catalogue |
anti-Cx43 | 1:5000 | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Sigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, MO, USA, #C6219 |
anti-phospho-ser368-Cx43 | 1:1000 | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, TX, USA, #sc-101660 |
anti-PKC-epsilon | 1:2000 | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, TX, USA, #sc-214 |
anti-GAPDH | 1:1000 | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, TX, USA#sc-25778 |
Anti-Rabbit | 1:2000 | - | - | Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA, USA, #7074S |
anti-Cx43 | 1:500 | Mouse | Monoclonal | CHEMICON International,CA, USA, #MAB 3068 |
Anti-Mouse, FITC | 1:500 | Goat | Polyclonal | Jackson Immuno Research Labs, West Grove, Pennsylvania, USA, #115-095-062 |
Immunofluorescence detection of Cx43 and Quantitative Image Analysis
Immunodetection of Cx43 distribution was performed as described previously (Benova et al. 2013). Briefly, 10 µm thick left ventricular cryosections were washed in phosphate buffer saline (PBS), fixed in ice-cold methanol, permeabilized in 0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS, and blocked with the solution of 1% bovine serum albumin in PBS. Tissue sections were incubated overnight with primary antibody followed by 2-hour incubation with secondary antibody (Table 1). Between individual steps were membranes washed in PBS. Finally, tissues sections were mounted in the Fluoromount-G™ Mounting Medium (00-4958-02, Invitrogen™, Massachusetts, USA) and analysed by Zeiss Apotome 2 microscope (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). Approximately ten randomly acquired images from every tissue were captured and analysed. Immunofluorescence signals were analysed and defined as a number of pixels with the protein signal intensity exceeding a threshold of 30 on the 0–255 Gy scale. The total number of Cx43 positive pixels was expressed as a total integral optical density per area (IOD) (Image-Pro Plus) (Sykora et al. 2019).
Evaluation of hydroxyproline content
Measurement of hydroxyproline is a useful method to determine collagen content in the samples. Briefly, left ventricle tissue was dried, hydrolyzed in 6 M HCl and oxidated by chloramine T in the acetate-citrate buffer (pH 6.0). This reaction was stopped by pipetting Ehrlich’s reagent solution. Final concentration of hydroxyproline was subsequently measured spectrophotometrically at 550 nm and expressed in mg per total weight of the left ventricle (Pelouch et al. 1993; Reddy and Enwemeka 1996).
Histology and enzyme histochemistry of myocardial tissue
According to Lojda (Lojda and Gutmann 1976) with modifications (Andelova et al. 2022), 10 µm thick left ventricular myocardial tissue cryosections were used for histological hematoxylin–eosin staining and enzyme histochemical demonstration of alkaline phosphatase (AP).
For structural changes characterization, haematoxylin–eosin staining was used. Dried cryosection were fixed in 4% buffered formaldehyde, stained with hematoxylin - eosin solutions, poured with Canada balsam and covered with a coverslip.
For measurement of capillary related activity of AP (E.C., cryosections were incubated in the mixture of solution (1.2 mM L-Leucine 4-methoxy-β-naptylamide hydrochloride; 5% dimethylformamide; 2.4 mM Fast blue BB; 0.1 M Na2 HPO4 x 2H2O; 1 M KH2PO4), poured with gelatin and covered with a coverslip. Staining areas were observed and captured by light microscope (Zeiss Apotome 2 microscope Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). For quantitative analysis, ten randomly selected areas of positive signal from every tissue were analysed. The intensity of staining corresponding to the activity of AP, was defined as an area, with a number of pixels, with a code lower than 128 on the "0-255 RGB colour scale”. The total number of positive pixels was expressed as a total integral optical density per area (IOD) (Image-Pro Plus) (Andelova et al. 2022).
Evaluation of glomerulosclerosis index (GSI) and tubulointerstitial injury (TSI)
The kidneys were fixed in 4% formaldehyde, dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. The sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin and PAS (periodic acid, for Schiff reaction) were examined and evaluated in a blind-test fashion. The calculation of glomerulosclerosis index (GSI) and kidney cortical tubulointerstitial injury (TSI) was described in detail in previous studies (Nakano et al. 2008; Gawrys et al. 2018; Honetschlagerová et al. 2021; Kala et al. 2023). The maximum score for GSI is 4 and for TSI is 3. Described methods are commonly employed in our laboratory for many years and standardly used for evaluating the degree of kidney damage in almost all our studies (Kujal et al. 2014; Sedláková et al. 2017; Honetschlagerová et al. 2021).
Plasma and tissue angiotensin II (ANG II) concentrations were measured by a competitive radioimmunoassay, using the commercially available RIA kit (ED29051, IBL Int., Hamburg, Germany). Plasma creatinine was measured by FUJI DRI-CHEM analyzer using appropriate slides for creatinine CRE-P III (FUJIFILM Corp., Tokyo, Japan). Urine creatinine was determined using Liquick Cor-CREATININE kit that is based on modified Jaffe´s method, without deproteinization (PZ CORMAY S.A., Poland). Nitrate/nitrite levels were measured by a colorimetric assay (780001, Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor, MI, USA).
Commercially available ELISA kits were used to measure: renal nitrotyrosine (ab113848; Abcam, Cambridge, UK); renal cGMP (ADI-900-013; Enzo, Farmingdale, NY, USA) and plasma cGMP (581021; Cayman Chem., Ann Arbor, MI, USA); plasma and renal noradrenalin (RE59261; IBL Int., Hamburg, Germany); urine 8-isoprostane (516351; Cayman Chem., Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Sodium and potassium in plasma and urine were measured by BWB-XP flame photometer (BWB Technologies Ltd., Berkshire, UK). Detailed protocols of plasma and tissue preparation are described in our previous studies (Husková et al. 2006, 2007, 2016; Červenka et al. 2015a; Kratky et al. 2018; Gawrys et al. 2020).
Data and Statistical Analysis
All values are expressed as means ± SEM. Graph-Pad Prism software (Graph Pad Software, San Diego, California, USA) was used for statistical analysis of the data. Comparison of survival curves was performed by log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test. Multiple-group comparisons were performed by multiple t test, Wilcoxon´s signed-rank test, one-way or two-way analysis of variance followed by recommended post hoc test as appropriate. Values exceeding the 95% probability limits (P < 0.05) were considered statistically significant. The significance levels are indicated on figures with asterisks: P > 0.05 (NS); *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01; ***P ≤ 0.001; ****P ≤ 0.0001. The data and statistical analysis comply with the recommendations on experimental design and analysis in pharmacology (Curtis et al. 2018).