Semantic based analysis for predicting the skin lesion images was discussed in [6]. In this paper, the authors have presented the ontology focusing on the concepts of semantic annotation. In this work, the authors have extracted low level features that describe skin lesion shape feature, texture feature and color feature. Later a machine learning classifier is used to classify and which are based in ABCD rule for making decision for skin lesion prediction process. Experiments were conducted with 206 skin lesion images and demonstrated the performance to be 76.9% accuracy.
Sameena [7] and others have designed a new automatic system for detecting the pigment network and also provides a difference between the typical and non-typical patterns. In this work, the authors have tested the proposed approach on standard datasets with 200 images and attained an average accuracy of 96.7%.
A new framework with ABCD rules for classifying the melanoma skin images were proposed by Rajesh [8]. In this work, a new feature extraction method has been adopted that uses symmetry for recognizing the pictures and detecting the border for identifying the image color and also the diameter of the tumor region. In this work, LBP was used to extract the texture features and introduced back propagation network for classifying the melanoma or non-melanoma type of skin cancerous images.
A new model of classifying the melanoma tumor is proposed by Fengying and others [9]. The work aims to classify whether the dermoscopic image is benign or malignant. There are 3 important stages in proposed model. Firstly, the skin lesion regions were extracted using neural networks which they termed to be as self-generating neural network. Secondly, the features that were extracted from the skin lesion regions and lastly they were classified using ensemble based classifier.
An expert based automatic system is proposed by Suleiman [10], that aimed to detect the melanoma skin cancer from the plain pictures that were captured from the effected regions. In this work, the authors have applied ABCDE rule to detect to detect the melanoma images. In this work, the authors have performed segmentation process of an input melanoma image to extract skin lesion region using Grabcut Algorithm and later the features are extracted for the segmented portion. Then the images are classified into cancerous and non-cancerous with support vector machine classifier with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel. In this, work the authors have tested with 100 of malignant and other 100 of benign images.
In recent times, deep networks have achieved considerable performance in several image processing and computer applications. In [11] Liu, proposed deep learning system that aims to classify and diagnosis 26 types of skin diseases which are pre-dominant in many of the adults. In this work, the authors have aim to classify 26-types based on small different conditions that includes dermatitis, dermatoses and pigmentary conditions. Finally, the proposed deep network supports multiple input images and its benefit is assessed.
In other work, Han [12], has proposed a deep network that is trained with large number of clinical samples which are more than 2 lakhs that were aim to differentiate 134 skin disorders. In the above works the network models have achieved higher performance yet they are difficult to incorporate and requires lot of time for training the system. So from the literature survey it is evident that there is scope to develop a customized deep network which comprises of low number of layers and yield high performance. In this paper, this scope is considered as the objective and aims to develop a deep network that comprises of fully connected convolutional layer which attains high performance with low layers and processing time.