Preeclampsia is a condition during pregnancy in which a sudden rise in blood pressure and swelling occur, mostly in the face, hands, and feet. It is the most common complication to occur during pregnancy. It generally develops during the third trimester and comprises 2–8% of complications resulting from gestation, over 50,000 maternal deaths, and greater than 500,000 fetal deaths worldwide [20]. If the preeclampsia remains untreated, it can develop into eclampsia, in which the mother can experience convulsions, and coma, and can even die. However, complications from preeclampsia are extremely rare if the mother attends her prenatal appointments.
Various genes participate in the pathogenesis of P-EC dangerously and the placenta is the central organ of this pathophysiology. The Egyptian population is heritably heterogeneous and is considered a perfect source to clarify the association between gene polymorphisms as -675 4G/5G PAI-1 among several genes and pre-eclampsia [21].
According to that, this study has been carried out on -675 4G/5G PAI-1 gene polymorphism and some oxidative and antioxidant markers among several studies have established a correlation with preeclampsia [22, 23]. Consequently, this study aims to evaluate the effect of these risk factors including genetic polymorphisms and oxidative as well as antioxidant markers, and their association with P-EC as the following:
The current study was performed on 140 pregnant women (preeclampsia women, patients' group) and 100 healthy pregnant women (control group) were collected randomly from the Obstetrics Department of Mansoura Main Hospital, and Mansoura University, Egypt between 2019–2020 and blood samples were collected from all subjects. P-EC is more common in women with advanced maternal age [24]. Maternal age is also considered one of the main risk factors responsible for variations in preeclampsia morbidity between countries and a lot of research reported that women at the age of 40 years are at higher risk of P-EC [24].
In our study, there is a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference in age among patients as well as control groups, so our study shows that age may play a serious role in P-EC pathogenesis. Supporting our study, a large study in china included 2800 singleton pregnancies, observing elevated adverse gestation consequences linked to elevated maternal age [25]. Another supporter study confirmed that advanced maternal age (AMA, women > 35 years) is an essential hazard factor of poor maternal consequences in PE. These results may be due to the greater ratio of women who are overweight and suffering from obesity in the AMA group (62,8% vs 38,1%).
P-EC is a new onset of hypertension, the parameters for initial identification of preeclampsia are specifically defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or more or diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or more, that must be identified after 5th month of pregnancy [20]. Concerning hypertension in the studied groups, the present data shows that there is a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference in systolic blood pressure as well as diastolic blood pressure together among patients compared to control, which illustrates the high blood pressure generated especially during the severe stages of the P-EC disease.
Previous studies in agreement with the findings of the current study, one of these studies reported that short- and long-term blood pressure variability gradually increased from the control group, across women with preeclampsia, to those with gestational hypertension [26]. Another large study that included almost 1000 patients with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia investigated visit-to-visit blood pressure variability in 2nd as well as 3rd trimester and reported similar results with significantly higher blood pressure variability among women with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia than in normotensive controls [27]. In maximally adjusted models, authors showed that visit-to-visit blood pressure variability was associated with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia [27].
Underlying medical disorders like gestational diabetes, chronic hypertension, and urinary tract diseases are associated with high P-EC risk [28–30]. Increased cardiac output and elevated systematic vascular resistance in hypertension are leading to an alteration in the function of endothelial cells [31]. Another analysis observed that chronic hypertension had approximately 14-fold greater P-EC probabilities similar to research performed in India [28, 32], Yemen [33], Ethiopia [34], Jordan [35], and Uganda [36] as well as WHO [29, 30].
Gestation is related to specific hematologic alterations like low HB levels, elevated MCV, neutrophil, leukocytosis, and minor thrombocytopenia [37]. However the greatest frequent result in preeclampsia is proteinuria, further alterations (neutrophilia, thrombocytopenia as well as HTC % elevation) might also be determined in a routine Complete Blood Count (CBC) analysis [38].
Anemia is a widespread disorder, particularly in developed countries. Our results indicate a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference in anemia parameters (HB, HCT, MCV, and MCH) with P-EC patients between patients and control groups. Although there are high levels of RBC count and MCHC parameter in the control group and lower levels in the patients' group, there is no statistically significant difference in RBC and MCHC between groups.
Contrary to our findings, the other studies published established that anemia through the first six months of gestation was not correlated with P-EC [39].
In routine CBC tests, RDW is an additional red cell parameter that determines the differences in the size of erythrocyte cells. Elevated RDW levels, a state defined as anisocytosis, are demonstrated to be associated with inflammation in the common population. The present study shows a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference in the levels of RDW among patients and control. Our result is online with prior research establishing that increased levels of RDW in gestation were linked to the incidences well as the severity of P-EC [40, 41].
Leukocytosis is a physiologic alteration that happened in normal gestations resulting in neutrophilia, as well as WBCs, which are considered the inflammation mediator [42]. Our findings show a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference in WBC, neutrophils, and granulocyte count and a significant (P = 0.02) difference in lymphocyte count between patients and control groups. Other studies revealed that leukocytosis that occurs during the first trimester is correlated with adverse gestation consequences, specifically with preterm birth [43, 44]. Referring to their results, neutrophilia is the only WBC parameter correlated with critical P-EC. Additionally, alterations in the operations of WBC happen besides the high levels of Neutrophils in preeclamptic women, and phenotypic as well as metabolic alterations in monocytes and granulocytes are observed in vivo research [45].
Platelet parameters in routine CBC like the total number of platelets, MPV, plateletcrit as well as PDW are vital markers of the activation process of platelet and thromboembolic cascades. In our biochemical study, the mean levels of platelets were decreased in the patient and elevated in the control, and there is a highly statistically significant (P = 0.002) difference in platelets between the patients' group and the control group.
Another study in disagreement with our results recommended that thrombocytopenia may be a late laboratory finding of P-EC and decreasing concentrations are usually associated with additional acute perturbation [46]. Although, many researchers have revealed that platelet count during the 1st three months of pregnancy is not a useful indicator to expect P-EC occurrence [47, 48]. Although our findings show high levels of PDW and MPV in the patients' group than in the control, there is no statistically significant difference in PDW, MPV, and MID between patients and control groups. Opposing our outcomes, high levels of both MPV and PDW with lower levels of plateletcrit have been established to be linked with P-EC [48].
In conclusion, we have demonstrated that inflammatory markers (WBC, Neutrophils, lymphocytes, granulocytes, and PLT), as well as anemia markers (HB, HTC%, MCV, MCH, and RDW), are the only CBC markers correlated with PE. There is no significant difference among the last inflammation and anemia parameters (MPV, MID, and PDW) & (RBC and MCHC) in patients and the healthy controls.
Referring to the role of liver enzymes in the diagnosis of PE. Hepatic enzyme determination has a predictive role in preeclampsia warning. These findings may be very useful to prevent the consequences of dangerous P-EC. Defects in liver chemistry result from insufficient blood supply to the liver, possibly leading to per-portal hemorrhage and ischemia. Sinusoidal, as well as per-portal deposition of fibrin and microvesicular deposition of fat, happen also and possibly alter the function of hepatocytes [49, 50].
The current survey shows that there is a highly statistically significant (P = 0.009) difference in liver enzymes as (ALT) between patient and control groups. Although, the presence of high levels of AST in patients than in control, there is no significant difference in (AST) among patients and control indicating that ALT may be one of the main risk factors for P-EC.
This is contrary to the last study which reported that AST in serum was significantly (P < 0.001) increased in healthy gravid women [51]. Other studies revealed that during preeclampsia the level of transaminase in serum was increased to > 10 mg/dL as well as that of ALT to 271 ± 297 mg/dL [52].
Hypoalbuminemia in preeclampsia is the result of reduced hepatic blood flow which is secondary to hypovolemia created by higher filtration pressure in the capillaries. Thus, Hypoalbuminemia can be identified as an early sign of developing preeclampsia [53]. Our results show that the mean concentration of albumin in serum in the control group is more than that of the patients and there is a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference between the patients' group and the control group. Therefore, our findings are in agreement with Hypoalbuminemia that occurs during preeclampsia development [54]. Similarly, our finding was in agreement with another study in which 60 patients diagnosed with severe preeclampsia cases had albumin concentrations less than 3 g/ dL [53]. In contrast to our findings, another study shows that the mean serum albumin level in the preeclampsia group was almost similar to that of the normotensive group [55, 56].
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and preeclampsia (PE) are common complications in pregnancy [57]. This is credible biologically due to insulin resistance and insulin elevated concentration resulting in high sympathetic activity as well as abnormal tubular absorption of sodium, which finally causes endothelial cell injury and hence elevated P-EC risk [31].
Regarding our results that show, a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference in random blood glucose between patients and control groups, that indicates RBG may be a major risk factor of the P-EC disease. Supporting our study, patients with gestational diabetes had approximately 12-fold elevated P-EC probabilities and other research proved this percentage [30, 58]. A retrospective cohort study in Germany showed that there was no independent correlation between GDM and PE, regardless of obesity before pregnancy, and it was unknown whether it was related to the strict control of blood glucose levels [59].
It is suggested that oxidative stress, recognized as an imbalance of oxidant-antioxidant, is involved in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia. Multiple studies investigated the contribution of oxidative stress in pre-eclamptic females, where placental tissues have been shown to generate elevated superoxide levels than normal pregnant females [60, 61]. Typically, oxidative stress takes place in normal healthy pregnant females than in non-pregnant females; nonetheless, reactive free radicals increase in pre-eclampsia. Reactive oxygen species, such as hydrogen peroxide as well as superoxide anion have been demonstrated to directly induce smooth muscle contraction. Such reactive species would also suppress nitric oxide, an endothelial-derived relaxation factor, thus influencing vascular tone. It is not obvious if antioxidant deficiency and oxidative stress are the main triggers of pre-eclampsia or a by-product of pre-eclampsia.
Determining the level of different antioxidants or end products of oxidative stress provides guidelines for diagnosing and managing pre-eclampsia. Despite the cause, the presence of oxidative stress as well as antioxidant defense system deficiency can be a key factor to maximize lipid peroxidation in pre-eclampsia. Moreover, lipid peroxidation that can indirectly give more details regarding damage to cells is assumed to be a significant factor in pre-eclampsia pathogenesis, as elevated MDA levels were detected in the current study. Nevertheless, elevated lipid peroxidation products have been detected in both normal pregnant subjects as well as pre-eclampsia than in non-pregnant females [62].
In this regard, this study attempted to determine the level of multiple antioxidants in pre-eclamptic females via the measurement of serum antioxidants. A wide range of studies has detected substantially an increased overall capacity of antioxidants in pre-eclamptic females, while other studies have reported a marked lower capacity of total antioxidants. In the current study, a marked decline in the overall capacity of antioxidants was detected, despite the marked elevation in total peroxide as well as the end products of oxidative stress.
The overall defense potential of the plasma is not sufficiently enhanced to defeat oxidative stress in pre-eclampsia. In normal pregnancy, the elevated ROS production is counterbalanced by the maximized synthesis of multiple different antioxidants to maintain placental tissues against toxic reactive products. There are multiple methods by which antioxidants can alleviate the risk as well as pre-eclampsia severity. The majority of antioxidants are capable of directly protecting maternal as well as fetal cells against the damage of oxidants by neutralizing or quenching free radicals. H2O2 as well as superoxide anion and are considered the most versatile and robust free radicals generated in different pathways. Superoxide dismutase can counteract the disturbances of free radicals by dismutation of O2- radicals thus protecting cell membranes from lipid peroxidation mediated by free radicals [63].
In agreement with our findings, many studies have detected a significantly elevated SOD activity in pre-eclamptic females with P = 0.0001 [64]. while other studies have detected marked decreased SOD activity [65]. In general, the present study revealed that the activity of SOD indicates minimized SOD activity in pre-eclamptic females. It was previously revealed that the elevation in diastolic blood pressure of pre-eclamptic females is adversely associated with the plasma as well as SOD placental levels. The maximized concentrations of superoxide, as a result of a deficiency in superoxide dismutase, in the existence of iron can lead to lipid peroxidation [66]
Our study revealed a significant elevation in GPx activity in pre-eclamptic females than normal pregnant females with P = 0.0001. Nonetheless, a few studies have reported marked diminished GPx activity in pre-eclamptic females. Another study examined the activity of GPx in blood samples and detected minimized activity of GPx activity was correlated with elevated severity as well as pre-eclamptic risks [67].
Furthermore, GPx is also capable of attenuating the attack of free radicals and endothelial damage via their potential to degrade hydrogen peroxide as well as organic hydroperoxides including lipid as well as phospholipid hydroperoxides utilizing GSH. The elevated glutathione peroxidase activity in pre-eclampsia could act as a compensatory mechanism to restrain reactive radical-induced damage or other toxins. Nevertheless, the marked impact of GPx in the plasma pre-eclamptic females may demonstrate a potential protective reaction against maximized oxidative stress [68].
In addition, many researchers referred to the increased glutathione peroxidase activity along with the elevated MDA levels as an enzyme compensative mechanism to protect against the elevated concentrations of peroxides. Additionally, lipid peroxides are generated in the placenta; nonetheless, unrestrained lipid peroxide production may induce oxidative stress that ultimately disrupts the integrity of cells. This study detected a marked elevation in the levels of serum MDA in pre-eclamptic females than normal pregnant females [69].
Excessive elevation in oxidative stress biomarkers as well as lipid peroxidation was reported in pre-eclamptic females. Elevated lipid peroxidation is regarded as a causative factor of pre-eclampsia [70]. Some researchers have illustrated that elevated plasma lipid peroxidation products namely, malondialdehyde (MDA) in pre-eclamptic females than in healthy pregnant females induce impairment in vascular endothelial cells in P-EC cases. Nevertheless, despite such reports, limited studies did not manage to demonstrate the correlation between the levels of lipid peroxidation as well as endothelial impairment in late or early pre-eclampsia [71].
Unlike glutathione peroxidase, GSH in blood was markedly decreased in pre-eclamptic females than in normal pregnant females. This result is logical since elevated GPx activity leads to consuming GSH, which refers to the fact that protection against reactive oxidants through GSH in pre-eclamptic females is impaired. Moreover, GSH would suppress the peroxidation of lipids through membrane-bound GPx. Decreased GSH levels in pre-eclamptic females may be correlated with elevated local or systemic oxidative stress in this cohort. Along with the elevation in GPx activity, reduced GSH concentrations can indicate substantially elevated levels of circulating hydrogen peroxide in pre-eclampsia [72].
Fibrinolysis has a direct correlation with preeclampsia and the genetic polymorphism of the heterozygous 4G/5G PAI-1 illustrates this association. The expression of PAI-1 in plasma after being exposed to inflammatory cytokines is increased, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and interleukin 1β (IL-1β) [73], hypoxic conditions, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) epidermal, and growth factor (EGF) [74]. Hypoxia may induce PAI-1 mRNA as well as expression of the protein, in addition to stimulating the factors of transcription induced by hypoxia (HIF-1α and HIF-2α) to trigger PAI-1 [75]. It should be noted that pre-eclampsia mechanisms can be due to both. In pre-eclampsia along with elevated syncytial PAI-1 levels, interfering fibrin deposition as well as infarction can lower maternal-to-fetal nutrient flow and thus induce IUGR [76]. Nevertheless, there is a controversy over the association between pre-eclampsia as well as PAI-1 polymorphism.
In the current paper, we studied PAI-1 gene polymorphism in pre-eclampsia patients compared to controls. Our data revealed a strongly significant difference in PAI-1 4G/5G genotype frequencies in different genetic models and PAI-1 4G/5G allelic frequencies between pre-eclamptic women as well as control. The 4G allele is considered a protective agent in pre-eclampsia. Our study shows that PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism contributes to P-EC pathogenesis.
Similar to these findings, plasma PAI-1 levels in pre-eclampsia have been reported to be more elevated than in normal pregnancy. PAI-1 is characterized by antifibrinolytic activity via inhabiting tissues PA, and hence opposing fibrinolysis besides enhancing a procoagulant state during pregnancy, attenuating bleeding, and improving the stability of clot. PAI-1 elevated levels in pre-eclampsia can lead to the onset of placental damage 77 [77].
In agreement with our results, It was reported that the ischemic placenta contributes to the pathogenesis as well as pathology of pre-eclampsia that releases several bioactive factors, resulting in the pervasiveness of endothelial damage which culminates in pre-eclampsia maternal syndrome. PAI-1 increased levels may induce occlusive lesions as well as fibrin deposition resulting in spiral arteries or intervillous thrombosis, thus inducing placental ischemia 78 [78].
Supporting the current study, previous studies relationship between elevated levels of PAI-1 as well as pre-eclampsia. Some previous studies showed a meta-analysis of 6 case-control studies examining the 4G/5G polymorphism revealed no substantial difference in 4G allele frequency in subjects with and without pre-eclampsia. Nonetheless, subjects with the 4G allele experienced a 1.27-fold elevated risk of developing pre-eclampsia [6, 79]. Similarly to our study, a meta-analysis of 18-case control studies revealed that the 4G/5G polymorphism is related to an elevated risk of pre-eclampsia, RPL, and advocated PAI-1 examination as well as anticoagulant therapy [6, 77].
Females with the PAI-1 5G/5G genotype were found to be more susceptible to early onset of severe pre-eclampsia (17–35 gestational weeks) [1]. Also similar to our study, it was found that the pervasiveness of some thrombophilic genes in females with severe or mild P-EC in Southern Brazil. The investigated variants include the insertion/deletion (4G/5G) in the plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) gene promoter region [80].
In agreement with our biochemical study, this polymorphism is also associated with pre-eclampsia. Meta-analysis of 11 studies that included 1297 pre-eclampsia subjects in addition to 1791 healthy participants revealed a strong correlation between pre-eclampsia as well as SERPINE1-675 4G/5G polymorphism for the recessive genetic model (odds ratio (OR) = 1.36, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.13–1.64, P = 0.001), a significant result based on the sensitivity analysis [81, 82]. In contrast to our study, PAI-1-675 4G/5G polymorphism was revealed to be not correlated with pre-eclampsia with a cohort of 5003 females enrolled in the meta-analysis [81].
Contrary to our findings, previous studies relationship between elevated levels of PAI-1 as well as preeclampsia. Some previous studies showed a meta-analysis of 6 case-control studies examining the 4G/5G polymorphism revealed the absence of any significant difference in 4G allele frequency between preeclamptic patients and control. Nonetheless, subjects with the 4G allele experienced a 1.27-fold elevated risk of developing preeclampsia [6, 79].
On the other hand, our results show many correlations between the genetic polymorphism PAI-1 and biochemical parameters. Regarding gene polymorphism, there is a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference in GSH with PAI-1 gene polymorphism between preeclampsia patients and the control group, a highly statistically significant (P = 0.002) difference in SOD with PAI-1 gene polymorphism between preeclampsia patients and the control group, and a statistically significant (P = 0.021) difference in GPx with PAI-1 gene polymorphism between preeclampsia patients and control group, but there is no significant (P = 0.2) difference in MDA with PAI-1 gene polymorphism between preeclampsia patients and control group. These results may be due to the levels of the antioxidants SOD, GSH, and GPx generally decreasing to fight the overall increase in the concentrations of the oxidative stress markers and protect the cells from the free radicals attack that leads to the cell aging and finally apoptosis. In addition to the compensatory mechanism of GPx to compensate for the over-consuming of GSH levels in these processes.
In addition, According to PAI-1 gene polymorphism and regarding hypertension parameters, the PAI-1 gene polymorphism is associated with high blood pressure in preeclampsia where there is a very statistically significant (P = 0.01) difference with SBP and a statistically significant (P = 0.023) difference with DBP. In agreement with the current findings, two longitudinal cohorts of American Indians participating in the strong heart study SHS (1993–1995) and the strong heart family study SHFS (2001–2003), suggested that baseline plasma PAI-1 significantly predicted the risk of hypertension, independent of many known risk factors. Specifically, a higher level of plasma PAI-1 was associated with over 35% increased risk of developing hypertension in this high-risk population and suggests that plasma PAI-1 may contribute to the development of hypertension through pathways beyond traditional risk factors [83].
To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to reveal many correlations between PAI-1 gene polymorphism and CBC parameters, there is a highly statistically significant difference in HB; (P = 0.001), HCT; (P = 0.003) and MCV; (P = 0.002) with PAI-1 gene polymorphism between preeclampsia patients and control. While, a very statistically significant (P = 0.01) difference in MPW with PAI-1 gene polymorphism between preeclampsia patients and control, these findings may be due to PAI-1 participation in vascular endothelium dysfunction in preeclampsia patients that consequently leads to hemorrhage and uterine bleeding in preeclamptic women that results in a significant decrease in anemia parameters. Referring to liver function tests, a strong statistically significant (P < 0.0001) difference in serum albumin with PAI-1 gene polymorphism between preeclampsia patients and control. This effect on liver function enzymes is referring to the liver being the most organ affected by preeclampsia disease besides the kidney and HELLP syndrome is a diagnostic syndrome in the disease diagnosis. This syndrome is triggered when preeclampsia pathophysiology is stimulated by this polymorphism.
Finally, a statistically significant (P = 0.03) difference in RBG with PAI-1 gene polymorphism between preeclampsia patients and the control group. Similar to our findings, another study reported that PAI-1 levels are higher in the serum of women with GDM compared to healthy women during the early 3rd trimester of pregnancy [84]. Conversely, other studies stated that PAI-1 levels in maternal uterine blood do not change in women with GDM in the third-trimester pregnancy compared to controls [85].