4.1. Carbon sources potential microbial consumption
Amino acids, carbohydrates and polymers were widely consumed in the studied soils. Those compounds were also highly consumed in other organic rich soils: under aerobic conditions in superficial (top 10 cm) samples of a bare sediment, A. portulacoides and S. maritima of the Ria de Aveiro salt marshes [32], a peat soil core [33], and soils under Posidonia australis and Posidonia sinuosa seagrass meadows [34]; and under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions in a Posidonia oceanica soil core [14]. A non-detectable potential consumption of a carbon source likely indicates that there isn’t a microbial community specialized in metabolizing that compound. Following the common approach in microbial biogeography that “everything is everywhere” but “the environment selects” [35, 36], the lack of a specialized community will indicate that the carbon source is not available in the soil or, in a competitive environment, microorganisms would have adapted to its exploitation. Four out of the seven carbon sources that showed no consumption were not detected in the soil samples, and for other two reference spectra were not available. Two compounds that did not show consumption at the Ecoplates were detected in the soil samples: D-galacturonic acid and 4-hydroxy benzoic acid, which could indicate that they are blocked for microbial consumption.
D-Galacturonic acid is usually present in soils as a component of hemicellulose [37]. In the current study it is more abundant in vegetated soils than in bare sediments, which agrees with a plant origin. It shows a steady decrease with depth in bare sediments and not clear patterns at the vegetated stations, likely due to the presence of roots (Fig. 3J). Hemicellulose is a complex molecule that usually requires a complex mix of enzymes for its degradation [38]. The decrease with depth at station BB (bare sediment) could indicate that hemicellulose is being degraded in the soil. However, we did not find a community specialized in D-galacturonic acid degradation in the incubations. This could indicate that, either the microbes able to degrade it cannot grow in laboratory cultures, or that D-galacturonic acid is not accessible in the soil, because the specific process of hemicellulose decomposition does not produce D-galacturonic acid as a subproduct [38]. Another far more common monomer of hemicellulose, xylose [38], showed very high consumption rates under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions (average 1.64 and 1.77 AWCD respectively), agreeing with a degradation of hemicellulose with depth.
A similar study on P. oceanica soils found that the 4-hydroxy benzoic acid was likely blocked from microbial access as part of a bigger recalcitrant plant derived phenolic compound [14]. Phenolic compounds are common in salt marsh soils as well [39, 40]. Furthermore, P-hydroxy benzoic acids can act as microbial inhibitors [41, 42], which may have prevented the consumption of this carbon source in our incubations.
It is interesting to notice that Tween 40 and 80 signals were detected in the soil (PC3, Fig. 3B). These compounds, are emulsifiers widely used in cosmetic and food industry. They are composed of derivatives of sorbitol (a sugar alcohol) and esterified fatty acids. Their presence in the soil could be related to contamination, but, more likely, the spectra detected could be derived from a composite signal of sugar alcohols and fatty acids. Forcing the PCA to look for the signal of specific compounds in our samples can lead to extraction of these composite signals, as long as the molecules combined are highly correlated. It is likely that both, fatty acids and sugar alcohols, are found in the labile SOM pool of the studied soils and show a similar distribution among soil depth and bare and vegetated stations.
4.2. Spatial differences
Aerobic and anaerobic consumption were observed at all depth and stations, signaling the presence of microorganisms with the capacity to metabolize SOM under both conditions. Ecoplates color development under aerobic consumption was observed in salt marsh, peat and Posidonia spp. meadows [32–34] and under aerobic and anaerobic conditions in a P. oceanica meadow [14]. All these environments are wetlands and, thus, water saturated at least for some time developing anoxic conditions. Nevertheless, there was potential aerobic consumption at all soils and depths, showing that if the soil was eroded and subject to oxic conditions, aerobic degradation of the accumulated SOM could begin without the need for a change in microbial community composition. This can be partially caused by salt marsh microbial communities functional redundancy, being many anaerobic microorganisms capable of aerobic respiration as well [9]. Nevertheless, salt marsh SOM decomposition after O2 exposition is influenced not only by the microbial community, but also by SOM quality, showing faster decomposition rates at superficial, more fresh SOM rich, soil layers [7] despite the observed presence of a specialized aerobic community at all depths in this experiment.
In a P. oceanica soil core, where aerobic and anaerobic conditions were compared, aerobic consumption was observed at all depths but was predominant at the top 45 cm. Likely because of plant mediated O2 diffusion to the rhizosphere [43]. Observable differences between rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere areas could only be visible if the O2 release promotes a detectable increase in aerobic community size, which doesn’t seem to be the case in the current study. Salt marsh plant species are known to oxygenate their rhizosphere avoiding the formation of sulfides, but different aquatic plants had different O2 transport efficiencies [44]. Furthermore, the cores studied here have a muddier texture compared to the core in the P. oceanica study [45], which may hinder O2 diffusion, restricting microbial access to this electronic acceptor to a much smaller area around the rhizomes and roots, therefore, decreasing the size of the aerobic microbial community.
Despite the significant lower SOM content in bare sediment (station BB), there were no significant differences in AWCD nor in H’ index among stations after 10 days. Similar potential microbial consumption and diversity were found in bare and vegetated sediments. Our results disagree with those obtained in an aerobic Ecoplate incubation of superficial sediments of A. portulacoides, Spartina maritima and bare sediments, also from Ria de Aveiro salt marshes, in which bare sediments presented a lower AWCD than vegetated stations [32]. However, those incubations lasted for 36h while our first measurement was done at 62 h. There seems to be no differences between 62h (T1) and 10 days (230h, T4; Supplementary Material S18). If the first 30h showed differences in AWCD among stations, our experimental design could not register them.
Aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms were significantly different, with a higher AWCD but a lower diversity under aerobic conditions (Fig. 5A and 5B respectively). Aerobic microorganisms are more efficient than anaerobic ones in consuming SOM [46], explaining the higher AWCD in oxic conditions. The higher diversity under anoxic conditions could be related to the same process. As O2 is a most energetic electron acceptor and aerobic microorganisms are more efficient consuming SOM, in a competitive environment with oxic and anoxic micro-niches, as salt marsh rhizosphere, the most energetic and easily consumed carbon sources will be likely utilized by aerobic organisms, while the anaerobic community may adapt to consume a wider range of carbon sources. Furthermore, oxic micro-niches in vegetated coastal wetland could be restricted to root tips [47], where root leaching of organic compounds provide fresh and easily degradable SOM, while anoxic conditions are predominant in the bulk sediment, consuming old buried SOM with a lower content of easily degradable compounds. This higher diversity in carbon sources consumption by the anaerobic community was observed in P. oceanica as well [14], suggesting similar microbial adaptations in blue carbon ecosystems.
Global PC1 shows a separation between bare and vegetated stations (Fig. 6A). On one hand, it clusters Tween 40, Tween 80, i-Erithritol, D-Mannitol with OM content. i-Erithritol and D-Mannitol are carbohydrates and the signal of Tween 40 and 80 was discussed above as being a composite signal of labile SOM compounds. On the other hand, it clusters Putrescine, Phenylethyl-amine, and D-Malic Acid with the inorganic matrix signal. Both Putrescine and Phenylethyl-amine are important molecules produced by plant and microorganisms, and Malic acid is a known rhizosphere exudate [48]. However, they show a stronger signal in unvegetated samples. Although they are common molecules, they are found in much lower concentrations than other organic compounds, such as cellulose and lignin. Therefore, in vegetated areas their signal may be diluted by other organic compounds.
The global PC2 separated ATR2-4, ATR64-66, J14-16, J24-26, and J52-54 from the other samples (Fig. 6A). Those samples contained large roots. Both 4-Hydroxy Benzoic Acid, as part of a phenolic compound, and D-Xylose are likely to be part of structural plant molecules like lignin and cellulose [38, 40]. Rhizosphere leachates usually have a high concentration of organic nitrogen-rich molecules [10], which may explain the correlation between L-Arginine, L-Asparagine and L-Serine and structural plant molecules. Therefore, PC2 could be an indicator of root presence. Both PC3 and PC5 indicate differences in soil texture with no clear differentiation between stations. PC4 and PC6 show negative relations between potential microbial activity and very fine sands and mud. Both PCs could be showing the role of fine fractions in protecting SOM, preventing microbial access. Color development in Ecoplates is influences by the initial size of the inoculum [49]. Thus, the SOM content being equal, samples with higher content of fine fractions will prevent microbial access to part of that SOM, limiting the size of the microbial community, and therefore Ecoplates color development.
4.3. Conclusions and final remarks
The soil cores selected for this study, bare sediment and soils vegetated by B. maritimus, A. portulacoides and J. maritimus, showed high homogeneity in SOM potential microbial consumption among the stations and with depth. Potential aerobic carbon consumption was high at all depths despite the anaerobic nature of these soils, showing the high potential for the mineralization of the accumulated SOM stocks if the soil is eroded and oxygenated. The anaerobic communities showed a higher diversity of potential carbon sources consumption, likely due to a lack of easy degradable carbon sources in the environment. Amino acids, carbohydrates and polymers were widely consumed, while half of the carboxylic acids were not consumed. Most of the carbon sources that were not consumed were absent in the soil, therefore the microbial communities were not adapted to their exploitation; while two other carbon sources were likely protected within bigger molecules, D-galacturonic acids within hemicellulose and 4-hydroxy benzoic acids within phenolic compounds, being the last quite likely accumulated in the soil.
Coupled analysis of SOM composition and microbial incubations is a promising approach to better understand microbial mineralization dynamics. In this study, two techniques were successfully applied to explore this process: Ecoplates under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and FTIR-ATR, together with PCA on the transposed matrix to extract the signal of specific compounds. As Ecoplates are a commercial kit, the carbon sources tested are not specific of salt marsh soils. Incubations for specific salt marsh organic compounds along environmental gradients will greatly increase our understanding of their SOM dynamics.