The expansion of linear infrastructure causes habitat fragmentation and reduces habitat connectivity. The consequent increase in collisions between vehicles and wildlife, known as animal–vehicle collision (AVC), negatively impacts human and wildlife safety. The risk to human safety increases with the body size of the wildlife involved in AVC (Neumann et al. 2012; Gren et al. 2018). The body size of ungulates is typically larger than that of other species involved in AVC (Zuberogoitia et al. 2014). Thus, ungulate–vehicle collision (UVC) is a globally important issue (Conover 2002; Seiler 2003; Malo et al. 2004). The dangers of UVC have been demonstrated in previous studies. Among the reported traffic accidents involving UVC in the United States and Canada, 2.8–9.7% resulted in human injury (Huijser et al. 2009). In Brazil, AVC with large animals, such as deer and horses, accounts for 3.3% of total vehicle accidents, and 18.5% of these accidents lead to human injury or fatality (Abra et al. 2019). In addition, 300 human fatalities and 30,000 injuries involving UVC occur annually in Europe (Bruinderink and Hazebroek 1996). Thus, understanding the patterns of UVC is important for reducing the UVC frequency for wildlife conservation as well as for human safety.
There are three categories of variables that critically impact AVC: landscape, traffic, and seasonal behavior (Kim et al. 2019a). The distribution of an animal population is often clumped, depending on resource availability, which is dictated by landscape features. Animals often require different types of resources for reproduction and survival. For example, animals often rest in a patch that may be hidden away from threats and feed on a different patch for food (Bond et al. 2002; Thomas and Taylor 2006). Disconnectedness among patches of resources forces animals to move regularly. Accordingly, landscape features are often the most important factors predicting UVC (Forman and Alexander 1998; Clevenger et al. 2003). The best model predicting the UVC of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in France included landscape covariates and habitat connectivity (Girardet et al. 2015). In addition, the UVC of Odocoileus spp. is more likely to occur close to water and non-forested vegetation in the United States of America (USA), possibly because of habitat preference (Ng et al. 2008).
Road characteristics also play an important role in predicting the occurrence of AVC. Depending on the nature of the use, each road has distinctive characteristics. In general, major roads connecting large cities have many lanes with high traffic volumes, whereas roads located in the countryside around villages have fewer lanes with low traffic volumes and low maximum speeds. When an animal attempts to cross a road, its likelihood of passing the road successfully depends on various conditions, such as traffic volume, road structure, and the number of lanes on the road, and their impact varies by species. For instance, during the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, significantly fewer UVC of roe deer and wild boar were observed due to lower traffic volume (Pokorny et al. 2022). In contrast, in the USA, traffic had no impact on the UVC of the mule deer Odocoileus hemionus (Kreling et al. 2019). In addition, the number of lanes or the road width can also influence the likelihood of UVC (Girardet et al. 2015). In the Republic of Korea, most cases of UVC of the water deer Hydropotes inermis were located close to road connections, such as ramps and interchanges (Kim et al. 2021), indicating a high risk of UVC around areas where the species enters the road.
Animal movements are often seasonal, which is an important factor in AVC (Kim et al. 2021; Mayer et al. 2021; Steiner et al. 2021). Animals are often most active during their breeding season. In general, mammalian males expand their home range and/or make long-distance movements to find mates at the beginning of the breeding season (Cooper and Randall 2007; He et al. 2016; Johansson et al. 2018), making males vulnerable to AVC (Mayer et al. 2021; Raymond et al. 2021). Mammalian juveniles often disperse from their natal home range. Inexperienced juveniles often lack knowledge of high-traffic roads, which results in AVC (Kim et al. 2019b). Therefore, animal mortality due to AVC fluctuates seasonally. For instance, the number of H. inermis UVC is significantly different across months and seasons according to their seasonal behaviors (Kim et al. 2021; Raymond et al. 2021). In addition, Odocoileus hemionus UVC varied significantly by season and month because of its high activity during the mating season and reduced movement during spring owing to high food availability (Kreling et al. 2019).
Five species of ungulates are native to the Republic of Korea: the Siberian roe deer Capreolus pygargus, water deer H. inermis, wild boar Sus scrofa, musk deer Moschus moschiferus, and long-tailed goral Naemorhedus caudatus (Jo et al. 2018). Among them, M. moschiferus and N. caudatus are very rare and only regionally distributed; therefore, they are designated as endangered species. The other three species, C. pygargus, H. inermis, and S. scrofa, are comparably abundant throughout the country. Accordingly, these three species are the focus of this study.
Capreolus pygargus is distributed from the Republic of Korea mainland to southern Jeju Island. However, the mainland and island populations have different morphological characteristics and population densities. The mainland population weighs between 28 and 35 kg and has a population density of 1.9 individuals per km2. Meanwhile, the population in Jeju is smaller than that in the mainland population, weighs an average of 17 kg, and has a population density of 5.3 individuals per km2 (Park et al. 2011; Jo et al. 2018). Because of these differences, we focused on the mainland populations of C. pygargus for UVC. On the mainland, C. pygargus inhabits forest interiors with elevations between 400 and 600 m (Park et al. 2014). Fawns are born between May and July, and the rutting season starts in August. During the breeding season, males compete with other males to defend their territories. In doing so, they often approach the edges of their home ranges, which are typically bordered by roads and streams (Kim and Hong 2006; Jo et al. 2018).
Hydropotes inermis, weighing 16–21 kg, is the smallest ungulate species in the country (Jo et al. 2018). It is an edge species inhabiting various types of land cover, including forests, rice fields, and wetlands (Jo et al. 2018). Although this species is listed as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List, it is the most abundant wildlife and its population is rapidly increasing in the Republic of Korea (Kim et al. 2011; Seo et al. 2021). The population density of H. inermis is 7.7 individuals per km2 on average, with the highest densities observed in the lowlands. Thus, it is no accident that H. inermis is the most common UVC victim in the country (Kim et al. 2019b). Regarding seasonal behavior, two to six H. inermis fawns are born in May and June in the temperate region. Yearlings spend one year with their mother and then disperse to their own territory between May and June (Cooke and Farrell 1998; Jo et al. 2018).
Sus scrofa is one of the largest terrestrial mammals in the Republic of Korea, with an average weight of 300 kg. Sus scrofa mainly inhabits the forest interiors. According to a long-term national mammal monitoring program run by the Korean government, this species has recently become numerous, from 1.3 individuals per km2 in 1978 to 3.7 individuals per km2 in 2021 (Seo et al. 2021). Accordingly, they are often found in urban environments (Lee and Lee 2019). Therefore, this species has been designated as a culling species because of constant conflicts with humans. The mating season for S. scrofa peaks between November and December. The species is omnivorous, mainly consuming vegetable matter, some invertebrates, snakes, and occasionally large vertebrates. The average home range size of this species is 5.13 km2.
Landscape features that may be important for species occurrence are heterogeneous. Thus, it is difficult to generalize the findings from the AVC datasets that are collected in regional scales. Thus, AVC datasets that are broad enough, exceeding the ranges of species distribution, are ideal to provide information about likelihood of AVC at a large spatial scale. However, such nationwide datasets are difficult to obtain, because of high cost and difficulty of organizing collection efforts. Many AVC studies rely on the police reports due to availability, but such police data is produced only when an accident is reported to the police. Accordingly, an unknown proportion of AVC incidents may go unreported. Citizen science is another venue to collect AVC data at a larger temporal and spatial scale. However, data from a citizen science program may be opportunistic and may be biased, depending on levels of participant training. To overcome the difficulties of collecting AVC data, a standardized protocol with a great deal of surveyors at a large scale may be required.
In the Republic of Korea, the Korea Roadkill Observation System (KROS; was launched by the government to integrate and manage scattered AVC data (Kim et al. 2019b). KROS covers all road types across the country with a standardized data collection method. In addition, it is mandatory for road workers of all road authorities in the country to use KROS whenever they find animal carcasses on roads. Thus, the KROS dataset is considered as one of the largest with high data quality that can be useful to AVC mitigation policy in the country.
Recently, habitat modeling techniques have been incorporated to predict the occurrence of AVC. MaxEnt (maximum entropy; Phillips et al. 2004) is a machine-learning algorithm that predicts habitat suitability based on the response of presence points to environmental conditions relative to the response of background points. Thus, the MaxEnt modeling is used to predict the expected presence as an index of suitability. Because of its predictive power, MaxEnt can also be used to predict the probability of any type of occurrence using spatial data and appropriate predictor variables. For this reason, some recent studies have utilized MaxEnt to predict AVC risk and have concluded that it is useful in identifying important variables influencing AVC (Chyn et al. 2021; Garrote et al. 2018; Ha and Shilling 2018; Kantola et al. 2019; Mayadunnage et al. 2022; Sillero et al. 2019; Yue et al. 2019).
The aim of this study is to understand UVC characteristics by evaluating variables related to the surrounding landscape, traffic, and animal seasonality, using one of the largest and most complete country-wide AVC datasets in the world. To this end, we developed predictive seasonal models of UVC for three species across a road network in the Republic of Korea using MaxEnt. Based on our results, we identified the critical factors influencing UVC, which will be useful in reducing the threat to human safety.