Study design
This represents a retrospective observational, cohort study. One sample of Chiari malformation patients was assessed with no control group. This study was approved by the institutional review board.
Inclusion criteria
Patients aged 1 year to 60 years with symptomatic Chiari I malformation that underwent FMD between January 2017 and January 2022 were included in this study. All patients were treated at a single academic institution by the same attending neurosurgeon (senior author MA) with resident assistance. Patients were determined to be symptomatic from their Chiari I malformation if they experienced headaches worsened by valsalva, dysphagia, central sleep apnea, bowel or bladder dysfunction, extremity sensory loss, extremity weakness, or gait instability.
Data collection
All data was collected by retrospective electronic health record review. Demographic data including patient age, sex, indications for surgery, tonsillar descent on sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), presence of syringomyelia, presence of scoliosis, presence of tethered cord, expansile duraplasty performed, tonsillar coagulation performed, arachnoid dissection performed, type of IONM used, and anesthesia type was collected. The outcomes assessed were IONM changes that took place, interventions to correct these changes, and postoperative new symptoms or neurologic deficits in these cases.
Intraoperative neuromonitoring
Nuvasive clinical services™ (10275 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 300, Columbia, MD 21044, Phone 410-740-2375, Fax 410-740-1518) IONM was used for all cases. BAER, upper and lower limb SSEP, upper and lower limb transcranial MEP, and electromyography (EMG) were used in all cases. IONM was provided by a certified intraoperative technician with real time supervision and tracing interpretation by a board-certified neurologist. Reader rating of data quality for interpretation was listed as good in all cases. SSEPs were measured from the median nerve distributions, the posterior tibial distributions, and the ulnar nerve distributions bilaterally in all cases. MEPs were measured in all four limbs in all cases. EMG was measured from the body of the trapezius muscle bilaterally in all cases. Baseline BAER, SSEPs, MEPs, and EMG were obtained and reported to the surgeon at the beginning of every case. Care was taken to ensure that each was reproducible and monitorable. MEPs were only done at the surgeon’s request during the procedure. In all cases the attending neurosurgeon requested MEPs at each step of the case at regular intervals.
Operative procedure
All patients underwent surgery under general anesthesia. Patients were positioned prone on the operating room table. The head was fixed with a head clamp with pins for 3-point fixation with the chin tucked and the neck flexed. All pressure points were padded with gel and foam padding. At this point, baseline BAER, SSEP, MEP, and EMG were obtained. The hair was clipped, the skin was cleaned, prepped, and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A linear incision was made from the inion to the C2 spinous process. The soft tissue was dissected down to the occipital bone. Suboccipital craniectomy was then performed starting approximately 2cm superior to the foramen magnum. The posterior ligamentous structures were divided at the midline and freed from the underlying dura. Care was taken to remove the dural band at the level of the atlanto-occipital membrane. C1 laminectomy was then performed. Intraoperative ultrasonography was then used to view the degree of cerebellar tonsillar compression and cerebrospinal fluid flow. A decision was then made if duraplasty was necessary based on the degree of cerebellar tonsillar compression and cerebrospinal fluid flow after the craniectomy and laminectomy decompressions were finished, as well as the preoperative imaging. Duraplasty was performed if the cerebellar tonsils remained compressed and cerebrospinal fluid flow was obstructed. A Y-shaped incision was made in the dura exposing the underlying cerebellar tonsils. Arachnoid adhesions were dissected and removed until a clear view of the obex of the fourth ventricle could be obtained. To create more space, the most caudal aspects of the cerebellar tonsils were cauterized in some cases. The dura was then closed with synthetic dural substitute and a running suture. Hemostasis was obtained and the incision was then closed.
Addressing IONM changes
All patients that were found to have IONM changes were treated under the direction of the attending operating neurosurgeon. If a change was detected, the surgical procedure was first paused and the action preceding the IONM change was undone if possible. Non-invasive measures were then utilized including repositioning of the patient’s head and neck by manipulation of the head clamp with pins, changes in anesthetic administration by the anesthesia team, and increases in mean arterial pressure. Further measures were at the discretion of the attending operating neurosurgeon depending on the circumstances of the individual situation.
Statistical analysis: All statistics were performed using IBM SPSS statistics (IBM Corp. Released 2021. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 28.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). Descriptive data is reported with means, standard deviation (SD), range, and percentages as appropriate. Outcome data is reported as frequency data with associated percentages. Comparison of means between groups are made using T-tests of independent samples. Comparison of frequency data is made using Chi Square tests or Fisher Exact Probability Tests depending on sample size. The ability of an independent variable to predict the outcome/dependent variable was assessed using linear regression analysis. An alpha value of 0.05 was used as a threshold to determine statistical significance.