Inconsistent effects of landscape structure on pest infestations have been previously reported possibly due to covariables not being taken into account or variability in climatic conditions (Chaplin-Kramer et al. 2011; Karp et al. 2018). Here we investigated how several aspects of landscape structure related to host crop and seminatural habitats surrounding orchard plots affected the two main apple pests at the French national level while taking into account weather effects. Our results clearly confirmed that weather conditions prominently affect both pests. Among landscape variables only orchard-related metrics significantly affected pest infestations. Apple scab occurrence on shoots increased and the first codling moth adults occurred earlier in orchard plots located in landscapes with a large proportion of area grown with orchards. Furthermore, the occurrence of codling moth damage to fruits decreased in landscapes with large orchard patches. Unexpectedly we found no effects of seminatural habitats on pest or damage occurrence.
We expected positive effects of the proportion of landscape area grown with orchards on infestation levels of both pests. Our results partially confirmed this hypothesis: the first occurrence of codling moths was earlier and the probability of apple scab occurrence on shoots was higher with an increasing proportion of landscape area grown with orchards. These two significant relationships are consistent with the extension of the resource concentration hypothesis to the landscape scale which states that landscapes with large areas of host crops promote agricultural pest loads by increasing their amount of resources and reducing their dispersal costs (O’Rourke and Petersen 2017). They are also consistent with studies that point to the importance of host crop area in explaining pest densities both in annual (Delaune et al. 2021) and perennial crops (Martínez-Sastre et al. 2021; Paredes et al. 2022; Ricci et al. 2009). The two variables that responded to orchard area indicate that landscape-scale orchard area affects early pest populations while variables corresponding to later observations such as codling moth and apple scab damage on fruits were not significantly affected. Such timing suggests that landscape-scale orchard area promotes early field colonisation. This interpretation is in line with the fact that long-distance dispersal of apple scab spores and its consequences for in-field contamination by spores emitted by distant fields were formerly demonstrated by modelling studies (Aylor 1999). Similarly, adult codling moths emerge in spring from overwintering larvae and at least part of the population is able to fly long distances (Schumacher et al. 1997); thus earlier adult occurrence in traps may also reflect a larger landscape level abundance.
Relationships between host crop area and pest abundance are complex and may show opposite trends (Delaune et al. 2021; Martínez-Sastre et al. 2021; Paredes et al. 2022; Ricci et al. 2009). For apple orchards in particular opposite effects of host crop area on pests may come from differences in landscape-level pesticide intensity. Large areas of intensively treated host crops tend to reduce pest populations (Ricci et al. 2009) whereas an opposite effect is observed when host crops are extensive (Martínez-Sastre et al. 2021). We investigated this question by considering the share of organic orchards. We found no effect of this variable contrary to our initial hypothesis. This absence of effect is consistent with former results obtained at a smaller spatial scale (Ricci et al. 2009) and concur with results on grapevines (Muneret et al. 2018b) and arable crops (Gosme et al. 2012). Farmers manage pests with a diversity of practices in organic apple orchards (Marliac et al. 2016). For the most part organic orchards are grown with apple cultivars that are resistant or tolerant to apple scab (Holb 2007). In addition, effective treatments against codling moths based on granuloviruses are available and in some regions are complemented by netting systems to protect apple orchards against the codling moth especially in areas where codling moth populations have become resistant to the granulovirus (Marliac et al. 2016). It is therefore possible that although pest damage is generally greater in organic orchards (Samnegård et al. 2019; Simon et al. 2017) organic orchards are not a source of codling moth or apple scab for other orchards. This result should however be taken with caution given that the share of organic orchards in municipalities was approximated based on higher level administrative information for part of the data (see material and methods). Furthermore, we could explore only a restricted range of variation for this variable because most orchards were conventional in the study landscapes.
Our study supports the idea that both landscape composition and its configuration affect pest infestations as we found a lower occurrence of fruit damage caused by codling moths in orchards located in landscapes with large orchard patch areas. Two ecological mechanisms possibly explain the negative trends between crop patch area and pest abundance. The first stems from dispersal limitation. Based on a simulation study Edwards et al. (2018) found that grouping fields of annual crops could limit the abundance of dispersal-limited pests because pests cannot build-up populations in the most central fields. Dispersal limitation however is unlikely to affect codling moths that can fly over long distances (Schumacher et al. 1997). Furthermore, codling moths overwinter on apple tree trunks or in orchard soil and do not need to colonise orchards every year. The second mechanism is dilution. Negative trends between pest population and crop patch area can be observed when a constant number of pests is distributed over a range of crop areas and the pest becomes locally less abundant as the crop area increases (Zaller et al. 2008a, b). Dilution is expected for actively dispersing specialised pests. Dilution may be responsible for the pattern observed in fruit damage: mated codling moth females can fly over long distances (Schumacher et al. 1997) and although females tend to cluster their eggs on nearby trees they may also disperse them among distant trees within orchard patches (Franck et al. 2011; Margaritopoulos et al. 2012) possibly to avoid within-fruit larval competition that is detrimental to larvae (Ferro and Harwood 1973; Jackson 1982). Lastly it is possible that fruit damage was affected by early insecticide treatments that specifically target neonate larvae. The observed trend could then have resulted from less efficient pest management in isolated orchards either because they are less central to the farm or because pests do not suffer from insecticides sprayed in neighbouring orchards (Ricci et al. 2009).
The absence of effects of seminatural elements whatever the pest was unexpected given our hypotheses but such cases are also often reported in global syntheses (Chaplin-Kramer et al. 2011; Karp et al. 2018; Martin et al. 2019; Rosenheim et al. 2022; Veres et al. 2013). One explanation is that seminatural habitats might also act as reservoirs of pests (Tscharntke et al. 2016). This is unlikely here given the host specificity of the codling moth and apple scab. Another explanation is related to the absence of natural enemies or the limited resources for natural enemies in seminatural habitats (Tscharntke et al. 2016). Such an explanation is likely for apple scab for which to our knowledge no natural enemy has yet been reported. However, it is less likely for the codling moth since the presence of seminatural elements has been shown to increase predation of codling moths in orchards (Heath and Long 2019) the abundance of a predatory spider (Lefebvre et al. 2016) and possibly promote its primary parasitoids (Maalouly et al. 2013). However, the scale of the effect of seminatural habitats considered by these studies was smaller than in the present study and it is possible that small-scale analyses are necessary to detect the effects of seminatural habitats on pest populations (Begg et al. 2017).
Considering data at the national level made it possible to explore a large gradient of weather conditions and landscapes. However, because this dataset was not originally compiled for scientific purposes there were a few limitations. First we had to strongly simplify the dataset (e.g. modelling the probability of occurrence rather than abundance of pests) to account for differences in data monitoring along years or regions. This likely reduced the ability of our analysis to detect landscape effects but increased its robustness. Second landscape characteristics may covary with weather conditions. To address this possible bias, we included weather variables in the models. These variables as expected impacted pests particularly their date of first occurrence but none was found to strongly covary with landscape variables (Figure S1 and low model variance inflation factors) indicating that we were able to disentangle weather and landscape effects. Last we could have overlooked some regional features that impacted pest populations (e.g. different farm structures or apple cultivars). However residual variations in our models were homogeneous among the French regions suggesting that this was not the case except for the date of first scab occurrence for which we found no landscape effect (Figure S4). Despite these limitations we acknowledge that such large datasets initially built for advising farmers also contain precious information that nicely complete more classic information provided by empirical studies usually performed in landscape ecology (e.g. several fields surveyed along landscape gradients). Analysing such datasets makes it possible to explore the variability of landscape-scale effects in multiple climatic contexts and appears to be a step forwards in the direction of building predictive models to anticipate pest outbreaks.