This work shows that ATP modulates and stabilizes ORIC, osmotically activated anionic current in sporangiophore –derived cytoplasmic droplets, the model of filamentous fungi plasma membrane. ATP binding, not hydrolysis, is required for maintenance of ORIC activity, attained through shifting the voltage dependency of inactivation towards more depolarized potentials. We found ATP-induced slowing down of ORIC inactivation as evidenced by: reduced current run-down, increased time constant of inactivation τin and slowed or completely abrogated decreasing of τin during prolonged recordings. We showed that active mitochondria are present in cytoplasmic droplets, and that inhibition of respiration by azide speeds-up ORIC inactivation, effectively acting as a current inhibitor.
The most striking feature of ORIC modulation by ATP is the postponing of the current rundown, previously shown to be characteristic for ORIC recordings without ATP addition to pipette1. This modulation does not require ATP hydrolysis, since AMP PCP, nonhydrolisable highly efficient ATP analogue of pre-hydrolytic state with slightly rigid structure, 25 delays ORIC inactivation as effectively as ATP. Substituting AMP PCP for ATP did not make a difference in any ORIC property tested: run-down reduction, τin and the speed of τin decline. In the case of VRAC, vertebrate osmotically activated anion channel with extensive biophysical similarity to ORIC, ATP exerts a stabilizing effect without hydrolysis as well 2126. Among known fungi channels, TOK channel in yeast requires ATP presence to avoid inactivation by run-down 27. Other examples of ion channel modulation by ATP binding without hydrolysis exist in literature 25,28. Typical examples are the ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels, regulated by ATP that acts as an allosteric modulator 22,29. Activity of KATP channels is a balance between two opposing effects: ATP and ADP promote closed state of a channel (Mg2+-independently) by binding to inhibitory sites, while in the presence of Mg2+, ADP and ATP also stimulate channel activation by binding to another site 23. Reminiscent to this example of Mg-ATP specific interaction that is different than ATP interaction with a channel, it seems that in the case of ORIC, Mg2+ exerts its effect on current only in the presence of ATP. Mild current inhibition by intracellular Mg2+, along with unchanged voltage-dependent properties in Mg2+, are reported for VRAC 30, while for ORIC, we found that Mg2+ in the presence of ATP does not inhibit the current, and that main Mg2+ effect, completely dependent on presence of ATP, is slowing down the activation of current with no change in voltage dependency.
The interconnectedness of ORIC run-down and current inactivation process, defined as depolarization-induced inactivation from the open state and described with τin, is a plausible explanation of several obtained results: run-down is accompanied by speeding-up of current inactivation; ATP, or nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, reduces both phenomena; flavonoids have dramatic effect on both processes. Similar current behavior, with run-down tightly correlated with voltage-dependent inactivation, is described in calcium voltage-activated channels, for instance31. It is possible that other processes of inactivation during run-down occur, from closed state, as well as dialysis-driven wash-out of regulatory components that contributes to current amplitude decline32.
We could measure the speed of ORIC recovery only in the presence of ATP, due to otherwise dominating current run-down. In the presence of ATP, current recovery from inactivation was incomplete at depolarized potentials, potentially giving rise to accumulation of ORIC in inactivated state, as shown by the differences in plateau of recovery curves at different voltages. In contrast to described behavior of VRAC 33, the measured speed of the ORIC recovery from inactivation was voltage independent, or even slightly faster at depolarized potentials.
Based on our measurements of changes in inactivation dynamics during the flavonoid block, it seems that the flavonoids block ORIC by inducing changes that correspond to disruptions of ORIC modulation by ATP. Flavonoids, formerly considered to be specific inhibitors of protein/lipid kinases 34, are also known to bind to a number of binding sites on various proteins 35, due to their partially flexible structure. Mammalian cell-wide search show they have a wide range of specific target proteins, belonging to approximately eight structural folds 36. They can act as competitive antagonists to ATP at the ion channel itself, as studies on cardiovascular channels imply 37, or at channel accessory proteins. Shift of voltage dependence of current inactivation in the hyperpolarizing direction by genistein has been reported for transient outward K+ current in the heart, mediated by voltage-gated Kv4.3 38. Numerous ion channels are known to be modulated by flavonoids: cAMP-induced delayed rectifier K current 39, Ca2 + 40 and GABAA channels 41, to name a few. Some suggest that genistein effect on ion channels is due to alteration of mechanical properties of membrane bilayer, as suggested by work on gramicidin A 42. In other cases, the flavonoid effect on ion channel is specific and mediated by direct binding to channel protein, as demonstrated for ASIC 43. A large number of flavonoids have been shown to inhibit VRAC 44, with flavonol quercetin and the isoflavone genistein, which we tested at ORIC, among its most potent inhibitors. Flavonoids inhibit ORIC, even with ATP is substituted with AMP PCP, and in the same manner (reduction of current amplitude and speed-up of inactivation, measured by τin). We propose that flavonoid binding precludes ATP or its analogue from exerting its stabilizing effect. Similar findings were reported for VRAC45.
We also found that cytoplasmic droplets (CDs) varied in the ORIC properties at the time of start of the recording, presumably due to varied amount of ATP present in the droplet at the time of whole-cell entry. After several minutes of dialysis with an ATP-free solution, resulting in bringing all the CDs to the same low ATP content, we found as expected, a decrease of variability of all measured parameters. Since we used third-minute-of-dialysis data for all comparisons, we are confident that observed changes are indeed the result of presence or absence of ATP in dialysis solution.
We have confirmed the plasma membrane-nature of CD membrane: previously, our research group has shown that CDs can regenerate the cell wall 1, while here we showed fast and robust depolarization of CD membrane by vanadate, known to specifically block the plasma membrane proton pump of fungi46. Fluorescence imaging demonstrated that the cytoplasmic droplets are dynamic structures containing a large number of mitochondria and, because they originate from a cenocytic sporangiophore, a large number of nuclei. Therefore, an ion channel in the CD membrane has a similar intracellular environment as in an intact fungus, and the CD current recordings are obtained in physiologically relevant context. Studies of fungal ion channels are mostly executed by heterologous expression in yeast 47 and oocytes, models that potentially differ from the physiological environment of a filamentous fungi cell. On the other hand, our native membrane model system, CDs, does not offer information on molecular identity of the ion channel underlining ORIC. The search for VRAC-homologue in Phycomyces blakesleeanus ORF library yielded no results, as expected since VRAC mediating ion channels are not found outside vertebrate clade48.
To the best of our knowledge, so far there have been no reports on a fungi-derived ion current with any similarity to ORIC. Although it is possible that the underlining channel is identified, but drastically changed properties in non-native context have rendered it to be unrecognizable, it is probably more likely that, due to the low sequence similarity to animal channels, proteins that constitute a membrane ion channel that mediates ORIC have not been identified yet.
Several anion channels from filamentous fungi have been characterized and identified by heterologous expression. AnBEST from A. nidulans, anion efflux channel activated by alleviated cytosolic Ca2+, was recorded by expression in yeast, and confirmed to be located in A. nidulans plasma membrane by GFP labeling 47. Member of anion channel ClC superfamily from A. nidulans, involved in copper homeostasis, is likely expressed in endomembranes. Others have been described in native membrane of protoplasts released after laser ablation of cell wall: 43pS anion efflux channel in A. niger49, and unidentified channels in N. crassa50. In CDs, our group described malate-sensitive 10pS depolarization activated outwardly rectified anionic current11.
Osmotically activated current like ORIC could be involved in some process linked to the growth, since turgor is driving the growth process 51, along with tip-end ion gradients 52, while ORIC is present on the membrane obtained from the region actively growing. CD membrane potential is more depolarized than expected for filamentous fungi hypha 53, in accordance with voltage–sensitive dye measurements from Candida demonstrating that growing parts of membrane are typically depolarized54. The role of ORIC-mediated anion transport is probably in anion efflux, since ORIC mediates exit of anions at potentials characteristic for filamentous fungi membrane 5355.
ORIC dependence on ATP points to its role as a metabolic sensor, in addition to its primary function in osmotic sensing. In filamentous fungi, the essential role of the hyperosmotic-response pathway in nutrient sensing and its direct connection to metabolism regulation has been described in Neurospora56. The inhibition of ORIC by pretreatment of CD with azide demonstrates the metabolic sensing role of ORIC, since, as described by our group 57, sodium-azide is a potent blocker of cellular respiration in P.blakesleeanus in the concentration range used in this study. As a consequence of respiration block by azide, the ratio of core polyphosphates to inorganic phosphate (Pp/Pi) in P.blakesleeanus is reduced, showing the efficient reduction of metabolic activity. Pp/Pi is tightly connected to the oxidative phosphorylation chain and was previously shown to be a good indicator of metabolic state of P.blakesleeanus57. Inactivation of ORIC under the conditions of ATP scarcity is likely to have a protective role, since hypoosmotic conditions can signal lack of sugars in the environment. If it is beneficial to shut off ORIC during starvation, this current is probably not critical for basic survival mechanisms under conditions of prolonged starvation and osmotic stress.
In conclusion, ion channels, vital components of filamentous fungi signaling machinery in communication with their environment, are still relatively under-investigated, although they represent potential targets in biotechnologically and biomedically important organisms. We described ATP modulation of osmotically activated anion current in filamentous fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus, of order Mucorales. Recently published World Health Organization (WHO) fungal priority pathogens list puts entire order Mucorales in high priority group for surveillance, research and development of new drug targets 58. Further ORIC characterization, bringing to light the molecular identity and effect of its knockout on entire organism will potentially contribute to WHO goal, as well as to the better understanding of osmotic and metabolic responsiveness of filamentous fungi.