From a novel food production system adopted in around 60 countries in 1970, aquaculture has developed into a global business undertaken in nearly 200 countries in 2020. However, the “globalization” is primarily thanks to finfish farming, which is practiced in over 80 percent of countries, whereas aquaculture popularity is less than 50 percent for nearly all 43 aquatic species groups examined here, including crustaceans and molluscs whose aquaculture popularities are less than half of their popularities in capture fisheries. Therefore, while the overall popularity of aquaculture appears to have reached a high plateau (Fig. 1), there is still ample potential for the popularization of minor species groups, particularly for eco-friendly ones such as algae and molluscs, which are receiving increasing attention27–29 .
Despite the increased popularity, the global aquaculture expansion (from less than 4 million tonnes in 1970 to over 120 million tonnes in 2020) has reduced the sector’s parity from an already low level to below 3 percent. This extraordinary, inclusive, yet imbalanced development primarily reflects faster growth in some aquaculture forerunners (mostly in Asia) creating more disparity within Asia and between Asia and other regions, while aquaculture production has become more balanced in most regions and subregions as well as most economic, development, and resource groups examined here. This means that aquaculture expansion has been largely a balanced growth among countries with similar geolocations, resource endowments or socioeconomic status, with young aquaculture sectors catching up with more developed ones. Such catching up has also occurred within Asia in the new millennium (2000–2020), and between Asia and other regions more recently (2015–2020), resulting in a more balanced global aquaculture.
However, aquaculture is still the least diverse food production system in terms of national producers. In 2020, global aquaculture production was contributed by 6.5 effective number of countries (ENC) as compared to ~ 40 ENC for capture fisheries and ~ 30 ENC for terrestrial meat production. The parity of aquaculture production was lower than both capture fisheries and terrestrial meat production in nearly three fourths of the 85 country groups examined here, including three regions (Africa, Asia and Europe), and aquaculture parity was less than that of capture fisheries in all five regions.
A country group with a relatively low aquaculture parity also tends to have relatively low parities in other food production systems. This indicates that the uneven distribution of aquaculture production partly reflects discrepancies in countries’ characteristics (e.g. geographic location and climate, resource endowments, demographics, socioeconomic conditions, and development status), which tend to result in imbalances in other food production systems as well. For example, in 2020, most (49) of the 53 countries that had a relatively large share in global aquaculture production also had relatively large shares in both capture fisheries and terrestrial meat production, yet none of them had relatively small shares in both (Fig. 8a). Most (over 40) of the 49 major food producers are resource-rich countries (Supplementary Table 9, column VIII), and their generally large land areas make them a most prominent group in the map (Fig. 8a; group 8). In contrast, the group of countries with relatively small shares in all three food production systems are barely visible in the map despite being the largest group that comprises 75 countries (Fig. 8a; group 1). These minor food producers generally have relatively small resource endowments and populations, and most of them are small island economies (Supplementary Table 9, column II).
However, the much higher imbalance in aquaculture cannot be fully attributed to discrepancies in countries’ resource endowments, including population. For example, a large number (44) of generally resource-rich countries had relatively large shares in capture fisheries and terrestrial meat production yet relatively small shares in aquaculture (Supplementary Table 9, column V). These countries are another most prominent group in the map (Fig. 8a; group 4), covering most of the African continent and including three of the top 10 largest countries in terms of land area (Argentina, Kazakhstan, and Algeria) and three of the top 20 most populated countries (Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Germany).
The highly uneven geographic distribution of aquaculture production has raised concerns over the sector’s widely expected role as the primary source of aquatic foods to address the food security and nutrition needs of a growing world population12. As an emerging production system, aquaculture could add resilience to the global food system by increasing the diversity of food production sources13. Yet faster growth in aquaculture as a more imbalanced fisheries subsector, compared to capture fisheries, has continually pressed down the parity of total fisheries production, even in the new millennium when the parity has increased in both subsectors. This could weaken the resilience of the global food system against various environmental, biological, socioeconomic, and geopolitical risks, such as climate change, natural disasters, disease outbreaks (both animal and human), economic crises, trade disputes, political instability, and armed conflicts10,30.
The upward trend in global aquaculture parity since the turn of the century (as well as growing inter-regional parity since the mid-2010s) seems to be a sign that the emerging sector has started correcting its imbalance in the process of maturation. The magnitude of the improvement was nevertheless minimal. More importantly, the correction was a passive catching-up primarily due to aquaculture growth losing momentum in Asia, rather than accelerating growth in other regions. Most notably, aquaculture parity in Africa, being the lowest among the five regions notwithstanding, has declined recently (Fig. 1f). According to the projection of Chan et al.31, the uneven distribution of aquaculture production in Africa is expected to persist till 2050 under a business-as-usual scenario.
As a side effect of the emerging sector’s extraordinary growth driven primarily by a few forerunners, high disparity in global aquaculture should be a cause for concern, but not pessimism. On the contrary, the unevenness indicates a large untapped potential for further aquaculture growth32. In 2020, there were 147 countries whose shares in world aquaculture production were lower than their shares in both capture fisheries and terrestrial meat production (Supplementary Table 10); 44 countries among them belong to group 4 (Fig. 8a), while the others spread across groups 1, 2, 3, and 8. Raising aquaculture production in each of these 147 countries to a level on par with either its capture fisheries or terrestrial meat production share (whichever is lower) could expand aquaculture production by 1.6 times in Africa, 2.4 times in the Americas, 2.5 times in Europe, and 2.9 times in Oceania, adding a total of 26 million tonnes to global aquaculture production (Supplementary Table 10). Even discounted by half, considering that aquaculture expansion may compete for resources and markets with other food production systems, the potential would still be substantial.
Indeed, aquaculture success is not necessarily driven by abundant resources. For example, two thirds of aquaculture production in Africa came from a single country (i.e. Egypt), which was endowed with only ~ 1 percent of renewable freshwater resources in Africa, ~ 3 percent of the region’s land area, and ~ 8 percent of its population33. Aquaculture production in the country mostly relied on imported aquafeed ingredients and catered the domestic market34. With more than 10 times of Egypt’s population, not mentioning even more abundant land and water resources, Africa could boost its aquaculture production (only 2.4 million tonnes in 2020) beyond 15 million tonnes (i.e. at least 10 times of Egypt’ ~1.5 million tonnes of annual aquaculture production) by replicating the country’s aquaculture performance regionwide.
Turning such potentials into reality requires a deeper look beyond the performance of global aquaculture as a whole for better recognition and understanding of imbalances in aquaculture. For example, while aquaculture’s contribution to global fisheries production, including algae, has exceeded the 50-percent mark since the early 2010s35, reaching nearly 60 percent in 2020, it is still a smaller fisheries subsector, compared to capture fisheries, in nearly 80 percent of countries, and its contribution is less than 25 percent in two thirds of countries that control most of global land and water resources (Fig. 8b). Recognizing such gaps can help the policy and aquaculture communities better appreciate various constraints faced by aquaculture (e.g. unfavourable public perceptions, stringent regulatory scrutiny, and inadequate financial and development supports) and design proper development strategies to unlock aquaculture growth potential.
In conclusion, aquaculture popularity and parity could be mainstreamed as performance indicators in policymaking and sector management to facilitate more inclusive aquaculture development, enhance the resilience of the global food system, and unlock potential for further aquaculture growth. We can only manage what you can measure. The indicator system developed here enables systematic assessment and monitoring the distribution of aquaculture production among countries and regions. Popularity and parity, as a novel extension of traditional diversity measures, can be widely applied in sector assessment and monitoring for any sector or at different levels, such as monitoring the geographic distribution of food production at the subnational level36. Space limit does not allow a thorough analysis of all information generated by our assessment, including results related to other food production systems (capture fisheries and terrestrial meat production), which are used here as benchmarks for the assessment of aquaculture performance. Yet we document the comprehensive results in the supplementary materials (Supplementary Table 11.1–11.5) to facilitate further study.