This research paper provides an in-depth analysis of the solar system usinga technique called hydrogen line radio data analysis. This method involvesstudying the spectral line emitted by neutral hydrogen atoms, known as thehydrogen line or the 21-centimeter line. Astronomers use this technique toexamine the distribution and characteristics of hydrogen gas within the universe.The researchers examined hydrogen line radio data from a range of sources inthis study to investigate the properties of hydrogen gas throughout the solarsystem. The emphasis was on identifying the presence of hydrogen gas in thesolar system's planets, moons, and other objects. Their findings revealed thathydrogen gas is found in numerous solar system objects, including the big planetsJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, as well as their moons. Furthermore,the researchers discovered hydrogen gas in comets and asteroids, indicatingthe presence of water, ice, and other volatile molecules. Overall, this researchdemonstrates the usefulness of hydrogen line radio data analysis in exploringthe properties of hydrogen gas within the solar system. It provides importantinsights into the composition and evolution of the solar system, and could alsobe applied to studying planetary systems beyond our own.