To set the stage for the later analysis of statistical SSH parameters and their changes under global warming conditions, shown in Fig. 2 are the ensemble mean fields of the sterodynamic SSH averaged over the 20-year period (2081 to 2100) for the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 runs, respectively, minus the 20-year mean from the historical run (1986 to 2005). In comparison to the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble mean SSH change for RCP4.5 (see Church et al. (2013); their Fig. 13.13a), MPI-GE shows a comparable regional pattern suggesting a decreased subtropical gyre circulation in the North Atlantic (Gulf Stream region) and an increase in the North Pacific (Kuroshio region) with similar patterns seen in eddy evolution for both regions (Beech et al. 2022). However, sea level anomalies are more pronounced in our single-model (MPI-GE) ensemble mean which agrees to what can be observed for sterodynamic change resulting from individual CMIP5 models (see Church et al. (2013); their Fig. 13.18). Between the two RCP runs, amplitudes appear larger by approximately a factor of 1.5 for RCP8.5.
Shown in the upper row of Fig. 3 are maps of SSH standard deviation (SD), as they emerge under historical, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 conditions. High SSH variability regions include the North Pacific, eastern Atlantic, Southern and the Indian Ocean and low variability is seen for the western Atlantic, most of the western Pacific Ocean, as well as in the Ross and Weddell Sea. This figure suggests that overall, the model is capable of simulating the observed (by satellite altimetry (e.g., Sura and Gille 2010) pattern of SSH variability. However, variance amplitudes remain at a 25% level of what is being observed as the model is not capable of simulating eddies. All statistical considerations presented in this paper are thus confined to large-scale variability patterns.
Much of the regional sea level variability has been attributed to internal variability in the climate system associated, e.g., with large scale climate modes, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (Stammer et al. 2013; Han et al. 2017). This SSH variability link to ENSO was also identified previously (Sura and Gille 2010; Widlansky et al. 2015, 2020). However, the extent to which these climate modes and their associated mechanisms impact local and remote sea level variability is not always clear (Han et al. 2019).
Shown in the middle and bottom rows of Fig. 3 are fields of S, and K’, for each of the above three 20-year periods. In stochastically forced systems, non-Gaussian statistics are characteristic for the non-linearity of the system (e.g., Sura and Gille 2010). For Gaussian statistics to hold, fields of S and K’ should be zero. Clearly this is approximately the case for most of the global ocean. However, it does not hold in the tropics, especially in the Pacific, where S < -1 in western tropical area and S > 1 in the east. With respect to K’, a clear deviation from its Gaussian value of zero can be found in the western tropical Pacific, exceeding 3.5 there as it is the case for PDFs broader than bell-shaped normal distributions.
In comparison to contemporary SSH variability inferred from altimetry (Sura and Gille 2010) we note substantial agreement in the tropics with respect to S. In this respect, the asymmetric pattern across the tropical Pacific can be associated with ENSO oscillations, leading to negative tails in the west and positive tails in the east due to strong El Niño - La Niña asymmetry in amplitude. With respect to K’, however, patterns are quite different as compared to altimetric results from Sura and Gille (2010). However, model simulations by Beech et al. (2022) show high eddy kinetic energy at western tropical Pacific, where we have the highest K’. This holds not just in low latitudes but around the world in all eddy-rich regions (e.g., western boundary current regions) where the eddy variability is not simulated by the MPI-GE climate model to reproduce observed sea level statistics.
The changes of the statistical parameters under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 conditions relative to the historical run are shown in Fig. 4. In both projections, the variability increases relative to the historical run over large parts of the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean (Figs. 4a-c). However, it decreases in the western North Atlantic and the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean (top row of Fig. 4). In the difference between RCP8.5 and the historical run the variability also decreases over the western tropical Pacific Ocean. In contrast, variability increased markedly in the RCP8.5 run southwest of Australia; a fact that also shows up between the two RCP runs, albeit smaller in amplitude.
Compared with the historical period, RCP8.5 shows the largest reduction in both S and K' for the western tropical Pacific region, which can be linked with changes in future ENSO activities. ENSO is known to dominate this region by altering surface winds, ocean currents, increased sea surface temperature (SST) variability, salinity and wind-driven shifts of the thermocline, which in turn can affect SSH (Widlansky et al. 2015, 2020). Given that SSH variability is linked to ENSO, it can be hypothesized that any change in ENSO activity can drive key changes in SSH statistics.
As pulses of the easterly wind stress are among the important mechanisms for initiating ENSO events, we investigate changes in the statistics of the easterly wind stress to occur in Fig. 5. We find a consistent change in zonal winds stress statistics, which suggests that the S originating from easterly wind stress pulses reduce under RCP8.5 warming conditions. Similarly, the reduction in the historical positive K' for both SSH and wind stress also points to a reduction of extremes for both quantities.
Our MPI-GE analysis suggests that a reduction of ENSO activity is reflected by changes in SSH S and K' in the western tropical Pacific, especially under RCP8.5 forcing. However, it is plausible that future ENSO intensity does not weaken as influences from other mechanisms may not only become stronger, but also influence parts of the Pacific region, e.g., for increasing Central Pacific (CP) El Niño and not the Eastern Pacific (EP)- El Niño. Some modeling studies suggest a strong occurrence of the CP type El Niño in the future; compared with the EP type (Trenberth and Stepaniak 2001; Ashok et al. 2007; Kug et al. 2009) in response to future warming. Other studies, like Cai et al. (2018) diagnose a robust increase in the RCP8.5 EP-Niño SST variability and suggested this increase is largely due to greenhouse gas-warming-induced intensification in the equatorial Pacific. However, large single model ensembles like the MPI-GE and the CESM-LE/CESM-ME (Maher et al. 2019; Ng et al. 2021) and multi-model ensembles like the CMIP5 projections under different IPCC scenarios (Cai et al. 2014, 2018, 2022) suggests that the range in ENSO variability is large and differs widely between model simulations.
Fields of S and K’ shown in Fig. 3 led us to conclude that generally the model sea level variability for this 20 years time scale appears to be close to Gaussian. This holds for the historical period (1986–2005) as well as the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (2081–2100) projections. However, a few regions stick out as non-Gaussian as discussed in the previous section. To analyze these regions in more detail, we show in Fig. 6 estimates of the underlying probability density function (PDF) computed as histograms of the SSH anomalies in several dynamically distinct regions. Statistics related to the respective PDF shapes are provided in Table 2.
Table 2
Statistics associated with the PDFs shown in Fig. 6
| Experiment | Variance (cm) | Significance | S | K’ |
a) Northwest Atlantic | HIST | 12.6 | | 0 | 0.2 |
RCP4.5 | 12.9 | F-test1: 0.094 | 0 | -0.1 |
RCP8.5 | 11 | F-test2: 0.000 | -0.1 | -0.1 |
b) Northeast Atlantic | HIST | 11.1 | | 0.1 | -0.1 |
RCP4.5 | 11.4 | F-test1: 0.024 | 0 | -0.1 |
RCP8.5 | 14 | F-test2: 0.000 | -0.1 | 0 |
c) Western Pacific | HIST | 22.1 | | -2 | 6.5 |
RCP4.5 | 23.2 | F-test1: 0.000 | -1.7 | 4.8 |
RCP8.5 | 14.5 | F-test2: 0.000 | -1.8 | 7.3 |
d) Eastern Pacific | HIST | 7.6 | | 0.9 | 2.2 |
RCP4.5 | 8 | F-test1: 0.000 | 1 | 2.4 |
RCP8.5 | 7.7 | F-test2: 0.122 | 0.9 | 2.6 |
e) North Pacific | HIST | 24.4 | | 0 | 0.2 |
RCP4.5 | 25.3 | F-test1: 0.005 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
RCP8.5 | 23.7 | F-test2: 0.026 | 0.1 | 0.2 |
f) South Pacific | HIST | 31.4 | | 0 | 0 |
RCP4.5 | 28.4 | F-test1: 0.000 | 0 | 0 |
RCP8.5 | 27.8 | F-test2: 0.000 | 0 | 0 |
The statistical significance of change in variance between periods was assessed using an f-test at the 95% level where f-test1 is between the RCP 4.5 and historical, and f-test2 is between RCP 8.5 and historical.
Figures 6a, b confirm earlier findings of variance changes resulting in different shapes of the PDFs in the western and eastern subtropical Atlantic. To test that the PDFs for the variance from the three time periods are significantly different from each other, we used an f-test (Table 2) following Zwiers and von Storch (1995). The impact of global warming is thus limited to a narrower PDF in the west resulting in contracted tails, the opposite holds for the eastern side. Similar findings hold for the subtropical North and South Pacific (Figs. 6e, f). In contrast, in the tropical Pacific (Figs. 6c, d), where over the historical period ENSO related SSH variability leads to PDFs highly skewed to the left in the west and moderately skewed right in the east (see above), this behavior reverses in the western Pacific in the RCP8.5 scenario, making the PDF more Gaussian as discussed above.
Changes in SSH statistics under global warming conditions are typically assumed to be small and changes in extremes SSH are proposed to go hand in hand with changes in SSH mean (Menéndez and Woodworth 2010). Under these assumptions, future changes in regional mean SSH have been used to predict the frequency of the occurrence of extreme events simply by shifting the relation between extreme sea level and return period derived from extreme value distributions upward by the expected mean sea level rise (Hunter 2010, 2012; Lowe and Gregory 2010; Lin et al. 2016; Garner et al. 2017). Using the MPI-GE results, we are now able to explicitly calculate the change of the 99th percentiles relative to the ensemble mean for both RCP runs. Comparing future changes of the 99th percentiles to the historical period provides a measure of change in natural variability that can contribute to high-end changes in RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 beyond a simple shift in mean sea level.
Shown in Fig. 7a are the differences of the 99th percentiles relative to the mean for SSH PDFs of the historical run. Overall, the figure reproduces the variability pattern over the ocean indicating that the regional differences in 99th percentiles is governed primarily by differences in SSH variability rather than other changes of the PDF characteristics. The figure thus suggests that, under present-day conditions, natural variability enhances the likelihood of high-end sea level to occur in high-variability regions, especially along western boundary currents of the ocean.
To quantify future shifts in the high-end tails under climate warming conditions, Figs. 7b, c show the same diagnostics from the last 20-year period of the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 runs relative to the historical SSH 99th percentile. Both panels reveal that high-end tails contract in a warmer climate over the Gulf Stream along the east coast of the U.S. and Canada, confirming findings from Fig. 2b of a reduced variability there. Tails also contract over parts of the Southern Ocean, e.g., the Ross Sea. In contrast, RCP8.5 changes suggest that most of the global ocean will see increased 99th percentile values in the future due to an increase of SSH variability under global warming conditions. This is most obvious for the Southern Ocean southwest of Australia, the eastern North Atlantic as well as the Kuroshio/ Oyashio region. Most importantly, this figure suggests that sea level extremes (computed as 99th percentiles) shift toward higher values than those expected from the pure change of the mean, which is linked primarily to changes in sea level variability. We diagnosed regional changes of the 99th percentiles as well as global mean that increase by 16cm for RCP4.5 and by 24cm for RCP8.5, respectively, suggesting increased high-end sea level extremes for warmer climate conditions. This serves as vital information for coastal adaptions under climate change.
In this context, we recall that the underlying model is only coarse resolution and does not produce ocean eddies. Its variability therefore is substantially underestimated as compared to altimetric SSH observations (see also below). However, when using eddy-resolving model simulations in the CMIP6 framework, a recent study by Beech et al. (2022) provides a mixed evaluation of long-term evolution of ocean eddies in a warming world; with eddies increasing in some regions and decreasing in other regions (see Beech et al. (2022); their Fig. 2). Moreover, important processes such as storm-surges or tide are not included in the model. Hence, future changes in the SSH tails might therefore be very different in the real world than suggested here by the low-resolution climate model.