The behavior of zero-field DS, χ0(T) is typical for Ni-Mn-Ga alloys with TM < 260K and has been reported in many works in the form of ac or dc susceptibilities sometimes wrongly labelled as “magnetization” 8,12,14,18, 26–29. Below TM the sample is in the martensitic state and thus is divided into domains of self-accommodated twin variants, each with different easy magnetization axes, c. In the pseudo-tetragonal 10M martensite structure the compressed c-axis is the easy magnetization axis and from the cubic austenite structure the resulting variants that are nucleated can have their c-axis pointing along one of the original cubic < 100 > directions. Only one of these possible directions is parallel to the field, and the two others are perpendicular to it. So, 2/3 of the sample are twin domains with c axis perpendicular to the field. Since the magnetic anisotropy in the martensite is by several orders higher than in the austenite, the sample can’t be magnetized to saturation by the yoke. During the heating cycle at TM= 220K the sample transforms into the cubic 3M modulated phase called the premartensite 3,6, 9–12,14,16,21,27, 29–35. At TPM= 253K the premartensite transforms to the non-modulated austenite. With further temperature increase the DS constantly grows up to the Curie transformation, after-which it drops to zero. Such a shape of χ0(T) is typical for different compositions of Ni-Mn-Ga and even in alloys with different doping elements – Pt, Al, In, Cr etc. 3, 28–29,36. The nature of this susceptibility drop at TPM has never been explained and has remained an enigma for the last three decades.
The maximum DS, χMAX(T) up to the Curie point has never reported before, due to the issues of demagnetization effects when using magnetically-open sample measurement techniques. We also could not find any work on the temperature dependence of the coercive field up to TC, not only for MSMAs but even for nickel, iron, and any other ferromagnetic alloys.
The measured MH-loops are most intriguing. For a wide temperature range, they are constricted – DS curves have two peaks. There are several situations that can lead to the observation of “constricted” or “wasp-wasted” MH-loops, and we must discuss each to clarify the mechanism:
1) A macroscopically homogeneous sample magnetized along a single easy axis magnetic anisotropy, which is disfavored by stress or sample geometry;
2) A magnetically distinct layer on a magnetically closed sample, with no interaction between these inhomogeneous components;
3) Distinct microwires, ribbons or sheets interacting magnetically through the stray fields at the ends or on the surface (known as Néel “orange-peel” coupling);
4) Exchange-spring interaction in multilayer films;
5) A single crystal in which a single lattice splits into two interacting or non-interacting ferromagnetic sublattices;
6) Magnetically field induced reorientation (MFIR) in MSMA under elastic stress.
The MH-loops in all the cases look similar and sometimes the constricted loops due to specific sample geometry have been mistakenly clamed as evidence of MFIR37–38 .
In the case of two non-interacting magnetic phases (2), the critical fields of both components have to be positive, corresponding to distinct coercivities of each phase. In our case one critical field is negative, ruling out this scenario. In the case of two magnetic systems with negative magnetostatic interaction two susceptibility peaks move from each other and as we showed previously that amount of this motion (the positions of the peaks) strongly depends on the applied field amplitude39–41. We performed measurements of minor loops at TPM and found that the critical fields do not change with the magnetic field amplitude.
So, we excluded all variants except for the domain reorientation caused by the magnetic anisotropy. We have investigated in all details such constricted loops on steels including magnetic domains observations42–46. Typicaly one of the three equivalent magnetic easy axes was favored by local stress or demagnetizing fields (sample geometry, gross texture of Fe-3%Si steel). The MH-loops were measured along the harder (disfavoured) magnetic easy axis, which was at 45 or 90 degrees to the preferred EA. All MH-curves always crossed at the same point close the coercive field and amounts of the magnetization jumps at each critical field were equal. From Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 we see that the behavior in our previously investigated steels is exactly the same behavior of MH-loops in our investigated MSMA sample in the premartensite state. The only difference is in the positions of critical fields. In steels with stress- or orientation-induced anisotropy the critical fields are always symmetrical with respect to the coercive field. In Ni-Mn-Ga for temperatures around TPM from 247K to 256K the first critical field is substantially smaller (see Fig. 2b,c). Outside this temperature region the critical fields become more symmetric with respect to HC (see Fig. 2a,d and Fig. 3). Close to TPM at the first critical field the magnetic polarization drops to -0.05T and at the second critical field it jumps from 0.13T to nearly saturation.
Our results show that macroscopically the [100] EA close to the premartensitic transition becomes harder comparing to another axes, [110] or [111]. To confirm this hypothesis, we have cut a φ6x0.15mm disk perpendicular to the long side of our sample at the end of it and placed it into a constant field of 50mT. On the heating cycle, immediately after martensitic transformation the disk [100] axis was parallel to the field. Close to the premartensitic transformation the disk rotated by 45, with the field parallel to the [110] direction. With further heating, close to the room temperature it rotated back to [100] (see Supplementary video 3).
So, approaching the TPM from both sides either from the premartensite or from high-temperature austenite the macroscopic EA appears to change from [100] to [110] and at TPM the anisotropy, given by critical fields, has a sharp maximum. It is difficult to say why the EA in Ni-Mn-Ga austenite changes with temperature. One may think that the magnetization is facilitated along [110] by the premartensite 3M structural modulation since the anisotropy has a sharp maximum at TPM. Conversely, the modulation not only does not disappear going further down to the martensitic transformation, but just the opposite – the modulation amplitude increases several times47 that surprisingly leads to rapid decrease of the anisotropy and change of the EA back to [100]. As a result, the magnetization loops and DS curves in the premartensite at the maximum amplitude modulation and that close to the Curie temperature are very similar. The magnetic anisotropy is symmetric around TPM = 253K and decreases in both temperature directions.
Evidently, it cannot be the modulation of the premartensite responsible for the EA change from [100] to [110] direction. Looking at DS starting from Tc with temperature decrease (see Fig. 1a) we see that the EA starts to change long before TM – already just below the room temperature.
Spin-reorientation transitions (change of the EA) with temperature are observed in many materials: orthoferrites, a series of uniaxial rare-earth ferro- and ferrimagnets, Gadolinium etc.48. It was first shown by Bozorth that the easy magnetization direction in a cubic crystal is defined by the signs and magnitudes of the first and second magnetic anisotropy constants23. A change of the anisotropy constants with temperature can lead to a change of the EA.
Belov considered spin reorientation transitions in crystals with different symmetry from a thermodynamical point of view48. He concluded that in cubic crystals spin-reorientation transitions from < 100 > to < 110 > is an anhysteretic phase transition of the first order48. It was discovered that the spin-reorientation transition is accompanied by anomalies of the elastic properties. For Ni-Mn-Ga change of the anisotropy in favor of < 110 > correlates with the phonon softening along [110] with a minimum at TPM. The observed softening corresponds to the DS and magnetostrain peaks. Such changes of elastically properties together with spin reorientation transitions are typical for many materials 48.
First-principle calculations can help guide us towards the physical reason of change of anisotropy constants with temperature leading to the spin reorientation. Ni-Mn-Ga has two different magnetic ions – Mn and Ni. Mn is responsible for 90% of the magnetization but surprisingly it is Ni that defines the magnetic anisotropy49. In most published ab initio theoretical investigations the magnetic anisotropy is calculated for zero temperature only. There only a few efforts to calculate the temperature dependence of the anisotropy constants using specific models and approximations50.
Recently a statistical mechanics-based Grüneisen-type phonon theory is developed which predicts the existence of phonon domains in austenite and premartensite states, confirmed experimentally34. Phonon-strain coupling leads to domains with locally broken cubic symmetry– one [100] axis becomes the shortest and subsequently a unique easy magnetization axis. In this case in the absence of the magnetic field all {100} directions are equivalent since the amount of the phonon domains in each three direction is the same – 1/3. It was shown that even the stress of 20 MPa could not change this ratio (reference 34). Certainly, very low fields of 100–1000 A/m also can’t significantly shift the ratio of domains. Then, the only possible scenario of the magnetization jump at critical fields is a sudden reorientation of the magnetic domains in the hard phonon domains from easy {100} directions perpendicular to the field into the one parallel to it (hard axes). In Fig. 5 we see that under tensile stress of 4MPa (ε = 0.00016) at room temperature the critical fields are 1000 A/m – the same as at TPM without external stress. From other side, the magnetization jump is very small, the magnetization reversal is realized mostly through the magnetization rotation from {100} axes perpendicular to the field to one parallel to it. The reason is a very small magnetic anisotropy at room temperature – up to two orders smaller comparing to that at TPM and up to five order smaller to that of the martensite. Then, there is a question how the existence of phonon domains can lead to the overall macroscopic magnetic easy axis along [110]. Imagining that a flat thin sample with two {100} axes in the plane (a thin disk, for example). Then there will be two preferable by geometry phonon domains with the EA along {100} directions. The magnetization in the {100} direction perpendicular to the plane will be disfavored by much larger demagnetizing fields in that direction. The vector sum of magnetization along equally populated [100] and [010] domain easy axes will give a net magnetization along [110]. If one applies the field in the plane and allow the disk to rotate freely, the lowest energy will be with the sample oriented along [110] – both easy axes of two phonon domains will be at the same 45⁰ angle to the field leading to zero torque. In the case of a spherical sample that can freely rotate in all directions, the sample would orient along [111] – the direction symmetrical to all three {100} easy axes of phonon domains. Then, the material softening when approaching TPM would lead to higher distortion of the cubic lattice in each phonon domain – larger strain. The critical fields are proportional to that strain. From the value of critical fields at TPM and that of the same order as of the stressed sample (1000 A/m) (see Fig. 5) one can estimate maximum strain in the phonon domains at TPM of about several hundred microstrains since the strain of the stressed sample is ~ 160 ppm.
The situation is similar to twin variants in the martensite. There are two variants/twins with the easy axes in the plane. The EA in one variant is perpendicular to that of another variant. This results in the stair-case magnetic domain structure – the magnetization in each variant follows its own EA. On the larger scale these domains form quasidomains with the average magnetization direction at a certain angle between easy axes of variants. This angle is defined by the ratio of variants’ volumes. For equal population (a 1:1 ratio) this angle is 45⁰ - exactly like in our case. The difference is that the ratio of the different phonon domains is fixed and can’t be changed by a magnetic field – all of them occupy the same volume 34. Also, there is the third phonon domain with the EA perpendicular to both the field and the sample plane. Both in-plane {100} axes for that domain are hard axes.
We see that there are two possibilities: 1) EA changes from [100] to [110] homogeneously in the whole crystal on both the microscopic and macroscopic levels, due to change of the sign and values of the anisotropy constants; 2) the crystal becomes inhomogeneous divided into phonon domains, in each domain the cubic cell is tetragonally deformed with EA parallel to the chosen shortest {100}. The ratio of three variants is fixed – 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3. The answer whether or not this conclusions based on the phonon domains model are correct can be given by high-resolution magnetic domains observations at different temperatures by Kerr microscopy as we have already done in the case of martensite Ni-Mn-Ga51.
In the first case of a homogeneous switch of EA from [100] to [100] the sample cut and measured along [110] would be expected to show a normal magnetization curve at TPM with a single-peak DS with no jumps at the critical fields. We cut the 1.4x1.1x6mm3 sample from our ingot along [110] and measured the magnetization curves from 220K to 372K. At TPM we again observed magnetization jumps at critical fields. The same results were obtained on a thin φ6x0.15mm disc measured along [110] and [011] direction. This speaks in favor of the phonon domains model – there are always the third phonon domains with EA perpendicular to the sample plane. At critical fields the magnetic domains in these phonon domains will suddenly reorient into the in-plane {100} axis (-es).
Let us finally explain what happens in our sample showing the constricted MH-loops. At negative saturation the magnetic domains are along [100] parallel to the field (see Fig. 6). At HCR1 the magnetic domains are suddenly reorganized with the average magnetic moment along [110], at HCR2 – back to [100]. The magnetic domain sketch for zero field in Fig. 6 is just illustrative, the real domain structure can be much more complex. In the phonon domains model the stripe domains at H = 0 are macroscopic quasidomains, on the microscopic level there should be stair-case magnetic domains with the magnetization in each phonon domain following its own EA.
We have got not only the constricted but also the so-called reentrant loops at TPM. After reaching the critical field the magnetization changes at high speed around 200 T/s in 0.004 seconds with dM/dt nearly independent on the magnetization frequency in the range from 0.01 to 0.2 Hz. We assume that a single 180⁰ domain wall nucleates along the sample and then propagates with a high speed that can be estimated from the dM/dt peak duration and the sample width as 1m/s. This one-domain wall state can be obtained only in high-quality single crystals. Any local stress, for example by a strain gauge (see Fig. 5), can prevent the nucleation of a single domain wall. Also, we could obtain the reentrant but not constricted MH-loop on our sample at room temperature by application of 10 MPa external compressive stress.
To summarize, in Fig. 7 the evolution of EA together with DS curves is shown. From TM = 220K to 240K EA is [100]. Actually, that continuous drop of DS that starts immediately after TM is due to the split of one peak into two peaks. Since it is a continuous process, it is difficult to tell just from DS at which temperature the anisotropy reaches zero but 240K is just a rough estimation. In the range from 240 to 300K the average macroscopic EA is [110], approximately at 300K the anisotropy reaches zero again – no difference in magnetic energy between [100] and [110]. Close to Tc, the magnetic EA is [100]. At room temperature the DS curve at the heating cycle still has three peaks that completely disappear only at 353K, at which the DS curve is identical to that for 225K if scaled by saturation magnetization and the coercivity (see Fig. 8).
We leave open the question of DS hysteresis at Tc since we do not know if it is normal for all ferromagnetic materials or if it is unique to our alloy. We could not find detailed measurements of MH-loops, DS and HC around TC for any material. Some authors claim that this susceptibility hysteresis that they call “magnetization hysteresis” is the evidence of the premartensite up to TC and higher temperatures12.