In this cross-sectional study, the prevalence of diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, systolic blood pressure, abdominal obesity according to Iranian guidelines, and cardiovascular disease were more common in menopause and post-menopause than pre-menopause. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was the highest after menopause. In the Tehran Lipid study, the incidence of metabolic syndrome increased during the post-menopause period and its components from pre-menopause to menopause and from menopause to post-menopause. [22]. The average HDL in menopause did not show any significant change. Of course, it may be due to the influence of various factors except estrogen level, smoking, physical activity and diet on HDL levels in the study group.[25] Before menopause, the accumulation of fat in the lower body is widely distributed due to the secretion of estrogen. During menopause, changes in hormone secretion are the cause of visceral fat accumulation in the abdomen and abdominal obesity and insulin resistance. [26, 27] has an increased risk in menopause among metabolic indicators. In our study, it was shown that although the components of metabolic syndrome in menopause are higher than after menopause and even HDL is unchanged, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome increases clearly after menopause. Lipid profile changes occur with estrogen reduction in menopause. [28]
Matti stated that due to the progressive changes due to menopause in the metabolic health of middle-aged women, although physical activity can change the lipid profile in middle-aged women, it does not change or increase many metabolic indicators during menopause. It becomes systolic blood pressure [29].These results show that perhaps the importance of physical activity at a younger age in order to prevent the development of metabolic syndrome, blood pressure and eventually heart disease may be more effective than physical activity at the age after menopause, which of course is probably the ability. The person is reduced to perform effective physical activity. In China, a study by examining anthropometric factors found that in women without overweight and obesity, WHR is an important factor in predicting and diagnosing metabolic syndrome [30]. In our study, based on HEI-2015, menopausal women consumed more sugar-containing foods than premenopausal women, and total fruit, vegetable, fish, and protein consumption were higher in premenopausal women than in postmenopausal women. According to the above results, restricting drinks and foods containing sugar and increasing the consumption of fish and plant protein and vegetables and reducing the consumption of fruit juice in the diet of menopausal and postmenopausal women can create a healthy diet according to the results of this study. In menopausal and postmenopausal women, the relationship between the HEI-2015 total score and the components of metabolic syndrome was conducted and a weak positive relationship with HDL level and a weak negative relationship with waist circumference was seen according to the total score. Among the components of metabolic syndrome, HEI had the highest correlation with waist circumference. In women with metabolic syndrome, the lowest score was in the consumption of dairy products, whole grains, seafood and protein substances, fatty acids and saturated fat, and the highest amount was attributed to the consumption of total fruit, total sodium and vegetables .In order to reduce metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome reduction and lifestyle changes including diet, physical activity, weight control, blood pressure and lipids are recommended. TyG is an index of insulin resistance, which decreases in menopause due to estrogen hormone secretion. TyG Index and other indices related to it are nowadays considered as cheap and easy index of insulin resistance. Irene Lambrinoudaki and her colleagues showed in a study of Athens Hospital, TyG index is associated with arterial wall stiffness and atherosclerosis in thin postmenopausal women, while in obese or overweight women, metabolic syndrome is a valuable marker for subclinical prediction. It is atherosclerosis, and perhaps this index can be used as an index of atherosclerosis in women with normal weight. [31] In studies, this index shows the risk of diabetes in young people more than in old people, and also as an index in non-obese and non-overweight people. It is more useful for the risk of diabetes. [32]
In our study, this index was significantly lower in the pre-menopausal group compared to the menopausal and post-menopausal groups, and it can indicate an increase in insulin resistance in the menopausal group compared to the pre-menopausal group. In the study by Jinsook Lim and his colleagues in Korea, TyG was preferable to other tests to check insulin resistance, and it can be used as a substitute method to evaluate insulin resistance in clinical conditions. [20] In this study, the AIP index was significantly higher in the menopausal and post-menopausal groups than in the pre-menopausal group. In the study of Qianyun et al AIP was introduced as a powerful and independent index to predict the risk of heart disease in Chinese postmenopausal women, which can be superior to conventional lipid indices. [33] In our study, unlike other Iranian studies, new cardio metabolic and lipid indices were used and their results were analyzed. Due to the quick, convenient and cheap use of these indicators, using them to calculate heart risk and insulin resistance, unlike the previous complex methods, it is possible to identify high-risk people and with simple measures such as weight loss, exercise and Diet and blood pressure, lipid and blood sugar control prevented cardiovascular disease
Considering that in this study, the highest OR in increasing the risk of cardio metabolic indicators in menopausal and post-menopausal women was related to the WWI index. It is suggested that this index can be a better indicator of metabolic syndrome in menopausal women than other traditional lipid indices, and also according to a 10-year follow-up study, this index can indicate the ten-year mortality of deaths from all causes.[19] In a study, it was seen that post-menopausal women should be advised to follow a healthy diet due to the use of a diet containing a lot of saturated fat, which is effective on their metabolic indicators
and body composition.[34] In the comparison of cardiometabolic indices, the average indices of WHR, WHtR, WWI, AIP and TgY were higher in the group of menopausal women than in premenopausal women. LCI, LAP, CMI indices did not differ significantly between groups
Your limitations and suggestions Among the strengths of this study, in contrast to other studies, the amount of physical activity and healthy eating index and new cardiometabolic indices were investigated and compared simultaneously in the above three groups. The strengths of this study include the large number of sample groups and their comparison. Also, this study was conducted in the southwest of the country, where the majority of the population is Arab and whose lifestyle includes physical activity and diet is different from Persians, which can be done with simple and cheap measures and available in all regions, it reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease and risk factors, among other strengths of this study is the use of standard IPAQ questionnaires to check physical activity and FFQ questionnaire to check people's diet. Also, in this study, new cardio metabolic indicators and their comparison with traditional cardiovascular indicators have been done, and at the same time, these indicators, metabolic syndrome and its components, the amount of physical activity and diet have been investigated simultaneously in one study. Concurrency is seen.
One of the limitations of our study was the age range of 40–70 years, and by increasing the age range to below 40 years and above 70 years, perhaps the role of risk factors can be shown better. Also, this study was conducted cross-sectionally, and because these studies do not show the role of cause and effect well, and the role of other confounding factors may be effective in the results, therefore, case-control or cohort studies should be conducted. Tyg index was used in this study. It is suggested that HOmA-IR or other standard indices of insulin resistance should be used simultaneously in future studies so that the results can be compared.