QTL mapping for the three tiller related traits and comparison with previous studies
With the advancement of molecular marker technology, numerous reports regarding QTL analysis for tiller-related traits have been documented (http://wheatqtldb.net/yield_new.php; Araki et al. 1999; Shah et al. 1999; Kato et al. 2000; Li et al. 2002; Huang et al. 2003; Campbell et al. 2004; An et al. 2006; Li et al. 2007; Kumar et al. 2007; Li et al. 2010; Naruoka et al. 2011; Tang et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2014; Nasseer et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2017a; Hu et al. 2017; Ren et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2018, 2020; Wang et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2019; Bilgrami et al. 2020; Isham et al. 2021; Kang et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2022). Due to the great influence of environmental factors on tiller-related traits, stable QTL should be of particular value for their further utilization in molecular breeding programs designed to improve plant architecture and thus to improve the yielding potential. Li et al. (2007) reported a stable QTL for SNPP in three different environments that was designated as QSn.sdau-7D. QSsm.saas-4B and QSsm.saas-5B were proved to be significant in three and four datasets by Tang et al. (2011), respectively. QSnp.cd-1A.1 was proved to be a stable QTL for SNPP that was verified in all the five datasets (Chen et al. 2017a). qSpp.cau-4B.3 and qSpp.cau-4B.4, two adjacent QTL on chromosome 4BS, were proved to be significant in five and six datasets by Guan et al. (2018). Six QTL for the MTN and/or PTN have been verified in two different environments by Ren et al. (2018), distributing on chromosomes 2D, 4A, 4D, 5D and 7D. QPtn.sau-4B was proved to be significant in all the five datasets by Liu et al. (2018) using a RIL mapping population; Qetn-sau-1B.1 was proved to be significant in eight of the nine environments by Liu et al. (2020) using another RIL mapping population. QSn-4B.3, a stable QTL for SNPP, showed significance in five environments (Zhang et al. 2019). QPTN.uia2-6A was repeatedly identified in five datasets by Isham et al. (2021) using a doubled haploid line mapping population; in addition, QPTN.uia2-4A was verified in three of the nine datasets. One QTL for tiller number, i.e., QTN-1 on chromosome 5B, has been proved to be significant in all the three environments by Kang et al. (2021). Recently, 29 meta-QTL controlling total tiller and fertile tiller number, i.e., PTN, in wheat has been documented by Bilgrami et al. (2020) based on QTL information on ten chromosomes of 1A, 2A, 2B, 2D, 5D, 6A, 6B, 6D, 7A, and 7D in previous reports.
In the present study, two, nine and six QTL for SNPP, MTN and EBTR, respectively, could be repeatedly identified in no less than two different environments. qSnpp-KJ-4B was repeatedly detected in E5 and E6 on chromosome 4B at the physical position of KN4B:641.70 − 657.70 Mb in KN9204 genome, corresponding to Chr4B:641.35 − 657.10 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v2.0; qMtn-KJ-4B.3 was mapped to KN4B:600.70–626.70 Mb in two different environments; these two adjacent QTL are different from QPtn.sau-4B (Chr4B:31.71 − 34.90 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v2.0) as reported by Liu et al. (2018), qSpp.cau-4B.3 and qSpp.cau-4B.4 (Chr4B:17.79 − 30.98 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v2.0) as reported by Guan et al. (2018) and QSn.sdau-4B (Chr4B:442.59 − 482.82 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v2.0) as reported by Deng et al. (2011). qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 formed a stable QTL cluster for SNPP and MTN; this QTL cluster covered to KN5D:0.62 − 6.62 Mb, corresponding to Chr5D:0.72 − 7.17 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v2.0; it is different from qTN-5D.1 (Chr5D:39.24 − 238.73 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v2.0) as reported by Ren et al. (2018) and MQTL5D-1 (Chr5D:302.38 − 396.42 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v1.0) as reported by Bilgrami et al. (2020). qMtn-KJ-2D.2 was verified in E6 and E7 at the physical position of KN2D:536.75 − 585.75 Mb, corresponding to Chr2D:538.25 − 587.62 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v2.0; MQTL2D-3 for total tiller and/or fertile tiller number was mapped to Chr2D:553.72–570.41 in IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 (Bilgrami et al. 2020); therefore, qMtn-KJ-2D.2 should be identical to MQTL2D-3. qMtn-KJ-3A was verified in four of the total nine datasets in QTL mapping analysis, with LOD peak position ranging from 0.76 Mb to 9.76 Mb in chromosome 3A in KN9204 genome; no stable QTL at this position has been documented previously. qMtn-KJ-5B.2 was proved to be significant in five of the nine datasets on chromosome 5B at the physical position of KN5B:607.32 − 656.32 Mb in KN9204 genome; QTN-1 on chromosome 5B was mapped to Chr5B:713.06 Mb by Kang et al. (2021); therefore, qMtn-KJ-5B.2 might also be a novel stable QTL for MTN. qMtn-KJ-5D.2 was significant in E3 and E6 with LOD peak positions ranging from 449.62 Mb to 499.62 Mb in KN9204; this QTL is also different from qTN-5D.1 (Chr5D:39.24 − 238.73 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v2.0); but it shared confidence interval of MQTL5D-2 (Chr5D:472.63 − 481.56 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v1.0) as reported by Bilgrami et al. (2020). Both qMtn-KJ-6A.1 and qMtn-KJ-6A.2 were repeatedly detected in two different environments, with LOD peak positions at KN6A:16.01 − 19.01Mb and KN6A:578.01 Mb, respectively; QPTN.uia2-6A was mapped to Chr6A:201.35 − 454.65 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v1.0; MQTL6A-1 and MQTL6A-4 were mapped to Chr6A:16.57 − 18.71 Mb and 520.76 − 581.75 Mb in IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 by Isham et al. (2021), respectively; therefore, qMtn-KJ-6A.1 and qMtn-KJ-6A.2 should be identical to MQTL6A-1 and MQTL6A-4, respectively. No stable QTL for MTN on chromosome 7B has been documented, and therefore qMtn-KJ-7B.2 might be a novel repeatable QTL for MTN. To our knowledge, limited QTL for EBTR, an indirect derivative traits for tiller-related traits, has been reported. Genome wide association analysis showed that wsnp_Ex_rep_c69766_68723140 (Chr1B:557.71 Mb), BS00073989_51 (Chr7A:713.96 Mb) and IAAV3713 (chr7B:716.55 Mb) were significantly associated with EBTR in two of the three different environments (Chen et al. 2017b). In this study, qEBTR-KJ-7A.2 was significant identified in three different environments, with LOD peak positions at KN7A:664.95 − 677.95 Mb; qEBTR-KJ-7B.2 could be identified in two different environments, with LOD peak positions at KN7B:435.06 − 492.06 Mb. Therefore, qEBTR-KJ-7A.2 and qEBTR-KJ-7B.2 should be different from the QTL reported by Chen et al. (2017b). In addition, qEBTR-KJ-5D.1 was significant in four of the nine datasets; qEBTR-KJ-3D, qEBTR-KJ-4B.1 and qEBTR-KJ-4B.4 could be identified in two different environments.
Above all, 12 repeatable QTL for tiller-related traits might be novel QTL that were firstly documented in the present study. These QTL will be of value for marker-assisted selection in breeding novel varieties adapted to various ecological environments.
Genetic effects of the repeatable QTLs on yield-related traits and their utilization potential in wheat breeding programs
The PTN per unit area is a critical yield component of wheat (Tilley et al. 2019). Phenotypic correlation coefficients between spikes per square meter and grain yield were reported to be 0.19 − 0.65 across six different environments by Tang et al. (2011). Genetic correlation coefficients between grain yield and spikes per square meter was observed to be approximately 0.32 by Assanga et al. (2017). Correlation coefficients between grain yield and SNPP were reported to be 0.522 − 0.750 across four different environments by Xu et al. (2017). However, no significant correlation between GY and SNPP was observed by Shi et al. (2017) and Isham et al. (2021). GY and its components are greatly affected by environmental factors, which might account for this in-consistence. Phenotypic correlation analysis in the present study showed that SNPP has great effects on YPP with correlation coefficients up to 0.59 and 0.46 under LN and HN, respectively (Table 2). This results indicated that SNPP has greater effects on YPP under LN than that under HN condition.
We further performed the genetic effect analysis of the major stable QTL of qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 on yield-related traits using two close linkage SNP markers of AX-94938800 (KN5D:0.61 Mb) and AX-110009985 (KN5D:1.62 Mb) based on the KJ-RIL mapping population. The 187 KJ-RILs (excluding the heterozygous lines as well as the lines with missing genotype information) were divided into two groups, with one group carrying homozygous alleles from KN9204 and the other group carrying that from J411. A comparison of the two groups revealed that the excellent alleles of Hap-J411 could significantly increase SNPP and MTN under both LN and HN conditions; Hap-J411 showed significantly negative effects on EBTR and TKW under LN and HN conditions, and on KWPS under HN condition; although the KNPS and SNPS did not change much, YPP increased significantly especially under LN condition (Fig. 2). The above findings indicated that Hap-J411 at qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 could increase SNPP and thus increase the YPP, even at the cost of decreasing TKW to some extent.
Using a natural mapping population as reported by Cao et al. (2022), two SNP markers of AX-110565536 (AA/GG) (KN5D:0.36 Mb) and AX-89390905 (AA/GG) (KN5D:0.92 Mb) that were close linked to qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 were selected for the genetic effect analysis on yield-related traits. Lines with Hap-GG-GG identical to J411 was defined as excellent haplotype, and Hap-AA-AA haplotype identical to KN9204 was defined as non-excellent haplotype; lines with the Hap-GG-AA or Hap-AA-GG haplotype was defined as the recombinants. The results showed that the proportion of excellent haplotype (Hap-GG-GG) was 36.71% among 316 lines, and that of non-excellent haplotype (Hap-AA-AA) was 12.03%. The proportion of recombinants and heterozygous type was 32.28% and 7.28%, respectively. This finding indicated that the favored haplotype of Hap-GG-GG has been undergone artificial selection in wheat breeding programs to some extent.
According to the above genotype classification, the associated analysis of qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 with yield-related traits was performed. The results showed that the excellent haplotype of Hap-GG-GG could significantly increase SNPP and KNPS (Fig. 3). Hap-GG-GG had a significant negative effect on TKW. However, its effects on SNPS and YPP was not significant. This results confirmed the genetic effects of qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 on SNPP, indicating a reliable and stable QTL. However, its effects on yield-related traits showed some differences between the KJ-RIL and the natural mapping population. GY and its components are greatly affected by environmental factors, which might accounted for this difference.
To further characterize the utilization potential of qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1, its pyramiding effect was analysed using the KJ-RIL mapping population. qMtn-KJ-3A, qMtn-KJ-5B.2 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 were the three stable QTL for MTN identified herein, which should account for most of the MTN phenotypic variation in the 187 KJ-RILs. Of these, qMtn-KJ-5D.1 has the largest additive effects among the eight tested environments and showed the most stability across environments (Table 3). Thus, qMtn-KJ-3A, qMtn-KJ-5B.2 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 were used for additive pyramiding effect analysis. The results showed that the MTN of the KJ-RILs increased with the increase of favored QTL number. The combined effects of the three tested QTL with positive alleles could increase the MTN and SNPP by 32.73% and 12.13%, respectively, compared with the lines with no positive alleles at the three QTL locus (Figs. 4 and 5). Moreover, the lines with positive alleles simultaneously at the three QTL could increase YPP by 4.28% on average, compared with these lines with no positive alleles (data not shown). The above finding indicated that the combined application of qMtn-KJ-3A, qMtn-KJ-5B.2 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 could be of great value in the genetic improvement of yielding potential. It is worthy mentioning that qMtn-KJ-5D.1 showed the largest additive effects on both MTN and SNPP, no matter under the genetic backgrounds of the KJ-RILs with one, two and/or three favored QTLs alleles (Figs. 4 and 5). The favored alleles of qMtn-KJ-5D.1 from J411 could increase the MTN by 17.95%, 14.98% and 13.66% under the genetic backgrounds AB (both qMtn-KJ-3A and qMtn-KJ-5B.2 harbored favored alleles that increase MTN), AA (only qMtn-KJ-3A harbored favored alleles that increase MTN), and BA (neither qMtn-KJ-3A nor qMtn-KJ-5B.2 harbored favored alleles that increase MTN), respectively; however, it could only increase the MTN by 6.84% under the genetic background of BB (only qMtn-KJ-5B.2 harbored favored alleles that increase MTN); this finding indicated that the expression of qMtn-KJ-5D.1 might be influenced by genetic backgrounds (Fig. 6). Over all, the above results confirmed the great utilization potential of qSnpp-KJ-5D.1 and qMtn-KJ-5D.1 in the genetic improvement of tiller-related traits and thus increasing yielding potential.
Candidate gene analysis of qMtn-KJ-5D.1
Previous studies have proved that primary QTL mapping analysis can accurately position the causal genes within 2 cM or less (Price 2006). High-density molecular marker map along with multiple environment phenotypic evaluation makes it possible to precisely predicate candidate genes underlying a stable QTL. qMtn-KJ-5D.1 was repeatedly identified in eight of the nine datasets, with LOD peak position ranging from 0.62 Mb to 2.62 Mb; it’s worthy mentioning that the LOD peak position was identified at 2.62 Mb in six of the eight datasets including in the BLUE datasets (Fig. 7). Therefore, we focus on the candidate genes underlying qMtn-KJ-5D.1 in the region of KN5D:0 − 3.2 Mb. This region harbored 32 high confidence genes in KN9204 genome (Ma et al. 2021; Shi et al. 2022;
RNA sequencing data from 16 developmental stages of five tissues of KN9204 and J411 were reported in our recent report (Shi et al. 2022). We analyzed the differential expression of the 32 high confidence genes in the target region. The results showed that nine genes showed differential expression between KN9204 and J411 (Fig. 7). In addition, whole-genome re-sequencing was performed on J411 and the 640 Gb (403) Illumina sequencing reads from J411 were aligned to the KN9204 genome (Shi et al. 2022). Approximately 800 SNP/InDel were identified in the target region of KN5D:0 − 3.2 Mb between KN9204 and J411 (data not shown). Of these, one insertion of GGATGA was identified in KN5D:1044565 in J411, in the second exon of TraesKN5D01HG00080; five SNPs were identified in KN5D:2030387, KN5D:2030402, KN5D:2030405, KN5D:2030420 and KN5D:2030426, in the second exon of TraesKN5D01HG00160. No coding DNA sequence variation was found for the remaining candidate genes. TraesKN5D01HG00160 did not express in all the 26 samples; TraesKN5D01HG00080 showed differential expression in seven of the 26 samples, especially in stem under both HN and LN at shooting and booting stages (Fig. 7). Therefore, TraesKN5D01HG00080 is likely to be the candidate genes underlying qMtn-KJ-5D.1. In addition, the homologous gene of TraesKN5D01HG00080 in Arabidopsi was MUT9-like protein kinase, contributing to phosphorylation of photoexcited CRY2, and it might be related to long day flowering. Further fine mapping and candidate gene complementary function test are needed to be performed to prove this predication.